Trickle Down Tyranny (42 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

BOOK: Trickle Down Tyranny
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You’ve gotten the message from Obama and his cadre that he must step in to control your every move and in the process strip you of your rights as an American citizen.

Do you remember Nancy Pelosi explaining that Congress had to pass health care legislation so that we could find out what was in it? As the Democrat-controlled Congress rammed that legislation through, we discovered that it was so complex even they didn’t bother to read it. As a result, unless the Supreme Court overturns the abomination that this new law is, or unless a new Republican president invalidates it through executive order, you will have given over control of your medical care to a committee of bureaucrats. Your medical records will become a matter of public record, how long you live a matter of public policy.

You stood by passively as the U.S. government took increasingly aggressive and invasive measures to “protect” you.

The results?

You’re now subject to dangerous and invasive scans and searches of your person every time you board a commercial flight. Minimum-wage functionaries decide—randomly, in order to make sure terrorists aren’t singled out for “unfair” treatment—that anyone from young children to elderly citizens in wheelchairs is a potential threat to blow up the airliner you’ll be on, regardless of ethnicity or suspicious behavior. Maybe you thought that airport security was really what these insidious practices were all about. Maybe you didn’t realize that you were just being softened up so that the president could conduct invasive searches on you anywhere and at any time he wanted to, regardless of probable cause.

Thanks to the clandestinely passed NDAA legislation (signed into law on New Year’s Eve!), the president of the U.S. now has the right to order you to be detained indefinitely by the U.S. military because you’ve been identified as posing a threat to our “national security.” How long do you think it will be before being a “threat to our national security” means “speaking out against the Obama administration?”

In the interest of “national security,” the president is gathering the power and the technological know-how to assume control of broadcast and Internet communications, shutting down our ability to talk with one another in case he’s not happy with what we’re saying.

Did you ignore his test of the national emergency broadcast network?

Did you think it was just something to be used in case of a national emergency?

His stealth takeover of our lives has now been imposed on everything from the food we eat to the fuel we need to drive our cars to the value of the money we exchange to buy these things. He’s allowed his leftist apparatchiks to impose their anti-free enterprise agenda on every aspect of our lives.

Eric Holder, our Attorney General, has fought every attempt to maintain security at our borders and in our election booths. He’s filed lawsuits against the public servants committed to protecting us from the ongoing criminal invasion from Mexico and South America and the onslaught of illegal aliens and unregistered Americans he’s determined to see vote in the 2012 elections. Obama and Holder granted de facto amnesty to 215,000 El Salvadorans in January 2012, using an earthquake that occurred in that country a decade ago as an excuse!

Do you remember how Obama responded when our most advanced unmanned drone went down in Iran? Despite his military and foreign policy advisors’ giving him advice about how he could either destroy the drone using another unmanned aircraft or send troops in to recover or destroy it, Obama decided he didn’t want to risk offending Mahmoud and the mullahs, so he let the Iranians keep it. They promptly called in the Chinese Communists to reverse engineer the aircraft, in effect giving them access to advanced American technology because our own president is afraid to confront our mortal enemies.

Did you ever consider that Obama might have made the decision he did because it was precisely the opposite of America’s best interests?

Did you even entertain the idea that Barack Obama was merely continuing to level the playing field so that our Islamist and communist enemies could advance their anti-American, anti-Semitic agenda?

Do you realize that what’s happening in America today amounts to nothing less than a political power-grab that resembles that of the Nazi takeover of Germany in the 1930s?

Let me acquaint you with the work of Milton Mayer, who wrote a book titled
They Thought They Were Free.
Mayer’s book describes how the Nazi Party gradually assumed total control over the lives of German citizens. The Nazi takeover didn’t happen in a week or a month, it happened over years. It consisted of small steps, each of which appeared innocuous enough to German citizens, but which when taken together came to represent the death knell of freedom and the rise of totalitarian control in that country.

Here is what Mayer had to say about the process:

What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.
This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.

Can you see that the path that Obama is leading our nation down is dangerously similar to that of Nazi Germany? And that he may be using the very techniques Hitler perfected?

Let me step back here and show you what’s happened in the last three years.

Let me start with the most memorable image I have taken away from the Zuccotti Park Occupy Wall Street fiasco: an older black man wearing a beret and carrying this sign around his neck:
“Ask not what you can do for your country . . . ask what your country can do for you.”

It’s Barack Obama’s mantra.

It sums up the mentality not just of the OWS protesters, but of the entire Obama administration.

You might remember that it was I, Michael Savage, who defined George W. Bush as a “fiscal socialist” during the last two years of his term. I explained to you how he expanded the federal government and made it larger than the previous three administrations combined.

So if Bush was a fiscal socialist, what does that make Barack Obama?

It makes him a fiscal Marxist.

Never before in American history has a single president expanded the government so rapidly and accumulated so much power to himself. Never before have we seen this level of overt cronyism, corruption, and graft. Just as Europe is beginning to move away from large government and entitlement spending and toward lowering taxes to stimulate private enterprise, Obama, who is stuck in a perennial 1960s purple haze, is taking this nation in the opposite direction! Even Cuba is moving toward some privatization and reducing the number of Castro government jobs.

In the meantime, Barack Obama, the naked tyrant, the tired ’60s radical, keeps pushing in the opposite direction.

