Trial by Fire (12 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Idesire Publications, #Thriller

BOOK: Trial by Fire
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Erin smiled sweetly and leaned back against Nate, surreptitiously rubbing her bottom against his aroused cock.

“Now, why would I want to do that, Mama D? I kind of like him the way he is.”

Erin winked at Nate over her shoulder.

Both Nate and Sam laughed at her saucy response.

Sam shook his head, obviously impressed.

“You’re a lucky man, Detective. And, you, Erin, you come as advertised. I was told earlier by some of the detective’s closest confidantes that you had the ‘big dog’ as I believe they call him, rolling on his back like a needy puppy begging you to rub his tummy.”

In a low pitched growl for Sam’s and Erin’s ears only, Nate added, “Among other body parts.”

All three of them shared a hearty laugh.

“Hey, don’t tell me the party started without the guest of honor,” Connor called out. Dragging Kaitlin, his gorgeous wife, behind him, he held their seven month old baby boy in his arms. Even with the flurry of oohing and aahing women who descended on him, the baby slept soundly. Giving him up to his grandmother, Connor joined Erin, Nate and Sam.

Sticking out his hand, he said, “Commander Carter, I presume? I’m Connor Lang. I have the privilege of being this guy’s cousin, the husband of that beautiful woman over there, and the proud father of the most amazing son a father ever had.”

Connor smiled at Erin. “But my true claim to fame is that this gorgeous woman calls me her boss.”

Sam shook his hand. “You’re a lucky man indeed, Connor. But I understand from your cousin that anyone who so much as looks at Erin sideways is in danger of harsh treatment. I take it you don’t fall under that decree?”

Nate snorted. “You’ve got to be joking. I created that rule because of this lecherous fucker. Hell, Connor’s with Erin more than I am. Fortunately, as possessive an asshole as I am, Kaitlin is a close second—possessive, not an asshole. Between the two of us we keep them on the straight and narrow.”

Connor smiled, his handsome face glowing as he glanced over at his wife who was nursing his infant son.

“Not an issue, Sam. The only one who loves his woman as much as I love mine, is Nate. And yes, I
a lucky man.”


Nate glanced down at his watch, wondering when it would be possible to snatch Erin and beat it back to their cabin. He knew that Mama D would have his balls in a sling if he tried to leave before dinner. Twisting the cap off his third long neck, he resigned himself to another hour of forced camaraderie. Ordinarily, Nate enjoyed bantering with Connor and loved his girlie cousins. And, hell, Sam Carter wasn’t only an accomplished guy, he was excellent company. But tonight he needed Erin so bad, he ached for her. He admitted to himself, the toll it took to interview Laura was huge. In the middle of the interview he’d gone into observation mode as he always did, looking for nuances, tells, and giveaways. And there were plenty in the conversation with Laura. But he needed down time, to let the niggling images that had the back of his neck screaming for relief settle into some discernible pattern. But more than that, he needed Erin.

“Hey Cuz, can I assume by the fact that I’ve asked the same question three times and the most you’ve done is grunt, that you’re thinking about your interview today. From what Dan tells me it went fairly well. You doing okay, Cuz?”

Nate glared at his cousin, then gave a rueful shake of his head and turned to Sam. “I shoulda told you, while other people call this guy Lieutenant Lang I call him ConnorfuckingFreud. The only one who comes close is Dan and I swear to God between the two of them hovering over me, I’m surprised Internal Affairs hasn’t been on my ass insisting that I spend twelve hours a day with a shrink. But, yeah, Connor, thanks for asking. As I trust Dan told you, the interview went fine.”

Watching Nate take a large swig of beer, Connor’s eyes narrowed.

“Has to have been hard, Cuz. I can barely stand being in the same town with your ex-wife, can’t imagine how it was for you in the same room.”

Nate grunted and looked longingly toward the kitchen where shrieks of high-pitched laughter and womanly chatter was the norm.

Sam spoke up.

“From a newcomer’s point of view, Connor, I will tell you that your cousin was masterful in that interview. He could have been teaching a PhD class on how to marshal an investigation. The fact that he never let Laura Chambers get the upper hand was remarkable. And she did everything she could to rankle him. He was impressive.”

Nate whistled. “Damn, Sam, I told you earlier if you kept that up I might start likin’ you. Here you go again. I’m warning you. I’m a hell of lot easier to get along with when I hate your guts. Connor can tell you I’m a bitch to live with if I like you. So can the Chief.”

