Touching Rune (15 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith

BOOK: Touching Rune
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“It was granted,” Sergei stated quietly.

“Yes, it was granted,” she whispered. “I did not understand what was happening at first. I thought I had simply dreamed of my death. I returned the first time on the anniversary of my family’s death. I walked among the fields and came upon Jarl Leifsson’s holding. I did not realize it at first. An illness had swept through the holding. Many of those inside had already perished or were very ill. I came upon a young woman and child. She begged me to help them. I couldn’t refuse. I didn’t realize it was Jarl Leifsson’s remaining daughter and grandson. Jensina had joined with Jorundr Hasteinson, Aesa’s… Aesa’s intended, though I didn’t know that until the very end.”

“What happened when Leifsson saw you?” Sergei asked.

“He wasn’t there when I arrived,” she said. “He and the majority of the warriors were gone. For three weeks, I nursed those that lived back to health. I did not understand why I was not taken ill but I thanked the Gods for that fact and the skills taught to me by my mother. It was the beginning of the fourth week when the horns sounded the return of the warriors. By then, only thirty people out of the more than one hundred that had lived in the holding still lived,” she said sadly. “The grief among those that lived hung thick in the air.”

“What happened with Leifsson arrived?” Sergei said.

Rune looked at Sergei. “Word had already spread of the devastation to the holdings. Many of the returning warriors lost their entire families. When Leifsson rode in, I realized where I was. Rage unlike anything I ever felt rose up. I had saved the lives of not only the daughter and grandson of the man who murdered my family but the remaining family members of those who helped him,” she bit out in grief. “I thought the Gods must be laughing at my pain. I stood looking at Leifsson as he approached. He was drawn and haggard looking, a shell of the man from just a year before. I remember the sound of the wind, the birds and the horses. No other made a sound as he approached me.”

Rune’s eyes rose to where Dimitri was standing near the bathroom door, listening intently to their quiet conversation. She smiled at him and he came forward to lie behind her on the bed. He carefully slid his arm around her. She relaxed back against him as he pressed an encouraging kiss into her shoulder.

“What… what did he say?” Dimitri asked.

“Nothing,” she said softly.

“Nothing?” Sergei asked in surprise.

“Nay,” Rune said with a tired sigh. “He drove his sword through my heart.

“What?! After you saved his daughter, grandson and his people?” Dimitri asked in shock.

Rune smiled. “It was the second time he would slay me. Only this time, there were those that remembered his curse. Feelings of unrest moved through the holding. Many believed it was his black heart and greed that had brought the devastation to them and their families. That he would kill the woman who would save them did not sit well with the survivors. Jensina rushed forward to catch me but already I was but a ghost among them. I told him before I faded away that his wish had been granted, that the Gods had sent me,” she murmured. “I found out nearly a century later that Leifsson took his own life a few days later. While Leifsson was given the gift of death, his curse lived on and I have continued to live and die.”

“What happens now?” Dimitri asked in a quiet voice.

“Now,” Rune whispered looking at Sergei who had grown very quiet. “Now, I think the Gods have heard my plea and will grant me my wish.”

“What wish is that?” Sergei asked in a calm voice.

Rune paused as she reached out to tenderly trace his hard jaw line. “All I ever wanted was to be loved and have a family,” she said softly. “It is time for me to go home.”

Chapter 19

Late the next afternoon, Rune looked around the room to make sure she hadn’t left anything behind. She picked up the large handbag that Cheri had given her. She was beginning to appreciate carrying one as she opened it to pull out the scarf that the young nurse, Pam, had put in it the night before.

A thin paper covered in colorful images fell out with when she pulled the scarf out. She bent, wincing when the stitches on her side pulled, to pick it up. Unfolding the paper, she saw an image of Sergei and a very beautiful blonde haired woman embracing each other. Her eyes moved to the caption. She slowly read the words under it.

