Trickle Down Tyranny (17 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

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The Occupy Wall Street demonstrators have one important characteristic in common with Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler: They’re blatantly anti-Semitic.

Bard College, which has loaned out many of its students to the Occupy Wall Street protest, has made the International Solidarity Movement an official campus organization. The ISM’s stated purpose is to take action in order to destroy Israel. One of Bard’s largest contributors is George Soros, who donated $60 million to the anti-Semitic hate mongers who run the school.

Jewish Funds for Justice (JFFJ) is a communist-socialist group funded by George Soros. JFFJ staged Occupy Yom Kippur demonstrations, the Jewish equivalent of OWS. The group’s communications director had this to say about the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations: “For many of us, social justice is where we find our Judaism.” A JFFJ board member who teaches rabbinic literature at the American Jewish University praised the OWS movement in a piece he wrote for Soros’s Center for American Progress. He talked about the anti-Semitic protesters as somehow representing a “just society.”

The words of the protesters themselves echo their mentors’ anti-Semitism. In Los Angeles, one local schoolteacher said this: “I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government . . . they need to be run out of this country.” She lost her job as a result of her comments. Normally those on the left aren’t punished for being racists, but public uproar was so strong that the teacher had to be fired. I’m certain she’ll be hired back—under the radar—in some other position after the uproar dies down.

A New York protester had this to say: “[A] small ethnic group constitutes almost all of the hedge fund managers and bankers on Wall St. They are all Jewish. There is a conspiracy in this country where Jews control the media, finances. . . . They have pooled their money together in order to take control of America.”

I expect that out of anyone who has been brainwashed in the U.S. educational system.

That includes Barack Obama.

Obama stood by, applauding the protesters, saying nothing against their blatant anti-Semitism. Jewish groups are speaking out against the president: The Emergency Committee for Israel released a video call for the president to take a stand against the demonstrators’ anti-Jewish rhetoric and urging president Obama to take a stand against such hate-filled rhetoric.

I’ve never understood how Jewish people could support this president and his anti-Semitic views. I call for the Jewish community to return to its senses and stand up against their own people who support this Israel-hating movement and our blatantly anti-Semitic president.

When he finally did comment, here’s what the president had to say: “I think that it [the Occupy Wall Street movement] expresses the frustrations that the American people feel.”

It’s not a surprise to me that the president failed to speak out against the anti-Semitic demonstrators. When he was speaking at the Congressional Black Caucus awards banquet back in September 2011, he was comparing the tax rates paid by the rich and those who worked menial jobs for a living. He made what used to be known when I was growing up as a “Freudian slip.” He said: “If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a Jew, uh, a janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I . . . have no problem with that.”

That’s not an accident. It reflects something very disturbing to me in the president’s way of looking at the world. His own anti-Semitism is creeping in to the decisions he makes, the words he speaks.

The Government-Media Complex is complicit in this dangerous anti-Semitism.

CNN asked this question: “Would Jesus occupy Wall Street?”

Of course, when it’s convenient for them, when turning to religions benefits their cause, the left is willing to invoke Jesus’s name. They asked this question in order to make the point that Christians should support the rabble in the streets of U.S. cities.

The first problem with the assumptions underlying the question is this: Jesus was a Jew, and Jews aren’t welcome among the “occupiers.” Jesus would be pro-Israel.

He’d also be anti-communist. He instructed his followers to care for their families, their neighbors, the poor, and the sick. He did not say that we should turn our responsibilities over to the government.

When he confronted the moneychangers in the temple, he was not somehow striking out against banks and he was not doing so on behalf of the “masses.” He was defending God’s Temple, which the moneychangers had taken over.

Jesus would walk among the occupiers for one reason only: To point out to them that they were sinners, that rape, assault, bearing false witness, sloth, and coveting thy neighbor’s possessions—all of which these occupiers are committing daily—are sins, and that they must be stopped.

He wouldn’t have cared at all about the occupiers’ political causes. In fact, he would have railed against having his name co-opted by such a vain, self-centered, destructive mob for their godless cause. The OWS mobs would have assaulted and spat on Jesus if he had walked among them.

For CNN to even imply otherwise is the height of hypocrisy.

The ranking Democrat in the U.S. House, Representative Nancy Pelosi, Socialist Party, California, followed the president’s approval of the mob behavior with this: “I support the message.”

The president and the former speaker should be speaking out against what is really going on with this bunch of unwashed would-be radicals living off their parents. What they really want is to be able to live off the state for the rest of their lives.

Harvard Crimson
newspaper gave space to a group called the Revolutionary Communist Party, a fringe group that still holds out for the same things that Bill Ayers, who wrote Obama’s book
Dreams from My Father
, wanted in the 1960s. Here is some of what this group stands for:

•  Violent overthrow of the government.
•  A separate region of the country for African-Americans (the South) and Hispanics (the Southwest). Special elections in which only African-Americans and Hispanics could vote would be held to decide the issue in the two regions. All people not of the appropriate race or ethnicity would be forced to relocate if they lived in the South or the Southwest.
•  Prohibition of capitalism.
•  Amnesty for all illegal aliens living in the United States, with the exception of “capitalist enemies of the state.”

