Travelers Rest (33 page)

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Authors: Keith Lee Morris

BOOK: Travelers Rest
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Thanks, Mom and Dad. Thanks to my wife, Angela, my oldest son, London, and a special shout-out to my youngest son, Nathan, who helped get me back on track with this novel when things had taken a sour turn. Thanks to the Lee and Morris clans. Thanks to all my friends in Sandpoint, Idaho. Thanks to all these folks for their advice, assistance, interest, support, and/or inspiration during the time when I was working on the book: Brock Clarke, Steve Almond, Jason Durham, Lois Leibowitz, Denise Marley, Laura Rains, Jim Imholte, Brian McGrath, Bill Frederick, Tony Perez, Will Cathcart, Frank Martin, David Blair, Ethan Hauser, Lee Morrissey, Lou Siebenlist, Pat Roark, Chase Sanborn, Jay Lewis, Bryan Czarapata, Bob Halstead, Doug Leckner, Michael Griffith, Jillian Weise, Nic Brown, John Pursley, Sam Renken, Conor Linehan, Marianne Love, Charley Packard, Jeannie Davis, Bernice Lewis, and the Wallace Brewing Company. Thanks to Clemson University, particularly my colleagues in the English Department. Thanks to all my teachers and friends at the University of Idaho and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Thanks to all my students. Thanks to my agent, Renee Zuckerbrot, for . . . well, don't even get me started. Suffice to say she's the best agent ever. And thanks to Anne Horowitz, Associate Extraordinaire. Thanks to my editor, Ben George, for being both a fiendish taskmaster and a good friend. Thanks to everyone at Little, Brown and Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Thanks to the crews at Nick's Tavern and the Blue Heron. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this book.

Call It What You Want

The Dart League King

The Best Seats in the House and Other Stories

The Greyhound God


Keith Lee Morris is the author of two previous novels,
The Greyhound God
The Dart League King,
a Barnes & Noble Discover pick. His short stories have been published in
New Stories from the South, Tin House, A Public Space, New England Review, The Cincinnati Review, Ninth Letter,
The Southern Review,
which awarded him its Eudora Welty Prize in fiction. Morris lives in South Carolina, where he is a professor of creative writing at Clemson University.


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The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Copyright © 2016 by Keith Lee Morris
Cover design by Julianna Lee
Cover art by Jim Hunt /
Author photograph by Craig Mahaffey
Cover copyright © 2016 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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First ebook edition: January 2016

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ISBN 978-0-316-33580-5





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