Authors: Taylor Lee
Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Idesire Publications, #Thriller
Sam interrupted. “If you could see through the scam in less than twenty-four hours, how could a trained accountant miss something that blatant?”
Doug and Ralph shared an imperial knowing glance then looked to Nate.
“Sam, don’t let these guys fool you. The reason I use them when I can and submit bills that the City Council threatens to sue me over, is because they are who they are. Comparing these two scammers to your run of the mill yahoo accountant is like comparing me to a LAPD lead detective.” He added with a grin. “There’s no comparison. One of us, and it’s not me, couldn’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight. Comparison holds for Nunn and Weise.”
Sam was gracious enough to join in the laughter from around the table.
“I’ll have to pass that analogy on to Detective Rory Michaels. He’s been the lead LAPD detective for twenty-five years. If I know Rory, he’ll probably enjoy the comparison.”
Nate winked. “I’m sure he will. I’ve worked with Rory a couple of times in the past. Knowing him, I’ll be receiving crates of flashlights.”
As the good natured laughter died down, Nate asked, “Any signs the mob’s involved? We’ve got an m.o. that goes way beyond your usual murder for hire. There’s gotta be a reason Mike was killed the way he was—by someone who knew the ins and outs of torturing a guy to death… slowly.”
Ralph shook his head. “We just got started, Nate. But so far, nothing. No question he was into high stakes gambling, definitely a high roller. Which by definition means he knew the big boys and they knew him. Damn, in Las Vegas, you don’t get in those rooms with less than a hundred thou and in some of the most elite rooms the bid limit is between $150,000 and $300,000. But no sign so far that Mike didn’t make good on his bets. If the big boys were squeezing him, we haven’t found a trail yet. Will take a few more days, and a lot more scratch. As for the murder m.o., it’s unusual enough to be a trademark. Your best angle is the whip. The whip has “BDSM” or “foreign agent” written all over it. Let’s face it: Your ordinary run of the mill mobster wouldn’t know how to whip a guy to death with a live electrical wire. Those guys aren’t known for subtlety. Finesse isn’t part of their vocabulary. But as for chopping off his dick? A piece of cake. Mob-speak for: ‘the victim was a snitch.’ Classic mob. Pure and simple.”
Nate mused. “So classic it could be a red herring? To throw us off? Point us to the big boys?”
Ralph nodded. “Damn straight. I know you’ve said that there’s no evidence Mike was into the BDSM scene, but that could explain a lot.”
Nate agreed. “Yeah, it would. I have Eric working that angle. If anyone can reach into the forbidden arenas, it’s Eric. I have him contacting every dom he knows and so far no sign that Mike Peterson was part of the scene. There isn’t an organized group anywhere close to ChicadiafuckingFalls although there is one club in the cities. But it’s mostly for swingers, and those who are into kink, not the hardcore BDSMers. I’ve got Eric sniffing around that network and so far no one resembling Mike has shown up on the screen.”
Doug was adamant. “If you can’t tie him into the “
Whip me again, It hurts so good,”
crowd, then my gut agrees with Ralph. Says it’s foreign. No mafioso is going to have those skills. Unless he’s military, and trained overseas. I’d pass that one on to Eric, if I were you. Much as I hate to give that greedy S.O.B. any of our fee, I gotta believe he could help you better than we can.”
Nate grinned. “Given that he gets 25% of your fee just for recommending you, he’s gonna love this job.”
Doug growled. “Damn, Nate. You know us well enough to come to us directly.”
“Yeah, I do. But Eric found you and forever after will get a cut. So I advise you to mark up your services. He’ll love you for it.”
“Okay, half-pint. Out with it. As much as I like your company, the last time you invited me out for lunch was to let me know what Kaitlin wanted for her birthday. And you took me to the damn store to show me in case my y chromosomes prevented me from choosing the mauve one instead of looking for something pink.”
Erin smiled at Connor. He was her best friend and he could read her almost as well as Nate could. Although Nate’s divining skills were strongest in the bedroom. There he knew exactly what to do to drive her crazy with desire. Take last night. If anyone else had dragged her out of a family dinner then tossed her on top of his car and taken her, she would have been horrified—and furious. But then most of the things Nate did to her horrified her, but she loved them and begged him to do them again.
