Read Triple Threat Online

Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

Triple Threat (37 page)

BOOK: Triple Threat
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I sat in a chair, and started watching them again. They were sweating and grunting as they did rep after rep. It was more than arousing.

The two of them were both amazing lovers. I grinned remembering the one time I had them both at the same time in Boston. I had unbelievable orgasms that night. What they did to me was unforgettable. The memories were making my pussy wet.

“I’m gonna go home and take a shower and let you guys finish.”

Together, they yelled, “No!”

I turned around. “OK, I won’t.”

Giovanni put down the dumbbell in his hand and came to me. “I told you I’m not leaving you alone. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you again.” He kissed me. “I love you too much. I’m done. We can go.”

Chad got up as well and hugged me. “I’ll miss you, baby.”

“Chad, don’t start,” Giovanni said from across the garage.

Chad turned towards him. “I’ll promise you right now, Giovanni: I’ll keep my hands to myself and my pants on.” He looked down. “Well, underwear on at least, but you gotta let me hug her. You don’t own her. We’ve been best friends for 15 years. I’m not gonna let you control…”

“I didn’t mean it should go that far, Chad,” Giovanni replied, quickly. “But things gotta change. I asked you to stop kissing her, and you said what you guys had was over. You promised me you could deal with it. I don’t want this to tear the band apart.”

I looked up at Chad. “Can you deal with me and Giovanni, Chad?”

“Yes, baby.” He kissed the top of my head. “I can do it for you. I want you to be happy.”

I lay my head on his chest, knowing he was lying. I felt the pain in his heart. When Chad’s arms wrapped around me, I heard Giovanni exhale loudly.

“Come on, Crystal,” Giovanni said a bit angrily. “We gotta get ready. Meet you at the studio later, Chad.”

Once in the apartment, Giovanni put his hands on my shoulders. “You’re nervous about today, aren’t you?” Giovanni leaned down and kissed me after I nodded. He was six feet tall, so he bent down to me a lot. “How about you go take a hot shower, and then I massage you a bit.”

“That may work. Chad used to do it when I was anxious or stressed,” I admitted. “But after, he always wanted…”

I covered my mouth, realizing I almost told him that Chad asked for a blowjob after a massage. I never wanted Giovanni to know things like that. Then I smiled, thinking of how good
made me feel in bed. Then I berated myself for even thinking of Chad while I was with Giovanni.

“Wanted what?” He waited for an answer, but I said nothing, “Sex? Did you guys do it that many times?”

“Please don’t ask.” I looked away from him.

He turned my face back. “It’s OK. That was the past. You guys were a lot closer than any of us knew, weren’t you?” He waited again. “It doesn’t matter. It’s just you and me now, right?”

“Yes.” My eyes drifted downward.

“Please look at me.”

I did, but tears started to fall. I was afraid he would know I’d slept with the both of them for a while, sometimes on the same day. It was just that, I wasn’t dating either of them. Giovanni had not told me how he felt, and Chad was very important to me.

Then he hugged me. “It’s not important. Forget it.”

I kissed him. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He patted my ass. “Go take a shower.”

The hot water in the shower
very relaxing. I took my time and felt a lot better afterward. Soon, I found Giovanni in his room and smiled at him in his boxers.

When he noticed me, he asked, “Are you allergic to scented lotion?”

“No.” I had no allergies that I knew of.

He smiled. “Good. I bought this a few weeks ago, hoping to find a reason to rub it on your skin. I used to look for ways to touch you again. Guess I don’t need a reason anymore, huh?”

“You can touch me anytime; even when I’m sleeping.”

As Giovanni also got in the shower, I went to my room. I lay on the bed, on my back, amazed that I was finally with him. I thought about the first time I saw him at college. I passed his chair and bit my lip when I saw his biceps. Then he looked up at me. I froze when he smiled. My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn’t even talk. I dropped my book because my hand stopped working.

He leaned down, picked it up and said, “Here you go, beautiful.” I freaked out and ran to my chair.

“What are you thinking about?” Giovanni asked as he opened my towel.

I looked at him, smiling broadly, “The day I met you.”