At Glenna’s insistence, Nate sat between her and her sister Amy at dinner. He did his best to focus on the precocious child’s amazing observations. He loved this kid. And for some reason he was her hero. Probably because she insisted he looked like her Ken doll, and begged him to play Barbies with her whenever he came to visit.

Glenna turned to Sam who was engaged in a serious conversation with Erin at the other end of the table.

“Mr. Sam, do you know how to play Barbies? Would you ever want to play with me and Nate sometime?”

A titter of laughter bubbled up from her sisters but was quickly squelched when Nate broke in.

“Don’t know if he’s up to it, squirt.” Nate focused on the solemn little girl. “You might want to warn ‘Mr. Sam’ that the last time we played, Barbie finally passed her proficiency tests on the M16 and aced the target with her Kimber 380.”

Glenna’s face lit up. “And don’t forget Nate, she did a great takedown of Ken with a garrote. I love how he gurgled when she choked him.”

“How can I forget, squirt, given that I’m Ken.”

In the ensuing heated discussion on the advisability of nine year old girls teaching their dolls the best weapons to disarm an intruder, Nate found himself tuning out and instead tuning into the animated conversation between Erin and Sam. Erin was a dedicated amateur runner, running between 60 and 70 miles a week. She credited her running with giving her the strength to escape an abusive husband and survive a harrowing cross country pursuit by her late husband’s hired goons. Nate saw her eyes widen in appreciation when Sam described how he’d been a nationally ranked distance runner at U.C. Berkley and a trainer in the military—once again nationally ranked. Nate did his best to shove down his rising jealousy. He hated to run, would much rather go five rounds in the ring or beat the hell out of a leather bag. Or do his ten daily four-minute miles on a stationary bike.

Nate knew he was crazy, reacting to his already stressed out endorphin-laden brain, but wisdom was not in the cards for him tonight. He heard Erin describe her fifteen mile run along the reservoir with its challenging uphill treks, and saw Sam’s eyes light up. The thought of Erin and the striking man running together was the final straw.

“I start at 6 a.m. on Saturday, Sam, so that Nate and I can have the rest of the day together, but if that’s not too early and you’d like to join me, we could meet at the entrance to the—”

“That won’t be possible, this Saturday or
Saturday for that matter.” The threat in Nate’s voice even surprised himself, but he’d already laid down his marker, damned if he was going to pick it up now.

In two strides, he rounded the table and pulled out Erin’s chair. He put his hand on the back of her neck and nudged her. Fuck, he thought, may as well just get down on all fours and grab her by the nape of her neck with my teeth like any self-respecting alpha. If he was a lion, he would have. But the message was clear enough. Growling wasn’t necessary.

“Let’s go, Erin.”

He ignored the surprise on her face that turned to shock when he added, “Now.”

“Nate, I… we haven’t had dessert….”

He murmured, “Now, Erin.”

Given the heavy silence at the table, his quiet words were heard by all.

Erin stood and glared up at him. Angry red spots marked her cheeks. When Erin stood, Sam rose to his feet politely.

Nate’s voice was soft, with a dangerous edge.

“That’s not necessary, Commander. You may be seated.”

Sam started in surprise then a slight smile lifted the corner of his mouth. Raising his hands in a gesture of agreement, he sunk back in his chair.

Nate forced himself to return Sam’s smile and drawled, “Remember how I told you I was starting to like you. I take it back. You’re safe. I can’t stand your guts.”

Ignoring the shocked gasps from every corner of the table, Nate grasped Erin’s elbow and urged her toward the door.

Glenna’s quivery voice filled the silence.

“Uh, Nate, are you coming over to play on Wednesday like you said….”

Nate looked back and caught her eye.

“Yeah, squirt. I’ll be here. But next time we’re gonna work on hand to hand combat. I’m gonna show you how to take down your opponent in a way that he won’t get up.”

“Nathan! Stryker!”

Mama D’s screech could be heard as Nate tugged Erin down the sidewalk to his Turbo 911.

Chapter 12

Erin jerked her arm free from Nate’s grasp. She was so angry she didn’t trust herself to speak. Her legs were shaking so hard she could barely stand.

“What the
was that about, Nate?”

Yanking open the car door, Nate ordered, “Get in, Erin.”