Billionaire, Sergei Vasiliev, and model and actress, Eloise Ferguson, are seen leaving the world premiere of Ferguson’s latest movie, Night Moves in Vegas. Reports close to the actress say she is taking a break due to a delicate medical condition. Is that a baby bump we are seeing? A source close to the actress has stated that the actress is pregnant with the billionaire’s baby and that plans for wedding bells are in the immediate forecast.

Rune’s hand trembled as she looked at the almost half dozen images of Sergei and the beautiful woman holding each other, kissing or smiling at the camera. Well, the woman was smiling. Sergei didn’t look like he was too happy.

“Rune, are you ready?” Dimitri asked. “Sergei has already gone downstairs.”

“What? Oh, yes. I’m ready,” she answered, quickly folding the paper and placing it back into her large handbag. “I’m sorry for taking so long.”

Dimitri walked over to where Rune stood and pulled her into his arms. He tilted her head so she was forced to look at him. A low moan was pulled from him as he leaned forward and kissed her with a barely restrained passion.

“You do not ever have to apologize for taking too long,” he muttered as he kissed the corner of her mouth. “I would wait forever for you,” he replied pulling back to look down at her with an intense expression.

“I love you, Dimitri,” she whispered. “I will never forget what you and Sergei have given me.”

“I will make sure you don’t,” he said tenderly. He grimaced when he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and saw the name on it. “Sergei is not so patient, I’m afraid. He never has been,” he chuckled. “He said to get our asses downstairs now! I think he is afraid I will be making love to you without him.”

Rune giggled when Dimitri bent forward and nibbled on her neck. “I would hate for him to feel left out,” she said breathlessly when Dimitri moved his hand to cover her breast.

“Personally, I think it is his own damn fault for always being in such a hurry,” Dimitri muttered before he growled out in frustration with the cell phone buzzed again. His expression darkened when he saw the message across it.

“What is it?” Rune asked, peeking down at the small device.

U better get down here! If I have to wait so do u!

“What does that mean?” Rune asked looking up at Dimitri who was grinning.

“He is horny. How are you feeling?” Dimitri asked looking at her side.

“Creative,” Rune responded with a mischievous smile.

She is feeling creative!
Dimitri typed out quickly. A moment later he held his phone out to Rune so she would see the response.

Что ебать являются два из вы ждете?
What the fuck are you two waiting for then?
Came Sergei’s impatient answer.

“Let’s go,” Dimitri said brushing another heated kiss across Rune’s lips. “I can think of a few creative things I would like to try.”

A shiver of delight rushed through Rune. She had spent a long time last night thinking. She could let the past go and focus on her future. She might not have long but she was going to fill every moment she could with the two men who had made her feel more alive in a little over a week than she had in over a century.




They rode down the elevator in each other’s arms. Rune was breathless and trembling with need by the time the doors opened. Dimitri’s hair was messed up, his tie was gone and the top three buttons of his shirt were undone from Rune’s frantic hands searching to touch him. She hastily shoved his tie into her handbag and stepped out of the elevator.

“At least when you kiss me I forget…” Rune’s voice faded as she stared at Sergei.

He was locked in a passionate embrace with the tall elegant looking woman from the images in her handbag. Rune’s eyes narrowed dangerously even as Dimitri muttered a heated curse under his breath. Rune gripped her handbag against her good side and stepped toward the two figures.

She could tell as she got closer that Sergei was not the one doing the embracing. He had his hands on the thin arms while the woman had her hands wrapped around the back of his head. Several photographers were taking pictures of them. Rune stopped next to the woman and tapped her on the shoulder.

The blonde’s head slowly turned to stare at Rune with a look of triumph in her eyes. Rune raised her eyebrow and returned the look with a steady one of her own. She waited until the blonde slowly turned to face her with a toss of her colored hair.

“Yes,” Eloise Ferguson said with a fake smile.

“He is mine,” Rune stated calmly.

“I beg your pardon,” Eloise said turning so that the photographers could get her good side.

Rune tilted her head and smiled back. She had met a few women like this one during her time. She made sure that Eloise could see that she was not one to be brushed aside.

