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Authors: Christian Parenti

Tropic of Chaos (47 page)

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war promotion and
Military-industrial complex, United States
Mill, John Stuart
Miller, Henry
Mitigation (climate change)
Bolivian example
capitalism and
climate-justice organizations
economic redistribution and
emissions reductions
environmental crisis vs.
money availability
political adaptation with
political will and
procurement/marketing clean technology
sanitation movement (1830s) comparison
situation without
technology and
trees and
UN Development Program's Global Environmental Facility grants
US possibilities for
Mittal, Anuradha
Mkutu, Kennedy Agade
Mobutu, Sese Seko
Mont, Rios
Morales, Evo
Mosse, David
Mota, Antonio Braga
Muhindi, James
Museveni, Yoweri
Muslim League
Mutesa, Sir Edward
Nagl, John A.
Naidu, N. Chandrababu
Napolitano, Janet
Nation, The
(Kenyan daily)
Native Americans
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nelson, Donald R.
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
Nicaraguan Contras
Nixon, Richard
North, Oliver
Obama, Barack
Obete, Milton
Oliveira, Rodrigo
Omarov, Nur
Oppenheimer, Andres
O'Reilly, Bill
Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power
Otunbayeva, Roza
Afghanistan relationship
Bangladesh and
drone attacks
Durand Line and
East Pakistan and
floods (2010)
US/Saudi Arabia aid
use of militant Islamists
See also
India-Pakistan conflicts
Pasha, Enver
Passing of the Great Race
Peace by Revolution
Penglase, Ben
Pilling, Donald
Placido, Anthony
Podesta, John
cattle importance
cattle raids
selling stolen cattle
Turkana enmity history
Uganda and
See also
East African cattle raids
Political and Economic Weekly
Political domination forms
“Politics As a Vocation” (Weber)
Koch Industries
toxic red tide and
Population Bomb, The
Portal, Sir Gerald
Portillo, José Lopez
Portillo, Lordes
Poverty, violence, climate change convergence.
Catastrophic convergence
Prada, Raul
Prison companies (private)
Prueher, Joseph
Quadrennial Defense Review (US/2010)
Rahman, Atiq
Ramesh, Jairam
Ramírez, José
Ramírez, Noé
RAND corporation
Randall, Doug
Rao, N. T. Rama
Rao, Varavara
Rashid, Ahmed
Reagan, Ronald
Red tide algae blooms
estimates on future numbers
military implications and
See also
Immigration/climate change
Relative deprivation and poverty
Renner, Michael
Resource scarcity
links with violence/state policy
See also specific locations
specific resources
Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), Columbia
Revolutionary United Front, Sierra Leone
Rhodes, Cecil
Riam Riam (NGO)
Richardson, Bill
Rivera, Brooklyn
Roba, Adanoo
Romero, José
Ross, Andrew
Rostow, Walt W.
Rousseff, Dilma Vana
Saeed, Hafiz Muhammad
Salinas, Carlos
Sama, Linga Reddy
Samatar, Ahmed I.