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with that outrageous cousin of mine, now would it? But don’t worry, half-pint. When Mama D is finished with him for the stunt he pulled last night, he’ll be eating so much crow, he’ll be sprouting wings.”
Erin laughed. “No, Connor, it’s not about last night. At least not exactly. But—”
Erin bit her lip, wondering if she should have brought Connor into this. He was as protective of her as he was his cousin, although he was always on Nate’s butt for something.
“C’mon, Erin. Spit it out. If this is confidential, you know you can count on me. Unless of course that badass is doing something to you that he shouldn’t and in that case I’ll be all over him.”
Erin laughed softly. Connor was so serious and for such a big man, so sweet. She could never have made it through her rookie year at the Fire House if it wasn’t for Connor and Chief Halloran. They had supported her when no one else did. From this vantage point it was hard to believe that less than a year ago, she’d been the prime suspect for murdering her husband and his mistress. The hideous memories had faded but were still buried in her brain often surfacing in ugly nightmares. She wasn’t sure how she could have made it without Nate’s strong arms around her. And… and… now she was afraid she might be losing that.
“That does it half-pint. Out with it. Explain to me what’s got that look on your face. Now, Erin.”
Erin smiled. “Now you sound like Nate. But okay, here goes. And Connor, I don’t want you to talk to Nate about this. I’m probably worrying unnecessarily. But…”
She took a deep breath, then spit it out.
“I’m scared, Connor.”
Connor’s expression darkened.
“Has… has Nate done something to hurt—”
“Oh no, Connor! No, Nate would never hurt me—at least physically. No. It’s not that. Maybe I should have said that I’m more worried than I am scared. It’s just that Nate… well, Nate is so upset. He’s just not himself.”
“Hell, Erin. Do you think that’s news? Anyone who was at the house last night knows he’s really struggling. But Erin, this case is bound to do that. This has to hit Nate hard. If it makes you feel any better, we are all worried about him. Worried
Erin looked down, now wishing that she hadn’t asked Connor to meet with her. There was no way she could tell him what she was really afraid of. He’d never understand.
Connor reached out and took her hand.
“What else, Erin? Come on. You can talk to me.”
Erin debated for a minute and then decided she’d come this far, she couldn’t turn back.
“I’m… I’m worried about Laura. Laura and… Nate.”
“Hey, half-pint. Again, we’re all worried about that bitch. She is the most vicious woman alive. I still can’t believe that Nate fell for her. And, honey, you have no idea how much she hurt him. She didn’t wait two months after he went back to Afghanistan before she went after anything with a wallet. She used to go for dicks—the bigger the better. But I guess I don’t have to tell you that. Damn, Erin, she even went after my dad. Can you imagine that? While his nephew and son were overseas fighting for our country? I’m telling you, when I think of what that woman did to our family, and especially my cousin—”
“That’s the problem, Connor. That’s what scares me. I’ve met Laura. I know how beautiful she is. But even if I didn’t know all the awful things she’s done, it only took me two minutes to see through her. What worries me is, why didn’t Nate? He’s so smart, so intuitive. How could he have fallen for her?”
Connor snorted. “C’mon, Erin. You give us guys too much credit. A babe like that throws herself at you? What do you think a guy is going to do? And damn, that woman is sex on a stick! But honey, what’s that got to do with now? Don’t forget, that was five years ago. Nate was a hound dog. Unattached. Face it. Not like he is today.”
Erin took a deep breath.
“If she fooled him then, how do you know she won’t again?”
“Damn, Erin, you gotta be kidding. Nate despises her.”
“I… I know that Connor. But she has a hold on him. Admit it. He is wound up so tight. He would never have done what he did last night if he wasn’t upset. I mean… I’m sure he would have taken Sam on. Because he is very possessive. But to leave Mama D’s? To drag me out of there? You and I both know that isn’t like Nate.”
Connor sighed. “Yeah, Erin, you’re right, it’s not. But honey, that’s a big leap to thinking he might fall for Laura again. I think being around her is driving him crazy. I agree. But because she brings back such bad memories. And Erin, forget all this shit. Forget about Laura and remember one thing only. My cousin is so much in love with you it oozes out of every pore. You must know that, Erin.”
“I do, Connor. I really do. But Nate has had so many beautiful women and the only one he ever stayed with besides me, was Laura. And now she’s back. And he can’t avoid her. And… and you and I both know that Nate is a sucker for a vulnerable woman. Look how he fell for me—when I was most vulnerable, he couldn’t resist me.”
