Touched (13 page)

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Authors: Lilly Wilde

BOOK: Touched
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“Aria, are you sure about this?” he asked.

“Yes, Aiden. I need this. I need you.”

He looked at me, searching my eyes, seeing my dire need for him.  He lowered his head to meet my anxious lips and kissed me deeply.

He suddenly pulled away and I reached up to pull his mouth back to mine. “Aria, no. Stop. You’re trembling. We aren’t doing this. As much as I would love to be with you like this again … not this way. I want you lucid. Tomorrow if you’re okay without the medication and you still want this … then we’ll make it happen.”

“But Aiden –”

“No buts.”

“Will you at least hold me until I fall asleep?” I asked.

“Now that, I can do.”

He pulled me toward him and I placed my head on his chest. He pulled me closer, surrounding me with the warmth and comfort that only he could provide. I took a deep breath and sighed. I closed my eyes, allowing the erogenous scent to penetrate my senses.

We were both quiet. My raging thoughts soon calmed as I listened to his heartbeat. It was a soothing repetition that carried me to the edge of unconsciousness. The last thought before I dozed off was of tomorrow; I wasn’t taking any medication … not even Tylenol.


“Good morning, sleepy head.”

“Good morning. What time is it?”  I asked, as I watched him dress. What a yummy site to wake up to.

“Shortly after 11 o’clock. I saw you stirring in bed a little while ago and I wanted to be here when you awoke.”

I looked at the tray of food on the bedside table. “What’s this? It looks delicious.”

“I helped Dianna prepare something special for you.”

“Something you helped with? “I asked.

“Yes. What? Are you surprised?” he asked, walking over and kissing the top of my head.

“Everything about you surprises me.”

Why was he in a suit?

“Are you leaving?” I asked.

“I need to sign some papers and meet with some key people at RPH. I don’t want to lose momentum on your roll out of The Writer.”

“Hey. That’s my project. I don’t want you coming in putting your Aidenisms on it.”

“What the hell is that?” he asked.

“I’m sure you can figure it out.”

“These Aidenisms … when did you come up with those and how many are there?” he asked.

“They kind of just appeared I guess and there’re several,” I answered.

“Would any of them happen to have a positive connotation because your reply a few seconds ago leaned more toward the negative?”

“Of course, there’s positive, but there’re also a few that I’m not particularly fond of,” I replied.

“I don’t want to hear about those. Tell me about the others.”

“Yeah, you would want to hear any and every thing that inflates that monstrous ego.”

“Not at all. I want to make sure I understand is all,” he said.

I smiled. “Nothing to understand. An Aidenism is simply the term that I apply to your way of doing things … like you posing as Aiden Wyatt or your tendency to control everything.”

“Cute Aria … real cute,” he said.

“Don’t be that way. Those are just the bad ones. Would you like to hear a good one?”

“If you can manage to scrape one up … sure.”

I laughed. Was his ego so easily bruised? “It’s not like that. There’re some Aidenisms that take my breath away.”

“Such as?”

“You’re a brilliant businessman. You have a wonderful sense of humor. You’re a great brother. You’re unbelievably gorgeous. You’re strong and you have this graceful but dominant demeanor … it’s sexy as hell. And you have the most beautiful green eyes. I could go on but I think you get the idea.”

“Humph,” he said, considering what I’d revealed.

“Why do I get the impression that you already know all of this?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” he replied.

“What are you not saying?” I asked.

“Do you know that you talk in your sleep?” he asked.


“You talk in your sleep. Not all the time but you have a couple of times,” he replied.

“Really?” I knew I did as a kid, a
and I did a time or two in college according to my roommate. I’d never slept with anyone else besides April and she never said anything so I hadn’t considered the possibility.

“Don’t be too self- conscious.  It’s mostly undecipherable gibberish,” he said.

“What have I said?” I asked, hoping I hadn’t said some of the shit I’d thought about him.

“You mentioned my eyes once … that’s all. And before you ask, no … I don’t watch you sleep. There have been a few occasions where I have awakened before you and I heard you. Granted, I didn’t know it was an Aidenism at the time,” he replied smiling.

“So you’ve never watched me sleep? I’ve watched you.”

“You watch me all the time anyway, so I’m not surprised.”

“You jerk,” I replied, tossing a pillow at him. But one would have to be crazy not to stare at him. He was beautiful. I was beginning to see more and more that his outward beauty mirrored what was on the inside.

“Eat and I’ll see you shortly. You’re going to make me late.”

“Seriously Aiden, I don’t –”

“Relax Aria, I know your vision and I share your vision. I will not do anything that’s not in line with that. You have my word.”

“Okay but if you make even the slightest of modifications –”

“I won’t. There will be no unapproved Aidenisms added to your project. Now eat.”




I finished breakfast, dressed and went in search for my sisters. I found them in one of the guestrooms on their laptops researching colleges. I was amazed at how well they were doing, seemingly moving forward in the midst of their grief. They were so independent, just as I was at their age. I suppose we had to be, due to Mom’s depression. I promptly chastised myself for thinking ill of my mother. But for so many years, my disdain was instinctual; an inclination that now seemed iniquitous.

