Trouble in a Stetson (5 page)

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Authors: Regina Carlysle

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Trouble in a Stetson
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The next morning Sam awoke to the smell of bacon frying.

Now wasn’t

He reached out for Lola but already knew she wasn’t there. Her side of the bed was cold so undoubtedly she’d been up for awhile. Cracking open one eye, he rolled over and looked across the room toward the kitchen. He couldn’t see her but he definitely heard her. She was humming an off-key tune as bacon sizzled on the stove. Dragging his ass out of bed, he grabbed his discarded jeans and headed to Lola’s bathroom, his morning wood leading the way. Quickly using her shower, he noted a damp towel tossed in a laundry hamper and figured she’d already cleaned up for the day.

Stretching and groaning beneath the warm spray of water, he turned the past night over in his brain, realizing he hadn’t enjoyed a sexual experience more, nor could he remember sleeping so damn good afterward.

Shower finished, he dried and shrugged into his jeans and headed toward Lola’s tiny kitchen. She turned, flashing an uncertain smile, a broken half of an egg shell in each hand. “Hey, you.”

Sam’s tongue froze to the roof of his mouth.

Standing there without a drop of makeup and her hair drawn back into a ponytail, Lola wore a tiny, white, form-fitting tee featuring the words
Pink Flamingo Girls
in flashy hot pink letters. No bra. Sam hadn’t seen anything remotely resembling this woman since he was a young guy with a collection of raunchy comics. Every line and 34

Trouble in a Stetson

curve of her body screamed
. Coupled with the sexy tee was a pair of skimpy pink shorts that were so miniscule as to be non-existent. A strip of bare skin showed across her soft belly between the tee and the shorts.

Sam’s cock responded to the sexy domesticity of Lola Lamont, and he hardened stiff as a poker behind the fly of his jeans. “Mornin’.”

Lola’s smile faded as she looked down and picked up the spatula to poke at the sizzling bacon and he felt her sudden insecurity reach out and grab him. His heart tightened. He’d never imagined a woman like her would suffer an ounce of doubt about anything but it was there and real and for the first time he wondered what it might feel like to live a single day in her very beautiful skin.

It couldn’t be all that easy.

Eager to see her happy, he went up to her and took the spatula from her hand and set it aside. Sam cupped her cheek and had the pleasure of watching her eyes widen.

“Now don’t you just look as sweet as all get-out, honey.” He kissed her tenderly, forcing back the savage urge to just lay her down on the floor and fuck her like a crazy man. She needed tender. She needed sweet. Lola Lamont needed a man to appreciate something other than the wicked curves of her body. “And breakfast is just what I want. I’m starved. Let’s eat.”


Regina Carlysle

Chapter Four

Lola spooned up a bite of her low-fat yogurt, watching Sam dig into his breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast. When he’d stepped close to her little kitchen, she’d almost rushed up and grabbed him to drag his sexy ass straight back to bed but a quick blast of insecurity caught her off guard. She didn’t like morning afters because a girl didn’t always know what to expect. So many men in her life had given her a quick kiss and headed out the door never to be seen again and Lola knew she didn’t want that with Sam.

It would hurt too much.

Boy was she ever in big trouble here.

For a woman who wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of Dodge as quickly as possible, she was suddenly thinking about Sam and how great he was in bed and how tender and gentle he could be. But savage too. Yeah, Lola liked a little bit of rough. Liked it a lot.


The man was total eye candy and the only guy in her experience who’d practically rendered her speechless with the raw, edgy brand of sex that made her toes curl.

Sam bit into a piece of toast looking over-the-top yummy wearing nothing but his jeans and a slow sexy smile. His black hair, still damp from the shower, was brushed back from his forehead emphasizing the chiseled planes of his face. “So Lamont isn’t your real name, is it?”

Lola laughed and shook her head. “You figured that out, huh? No, it’s Smith but the Lola is real enough. All me. My mama named me after my great grandmother and I didn’t have to change it. Belle knows the truth about that, too, considering I had a little bit of paperwork to do when she hired me.”


Trouble in a Stetson

Taking a sip of his coffee, Sam looked at her over the rolling steam from the mug.

“So what took you to Vegas?”

