Read Trenton's Terms Online

Authors: Kelley Nyrae

Trenton's Terms (7 page)

BOOK: Trenton's Terms
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She looked grateful at his words. He didn't know how or when he became able to read the expressions on her face so well, but he could. In the short couple days since he met her, he felt like he was really starting to know her. Know what she wanted, what she needed, what she liked. He could see it in her eyes, her expression, and her body language.

"Abby's mom was psychic. She never opened her own shop. It was something she did for her friends and family. She could read people like no one I've ever known. Her friends would come over and they'd have parties, that kind of thing where she'd read cards for her friends. I think it's only natural that it became Abby's passion as well."

"What about you?” He'd asked about them both, but really wanted to know more about Sidney than Abby. Nothing against her, he just wanted to know as much about the woman sitting across from him as he could.

"Well, I enjoy cards but I'm more into the Boutique part of it. The majority of the items in my shop I make myself. Not everything of course, but I make the soaps, candles, and dresses. I like to blend scents, create products to help women relax and feel beautiful. It probably sounds crazy to you, but you'd be amazed at how something as simple as a new dress, or a new scent can make a woman feel empowered and good about herself."

Yesterday he would have thought something like that sounded foolish, but the pride and joy in Sidney's voice made him believe it. She poured her heart into what she did. “It doesn't sound crazy at all. What you do is very respectable. I'd love to look at some of the things you've made some time."

The smile on her face made him forget that this was about sex. At this moment, all that mattered was making her happy.

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Chapter Seven

He didn't touch her for the rest of the trip! She couldn't believe it and quite frankly it pissed her off.
This is what you want, remember? Yeah right!
It's what she knew she should want, but in reality she wanted him to strip her naked right there on the raft. Who cared about the people who sat on their docks looking out at the river? At this moment all she knew was they'd give them one hell of a show. She wanted to give them a show.

You should count your lucky stars.
Instead of his ploys and plots to get her into bed they'd talked. Seriously talked. After she told him about Mystic Boutique they chatted about Abby, more about life in River City, what she like to do for fun, and even laughed about the first night they met in Portland.

He seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say. Especially about herself and River City. She wondered why he was so interested in the town, even more she wondered why he was so interested in her. The romantic in her wanted to believe it was because he liked her, really liked her not just wanted to get her into bed. Maybe he liked the town too and would visit more often.

While they rode the river, Sidney pulled out the sandwiches she'd packed for their lunch. The few minutes it took them to eat were the only moments of silence on their trip. After lunch Trenton talked about his life in Los Angeles, about his work and about the few friends he had back home.

When he spoke about his life it was like he talked about someone else. His voice was steady, detached. There was no excitement when he spoke of his friends, his world, just facts. It was so different from the Trenton she was spending the day with, the one that laughed, that asked her questions about her life.

That Trenton was more dangerous than the sex obsessed one. He was charming, sweet, and made her laugh. This Trenton she could easily fall in love with. But she'd never tell him that. And not just because she didn't want him to know how she felt. She was really starting to understand him and he wouldn't want her to point out that his softer side began to show through his harder exterior.

"We have to dock on the right up here,” Sidney said pointing a finger to the end of their excursion. She didn't want the day to end and even though she knew she'd regret it later, she hoped Trenton would ask her to spend more time with him.

"Over already, huh?” he asked nonchalantly. Worry bubbled inside her. He sounded so unconcerned.

"Yep.” Sitting back in the raft she tried to play it off as cool as Trenton seemed.

"It's beautiful out here. I could be here all day."

"Finally starting to see some of the beauty? Why Trenton Stone, I am surprised."

He looked her directly in the eyes. “I see a lot of beauty.” Her heart pounded in her chest threatening to break free from its cage. Then he turned and broke the connection and headed toward the shore.

Trenton stepped out of the raft first before holding a hand out to her. Her limb shook as she reached up to take his strong, steadier one. When their hands clasped a zing snapped in the air around them. She couldn't explain, had never felt it before and wondered if she ever would again.

