TouchStone for giving (The Story of Us Trilogy) (13 page)

BOOK: TouchStone for giving (The Story of Us Trilogy)
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He’s walking and laughing at the same time. “Rest. I’ll go order the beef and a non-alcoholic


I snuggle down under the duvet. “Thank you,” I call out, but he’s gone about his next duty and is

probably too flustered to hear me. I think I’m going to enjoy playing patient and nurse.

He returns ten minutes later, seeming a little out of breath. It occurs to me that this man is used to

giving orders, having everything done
him. He pays good money for good service and here he is,

servicing me. It won’t do him any harm to learn a little patience and humility. Ask anyone who works

for him and they will say he’s a difficult boss, he’s hard to please and the standards he sets himself, he

sets others. Unfortunately, not everyone is as driven as him.

He helps me to slip on another clean night dress, but the two full glasses of water have made their

way to my bladder. “I need the toilet.”

Those four little words have him reaching for his neck. Getting me to and on the toilet is not going

to be easy and he knows it. “Okay, I’ll carry you.” He throws back the duvet and slips his right hand

under my thighs as I wrap my hands around his neck. When we get to the bathroom, he pauses. He

hadn’t thought it through. How is he going to position me on the toilet if I can’t stand? Despite his

assertion, this minor task is turning into a full scale operation.

“This is going to be a problem.” He dips me right, then left. I’m having to hold on for dear life. I

start to giggle. This is the man with his finger on the pulse of a multi-billion pound media empire and

yet he’s stumped by a simple task.

“Ayden.” He looks to me for guidance. “Just place me down on the toilet seat and I can manage the


With a grateful sigh, he lowers me onto the seat and I have to rest my weight on my toes to avoid

bringing my injuries into contact with the tiled floor. I sit, posed like a prima ballerina. “Are you

going to stay and watch?” I ask, holding up my hands.

“Oh, no. Sorry.” He turns and heads off into the bedroom.

Just then a buzzer sounds, making me jump. All I hear is,
“Shit! What now?”
I listen as he

addresses someone in a strained voice.
“Wait there. I’m coming down.”

I hear movement and feel the need to test his ability to multi-task. I call out, “Ayden …” He sprints

to my aid, wide eyed and breathless. Sweetly I say, “I’m done.” Like a helpless child I hold out my

arms, anticipating being picked up again. With little grace he sweeps me up into his arms and strides

over to the bed at break-neck speed and places me down. There is no physical pain, but my stomach

muscles are hurting from supressing laughter; I’m fit to burst. This self-confessed, dominant man who

likes to be in complete control, is in total disarray. It’s priceless.

When he reappears, he is visibly out of breath. Grateful for a time-out, he sits down and pulls up the

duvet around my chin. When his line of sight lifts, he can see the laughter in my eyes. I recognise the

amusement twinkling in his emerald orbs too.

“Are we having fun yet?” I ask cheekily.

“No. But I think you are missy.”

Simultaneously we exchange smiles. And, right here and now, we fall in love all over again.


a delicious picnic for two on my bed, Ayden cleared away the tray and asked if I needed the

toilet. Now he’s being overly attentive and turning his earlier antics into a private joke. I love that.

He returns after five minutes or so carrying my overnight bag and a collection of items from my

apartment: laptop, iPod and dock and a bag full of toiletries and make-up, literally anything that looks

remotely feminine. What a stunning porter he makes. He catches my mouth twitching ever so slightly

at the sight of him and gives me a look that says, ‘don’t you dare.’

I don’t.

“Thank you nurse Stone. Remind me to put in a good word for you to your superiors. The service

here is so good, I may never leave.”

He gives me a reproving smile. “No? Shame because I don’t think I have the stamina for the job.”

He’s grumbling but there’s not a glimmer of unhappiness behind those joyful eyes.

“I’ve disturbed the peace and you have more important things to do Ayden. Don’t think I don’t

know that.” I reach out for his hand and make room for him next to me on the bed.