The Occupy Wall Street website lists dozens of “demands.” Here are a few of them, so you can get a sense of how deranged these people are:

•  Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act. Unionize ALL workers immediately.
•  Raise the minimum wage immediately to $18/hr. Create a maximum wage of $90/hr to eliminate inequality.
•  Institute a 6 hour workday, and 6 weeks of paid vacation.
•  Institute a moratorium on all foreclosures and layoffs immediately.
•  Repeal racist and xenophobic English-only laws.
•  Open the borders to all immigrants, legal or illegal. Offer immediate, unconditional amnesty, to all undocumented residents of the US.
•  Create a single-payer, universal health care system.
•  Pass stricter campaign finance reform laws. Ban all private donations. All campaigns will receive equal funding, provided by the taxpayers.
•  Institute a negative income tax, and tax the very rich at rates up to 90 percent.
•  Pass far stricter environmental protection and animal rights laws.
•  Ban the private ownership of land.
•  Make homeschooling illegal. Religious fanatics use it to feed their children propaganda.

Do you see what the OWS movement has devolved into?

Do you understand just how far this administration and its radical leftist labor union accomplices have unleashed on America?

Let me explain it to you.

More than 200 violent crimes—including rapes, knifings, and murders—have been committed at Occupy Wall Street sites around the nation.
We’ve witnessed public urination and defecation. The OWS sites quickly become open-air drug markets. Disease is rampant, including an outbreak of tuberculosis in Atlanta.
Public nudity, masturbation, and sexual intercourse are carried on daily by the vermin who populate these sites. They’re characterized by incessant drumming bordering on psychological abuse by the aging children who have taken to the streets of our cities. Sanitary conditions are so dangerous in the festering mess that Occupy Wall Street protesters had created that after they were finally evicted the areas had to be decontaminated by sanitation workers in HazMat suits. Aggressive panhandlers mooch off anyone who dares get within a hundred yards of the demonstrators. Local small businesses like restaurants and coffee shops were forced to close their doors because the protesters drove away regular customers.

That’s what the rent-a-mobs that have been occupying public land in cities across the nation in the name of their anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-morality, anti-Semitic causes.

They’re walking billboards for the reason they are unemployable.

They’re a combination of stupidity, laziness, and nihilism.

And each one of them borrows tens of thousands of dollars to learn these skills and values at Big Government U.

It wasn’t until two months after the demonstrators had begun to occupy Zuccotti Park that the sniveling New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg finally decided to have his police department clear the demonstrators out. Showing incredible restraint, the police took care of business, finally removing the protesters and their tents and hosing down the area.

Within a few days, thousands of demonstrators showed up to participate in shutting down traffic and disrupting the business of New York City. Mealy-mouthed Mayor Bloomberg changed his tune, saying that the cops would respond appropriately if the demonstrators caused any trouble. Before it was over, nearly 300 were arrested as police managed to control the mob.

That’s what we’re up against in the Occupy Wall Street movement—the most racist, violent, ignorant group of demonstrators since the 1960s.

If you think I’m exaggerating, that this is just the ranting of a small minority, then you haven’t been paying attention. There’s a reason Obama hasn’t spoken out against these people. There’s a reason Nancy Pelosi has given them her blessing.

During his campaign for the presidency, Obama promised to create “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as our military. His reason for doing this? It would help him advance his “objectives” for America.

No one in the Government-Media Complex bothered to ask him what he meant. But we’re finding out now.

Teamsters union president James Hoffa Jr. explained what is going on in his Labor Day address—the same one Obama spoke at. Hoffa said, “President Obama, this is your army! We are ready to march! Let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out!”

How is this a government-funded “civilian army”?

Let me explain.

Your taxpayer dollars fund the labor unions. You pay the salaries of public employee union members, and a portion of that money goes to the unions they belong to in the form of dues.

On top of that, Obama made sure that when the government commandeered General Motors and Chrysler, the unions took ownership of the companies, relegating stockholders to second-class status. The president has stacked the National Labor Relations Board in favor of the unions, and he’s given unions exemptions from Obamacare in record numbers.

It’s his way of funding his “civilian army.”

And that army is in the vanguard of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The president and his anti-American cohorts are in fundamental agreement with the OWS demonstrators, and the longer their anti-freedom, anti-Semitic, anti-capitalist message is allowed to be broadcast to the American public, the more likely their agenda and their message become acceptable to the public.

Did you think that Occupy Wall Street was somehow a spontaneous uprising against banks?

It’s exactly the opposite.

The Obama administration, through its shadow supporters, is using the spreading Occupy Wall Street demonstrations to get out their message. Ultimately they’ll use it to clamp down further on our civil liberties.

Don’t believe that?

George Soros’s influence is everywhere. I told you about his anti-Semitic JFFJ, but his involvement doesn’t end there. The demonstrations in New York and other American cities were started by a Canadian radical leftist group called Adbusters. The group’s purpose is “to topple existing power structures.” Adbusters used Soros money to stage a marketing campaign that was designed to bring the “Arab Spring” to cities in America. Soros’s Open Society donated $3.5 million to the Tides Center, a San Francisco organization that distributes money to other leftist causes. The Tides Group gave $185,00 of that money to Adbusters.
The Working Families Party, along with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and what’s left of ACORN, are also instrumental in organizing and spreading the demonstrations.

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