God this man is turning me into a drama queen.
It was much easier to dismiss her thoughts as crazy rather than face the truth. He was special, one of a kind and he meant more to her in a short time than any man she'd ever known.

"What time is it?” he asked his deep tone penetrating her thoughts. Their hands were still united. When she glanced down she realized he'd taken off the gold watch he usually donned for their trip. Looking at her own plastic, waterproof watch, the differences in them again showed. Something as small as a watch shouldn't matter to her, but it did. He lived a different life than her. He was big city and she loved the small town. Heaviness crushed her chest.

He'll leave. He'll go home to Los Angeles and leave you broken-hearted.

Sharply, she pulled away. “Three forty-five."

His strong grasp again grabbed her hand. “I wasn't done holding that,” he said then reached down to grab the raft with his free hand. “Let's get this turned in and wait for the shuttle to take us back to our car.” He walked away pulling her behind him.

* * * *

Sidney sat in near silence while they rode back to his car. Trenton let her compose herself because he knew once he told her he planned to accompany her back to her house she'd throw a fit. But the truth was he would be going no matter what. Of course he didn't plan to push himself on her, if all they did for the rest of the night was talk and spend more time together, surprisingly, it was okay with him. He needed to spend more time with her and wouldn't take no for an answer.

He enjoyed himself too much today to let it end now and no matter what she said, he knew she enjoyed herself too. When the day began all he thought about was getting her out of her cute little white shorts, but as the day went on he just liked talking and laughing with her. When he liked something he did what he had to so he could keep it. He knew he couldn't keep Sid forever, but he planned to enjoy her as long as he could.

As the van bumped along he tightened his grip on her hand. She felt good next to him, right in a way that he didn't let his overactive brain contemplate at the moment. Heat radiated off her body carrying her secret, sugary scent that he'd quickly become addicted to. Would she taste as sweet everywhere as she smelled? His body begged to know, to taste every square inch of her decadent body.

He started to get a boner right there in the van. Part of him knew he should shift and try to hide it but hiding was something he didn't do. He wanted her to know exactly what she did to him. She made him hotter than any woman ever had and hopefully tonight she'd let him experience what about her set her apart.

It isn't the sex that's going to set her apart. It's her.

Turning, Trenton looked out the window trying to give her some space. The town really was beautiful. It reminded him of home.
Where had that come from? Home was Los Angeles, not Georgia. But as he looked around he started to wonder if the life he led was really what he wanted. He felt a calmness here in River City that he hadn't felt in a long time.

He shook his head as if trying to shake the thoughts away, but they wouldn't subside. He didn't notice it until this moment. The truth struck him suddenly, but he knew they were true. He felt as drawn to this town as he did to her.
You're cracking up, Stone. You don't get drawn to places or people.
Sid would believe it. His feelings were right up her alley.

They pulled up to the rental shop where they'd left his car hours earlier. Ignoring the thoughts in his head, Trenton led her from the vehicle and to his car without a word. Getting into the Mustang she made eye contact for the first time since she'd tried to pull away when they docked. Her green eyes sparkled almost stopping his heart.

Shake it off, man. She's just a woman.

He winked at her, closed the door and walked to the driver side and climbed in.

* * * *

"Just so you know, I'm inviting myself in,” he told her when they made it to her small porch. The twinkle that sparkled in her eyes earlier was replaced by a fiery look of anger. He loved that feistiness about her.
Love? Where the hell did that word come from?

"I'm really getting sick of this. Everything's always on your terms, Trenton. I don't understand why you're doing all this just to get into my pants."

Sure it started off that way, but that wasn't the reality of the situation anymore. Hell, he couldn't wait to get into her pants one day, but that wasn't his primary goal any longer. Couldn't she see that? Ever since he stepped into this town he'd been bending over backwards to do things her way.

"Wait a minute there, Sugar. I don't know where you've been the past few days, but it obviously isn't the planet earth.” His anger shown through his words, but at the moment he didn't care.