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be Beth.” I feel him squeezing my hand affectionately.

“But wouldn’t you rather be in here
me?” I tap the left side of the bed and launch my best

seductive stare.

He holds back on a smart reply. “You know I would, but there are rules …”

“Rules, what rules?”

This I’ve got to hear.

“Strict rules. I can hardly take advantage of you. You’re my guest.”

I wish you would …

“In your defence, I’m quite happy to be taken advantage of.” I offer a carefree shrug. “Besides, you

were quite happy to take advantage of me earlier….”

“You made the rules then. Now I’m in charge.” He gives me a wink and I can’t help but respond

with a broad smile.

“I see. Now I’m under your roof, finally. I have to follow

He nods and smiles cheekily.

“Is that what your other ‘guests’ do? Follow your rules?”

Is this going to be a serious conversation?

He grasps the subtext immediately. “I don’t have guests here.”

Oh really?

“None? No ‘overnight’ guests?’”

He signals no.

“Why not?”

“This is my private place, my home. I don’t bring anyone back here.”

I widen my stare. “But I’m here.”

“This is true,” he says in his idiosyncratic way. “I intended to bring you here days ago but, like I’ve

said before, your apartment felt like home.” He strokes my hair gently, before resting his hand again

on mine.

“Is this your room?” I glance around, inspecting the pale furniture and the taupe and beige décor. It

doesn’t feel like his.

“Christ, no. This is the guest bedroom,” he states, smirking at the absurdity of my question.

“Well, I’m very glad to be here.”

“I’m glad you’re here too, if in rather dramatic circumstances … even if you have been spending

most of your time laughing at me.” He cocks his head to the right and waits for my reply.

“I’ve not been laughing at you Ayden, I’ve been laughing with you. It’s just sometimes, you forget

to laugh.”

“Inside I’m laughing,” he confesses. “But I’ve been too busy to show it on the outside.”

“I know. And that’s why I love you.” I lift up his fists and rest them against my mouth.

He unwraps his fingers, repositions them either side of my face and into my hair and plants a sweet

kiss on my lips. I lean in as far as my aching back will allow to deepen the kiss but he pulls back,

holding off on blossoming desire.

“I know that by just being here you’ll turn this bachelor pad into a home too. In fact, I’m counting

on it.” He kisses my nose, pulls up the duvet and tucks me in. “Get some sleep. Charlie’s coming over

in a couple of hours and we’ll both need to be mentally prepared if we’re going to endure her


I smile happily, snuggling down. “I will.”

I’m going to like it here.

My recuperative nap is broken by the arrival of a whirlwind; there is no mistaking Charlie’s voice.

She’s making a feeble attempt to control the volume but the sheer timbre of it pierces the walls and

seeps through by way of osmosis. She’s a force of nature.

She sweeps in, leaving Ayden in her wake. I don’t need to see her face, I can visualise her concern.

I’ve seen it before. Instead, I look past her to Ayden who is perched by the door with his right hand

massaging the back of his neck in exasperation. His ‘tell’ says it all. What has she said to him? He

would love nothing more than to turn her away; after all it’s his right but, out of kindness and

recognition for our closeness, he has welcomed her into his home.

“There she is …” She outstretches her arm and hugs me, sending a surge of pain the length of my

spine. I try not to flinch but an involuntary gasp escapes my lips. Ayden catches it, winces and leans

forward, powerless to stop her.

“Sorry, sorry…,” she calls out, holding her arms out into a giant surrender pose that has Ayden

rolling his eyes.

“Take a seat,” I say, patting the space to my right.

“Oh Beth, I was so shocked. I knew something like this would happen the minute he put you back

on the radar. He has such a high profile and to drag you out of the shadows like that was just asking

for trouble.”

I won’t accept that. “It’s not like that Char. Ayden hardly
me. I sprinted out of the shadows

with him, willingly.”

“But you had no idea what you were letting yourself in for.”