San Francisco Chronicle
Sandino, Augusto
Sanitation movement (1830s)
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Savage (Weiner), Mike
Savimbi, Joseph
Schmitt, Carl
Schwartz, Peter
Sea level rise
estimates on
estimates on migration with
military implications and
Pacific Island nations
polar ice melting
Security-industrial complex
Selassie, Haile
Senorita Extraviada
Severin, Jay
Shambary and water resources
Siegel, Kassie
Singh, Manmohan
Sitting Bull
Small Arms Survey
Small wars
historical phases of
ideologically-motivated wars
imperialism and
post-ideological phase
United Nations statistics on
See also
Banana wars; Counterinsurgency;
specific wars
Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice
Small Wars Manual
Solon, Pablo
1993 raid/rescue mission
Cold War competition
economic liberalization
as failed state
fragmentation of
Ogaden War and
Siad Barre regime
US military/Ogaden War
weapons and
Western Somalia Liberation Front
See also
Africa's pastoralist corridor
South Sudan
Soviet Union
Afghanistan and
Horn of Africa socialist alliance and
See also
Cold War
Special Forces, US military
Stages of Economic Growth, The: A Non-Communist Manifesto
Stanley, Henry Morton
“State Making and War Making As Organized Crime” (Tilly)
State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America
Steele, James
Sterba, James
small-firearms proliferation
See also
Africa's pastoralist corridor
Suhrawardy, Hussain
Sullivan, Gordon
Summer Olympics (Mexico/1968)
Summerfield, Derek
Swinton, Sir Ernest
See also
Central Asian new states
Afghanistan and
cash offered to fighters
Pakistan's use of
Tannenbaum, Frank
Teller, Edward
Thatcher, Margaret
Thorner, Alice
Tilly, Charles
Tipping points
climate change
species populations and
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Tokar, Brian
Toro, Juan Fernando
Torres-Flores, Adriana
Treaty of Westphalia (1648)
Tropic of Capricorn
Tropic of Chaos
See also specific countries/locations
Tuleev, Nariman
cattle importance
drought effects
East African cattle raids
Ekaru Loruman's murder
firearms sources
Pokot enmity history
violence/small firearms
See also
Africa's pastoralist corridor; East African cattle raids
See also
Central Asian new states
1980s drought/famine
British colonialism
British railway in
child soldiers
corruption beginnings
as failed state
firearms to Turkana/Kenya
former kingdom of
gun looting/use
Lord's Resistance Army
See also
Africa's pastoralist corridor
Uganda under Amin
American expatriates and
Cold War competition and
economy and
South Asians in Uganda
Tanzania threats/invasion
US economic sanctions against
United Nations
climate-related emergencies
Development Program's Global Environmental Facility grants
human-development index of well-being
Office on Drugs and Crime
United States
authoritarianism and
Clean Air Act
climate legislation and
coal-fueled power plants and
economic decline (1970s–1980s)
Environmental Protection Agency/climate change mitigation
“fuel switching,”
lack of climate change mitigation
military-industrial complex
Native Americans and
natural gas/drilling for
New Deal
Tea Party
See also
Cold War; Military and security/ climate change;
specific individuals
United States/immigration
American media and
anti-immigrant policies effects on
Arizona's anti-immigration law/policies
arrest quotas/raids
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
detention network/abuse
Mexico's climate change/economics and
racism/xenophobia and
state actions
“state of emergency/exception” and
whole border policing
See also
US-Mexico border
US Agency for International Development
US-Mexico border
US infrastructure/resources at
US militarization
See also
Central Asian new states
Vakulabharanam, Vamsi
Venezuela and oil
Victoria, Queen
Vidal, John
Vietnam War
carpet bombing
civilian targets
Laos mountain tribes and
Special Forces
Strategic Hamlet Program
US defeat and
violence overview
See also
Catastrophic convergence;
specific locations
Volcker, Paul
Waithaka, Casper
Waldman, Matt
Waleed, Hafiz Khalid
Waleh, Abdul Haq
Walker, Brenda
civilian casualties trends
cultivating violent proxies
US military capacity and
victim solidarity and
See also
Counterinsurgency; Small wars;
specific wars
Washington Post
Water resources
aid and
isolation effects
military implications
rainfall levels-conflict link
Shambary's lack of violence
See also
East African cattle raids;
specific locations
Weber, Max
Weisbrot, Mark
Wiener, Tim
Wilders, Geert
Witsenburg, Karen
Wittfogel, Karl
Wood, Lowell
Woolsey, James
World Bank
climate change study
Green Revolution
harmful effects of
India-Pakistan conflict and
Mexico's poverty trend
World War I,
World War II
civilian casualties
economy and
victim solidarity and
Wurzelbacher, Sam (Joe the Plumber)
Yom Kippur War results
Young, Andrew
Zahir Shah, Mohammed (king/reign)
Zia, Muhammed ul-Huq
Zinni, Anthony
Copyright © 2011 by Christian Parenti
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