TouchStone for giving (The Story of Us Trilogy) (10 page)

BOOK: TouchStone for giving (The Story of Us Trilogy)
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From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Date: 29th October 2012 06.50


Sorry! I can’t type for laughing … give me a minute.



From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Date: 29th October 2012 07. 55


OK I’ve stopped laughing now.

Poor baby! Did you actually think I would do it? Of course I want to marry you, I adore you. I

was emphasizing my commitment to you by saying ‘tomorrow,’ I didn’t mean it literally! If I

was there WE would talk about getting married tomorrow or the day after or the day after that.

As usual you turn what on paper looks like a fucking nightmare day into something else;

something much more manageable. That’s your gift. I feel truly blessed to have found you too.

On the flight over I was thinking about you and I was struggling to give ‘us’ a name; lovers just

didn’t cut it.Soul mates. That’s more like it.

Don’t be mad at me. I needed this and no, I’ve not got Hong Kong Flu!! I needed you to remind

me of the things that matter and that this fucking meeting is just that: one more meeting.

You’re my world and all I want to do is love you and take care of you. Let me, please.

I’ll see you tomorrow night – late. I can’t wait until Tuesday.

Sweet Dreams.

I love you.


What must I have done in my life to deserve so much devotion? Ayden Stone has come into my life

like a rolling tide and swept me away; away from a frigid world populated by dark shadows and

distant memories. He’s dipped me into a bubbling sea of self-discovery and fantasy, and I’m

managing to keep my head above water – just. Now, he wants to take me by the hand and lead me

along a forbidden path to explore new, undiscovered territories that promise even more pleasure and

liberation. But, he’ll have to slow down and wait for me to catch up; to take account of my baby steps.

I know he will.

It’s time to say good night.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Date: 29th October 2012 01.05


You are a very naughty man and I’m a very gullible woman. I’m smiling now …

I’m glad I was able to put things into perspective for you. Being the MD of ASMI is just one of

the things you do so well. And yes, WE will talk about setting a date when you get back. Let’s

agree to love and take care of each other …

Have a spectacular meeting. See you tomorrow night.

I love you more.


I reach over and turn out the light, allowing the laptop and myself to sleep peacefully.

Prepping for Operation Snatch Back, Dan had checked out ground zero and secured a watertight


After escorting Miss Parker home from Kensington, he made his presence felt at Elm Gardens. Pat

noticed him arrive and witnessed his departure, as planned.

The Apollo Theatre was only half an hour across town and the B & B around the corner from it

seconds away. He had planned it well.

By 1900hrs he was fully prepared and ready; even dressed for the part in a smart shirt and tie. He

didn’t leave before giving his dingy hotel room that slept in look. After all, he’d be otherwise engaged

for most of the night.

With seamless synchronicity he left his car out front and headed for the theatre at 1930hrs, having

left his rucksack under a rubbish bin down a side alley, ready for pick-up in one hour thirty.

Ten minutes later he was entering the Apollo Theatre, buying a programme for a production of

Twelfth Night and being shown to his seat; stopping to ask questions, getting himself noticed.

Once the lights dimmed he slipped out, picked up his rucksack and headed in the direction of

Leicester Square Tube station. The Piccadilly Line took him as far as Piccadilly Circus where he

changed to the Bakerloo Line. In less than forty minutes he was stepping outside the brick built

Harrow & Wealdstone station, four miles from the target zone.

It’s 23.30hrs, he’s deployed and in position, concealed by night’s dark cloak and undergrowth.

From where he’s lying he can see 53a as clear as day.

He imagines her naked, showering, bathing, softening her skin in preparation for him. He licks his

lips and massages a stiff cock through waterproof pants; latex gloves masking masturbation but

numbing nothing.

Her bedroom light goes off and so he waits …

Her fate is sealed. Tonight he’ll take back what is his and there will be no stopping him.

In what feels like an hour, a sweet dream is shattered by an unfamiliar noise. Was it a bang, a creak

or breaking glass? Whatever it was, it has my nerves jangling; I’m sitting bolt upright, a solitary

figure in the darkness.

The bedside clock says 2.35 a.m. There’s not a sound, except my heartbeat swishing in my ears and

my uneasy breathing. What woke me?

I slither beneath the duvet, cocooning myself in it for warmth and reassurance and then … I hear

another noise. This time it’s real: someone’s in the apartment.

I jerk myself into wakefulness. Switch on the bedside lamp. My heart is thumping against my

ribcage. I snatch my mobile phone and punch in 999 and a recorded message tells me all lines are

busy, to hold.

In a moment of lucidity, I piece together the events leading up to this moment: the smell of

cigarettes, the wash basket, the car following me home, the wrong number. It’s him. He’s found me.


With my call waiting, I put it on hold and press Speed-dial 1. On the fourth ring Ayden picks up and

answers in a whisper.

“Hey Beth, it’s not a good time. I’m in a meeting …”

Before he can say another word, I shakily explain, “There’s someone in the apartment.”

There’s an anxious silence. “What?”

“Someone’s broken into my apartment. A noise woke me and there’s someone moving around. I’m

scared.” My words leave my mouth in a despairing whisper.

“Okay …” I hear his brain shifting into over-drive. “Have you bolted the bedroom door?” His first

question is precisely worded.


“Have you set the alarm?”

“Shit! No, I didn’t. I haven’t had a chance to read the instruction booklet …”

“Never mind.” In the background I hear men’s voices; they are speaking Chinese.