“I can’t believe I was able to talk at all.” He stood over me in a towel. “I had seen you around campus, and I was dying to meet you. You know, the first time I saw you, Chad was kissing you. I didn’t think I had a chance with you, but… Here we are.” He ran a hand over my skin. “God, you’re beautiful.”

Then he turned me over and started to slowly massage the vanilla lotion into my lower back. That felt so good, and it was my favorite scent.

Gradually, he went higher. His strong hands were finding every knot and easing my tension. I moaned repeatedly as he squeezed my shoulders.

“You’re turning me on, you know,” he whispered, straddling my waist. “Keep that up, and you’ll get a lot more than a massage.” He moved his hips, sliding his stiff cock over my back.

By the time he was at my neck, I was relaxed. “You’re good at this,” I mumbled as he finished up.

When he turned me onto my back, he kissed me. Then he slid his tongue over my breast, teasing my nipple with its tip, and I moaned. He looked up at me, smiled, then did it again. My hips moved with desire.

He smirked and opened my legs. Then he lay down on me and glided his rigid cock over my clit. I moaned louder. He knew I loved that. He smiled and did it again. My head went back, and I felt like I was about to explode.

“You’re so wet, my love. Do you want me or something?”

“Yes,” I replied, desperate for him and almost breathless. Then he jumped off the bed. I yelped, “Hey, where you going?”

When he came back with a condom on, I was relieved. I bent my knees, getting even more excited. He quickly got back on the bed and was over me again. Then he drove his nine-inch cock into me in one stroke.

“Oh damn!” I cried out.

Giovanni’s hips went fast, while I moved with him. “You make me feel just amazing, you know?” he breathlessly told me. Then he began driving into me with more intensity.

I moaned. I was close to screaming. Then I lifted my legs up as high as I could get them. Giovanni ground his cock into me and circled his hips. After just a few seconds of that, I cried out his name and clung to him, an eruption of pleasure taking over.

“I love you,” he whispered as he kissed my lips.

I closed my eyes. “I love you, too.”

Then Giovanni got to his knees, straddling one of my legs. I looked up at him, wondering what he was going to do next. He liked to change our position mid-way often. He picked up my left leg and put it over his body. I expected him to flip me to my belly, but he didn’t.

“Lay on your side, my love.”

I turned my body, but kept my eyes on him. He laid my leg over his left hip. I wasn’t experienced enough to know what he had planned. It made me a bit nervous.

“You’ll like this. Relax.”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. His cock thrust into me again, and I moaned loudly. It felt like he was able to get in as far as Chad did.

Slowly Giovanni started to drive in and out of me. I grabbed his arm, overwhelmed by how good it felt. As he increased his speed, I couldn’t contain myself.

“Giovanni… I like that.” He went faster. “Oh God… Giovanni… damn… harder!” He complied, and I dug my nails into his hand.

He laced his fingers with mine, and then I screamed again. I squeezed his hand and cried out as the spasms continued. I tensed around his dick and saw his eyes close.

All of a sudden, he started almost slamming his hips into me. “Crystal… oh… God… that… feels… so… good… Oh shit... Crystal!” Then he shoved into me and leaned his head down. I felt his cock swell and shudder as his body tensed.

“I love you so much,” he breathed…

Continued in:

Triple Threat Book II: Rubbed Raw!
Sneak Peek: Insatiable Appetites
Chapter I:The New Guy in Town

When Angela and Jennifer arrived at The Pier, it was loud and very crowded, like most clubs are. Jennifer had never been there before, but she’d heard a lot about it from the younger crowd at work. She was 35 and had stopped going to those sorts of places because the men were too young and immature. She was looking for a man, not a boy.

Angela, on the other hand, was practically a cougar. Most of the men she dated were between 25 and 30. She said they kept her young, and they had sexual stamina most men her age did not. Jennifer thought it helped Angela forget that 40 was just around the corner for her.

The girls found their way to a corner where there were tables, and the music was not as loud. They ordered drinks and watched the dancers. Angela shamelessly eyed a young man on the dance floor.

“So,” Angela began as she sipped her margarita. “What are we celebrating?”

Jennifer smiled widely. “Guess what came today?”

“You’re kidding?” Angela put her drink down and gave her friend her full attention. “He finally stopped fighting you?”

Jennifer smiled. “Yep. I threatened to tell his new girlfriend about his problem with getting it up sometimes.”