A white haired, elderly woman next door watched them over the fence not trying to hide her nosiness. “Let's go inside,” he grabbed her arm loosely.

"Now you're going to bully me?” she jerked away.

"No, I'm just trying to keep your private affairs, private,” tilting his head forward he signaled that they had prying ears.

"Fine,” she exhaled a deep breath before pushing the door open and letting him follow her inside.

He closed the door behind them. “Now, where were we?"

"You were insulting me by telling me I'm not living in reality or on earth as you put it.” She crossed her arms across her chest and he had to fight the urge to bend down and kiss her. She was so cute when she was mad. And damn was she mad. Why couldn't she see that he just wanted to spend more time with her?

"Listen, Sid, I'm not trying to insult you, but from where I'm standing you don't know what the hell you're talking about.” If he thought she had fire in her eyes before, it was nothing to the look she shot at him right now.
Wrong thing to say.
“Listen, I didn't mean that the way it sounded."

"I think you did. Maybe you better go, Trenton."

Frustrated he ran a hand through his hair, pacing her living room. “Shit. I really suck at this.” It wasn't like him to admit he lacked in any area, especially when it came to women, but it was pretty damn obvious he hadn't a clue how to talk to Sidney.

"I'm not going to deny I want you,” he told her. “That hasn't changed and won't. But no matter what, I won't push you. When we're together it will be because it's what we both want. Right now, I just want to spend more time with you. That's all I'm saying. Hell, we can go out again if you want. Dinner, a movie. I'm not ready to leave yet and unless you throw me out, I don't plan to."

* * * *

She believed him. She might live to regret it, but she believed Trenton was sincere. He was a prideful man, not one to lie just to get what he wanted from someone. If he said that he just wanted to spend more time with her she could do nothing but trust him.

She felt too connected to him to believe him a liar. She'd grown to know him, to trust him, to care for him. “Why don't we stay in? I can cook dinner maybe order a movie on pay per view later if we feel like it."

Her heart pounded inside her chest while waiting for him to reply. Suddenly she wanted him to stay as much as he was determined to, but putting it into words made her vulnerable. Low self esteem wasn't her calling card, but with Trenton she couldn't understand why a man like him wanted to spend so much time with her.

What if she disappointed him? What if she wasn't what he expected?
He can't be the man for you so why does it matter?

"We'll both cook dinner. I know my way around the kitchen,” he said. She exhaled a deep breath she didn't even realize she'd been holding.

"I'd like that."

Like a kid in a candy store he grabbed her hand and headed towards her kitchen which stood right next to the living room. Though a French door separated the two, her house was small so she wasn't surprised that he would know which way to go.

They stepped into her sun-yellow kitchen. Sidney pointed to the small round table in the middle of the room signaling Trenton to sit down. “Have a seat.” To her surprise he sat without another word. “I'm going to run into my room and get changed. I'll be right back."

Sidney left him in her kitchen her nerves on end. Once in her room she slipped out of her swimsuit and shorts. “What am I doing?” she asked herself. She knew this couldn't be smart, but she also knew she had to see where it would go. She couldn't live with herself if she didn't.

After slipping on a pair of black panties and bra, she sat on her bed, covering her face with her hands.
Please tell me I'm doing the right thing. Let me be able to trust the way I feel about him.
She slowly rose from the bed grabbing a pair of black sweatpants and a short, white t-shirt, putting them both on. Before she had the chance to talk herself out of whatever she was doing, Sidney headed back into the lions den.

"I have some chicken breasts in the fridge we can make. I'll pop some potatoes in the oven and make a salad. Does that sound good?” she asked after meeting him back in the kitchen.

"That sounds like the second best meal I'd like to eat today,” he lifted an eyebrow when he spoke.

The heat in her body raised at least ten degrees. His innuendo sounded better to her than it should. Sidney picked up a hand towel that sat on her counter and threw it at him. “You are such a character you know that? You're lucky I'm such an easy-going woman."

BOOK: Trenton's Terms
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