Let me set the record straight for you about the Obama presidency with a brief catalog of his accomplishments.

He’s bankrupting America with trillion-dollar-plus annual deficits—despite the fact that he hasn’t submitted a budget in two years.

He stood by as millions of Americans were unfairly driven out of their homes by a robot foreclosure system.

He funneled tens of billions of stimulus dollars confiscated from taxpayers to his political donors and crony bankers to fund bailouts and green energy projects that he knew were destined to fail.

He’s presided over the largest real-job loss in this country since the Great Depression.

He’s waged an ongoing battle against freedom of speech and ideas contrary to his own Marxist ideology by trying to “regulate” Internet communications.

He’s sent billions of dollars to energy companies in China and Brazil to promote oil exploration while at the same time doing everything in his power to shut down the American oil industry and prevent us from becoming energy independent within the next decade.

He refused for more than two years to negotiate with Iraq in order to make sure we could keep American troops in that country, and because he subsequently withdrew all of our military, he created a massive power vacuum in Iraq. In the wake of Obama’s ill-advised retreat, Iran has stepped in to fill the void. We’ve watched as sectarian violence resurfaced and Shiite Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki put out an arrest warrant for his own vice president, Tareq al-Hashemi, who is a member of the rival Sunni sect. Obama’s timid, apologetic foreign policy removed even the semblance of democracy that U.S. presence in Iraq helped guarantee.

Obama has presided over the most corrupt administration in history, undermining our military and giving up control of our southern border as he sold weapons to Mexican drug cartels while bringing lawsuits against states that tried to enforce immigration law.

He’s bypassed Congress and the Constitution, instituting what amounts to rule by imperial fiat through executive orders and czars and cabinet secretaries who do his bidding.

He’s put economic “solutions” in place that consist of taxing and spending us into indentured servitude while he transitions the U.S. into a Euro-like socialist country that fosters a dangerous dependency of citizens on the government.

He’s even turned our election results over to a foreign company, a move that could compromise the way we track votes at the precinct level and eliminate our ability to challenge election results. All of our elections are now controlled by a foreign firm of questionable ownership.

Are you wondering why I call this list Obama’s

Let me explain.

Barack Obama’s intent is not to preside over the United States in order to guide it as it strengthens its position of economic and military pre-eminence in the world. It’s just the opposite. This president of the United States is determined to undermine the values, principles, and practices on which this nation rose to greatness. He’s doing that because he’s none of the things he would have us believe he is.

Most Americans are asleep to this reality. The American sheeple are overwhelmed by the onslaught of lies perpetuated by so-called journalists who are nothing more than left-wing propagandists, apologists for the most radical and incompetent chief executive this country has ever been forced to endure.

Here’s why I’m so worried that Obama might be re-elected.

I believe that Obama thinks his administration has sold the idea that we’ve weathered the worst with our economy.

Nine percent unemployment has become the new normal, and Americans have accepted the idea that we have to live with it, that it’s not going to change.

Trillion-dollar deficits are now the reality as Obama plunges us deeper and deeper into debt to finance his payoffs to the American people in the form of the entitlement society. Half of all Americans now receive government benefits, and they’re not likely to want to give them back.

Obama is satisfied that his economic policies have succeeded.

I’m afraid the American people are, too.

Obama has made it clear that he’s not going to try to work with Congress, and he’s not hiding it from the American people. Here’s what he told a crowd at one of his ongoing series of campaign appearances: “We can’t wait for an increasingly dysfunctional Congress to do its job. Where they won’t act, I will. . . . I’ve told my administration to keep looking every single day for actions we can take without Congress, steps that can save consumers money, make government more efficient and responsive, and help heal the economy. And we’re going to be announcing these executive actions on a regular basis.”

Where is the outcry against this president ignoring the separation of powers delineated in the Constitution?

Obama went so far as to laugh at Congress’s ineptitude in one appearance on
The Tonight Show
with the stooge Jay Leno. He’s able to do this because Congress’s approval ratings have fallen as low as nine percent in opinion polling. The Republican Party itself has generated negatives over 70 percent in one poll.

Obama is going to continue to make Congress his whipping boy, and the American people aren’t going to realize that what he’s proposing as an alternative is that he become this nation’s “glorious leader,” like the tyrants he’s seeking to emulate. Since the Republicans haven’t been able to develop anything resembling a response, a counter strategy to provide a viable alternative to Obama’s message, the president is likely to succeed here, too.

Obama advisor David Axelrod, who’s back in Chicago plotting the continuing presidential takeover strategy for the 2012 election, must be smiling as he picks one Republican after another to skewer as soon as he or she begins to rise in the polls.

Among the other things our own Dictator-in-Chief believes are going to help him get reelected is the Occupy Wall Street movement. He’s selling the idea that they represent 99 percent of Americans and that their “success” will rub off on him, making him look like a true populist instead of the crony capitalist thug he really is.

Again, I sense that America is going to buy this, thanks to the saturation positive news coverage the street rabble of the OWS movement are getting from the government-media complex.

Barack Obama has taken over jobs, health care, the auto industry, student loans, and mortgages. He’s wiped out
habeas corpus
in the name of national security. He’s eliminated the
posse comitatus
act, effectively instituting martial law by authorizing the U.S. military to arrest and detain indefinitely any U.S. citizen he and his cadre declare to be a threat.

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