Angela had just taken a sip of her drink. Some flew out of her mouth as she laughed loudly. “You’re fucking kidding me!” She covered her mouth and laughed again. “Like the time when you tried a threesome?”

“Yeah, he was so intimidated by the size of the other guy’s dick he didn’t take his underwear off.”

“At least you had a good time that night.” Angela tried to stop giggling. “It was the least Darren could do.”

Jennifer smiled as she recalled how his co-worker’s cock felt inside of her while he bent her over the bed. “He walked out of the room, humiliated by how fast I came. He could never give me that much pleasure.”

“I don’t know what you saw in him. I can’t stand a guy with only six inches.” Angela was definitely a size queen.

“Well, he was pretty good in bed, most of the time. It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m going to find someone who isn’t scared of kinky.”

“You go, girl.” Angela scanned the crowd hoping to find a man for Jennifer to bring home. She knew that was not how she normally operated, but she needed a good fuck. “How about I talk to a few of these handsome men and set you up with one?”

“I don’t know.” Jennifer thought of the man Angela told her had moved in across the street. Her description of him sounded perfect. “I was hoping to meet our new neighbor.”

Angela grabbed her hand. “Oh yeah, he’s right up your alley, Jen: cute ass, nice biceps, soft-spoken. Hmm, wait—maybe you can’t handle him. If only he was younger, I’d…”

Jennifer rolled her eyes. “What is he, 36?” Then she realized what her friend said. “Biceps, huh? I never dated someone who worked out before.” The house across from her had been empty for a long time until the week before. She had tried every day to see the new owner. “So, is he a blonde?”

“You haven’t seen him?” Angela squealed. “He’s got this wavy, sandy blonde hair almost to his shoulders. I saw him from my bedroom window this morning. Then I watched him early this afternoon haul boxes out of that truck in his driveway. I’d love to have a hold of that hair as he fucked me like crazy. Didn’t you see him?”

Jennifer thought about the truck that she saw several times that day. “I saw the truck, but no guy.” She had seen at least two people inside the house when she got the mail, but they were in shadow. She had changed her mind, thinking her neighbor was untouchable. “He might be married, you know. Forget about him. I wanna have fun tonight. How about I do things your style and pick up a nice young one?”

Angela laughed. “You take dating too seriously to go for a young guy.” She sipped her drink again and then scanned the men standing around. “You need to loosen up and just have fun. How about a one-night stand? That one is perfect for it.” She leered at the man’s tight pants, which showed off his nice ass and an impressive bulge in front. “Bet he’d be great in bed.”

She was right. Jennifer started thinking about marriage after two dates. Because of that, it had been six months since she had sex. None of her relationships since she left her ex lasted long enough. As she slowly finished her rum and coke, the idea of a fling sounded better, but a one-night stand? She was not sure she could pull that one off.

When both of them had finished a second drink, Angela took Jennifer by the hand and pulled her to the dance floor. They danced with each other for a few minutes, while Angela flirted with a boy who was barely 20. Looks of lust passed between them for a while.

Jennifer rolled her eyes, knowing how that night would be ending for the two of them. She wished she had just once felt that much sexual attraction to a man. Never had she wanted to hop in bed with someone she just met. It usually took her a lot of getting to know each other before she had that feeling within.

“You girls want some company?” his friend loudly asked them as the young one put an arm around Angela’s waist.

Angela smiled and giggled while accepting the younger one’s offered hand. They moved away a few feet and molded their bodies together as they moved to the fast music. Within seconds, their lips locked and hands traveled all over each other.

Jennifer looked up at his friend and shouted over the music, “Um, would you like to dance too?”

He gave her a wide smile, revealing dimples. “I’m not very good, but I try hard.” He winked and put a hand on her back. Then he led her to the other side of the dance floor. “I’m Glen.” He spun her around before pulling her back to him and held her close.


She was not impressed. He was cute, but not her type. He looked too neat and put-together. He was the type she used to go for, just younger. She was hoping to find someone a little laid-back or spontaneous.

“So, do you live alone?” He was grinding his hips into hers. She could feel he was only average in the pants, something from which she also wanted to upgrade.

BOOK: Triple Threat
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