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Authors: Kelley Nyrae

Trenton's Terms (10 page)

BOOK: Trenton's Terms
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He moved faster, her body bursting in ways she'd never experienced before. He slid in and out her heartbeat matching his thrusts. They were so in tuned. Just when she knew she couldn't hold her climax back any longer, Trenton leaned down to whisper in her ear as he buried himself inside her again.

"Come, Sidney.” The second the words left his mouth the flood gates opened. Her body climaxed with a power that she didn't know she had inside her. Trenton followed right behind.

* * * *

He wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. She felt more at home in her own house than she ever had which made no sense. This had been her home for years except now it felt different, better with Trenton here holding her.
Don't let yourself do this. You're going to cause yourself more pain in the end.

Yet she couldn't help it. Though she knew this wasn't the kind of place for Trenton, she wasn't the type of woman to hold him, yet she wished it all the same. Maybe it was his sex talk that had her mind dreaming about things she knew would never be. But then she knew that wasn't the case. She'd want him to stay no matter if he'd made her feel like he cared for her or not.

Rolling over she looked him in the eyes. He looked distant, a far off expression on his face. He regretted it. She could see it in his eyes.

"I'm staying.” His voice was deep, scratchy. Her body jolted upwards in surprise when he spoke.

"Don't, Trenton. Don't make me promises you can't keep. I know you don't really want to be here."

"Don't tell me what I want, Sid. I'm staying. I'm not hurting you like that asshole did."

So there it was. He felt guilty because he'd made love to her and would be leaving. She couldn't let him stay, not for that reason even though she wanted nothing more than to see his blue eyes everyday.

"I'm not that weak. You don't have to stay just because you're afraid of hurting me. I knew what I was getting myself into.” Feeling self conscience she covered her bare breast with her hands.

"Don't cover yourself from me. Not after all we've been through the past few days."

Had it only been a few days? It felt like an eternity. She didn't know what to feel, what to say. She wanted him to stay, but not just because he felt bad and didn't want to hurt her. “You can't stay."

"You can't stop me."

Sidney left the bed taking the blanket with her to cover herself. “Stop being so ... you. I know this isn't what you want, yet you're pushing to do it just to have control."

"If you think that, you don't know me at all, Sid.” He stood stalking around, anger in his step, not paying any attention to his own nudeness.

"I know you. That's why I can't let you stay."

"And I know you. That's why I can't leave. I know you better than I've ever known anyone and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you, Sidney."

* * * *

She looked like she might faint. Briefly he wondered if he should have eased into his admission. The words sounded so much more real when he said them aloud so he couldn't imagine how she must be feeling. Part of him couldn't believe he said them, but he was glad he did. It was the first time he'd ever said the words to another woman and he was glad it was her. Sid was different. She deserved his love, she deserved more.

"Don't,” she stuttered. “Don't say that unless you mean it.” Her hand came up and covered her mouth.

"I'm not saying out of obligation because we slept together. I love you.” He couldn't help but say it again.

"How can you? I'm not the kind of woman for a guy like you. This isn't the place for a guy like you."

He looked hurt. “Don't tell me what I feel and what's best for me. I've felt more at home these past two days than I have for a long time, maybe ever."

A faint smile started to form on her beautiful face. “Really?"

"Yes, Sidney. You know me better than that. I always say what I mean and I'm staying."

"Whether I like it or not?” She said her smile growing.

"Yes. I can't leave you. Not now."

"Well then I guess we better be glad I want you to stay more than I've ever wanted anything in my whole life. I love you too, Trenton."

She rushed at him, slamming herself against him and hugged him tightly. He felt more complete than he ever had.

Then he kissed her. Taking in her sweetness like he would for the rest of his life. “Say it, Sidney,” he said the same words he'd used early. He needed to hear it again. “Say you're mine."

"I'm yours, Trenton. Forever, I'm yours."

* * * *

They made love twice more before Trenton fell asleep holding her. Her body felt weak, drained, but she couldn't sleep. Her mind ran too wild, her heart too excited to slow down. Slipping from under his heavy arm, Sidney put on a long t-shirt and walked into her living room.

Without a thought to the time she picked the phone up and dialed Abby.

"Hey Sid.” Abby said before she could speak.

She knew her friend didn't have caller ID. “Expecting my call?"

"I'm your best friend. Who else would you call to share the good news with?"

Sidney didn't ask how her friend knew her news before she told her. “Did you know from the beginning?"

"I knew something special would happen for you, but I didn't know the extent of it until he came to the boutique. It only took one look in his eyes to know."

Her heart raced. “I'm so happy Abbs. I hope—"

Abby cut her off. “Don't say it. Everything will work out, Sidney. He's your destiny, your soul mate.

About the Author

Kelley Nyrae has loved writing for as long as she can remember. From the moment she won her first writing contest in the third grade she knew writing was her passion. Her plan had always been to write children's books but for one reason or another it never worked out. In 2005 she became a stay at home mom for the first time. That's when she picked up her first romance novel and fell in love. She knew that writing romance books is what she was meant to do and her life hasn't been the same ever since.

Kelley has been blessed with a wonderful, supportive husband and two beautiful children who always bring a smile to her face. She resides in sunny Southern California.

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BOOK: Trenton's Terms
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