Touching Rune (12 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith

BOOK: Touching Rune
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Chapter 15

Rune gasped as the tattered remains of her gown floated to the floor and she found herself pressed up against hot male flesh. Fire exploded inside her as she wrapped her arms around Dimitri’s neck as he lifted her. She pressed her lips against his neck, touching the tip of her tongue to his hot skin.

Dimitri’s choked curse filled the air as they tumbled down onto the bed. His large hands ran over her body causing her to press upward into him. She loved the way his calloused palms felt against her skin.

“More, Dimitri,” she demanded. “I want you to touch me all over. I love the way your hands feel against my skin.”

“How do you like the feel of mine?” Sergei asked as he sank down next to her and Dimitri.

“Why don’t you show me and I’ll tell you,” she said with a slow smile as she reached out to run her fingers through the hair covering his chest. “Kiss me.”

Sergei’s eyes widened at her hot demand. He was not used to a woman telling him what to do in the bedroom. Every time he thought he was beginning to understand this unusual female, she would do something totally out of the ordinary.

He bent to capture her lips at the same time as Dimitri captured her left breast between his lips. He kissed her deeply when she opened her mouth to gasp. His hand moved to her right breast and he tweaked the taut tip.

“Keep that up, Sergei,” Dimitri said moving further down her body. “She likes that.”

Sergei broke his kiss and glared down at Dimitri. “I can take orders from her but do not tell me what to do in the bedroom, my friend. I think I can more than keep up with you.”

“Why don’t you show me what you both can do?” Rune asked breathlessly as Dimitri parted her legs and slid his palms up under her ass “What are you….”

Dimitri’s soft laugh blew warm air over her clit before that warmth turned into an inferno as his lips and tongue went to work on her. Her cry echoed as she bucked at the unexpected pleasure sweeping through her.

“She likes that as well, Dimitri,” Sergei growled watching as his friend and surrogate brother lapped at Rune’s hot core. “I want to see her bare,” he said huskily.

Dimitri broke off just long enough to replace his tongue with his fingers. “Later,” he replied glaring up at Sergei. “There is no way I could wait this time.”

“What is bare?” Rune gasped as she bowed upward as Dimitri slid two of his thick fingers into her narrow vaginal channel. “Oh!”

“Open your mouth,” Sergei demanded as he pinched both of her nipples at the same time as Dimitri pushed deeper.

Rune opened her mouth, not understanding exactly what was expected of her. When Sergei
pressed the tip of his swollen cock against her lips, she touched the bulbous end of it with her tongue as she looked up at him for guidance. He squeezed both nipples and nodded down at her.

“Take me in your mouth,” he murmured. “Have you ever done this before?”

Rune shook her slightly back and forth. The movement brushed his swollen cock along her lips, coating them with a slight film of his pre-cum. A moan escaped both of them at the same time as a curse exploded from Dimitri.

“Sergei,” Dimitri said hoarsely. “She is a fucking virgin.”

Sergei’s eyes turned to lock with Dimitri’s in stunned disbelief. “You are sure?” He asked harshly before turning his attention to Rune who was caressing his cock with her tongue. “You are a virgin?” He asked her.

“Mm yes,” she replied as she licked the tip of his cock again. “I had not hand-fasted with anyone before… you know,” she replied. “None ever made me feel like this or I would have,” she groaned moving restlessly as Dimitri’s fingers froze deep inside her. “I want to feel what you did to me on the metal bird again. Can it happen more than once?”

“Can it happen…” Dimitri’s eyes gleamed with enjoyment and passion as he grinned up at Sergei. “I think we need to show her just how many times she can feel that way again.”

“Do it,” Sergei gritted out turning his attention back to Rune who had taken the entire tip of his cock in her mouth and was sucking on it. “But damn it, you’d better hurry.”

“With pleasure,” Dimitri muttered.


Rune never knew such pleasure existed in the universe. Her body was burning and so sensitive even the sheets under her were driving her crazy. Dimitri had her legs spread open for him and the feel of his teeth and tongue caressing her in her woman’s area made her wonder what other things she had missed.

He pressed his fingers deep into her again. She felt a brief discomfort before it was gone. The pain changed to something much worse – a pleasure that had her trembling as he continued to lap at the nub hidden in her slick folds while he pushed his fingers deep into her.

She slipped her hand up to grasp Sergei’s long shaft at the same time as she turned her face into his leg and screamed out as pleasure exploded through her. Her body rose up as she felt Dimitri shift so that he was kneeling between her trembling legs now. His massive hands wrapped under her thighs as he aligned his throbbing shaft with her pulsing vaginal channel.