“Umm, what didn’t?” Lola sighed. “Mama and I lived in a creepy old trailer park at the edge of town. Poor white trash. I know it sounds bad but that was us. I knew from the time I was old enough to think for myself that I had to get out of there.”

“Sounds tough.”

Compassion burned in his dark eyes and Lola felt a lump rise in her throat as sad memories tore through her. She didn’t talk about her past much. Emily and Roxie knew about her life of poverty but Lola had never been one to seek pity. She was too proud for that and knew it well. “We did okay, Sam. I mean, Mama was in really bad health while I was growing up but we were a good team.”

Sam took another drink of his coffee as he regarded her steadily. “What about your dad?”

Lola laughed. “All I ever got from my daddy were good looks and long legs. Mama got the ratty old mobile home and a mountain of debt. That about sums it up. Mama said that after I was born, he got on his motorcycle, took off, and that was it.”

“Looks like you managed okay.”

Rolling her eyes, Lola shook her head. “Yeah right. Fired from my show and stranded without a penny to my name. Doing good all right. Despite everything that happened there it was still better than where I grew up.” Appetite gone, she shoved away the half eaten container of yogurt. “I hated that place, Sam. It was awful.”

“Don’t like small towns?”

“Nah, it’s not all small towns, just that one. The girls hated me and the boys wanted to screw me.” She practically snorted. “Like
was gonna happen. The last thing I needed was to wind up pregnant and poor and stuck in that sorry place. Anyway, I worked my hiney off in a little café kind of like Belle’s place, took care of Mama and dreamed of getting out one day.”


Regina Carlysle

“Why Vegas?”

She shrugged. “Why not Vegas? Hey, look at me, Sam. College was out of the question and let’s face it, I’m no rocket scientist.”

Sam frowned. “You’re not stupid, darlin’.”

“Ah, Sam. You’re so sweet but don’t bullshit a bullshitter. I’m common sense smart but an education was just out of the question for a girl like me.”

“Now, who’s talkin’ bullshit.”

She waved his words away. “I knew from an early age that about the only thing I had going for me were my looks and doing something in Vegas just seemed realistic, ya know? After Mama died, I sold that heap of metal and everything we had and just took off.”

“How old were you?”

“Um, almost nineteen.” She laughed a little. “I was scared spitless. Honest to God, I’d never been away from home before and I was alone. Pretty scary.”

“I’ll bet.”

“Ended up waiting tables and taking dancing lessons when I could afford it. Then, I was asked to work some convention showrooms. You know, cars, electronics, and what have you.” Lola gauged the responses on Sam’s face but with him it was hard to tell what he was thinking. Absently she picked up her spoon and poked it into the yogurt cup. “Eventually my dancing was up to speed and I auditioned for the Pink Flamingo Girls
and the rest was history.”

Sam’s eyes zeroed in on her chest and the letters written there. Ha. He was checking out her boobs too. Such a man! Still, flashes of what they’d done last night whipped through her mind and before you could say
fuck me quick
, her nipples were hard and pressing against the soft cotton.

Sam cleared his throat and looked at her, his eyes burning dark with hunger. “So you danced?”


Trouble in a Stetson

“Pranced and strutted is more like it. There were women in the show who’d taken dance lessons all their lives. I never fooled myself for a minute. They liked the way I looked mainly but I was firmly in the
part of the show.” Lola locked gazes with Sam. “Anyway, I got too old and they fired me,” she whispered, sensing Sam was no longer thinking about her past but more about the here and now.

“You look just right to me,” he said.

Quiet fell between them. Tension crackled in the air.

Sam pushed back from the table and stood. “Wait right here.”

Lola went still as he walked across the room and stopped to fool around near the side of the unmade bed. Frowning she watched him come back but then all became clear when she noted the small packet he held in his hand. Sam set the condom on the kitchen table and unzipped his jeans. His dark eyes burning with sexual hunger and a dark, sexy intensity, he pushed them down and kicked them aside.

Heat ripped through her, damping her panties, as her pussy responded to his flagrant need for her. Sam’s cock rose up, high and hard, nearly to his belly. The thick stalk captured her gaze and her mouth went instantly dry as she imagined taking him deep into her mouth. He exuded strength, passion and control and wouldn’t it be nice to strip some of that from him until he fell apart under the lash of her tongue?