“Yes I did and, if I had the chance to do it all again, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“Well, you say that but I never want you to have to go through that again.” She lifts up my

nightgown to examine my back. “Have you seen what that crazy bastard did to you?”

I lie again. “It isn’t as bad as it looks. Ayden is taking good care of me.”

“And so he should. All this is his fault.” She’s adamant.

I have to come to his defence. “Don’t say that Charlie, it’s not true. You can’t blame him. He’s not

the one who tried to break down my bedroom door to get to me. In fact, if it wasn’t for him we

wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

She pulls her hand to her mouth. “Don’t say that hon. Just the thought of it makes me feel sick to

my stomach.”

“I’ll be up and about tomorrow, you’ll see. My injuries aren’t serious, a couple of scrapes and

bruises, that’s all.” I force an amiable smile. “Anyway, I’ll have to get myself fit for your birthday


“Yay! Do you really think you’ll be up to it?

“Of course.”

“And what about Mr. P. will he be coming?” She nods her head towards the door.

“Ayden,” I say, reminding her of his actual name. “I don’t know yet, but we’ll see.” Clearly, she’s

eager to tell me all about her plans and I feel as if I’ve stolen her thunder. “Are you getting caterers in

like last year?”

“No, I’m having food delivered. People can help themselves to it. You know, the usual nibbles and

party things.” I nod, encouraging her to continue. “I’ve got a D.J. booked too; he’s going to put up a

disco ball and a big screen so we can play music videos and film clips.”

“Sounds great. I can’t wait. How many people are coming?”

“Around thirty five, enough to fill the apartment, you know… they’re bound to bring along a couple

of friends, so …”

“And is the theme the same? Movie heroes?”

“Yeah, no change there. You know me.”

I’m treated to a wide smile that is brimming over with affection. “I do. Only I don’t think I’ll have

time to pick up an outfit.”

She takes hold of my hand. “Oh don’t worry about that, I’ll pick you something up. We’re the same

size.” That fact seems to put things into perspective. “Really Beth, are you okay? Do you need


I meet her caring eyes. “I’m fine. Don’t worry. Just don’t hug me again!” We both laugh. “Ayden

has everything under control. He’s had my things brought over from my apartment, so I’m good.”

On cue, Ayden enters with a glass of white wine for Charlie and a glass of orange for me. “Here you

go, drinks for my two favourite ladies.” I detect the sarcasm and he gives me a playful wink. I try not

to smile too broadly and simply reach for my drink.

“Cheers.” I hold up my glass to Charlie.

“Where’s your wine?” she asks, taking a sip of what looks a like a delicious, thirst-quenching


“I can’t have wine. It will make me vomit.”

Charlie gives me a strange look. “Vomit!” With total synchronicity we turn and face Ayden for an


He seems as if he’s been caught out. “Yeah, it’s the meds.” He attempts to sidle off the bed but I

reach for his hand.

“Christ! How long will that last?” Once again we turn to Ayden.

“Until … until, she’s better.”

“Bummer! This is really good.” She’s savouring every sip.

I tug on Ayden’s hand. “Yes, Ayden’s quite the connoisseur.” I turn to him, release his hand and

stroke his hair, enjoying the feel of it. “I was just telling Charlie what a wonderful nurse you are.”

He faces me and gives me a ‘don’t you dare’ look but I continue anyway. “He flew back from Hong

Kong to be with me. Right in the middle of a very important meeting …”

He’s quick to interject.” Oh, it wasn’t that important. It was already a done deal when you called.”

He’s lying through his back teeth.

I take time to observe him in all his awkwardness; I’ve made him feel uncomfortable by exposing

his softer side but, this is a side of him I need Charlie to see and to acknowledge. Within these four

walls, he’s been attentive and loving; perfect in every way. Outside, he makes a point of appearing

cold and conceited. Sometimes I barely recognise him but, he’s here now and he deserves some credit

for his thoughtfulness. As Miss. Austen would say, “
There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.

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