“Now, I take you,” Dimitri said pushing forward. “Yes!” He hissed out.

Sergei watched as Dimitri claimed Rune for the first time. His cock bobbed up and down as he watched the beautiful sight. His attention moved to Rune when he felt her hand tighten around his cock, gripping it like he imagined her pussy would.

“Take me,” he whispered, looking down into her eyes.

Rune stroked him, using the same rhythm that Dimitri was using with her. Long strokes, then short, quick ones followed by longer ones. Each one she moved her lips over the tip and slid his cock further down her throat.

Так красиво. Ты наш красивая статуя, наш ангел, наш женщина.

So beautiful. You are our beautiful statue, our angel, our woman,
Dimitri muttered as he watched her.

“Yes, so beautiful,” Sergei agreed hoarsely.

Rune reached her other hand over to caress Sergei’s heavy sack, massaging it gently and exploring it as it grew tighter and tighter. His loud cry and the almost painful pinch of his fingers on her nipples were the only warning she had before he exploded in her mouth. Unsure of what to do, she drank him down.

“Rune!” Dimitri’s loud cry followed as he pumped deeply into her before exploding as well.

Rune closed her eyes and squeezed Sergei tightly as her body came apart again around Dimitri. The feel of him pulsing deep into her already over-sensitive vagina left her melting around him.

She slowly released Sergei. She looked up at him when he shuddered as he slid from her mouth. His dark brown eyes opened and he stared down at her with such a look of possessive passion, that for a moment, Rune could almost believe that he loved her.

Her eyes moved to Dimitri. He stared back at her. His dark blue eyes were heated as well, leaving her in no doubt that she was his.

“That was incredible,” she whispered.

Dimitri chuckled and looked up at Sergei. “That is just the beginning,
мало четыре
,” he said. “We are just beginning.”

Rune sighed heavily as Dimitri slowly pulled out of her. “I am really going to have to learn Russian so I can understand all the names you two call me,” she complained.

Sergei threaded his fingers through her hair and turned her head to look up at him. He searched her face carefully before he bent over and gave her a brief kiss. He liked the taste of him on her lips. It re-enforced that she belonged to him and Dimitri.

“The only name you need to understand is that you are ours, Rune,” Sergei said roughly. “Never forget that. We have claimed you and we do not give up what belongs to us.”

Chapter 16

“Hold her,” groaned Dimitri as Rune rolled again. “I don’t think I have ever seen anyone move so much in their sleep.”

Sergei chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Rune’s waist and pulled her back against him. Her leg immediately wound around the one he slid between her long limbs and she sighed as her arm flew over to Dimitri’s vacant pillow.

“Dimitri!” She cried out, jerking partially awake.

She struggled to sit up as a drowsy panic flooded her. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and looked wildly around for him. She started to crawl from the bed but strong arms wrapped around her.

,” Sergei soothed, pulling her back into his arms. “He will be back. His cell phone was ringing.”

“Cell phone?” Rune mumbled, looking around the room in confusion.

“The little box that you can speak into and others can speak to you,” Sergei reminded her in amusement.

“Oh, cell phone,” she muttered, falling back down and snuggling up next to Sergei’s warm body. “Want one but don’t have anyone to talk to,” she mumbled already half asleep again.

“You have Dimitri and me,” Sergei whispered gently in her ear.

“I like that,” she murmured, yawning widely before snuggling her ass deeper into Sergei. “Sleep.”

Sergei gritted his teeth as he felt her rounded ass pushing into his erection. His arousal had nothing to do with an early morning erection and everything to do with the lush naked woman in his arms. His hand slid up her belly to her breasts. His fingers wrapped around the taut nipple of her right breast.

“I want to wake you up,” he murmured, running his lips along her shoulder as he pressed his arousal against her. “You have definitely woken me up.”

“Sergei,” she moaned and moved restlessly.

Sergei rolled, forcing Rune over onto her stomach as he came up on top of her. Kneeling in between her spread legs, he gripped her hips and pulled her up onto her knees. A loud groan was the only warning she got before he aligned himself with her and pushed forward until he was buried as deeply as he could go. He kept one arm wrapped around her waist so she wouldn’t collapse. He held onto the headboard with his other hand as he caged her body with his own.

“Sergei!” Rune’s muffled cry echoed as he began rocking back and forth.

“Yes, Rune,” Sergei groaned loudly. “You feel so good.”