She jumped back and glared at him.

“You have got to be kidding! You honestly think you can drag me out of your aunt’s house like some disobedient dog? In front of your family and a man we hardly know? And then
me to get in your car? Are you insane?”

Nate’s voice was as dark as his searing gaze.

“Get in the fucking car, Erin.”

Erin had seen Nate angry, but never like this, especially not at her. She tried to tamp down her anger but she was furious. And embarrassed. God, she could only imagine what Connor thought, and Mama D, and Kaitlin and… Sam…. She struggled to control her fury, to keep her voice low, not yell.

“In the event you forgot—given your temper tantrum, I drove here. My car is over there.
I wouldn’t get in the car with you if—”

The words died in a furious shriek in her throat when in one smooth move Nate picked her up and deposited her in the bucket seat. Before she could protest, he’d reached across her chest, buckled the seat belt, and slammed the door shut.

Erin grabbed for the door handle to jump out when she heard the lock click. Damn him! He’d put on the child lock. On top of the indignity of being thrown in the car, now she couldn’t open the door.

In seconds he was in his seat. He threw the car into gear and they sped off in a squeal of tires.

“Nate! What are you doing? What in God’s name is wrong with you? Are you crazy?”

“Yeah. I am.”

That his voice was as low, as dangerously soft as it was scared her. She forced herself to look at him. The light from the streetlamps cast flickering shadows across his stormy visage. Thunderclouds rolling across a dangerous sky couldn’t be more potent. It foretold of the lightening to come. But his silence infuriated her. The least he could do was apologize. For making such a ridiculous scene. For embarrassing her, and his family. She knew why he was angry. If anything it made her more upset. Nate was wildly possessive of her. He had been from the beginning. From the first time he saw her, he’d claimed her. She’d assumed at the time that she would be a passing fancy like all the rest of his paramours. But far from it. If anything, his claim grew stronger and stronger. She understood. She felt the same level of passion for him.

But this was outrageous. Over the top. Unacceptable.

The powerful automobile sped along the twisting country roads. Nate never took his eyes off the road, just jerked the wheel in expert movements avoiding impediments as the car careened from side to side. Erin braced her knee on the dashboard to keep from being thrown against the door. In record time they pulled onto the winding road leading to their cabin. Nate slammed on the brakes and the powerful automobile squealed to a hard stop. He was out of the car and jerking open her door in seconds.

“Get out, Erin.”

She ducked her head and looked up at him.

“Get in? Get out? Damn you, Nate! Who do you think you are?”

Pulling her from the car in one strong move, he growled, “I’m the guy who told you to get out of the car. And the guy who’ll kill anyone who so much as touches you.”

“Nate, for God’s sake…” With a mighty twist she managed to free herself from his grip but got a few scant feet away before he jerked her back and pulled her up tight against him.

His voice was as harsh as his grasp.

“Oh no, you don’t, baby. I need you, Erin. Goddammit! Stop—”

She twisted and writhed but only succeeded in driving herself up more firmly against his hard body. A storm of sensation swamped her and rather than fighting to free herself she was frantic to get closer. In response Nate wound his fingers in her hair and he pulled her head back. With a harsh groan he drove deep in her mouth, his tongue tangling with hers in a fierce dance of need. Thrusting in and out of her mouth mimicking the way she knew he would soon be taking her, she eagerly accepted his passionate thrusts. Throwing her arms around his neck she struggled to meld her body to his. Moaning at the need swamping her body she pressed against his hard erection, wanting him deep inside of her—now. With a deep growl, Nate slid her up the length of his body and wrapped her legs around his hips. Before she could protest, he’d laid her on the hood of the car. Bending over her, he tore at her blouse ripping at the buttons opening her to the cool night air.

“Dammit, Erin. I gotta have you. Now, baby.” Nate dragged her arms above her head and pressed them against the hood of the car. He buried his face against her chest, moaning as he licked along the swell of her breasts. With one hand he unsnapped the front clasp freeing her bountiful breasts.

At her agonized cry, he cupped one full breast in his hand then grasped the nipple between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth. Laving it with his expert tongue, he nipped and sucked the tender nub until it was hard and peaked. He moved back and forth between her breasts suckling one than the other, ravenous for the taste of her. His fingers were gentle then rough, driving her higher and higher up a mountain of pleasure. She begged him not to stop, to let her come, but he pulled away.

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