“Erin… Erin… listen to me. Nate loves you. Look what happened last night. A handsome man talks to you in a room with eight other people present and Nate goes apeshit. He’s that nuts about you. Now if you tell me that after he hauled you out of there that he refused to speak to you for the rest of the evening, that’s a different story. Tell me that and I might agree with you. But honey, the way you are blushing I bet you two didn’t get home before he was all over you.”
Erin laughed. “Well, we almost got home… to the driveway….”
Connor shook his head and laughed along with her. “Damn, if Nate could hear me now, I’d never live it down. Now I’m turning into a sex therapist!”
Erin leaned over and kissed him. “Connor the reason I came to you is the same reason Nate teases you about being Freud. You care enough that you ask us if we are okay and if you’re worried about us you tell us so. You’re a good man, Connor. And you are my best friend.”
“Hey half pint, careful there. You’re going to give me a bigger head than I already have. Erin, I love both you and Nate. And me and a few dozen other hotheads aren’t gonna let that evil woman screw up my cousin’s life a second time. Count on that, Erin. This time we’re all ready for Laura.”
Erin sat in her car thinking through what Connor had said. She knew he was right. She had to have confidence in Nate. That he was strong enough to resist Laura. Erin forced herself to squelch the image of the stunning woman. If only she wasn’t so beautiful. So sexy. And if only Erin could get rid of the dread she felt every time she thought about Laura—and Nate. Together.
Chapter 14
Laura snapped off her phone, furious. This was all she needed. She couldn’t believe it. What a pitiful little wimp. He was practically sobbing over the telephone. What the hell did he expect? That Nate wouldn’t want to interview him? That it wouldn’t come out that he been humping her for the last three years? God, when was she ever going to learn? Putting up with incompetent dicks—and that didn’t apply only to their miniscule penises. It was about their courage. Their willingness to go all out for what they wanted. To take it. No matter what the cost. And now Drew was terrified. As much by his fat, pasty-faced wife as by Nate. Obviously he’d never tangled with Nate. If he had, he’d know that whatever his wife could dish out, would be mild compared to being put through the Stryker grinder.
Remembering Nate emasculating the stuffy little doctor even more than he already was, infuriated her. And aroused her. Admit it, Laura baby. The only guy who’s ever turned your crank is that badass Nathan D. Stryker. Hearing his soft silky voice eviscerate the pompous little doctor sent shivers of excitement to her core. God, even now, his voice, those dark, dangerous eyes, all that muscle rippling under his t-shirt, made her wet, hum with excitement. And even though he’d pushed her away, his scent alone brought back erotic memories. She could have aroused him if she’d had another minute to rub against him. He pretended to resist her, but she knew in her heart and better yet, in her core, that she could get him to respond to her. There was too much between them. Too much passionate history for him to deny her.
Laura couldn’t suppress a sigh. If only she’d been satisfied being married to the sexiest man who walked the Earth. And the most inventive lover she’d had in a lifetime of men. But she chided herself, money was important. Critical to buy the things she needed to fit into the circles she wanted to run in. To give her the status she craved. She could never have settled for being married to a cop. Even if that cop was the big dog himself. But now,
no, she corrected herself—
everything worked out the way she’d planned, she’d not only be rich. Fabulously wealthy, but she’d have Nate eating out of her hand.
She wouldn’t make the mistake she’d made with Drew James. She’d thought the biggest mansion in town nestled on five acres of land with a private lake was evidence of the doctor’s wealth. His Ferrari, one of three $100,000+ automobiles in addition to a private plane and two inboard speedboats and a forty foot sailboat, confirmed that the plastic surgeon was rolling in dough. Only after she’d captured him, had him promising to divorce his wife and marry her, did she find out that the wealth came from his wife’s family. Heiress to a Boston fortune that went back generations, the calculating witch had tied Drew to her with a pre-nuptial agreement that would have left him with at most his own comparatively modest salary. She’d even managed to include his pension in the devastating agreement. Cecelia James obviously knew that she couldn’t hold on to her husband with her looks but she’d made sure no one else would have him either. Laura ran into her in the ladies room at the Club. The derisive smirk the pudgy manipulative bitch gave her confirmed that she knew Laura was sleeping with her husband—and that she could care less.