Sam plucked the condom from the table, keeping his eyes focused firmly on her, as he tore the package open with his teeth. He gripped his cock at the base, fisting his hand around it, moving it up and then down again in a seductive move that had her pussy creaming. Memories of the best pleasure she’d ever known ripped through her system and Lola’s heartbeat speeded up in response. Anticipation had her bare toes curling against the floor.

Finally Sam sprawled in the kitchen chair, his legs spread invitingly as he continued to work his cock steadily.

“Come here, darlin’.”


Regina Carlysle

Drawing a breath, she stood slowly and stepped tentatively between Sam’s spread legs. His eyes, dark with intensity roamed up then down her body, lingering on her beaded, puckered nipples. Sam snagged the hem of her tee shirt then drew it up over her belly. Lola’s breath caught and held and before she could blink Sam’s lips were on her, settling hotly on the flesh he’d exposed.

“There’s not a thing wrong with you, Lola. You’re beautiful. Those people in Vegas are dumbasses for firing you.”

The comment came from left field, catching her off balance. Warmth curled through her as she pushed her fingers into his thick hair to hold him close. His kisses fell softly on her belly as he nipped her flesh and teased with his tongue. How would she ever leave this man? Shoving the pitiful, bittersweet thought aside, she absorbed the way he touched her, the way he made her feel.

“Oh, Sam.”

“Not enough,” he said. Sam drew back and lifted her tee higher until it settled over her bare breasts, framing them in soft white cotton. His eyes focused on the tightly drawn nipples. “Give ’em to me.”

Lola caught her breath then lifted her right breast.

“Closer. Yeah, like that.” Sam’s mouth latched onto her nipple and a low whimper tore through her lips. Sucking hard, then softly, he licked the spot then used the edges of his teeth on her. It was a tender bit of rough against her breast. Lola’s breath stilled then gasped out again when he moved to the other breast. “You’re delicious,” he murmured around her throbbing nipple.

His hands went to the waist of her shorts and he pushed them down along with her panties until they settled around her ankles. Impatiently, needing his fingers on her pussy, she kicked the bits of fabric away. When Sam sent one fingertip over the crease of her cunt, she dropped her head back, sighing at the sensation but then he ratcheted things up a notch. Parting her labia, he circled, then pressed her clit with his thumb.


Trouble in a Stetson

Lola trembled and shook, forcing herself to look at Sam. His eyes were focused on her weeping pussy as he manipulated her flesh.

“Sam,” she whispered. “Please.”

“Yeah. Ride me, Lola. I can’t wait.”

Lola didn’t need a second invitation. Plucking the condom from his hand, she slowly rolled it over the fat head of his cock and kept going until he was covered. He was so thick, so long. Unable to resist, she fisted her hand around his erection. Oh yeah, he was more than ready for her. Sam’s jaw clenched and unclenched rhythmically as he watched her hand glide over him and she knew he was as ready as she was.

Stepping back a bit, she straddled his thighs. When she was as close as she could possibly be, Sam’s body heat reached out to her and her body tingled in anticipation.

Grabbing his shoulders for balance, she looked down between their bodies. Sam took his cock in his hand and Lola lowered herself until that thick head was settled at the entrance to her pussy. Swiveling her body, feeling herself open fully to him, she finally took what she wanted and slid down over him.

Sam filled her to capacity, sending pleasure rolling through her body in giant waves. Instinctively she tightened, holding him deep even as he encouraged her to move.

“Aw, sweetheart.” He gripped her ass, guiding her slow movements, before finally latching onto a thrusting nipple.

Heat curled tighter than a spring in her belly as she rode him. Up. Down. She swiveled her hips again gratified when Sam groaned low and flexed his fingers on her ass. Soon the slow, seductive pace wasn’t nearly enough and Lola sped up, whipping up and down over his cock. When Sam’s forearm settled behind her back, she bowed her body over it and felt the rush and flow of her cream as he brushed her g-spot.


“That’s it, honey, come for me.” His voice was low and rough as he plunged upward, igniting that pleasure spot until she burned.


Regina Carlysle

An orgasm rolled through her, hot and wild.

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