Sergei gritted his teeth as he rode her slowly in the hopes that he could hold out long enough for Dimitri to get off the damn phone and join them. The feel of his cock sliding back and forth against her hot channel caused beads of sweat to form on his brow as he fought to prolong his orgasm.

“Damn you, Dimitri,” Sergei muttered darkly. “Hurry!”

“With pleasure,” Dimitri’s gruff voice replied as he tossed his cell phone onto the chair. “She looks so damn beautiful being fucked from behind.”

“Let’s see how she looks being fucked from behind while she is sucking your cock,” Sergei said. “I bet she is even more beautiful.”

Dimitri didn’t need a second encouragement. He slid onto the bed near the headboard. Sergei wrapped his hands around Rune until he was cupping both of her breasts. He leaned back on his heels, pulling her back with him.

“Oh ancient Gods,” Rune moaned as Sergei’s long, thick cock went so deep she swore she could feel it pressing against her womb. “Sergei!”

Sergei squeezed his hands at the same time as he rocked his hips. He waited until Dimitri was in position before he released her breasts. He slid his right hand down to her waist as he wrapped her hair in his left hand. He wanted to watch her slide Dimitri’s thick shaft into her mouth.

“Open for him,
,” Sergei said as he pushed upward into her. “Open your mouth and take him.”


Rune’s body was on fire. She had been dreaming of the night before. She didn’t think anything could surpass what the men had done to her but she was wrong. She could feel the heat pooling low between her legs the moment Sergei wrapped his arm around her. She didn’t know what to expect after last night. She was deliciously sore but would never complain as the feelings Sergei created deep inside her filled her with a pleasure she had never experienced until the previous night.

Rune gasped when she felt a sharp hand to her ass. “I said open and take him,” Sergei demanded roughly.

Rune looked up into Dimitri’s glittering eyes before her eyes dipped lower. His long thick cock pulsed upward. Her mouth watered as she took in the bulbous head. She lifted her left hand off the mattress and threaded her fingers through the dark hair that surrounded his sack before running her hand gently up the length to hold it still.

, моя любовь
,” Dimitri groaned out as his hips rocked up toward her. “I need you.”

“What does
моя любовь mean?” Rune asked as she lowered her head until her breath brushed along the tip of his cock.

“My love,” Dimitri gritted out, watching her lick her lips
. “You are my love.”

“I like that,” she whispered just before she opened her mouth and surrounded him with her warmth.

Dimitri’s head fell back against the headboard and he gripped the bed covers on either side of him. He swallowed several times before nodding to Sergei who was watching as Rune’s head moved back and forth. They both set a rhythm that matched Rune. The slow pace building the pressure inside them until they were both trembling from holding back.

“Sergei,” Dimitri choked out. “Make her come. I cannot hold out any longer. Please…” he panted out.

Sergei leaned forward just enough to run his fingers between the sweet folds. Rune shuddered and a low muffled wail escaped her as she climaxed. Her orgasm exploded around Sergei who stroked into her violently three times before his own cry mingled with Rune’s.

He saw Dimitri’s back arch upward and the muscles in his arms bulged and strained as he held the top of the headboard. His eyes were closed as he shook from the power of his own orgasm.

Rune continued to drink around Dimitri causing him to jerk as his cock became more sensitive with his release. He finally had to cup her face as it became almost painful in the pleasure of her gently lapping.

“Enough, Rune,” Dimitri whispered hoarsely. “You are beautiful.”

Rune looked up at Dimitri and smiled. Her lips were swollen and rosy from loving him. A heated groan was wrenched from him as he reached down and pulled her up against him. He caught her gasp of surprise as Sergei pulled from her as she was wrapped against Dimitri’s hot chest.

“I will get my shower,” Sergei said as he climbed off the bed.

Dimitri nodded as he pressed Rune’s face against his chest and ran his hand down her hair and along her hip. His eyes showed his appreciation to Sergei for understanding that he needed time alone with Rune. He was overwhelmed with the intense feelings rushing through him and he needed time to come to terms with them.


Rune sighed as she rested her chin on her hand and looked out the window of the huge office building of the
Vasiliev-Mihailov corporate headquarters. They had been in Los Angeles for almost a week. She tried not to think of how fast time was flying by.

Sergei and Dimitri had been in one meeting after another since the morning after their arrival. They took her with them even when she commented it wasn’t necessary. She had discovered a flat glass on the wall that came alive when she pressed the little silver wand.

Sergei had called it a television. He had one installed in the office that first day for her. She had been watching it whenever they were in their meetings. She loved the things called movies. She sighed again as tears filled her eyes.

