Read Toxic Online

Authors: Alice Lingard

Toxic (17 page)

BOOK: Toxic
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“You betcha. You don't get rid of me that easily.”

“Great. I'm glad you called even if it is the middle of the night.”

“Hold on. That's not all. Todd called earlier. He asked me to go over.”

“Don't go around there if he's drunk.”

“He's not. After I left, he didn't have a drink.” Suzy hesitated. “He said he loved me, Lacey”

“I thought you said he wasn't drunk?”

“Charming. So the only reason he'd say that is if he was drunk?”

“I didn't mean that.”

“I know. I'm only kidding. I'm going over to his hotel in the morning.”

“Listen to me Suzy. He's still in danger from a guy named Waverley. He may already have a contract out on Todd. He has to get away from here like yesterday. Raw, Carol and Jason are trying to organise a new identity for him.”

“How do you mean? Ship him off somewhere?”

“Yeah. Like witness protection. You'll be able to go with him.”


“I don't know. That's the whole point. Only Jason will know. But none of this can happen unless Todd is prepared to play ball.”

“I can't see him agreeing to anything if Raw or Carol has had a hand in it.”

“You've got to try to make him see sense. If he stays here, he's a dead man walking.”

The line was silent for several moments.

“Suzy? Are you still there?”

“I'm here. Does that mean we'd never be able to come back?”

“I think so, yeah.”

“Will you be able to come to us?”

“I don't think it works like that.”

“That means we'd never see each other again.”

“I know.” Lacey's voice wavered. “But you have to do this. Will you try to persuade Todd?”

“I'll try.”

“Great. Thanks again for calling.”

“I love you, Lacey.”

“Love you too.”





Chapter 23



Suzy hadn't even knocked on the door when it swung open. “How did you do that?” she said.

“I was watching you through this.” Todd pointed to the little spyhole in the door.

“That's not at all creepy.”

“I was beginning to think you weren't coming.”

“I said I'd be here at midday. It's only five past.”

“That's five whole minutes I've had to wait to do this.” Todd pulled her into his arms, and kissed her with an intensity she'd not seen from him before.

“You could have let me get inside the door first,” she said, when they eventually broke for air.

“Screw that!” Todd kicked the door closed, grabbed her around the waist, lifted her off her feet, and started towards the bedroom.

“I'm guessing you don't want to eat first?” she giggled, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist.

“I want to eat. Just not food.”

“Hmmm. I like the sound of that.”


“Take off your panties,” he said, when he'd set her down next to the bed.

“I would.” She licked her lips provocatively. “If I was wearing any.”

His eyes widened. “You're lying.”

Suzy took hold of the hem of her skirt with one hand, and lifted it slowly, teasingly.

His gaze tracked her hand—the anticipation almost unbearable. And then, he saw she was telling the truth. “You little minx.”

Todd stepped forward, and pushed her gently so she fell back onto the bed. 

“Spread your legs for me,” he demanded.

She did as he said, and held her breath as he dropped down onto his knees. Suzy purred as he planted gentle kisses along the inside of her thighs. She wrapped her fingers in his hair, and pulled him closer—her core now aching for his touch.  After what felt like an eternity, his tongue pressed inside her wetness, causing her whole body to shudder.

“Oh god!!!” she groaned, as his thumb began to tease her clit.

His tongue and fingers worked in sweet harmony—her pleasure his only concern.


She wanted this sweet torture to last forever, but her body could hold back no longer. When she came, it was explosive.

Breathless, she was unable to move or even to open her eyes.


When she eventually did look up, she found him standing naked in front of her.

“Did you enjoy that?” he asked. The smirk on his face said he already knew the answer.

“It was
.” She shrugged.

“It was a lot more than

“You're right.” She sat up on the bed. “It was pretty darn good.”

“Stand up.” He held out his hand.

“This doesn't seem right,” she said, as she stood before him. “I still have my clothes on.”

“Then you'd better take them off. Slowly.”

Todd watched as Suzy slipped off first the skirt and then the tee-shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra.

“You came prepared,” he said, and made to push her back onto the bed.

“Wait!” She held her ground.

“What's wrong?”

“Time for some oral delight first, I think.” Suzy's gaze never left his, as she dropped slowly onto her knees.

“Hmmm, tastes good,” she said, as she teased the head of his cock. Todd rolled his head back in pleasure, as she ran her tongue slowly down the underside of his shaft.

Cupping his balls with one hand, she slid her lips slowly down the length of him—eager to take it all.

“That feels so good,” he said—his fingers wrapped tight in her hair.


Todd's heart rate grew progressively faster as she continued to administer the oral delight. Suzy sucked slowly at first, but then faster, as she sensed he was close to climax. She longed to taste his release, but just before the point of no return, he lifted her to her feet, and pushed her back onto the bed.

“I want to come inside you,” he said, as he thrust his cock deep into her core.