“He does not want you,” Rune said with distaste. She was determined not to show the other woman her fear that Sergei thought of her as a momentary distraction. “Take yourself away. Sergei, are you ready?” She ignored the way Sergei’s eyebrow rose as she turned and walked out the doors.

“Bossy little thing, isn’t she?” Dimitri grinned as he walked by Sergei.

Sergei nodded before he looked distastefully down at the perfectly manicured hand that had reached out and grabbed his arm. His cold gaze moved up to Eloise before he raised his hand and two of his bodyguards stepped forward. He brushed the wrinkle from his jacket sleeve.

“Do not ever try anything like that again,” he said quietly. “I could destroy your career with a snap of my fingers. I am not one to be used, Eloise.”

Eloise paled before she smiled nervously.
“Sergei, I love you. Please, just give me another chance. We had something special.”

No,” he replied coldly. “You were a convenient distraction for a short period of time. Make sure she does not come near me again,” he informed the two bodyguards standing protectively nearby. “And take care of the photographs.”

Both men n
odded as he turned away. Eloise’s furious scream echoed in the empty corridor leading to the underground parking garage. Sergei made a note to have Pierre make sure that Eloise Ferguson never had another ‘photo’ opportunity with him again.


,” Sergei groaned as he looked at Rune’s stubborn face. “She means nothing to me.”

Rune raised her eyebrow and pulled out the paper in her handbag and handed it to him. She waited, watching as his face darkened in distaste and anger. When he looked up
at her, she looked pointedly at him.

“I will not be any man’s rebound,” she told him quietly as she sank back against the seat in the limousine. “If she is the one you love, do not use me as a substitute.”

Dimitri didn’t bother trying to hide his grin. He looked at Sergei with twinkling eyes. He slid his fingers between Rune’s slender ones and pulled her against his side.

“I would never use you as a substitute,” Sergei growled. “She was simply a distraction. I broke it off with her several weeks ago.”

Rune nodded to the paper crumbled in his hand. “That is not what that says,” she said with a wave of her hand. “You were to hand-fast with her! She was expecting your babe.”

“She was not,” Sergei bit out in frustration. He ran his hand down his face. “She made it up in an effort to trick me into marrying her. I was never in love with her.”

“Just like you do not love me? Am I also ‘simply a distraction’?” Rune asked angrily. “I told you once before, I am no man’s whore. I will not be used as a ‘distraction’ then cast aside. I am not some impressionable flit of a girl who feels faint because you deem to flutter your eyelashes at me.”

“You are not… I don’t expect…,” Sergei sputtered in outrage. “I do not flutter my eyelashes!” He finally snapped out.

Rune sniffed and turned her head to look out the window. They were pulling up to the gate of the executive airport where they had flown in. She had nothing else to say about the matter. She let him know her feelings. He could make his choice if he wanted her or that other twit but he was not going to have both.

“Rune,” Sergei started to say as the limousine pulled up to the jet.

Rune turned to look at him as the driver opened the door. “You also will not kiss me until you have brushed your teeth!” She said under her breath. “I will not allow your lips to touch mine as long as she is still on them.”

Sergei’s mouth dropped open as Rune scooted over and smiled up at the driver as he offered his hand to help her up. Dimitri’s chuckle filled the interior of the vehicle as he slid out behind her followed by Sergei. They both watched as Rune walked over and climbed the steps to the jet.

“She is everything that we asked for,” Dimitri said in Russian. “You were the one who wanted smart. She is very smart.”

“Yes,” Sergei said sourly. “And you were the one who wanted stubborn!”

“Ah,” Dimitri said with a grin. “But you added passionate. Life with her will never be boring.”

Sergei sighed as he watched her disappear inside. She was everything they had asked for. Pain filled him at the thought of losing her. He knew he cared about her more than
any other woman he had ever met. He wasn’t sure if what he felt was love. If he had to guess, he would have to say if he wasn’t in love with Rune, he was fast falling into it.


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