Another voice breaks the silence,
“Mr. Stone, can we get back to the …”

“Wait!” Ayden orders before returning to me. “Beth, have you called the police?”

I check my phone. “Yes, but I’m still holding. All the lines are busy.” My attention is drawn to the

space outside my bedroom door. In a trembling whisper I ask for help. “Ayden I’m so scared, what

should I do?”

He’s shouting out orders to everyone in the room. “
This meeting’s over. Translate for me. My

fianceé is in danger. I’m leaving right now… Jay, call the hotel get, my things taken to the airport and

get me on the next flight. If there isn’t one, charter something. Just get me the fuck back! Also, get

Lester and two guys over to Beth’s, stat!”

The air in the room stagnates; it settles in my lungs like a lead balloon. I’m cowering, trembling,

hiding beside my bed; ducking lower with every footstep.

“Beth, listen to me. I’m here. We’re going to get through this together.”

I’m breathing out my words. “ ... he’s out in the hall...”

“Alright, but you have to do
what I tell you. Say yes if you understand.”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Put me on speaker phone. Go get your bathrobe, don’t get cold baby, hurry.” He is showing

restraint but his voice is artificially calm.

I scoot across the room and shrug on my robe, not taking my eyes off the door handle.

“Stand in front of the drawers near the door and take out the top drawer. Place it onto the bed. Do it


“But ...”

He won’t let me speak. “Just do it Beth. You need to barricade the door.”

I struggle to drag out the heavy drawer and swivel around to place it on the bed behind me.

“Is it done?”


“Do the same with them all in order. You can do it Beth.”

I believe him. I can. I will. In the background I hear muffled voices.
‘Take the helicopter on the

roof Mr. Stone. My jet is fuelled and ready at the airport.”

I’m preoccupied with the stacking of drawers. My fear is subsiding, until the moment I see the door

handle move.

“Ayden! He’s trying the door ...” I can’t stop my hands from shaking as they begin wringing out

my robe.

“Beth, Beth ... Beth?”

His disembodied voice offers no comfort. I’m terrified. I know what my demon is capable of. I’ve

seen it in his eyes. I’m paralyzed with fear.

“Elizabeth!” I hear Ayden’s voice. He’s shouting. No-one calls me Elizabeth anymore, only him.

I am roused from my fear induced trance. “Yes Ayden.”

“Thank God. Are the drawers out?”

“Yes, they’re on the bed.”

“Get down on the floor with your back against the drawer frame and push it towards the door.”


“Just do it!”

I brace myself against the drawers, a second before I hear the sound of the handle being turned and

pressure being put against the door. He’s trying to get in. My feet find purchase and the drawer frame

begins to move, slowly at first and then more easily. I lodge it against the door. It offers me some

protection but, if I can push it so can he.

Between broken breaths I mutter, “Okay, it’s by the door.”

“Good girl. Put the drawers back, the bottom one first. Don’t stop until they’re all back.” He sounds

as if he’s running and out of breath.

“I’ll try.”

Each drawer is getting progressively heavier; my arms ache, my back hurts but I keep lifting,

rocking, sliding them into place.

“You’re doing great. I’m in the helicopter. I’ll be at the airport in twenty minutes. I’m on my way

home to you baby.”

No sooner does his last word leave his lips than there is a loud crashing sound coming from the


“What the fuck was that?” he yells.

I’m ducking down behind the drawers, with the sound of my own whimpering cries ringing in my

ears. “He’s trying to break the door down!” I’m sweating and shivering at the same time. Another

bang like that and he’ll break the bolt.

With a harshness I have never heard before when speaking to me, Ayden spits out an order. “Get on

the floor. Put your back against the fucking drawers. Now!”

I can’t. My body is frozen to the spot. I’m paralysed with fear. Any minute now, my palpating heart

will explode. Just when I think I cannot take any more, there is stillness. My senses are amplified and

tuned into the silence.

“I know you’re in there princess. We’ve got some unfinished business, you and I.” The snarling

voice that has haunted me for almost seven years has found me; my demon is standing outside my


“What the fuck ... Beth, have you got your weight against the drawers?” There’s panic in his voice.

“I can’t.” All I want to do is move away from the door, not edge closer to it.

“You have to baby. Please, do it for me. Please. You have to fight back.” His impassioned plea only

makes my sobs harder to contain. “I know you’re scared but ...”

I hear him talking to someone.
“She’s losing it, Jay ...”

Skype call her, let her see you ...”

“Beth! Pick up your laptop. When I was on it I set up Skype. Switch it on. I’ll call you and talk you

through this.”

I stretch over to my bed and boot up. In the middle of all this horror, I’m desperate to see him. As

soon as my desktop appears I see his video call. I click on accept and see his face. Instantly I start to

cry, realising who the monster outside my door is trying to steal me away from. “Ayden ...”

He looks pale; his troubled expression only makes me cry harder.

“I can see you baby. Don’t cry. I’m here. We’ll get through this. “Let’s show this fucker what

you’re made …”

I touch the screen.

Before he can finish the sentence there’s a loud bang and the sound of splintering wood. He’s

broken the bolt. I’m sitting with my back against the drawers, bracing myself, all the time looking at

Ayden’s tormented face. “I’m ready,” I mutter. The drawers pound into my back. I wince and push

back, squeezing my eyes shut tight to conceal the pain. The monster at my door shoulders the wood

again and again. I try to hold fast, feeling the bruises colouring my skin. I look into Ayden’s cloudy,

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