, what is wrong?” Dimitri asked from behind her.

Rune turned her head, sniffed, shook her hea
d and burst into tears. Dimitri’s expression changed to worry as he rushed forward. Rune moved into his arms and buried her face into his neck as sobs shook her.

“Mr. Mihailov, is everything all right?” One of the executive secretaries asked in concern.

“Get Sergei,” Dimitri ordered shortly as he held Rune against him. “Hush, little one, everything will be all right. What is it? Tell me and I will fix it.”

Rune shook her head and continued to cry softly against his shoulder. She wasn’t sure he would underst
and. She had never seen anything so beautiful, so sensitive or so sad before.

“Dimitri,” Sergei’s voice called out as he came into the office where Rune had been sequestered most of the day. “What is wrong? Is she hurt? Sick?”

, are you sick?” Dimitri asked soothingly. “Are you hurt?

Rune shook her head. She pulled back to look at both men with such sad eyes. Her chin quivered as silent tears coursed down her cheeks causing their panic to build.

“What is it, Rune?” Sergei asked brushing tenderly at her cheeks. “Did we… did we hurt you this morning?” He asked quietly.

“No,” she responded shaking her head. “He was… he was going to… to… kill himself. He… he didn’t think he had anything worth living for anymore.”

Dimitri looked confused at Sergei who continued to brush at the tears running down her face. “Who was going to kill himself?”

“George… George Bailey,” she sniffed. “He had given up everything for his family. He gave… his brother and the townspeople everything. He… he was going to… to… jump off the bridge.”

“What is she talking about?” Dimitri asked in concern.

It’s a Wonderful Life,
” the secretary said as she set a tray on the low coffee table.

“What?” Sergei asked with a puzzled frown.

“Haven’t you ever seen
It’s a Wonderful Life
with Jimmy Stewart? He played George Bailey,” the secretary replied. “It’s one of my favorites. I noticed Rune was watching it earlier.”

“You are crying over a movie?” Sergei asked, turning back around to look at Rune.

Rune nodded. “It was on the wall glass. It was so beautiful. A guardian angel came down and showed him just how special he was. Do you think that is why I am here? That I’m supposed to show you both how special you are?”

Dimitri nodded his head toward the door when the secretary looked at Rune with a strange expression. He waited until she closed the door behind her before he answered. He should have realized after the last week how strange everything was to Rune in her life now.

“It is just a movie, Rune,” Dimitri said calmly. “It is make-believe.”

“But, it seems so real,” she said looking back at the flat screen now silent on the wall. “He had so much pain inside him. How can someone pretend something like that?”

Sergei chuckled and rose. He held his hand out and helped Rune up. He led her over to the couch and sat next to her while Dimitri poured them all a cup of coffee. He made sure he added sugar and cream to Rune’s cup before handing it to her.

“We had better explain this to her before we go to the movie that she has been begging us to see,” Sergei said as he sat back. “Movies tell stories.”

Rune nodded. “We had storytellers in our village. My father was a great storyteller. He would scare all of us when he would retell some of their battles.”

“This is a little different,” Dimitri added as he sat down on the other side of her.

For the next hour, Sergei and Dimitri explained how movies were made, what actors did and showed her different examples on their computer. It took a while because she had so many questions. It was only when one of the bodyguards reminded them that the movie would be starting soon and they needed to leave that she finally fell silent.

“What is it?” Dimitri asked as he helped her with her sweater.

“The Guardian Angel,” Rune said quietly as she buttoned up her sweater. “That is what I am. I look after those in need.”

“Rune,” Sergei said thickly.

Rune turned sad eyes to him. “When you no longer need me then it will be time for me to go,” she whispered.

“Since that will never happen, you will always be here,” Dimitri said forcefully. “Let’s go.”

Rune walked alongside Dimitri as he wrapped his arm around her waist. In her heart, she knew that her time would soon come to an end. While Dimitri murmured his love for her, Sergei had never once told her that he loved her. She doubted that Dimitri truly loved her. She had only been in their lives for a short time. It was impractical to believe he could have fallen in love with her in such a short time.

She knew she wouldn’t want to stay if she couldn’t have both their loves. It would tear her apart to lose one of them to another woman. No, it was best that she leave so they could have a chance of finding another they could both love. She absently rubbed her hand over her heart. It hurt when she thought of them with another woman but she knew she had to accept that she was there for just a brief moment in their lives.

Like the Guardian Angel that helped George Bailey
, she thought sadly.

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