Suzy moaned, and wrapped her legs tight around him. When he came, the shock-wave seemed to reverberate through his entire body.



“There's something we have to talk about,” Suzy said. “And you aren't going to like it.”

“Let's not do it then.”

“We have to.”

“Is this the part where you tell me you're already married, and have three kids?” Todd said.

“This is serious. I spoke to Lacey last night. She told me about Waverley.”

“I'm not worried about him.”

“You should be. He's not fucking around. He wants you dead.”

Todd picked at his thumbnail. “He's got to find me first.”

“And how long do you think that'll take?”

“What do you want me to do? I couldn't buy him off even if I had the money. He's only concerned about his precious reputation.”

“Jason can help. He can set you up with a new identity—somewhere where no one will know you.”

“I'm not leaving you. Not now.”

“You wouldn't have to. I could come with you.”

“What about your family?”

“What family? The only person I'd miss would be Lacey.”

“I don't know.”

“What's the alternative? Wait around here to be killed?”

“Well, when you put it like that.” He smiled. “If you'll come with me, then why not? It'll mean I don't have to see Raw or Carol ever again. That would be a bonus.”

“You do realise Raw is the one financing this?”

“So?” He shrugged.

“Will you do it then?”

“I guess so. When would we leave?”

“I need to call Lacey to give her the go-ahead. Are you absolutely sure before I tell her.”

“Hundred per-cent. Go for it!”






“There they are.” Lacey pointed across the road.

Todd hadn't wanted Raw or Carol to know which hotel he was staying in, so they'd all agreed to meet at the Valentinia Restaurant at midday. Raw, Lacey, Carol and Jason had arrived ten minutes early.

Suzy waved when she spotted Lacey. “Behave yourself,” she whispered to Todd as they walked over to join the others. “Hi, everyone.” She beamed, and then nudged Todd.

“Hey,” he said with much less enthusiasm.

Todd sat opposite Jason. Suzy sat by his side, opposite Carol. Suzy had deliberately positioned herself in between the two brothers.

“Shall we get down to business?” Raw said.

“Aren't we going to eat first?” Lacey asked.

“We can eat afterwards.” Raw was all business.

“Whatever,” Todd said, and then flinched when Suzy kicked his ankle.

Everyone turned to Jason.

“Okay. This is where we're at. All debts are now paid, and the only remaining issue is Waverley. He isn't going away. I've made provisional arrangements to relocate you and Suzy with new identities. No one will know where you are or your new names.”

“I still think one of us should know,” Carol said.

“That isn't going to work. If there was a way to do this where even I didn't know, then we'd do it that way. As it is, I have to know. But once it's done, I'll be gone too, so it won't matter.”

The others all turned to look at Carol. The same question was on everyone's lips, but no one asked.

“Can't you at least give us some idea of where we'll be going?” Todd asked.


“Just the continent?”

“Nothing. That's the deal. You have to be sure you want to do this. Once it's done there'll be no going back.”

“What's the alternative?” Todd asked.

“There isn't one where you get to live,” Jason said, as calmly as if he was reading out the menu.

“Then I guess I have no choice.”

Lacey couldn't bear to look at Suzy. The idea that she might never see her again was unbearable.

“Okay. That's settled,” Jason said. “I need a couple more days to finalise everything. I'll give you a call then. You need to be ready to leave at a moment's notice. Is that okay?”

Suzy nodded.

“Todd?” Jason pressed.

“Sure, whatever.”

Lacey glanced at Raw. His face was red with anger. She reached across the table, and put her hand on his. He took a deep breath, but said nothing.

“Okay, let's eat,” Carol said.


The atmosphere was tense, but no one came to blows. The two brothers managed to go the whole meal not only without speaking to one another, but without even making eye contact.

Suzy linked arms with Todd as they left the restaurant. Lacey, Raw and Jason followed them outside. Carol had insisted on picking up the tab.

“Okay,” Jason said. “I'll be in touch.”

“Todd Westgrove?”

They all turned towards the man who was standing on the pavement in front of them.

“Yeah?” Todd answered instinctively.

“I have a parcel for you.” The man stepped forward—he was holding a small cardboard package.

Todd held out his hands.

“He's got a knife!” Suzy screamed.

The man dropped the parcel, and lunged forward.

Lacey watched in horror as Raw threw himself in-between the man and Todd. Jason pivoted on one leg, and threw a roundhouse kick which caught the man hard in the chest—sending him sprawling across the pavement. The man scrambled to his feet, and ran into the crowd. Jason was about to set off in pursuit when Lacey screamed, “Raw!”

She dropped onto her knees, and touched the side of his stomach. When she lifted her hand away, it was covered in blood.

“Raw!” Todd was on his knees too now. “Raw! Open your eyes.”

Jason called the emergency services. “I need an ambulance now. Outside the Valentinia Restaurant. A man has been stabbed. Hurry!”

Suzy tried to pull Lacey away, but her friend wouldn't budge from Raw's side.

BOOK: Toxic
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