They missed their friends and they missed their home and, of course, they desperately missed Mom. We discussed the possibility of counseling. We ultimately leaned toward no but decided to leave that door open. They were very comfortable at the penthouse and totally adored Allison and April. As for Aiden, well I could see that Lia was crazy about him but Bianca wasn’t as accepting. She appreciated his support but she wasn’t sold on him. All things considered, they were in a good place ... much better than I had anticipated.

“There you are,” April said, as I was walking out of the guestroom.

“I was actually about to come find you. I feel as though we haven’t had a chance to talk. Are you okay?” I asked.

“I should be asking you that. Not the other way around,” she replied.

“I’m actually coping pretty well. Thanks in large part to Aiden.”

“Yeah, he’s great. He’s so good for you Aria,” she sighed. Her words didn’t match her expression.

“Now are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

She was having issues with Blaine. Although they had agreed to be friends, they both were having a difficult time with that transition. She went on to explain that he’d started to pull away and they’d argued about it. That’s when he’d told her about his girlfriend. I felt bad for my friend. She’d finally found a guy that made her want to stick around but he had baggage she hadn’t accounted for.

I told her what Kellan had said about Blaine being crazy about her and something didn’t quite add up. I assured her I would check with Kellan to see if he could tell me anything. He’d been checking in with me every day since Mom’s death. I missed our funny texts and nightly chats.




We were all somewhat restless and ventured to the theater room to play pool. Although, I was enjoying this time with everyone, I was starting to miss Aiden. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, he walked into the room.

“Be careful, Allison cheats,” he said.

“I do not cheat Aiden,” she said.

“Oh yeah? Have any of you won?” he asked, surveying the room.

“Now that you mention it, no,” said Lia.

I listened as Aiden and Allison exchanged jabs about her history of cheating when they played billiards at the family home. She ultimately challenged him to a game to which he accepted. I watched him loosen his tie and remove his jacket. I could literally stare at him all day. They didn’t get a chance to finish the game. Allison’s friend called and invited her to dinner to which she invited us all. Aiden and I declined. The others left the room to shower and change.

He walked over to me when they had all left. He traced a fingertip slowly along my cheek. I closed my eyes as the heated currents of his touch traveled through me.

“I thought they’d never leave,” he said, reaching down to pick me up. I wrapped my legs around his firm body as he kissed me. He broke our kiss and lowered me to the floor.

“Did you arrange that?” I asked, referring to the dinner invite.

“Yes,” he replied, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room.

“Why?” I asked.

“To fulfill your request.”




Aiden located our phones and turned them both off.  He placed my phone on the dresser and turned toward me. “This is going to take some time and I don’t want to be interrupted.”

The aura of the room instantly changed. Hunger, lust and anticipation hang in the air. He sauntered toward me and immediately captured me in his arms. He lowered his mouth to mine, softly caressing my lips as his hands traveled down my back, pulling me closer to his hard body. He severed our kiss and cradled my face as he searched my eyes. Was he seeking affirmation? He had it. I wanted him. I needed him.

“Tonight is about us and I don’t want to focus on anyone else but us. I want to spend the entire night showing you how much you mean to me,” he said.

He unhurriedly lifted the silk material over my head. I watched his eyes darken as they hungrily traveled my body.  He stepped back and sat on the edge of the bed … his eyes lingering on my lips, my breasts, and the heated area between my thighs. I stood before him naked and unashamed as he savored and coveted my body ... the body that was his and his alone. I walked over to the bed and reached out to him; I wanted to undress him. I reached for his hand and he stood, towering over me. I
placed my hands on his waist, immediately seduced by the feel of his skin. I eased my hands inside the top edge of his pajamas and found the drawstring. I untied it and watched as they dropped, pooling around his ankles. His thick, erect shaft blatantly demanded my attention. I reached for him, relishing the feel of his heavy manhood. I stroked his length and felt him grow even more beneath my touch. My sex clenched with need as the anticipation grew. He stepped closer, removing all space between us. I closed my eyes as his lips found my neck. He placed soft endless kisses along my nape as I stroked his arousal. I leaned into him, moaning as his tongue swept softly across my neck. He scooped me up and gently placed me in the center of the bed.

He walked to the foot of the bed; his naked body was truly a sight to behold. His svelte muscular frame garnered all of my attention. People Magazine had it wrong … Aiden Raine was definitely the sexiest man alive. I took time to appreciate what I’d been missing, starting with his rounded shoulders and firm biceps. My eyes traveled along his chest to his pecks; I couldn’t wait to trace my hands over them. I grazed over his torso, stopping at the tight band of flesh on his abdomen that led to a well-defined v-shaped muscle. His body was a sexual assault on my senses; an erogenous overload yielding violent pulses from an extremely eager Virginia.

I bit my lip, watching him as he placed his hands on either side of my legs. His biceps flexed as he leaned forward, their tone and definition accented by the thick veins coursing down his forearms. He placed his palms on my ankles and lowered his head to kiss the top of each foot. He moved slowly upward, planting soft kisses on my legs. He gently pushed my legs apart and I wanted to scream … this was torture at its best. I moaned deeply as he bestowed sweet kisses along my inner thighs. He moved closer to my sex and settled comfortably between my legs. His fingers were on my sex spreading me open as he blew on the wet flesh. I squirmed, eager to feel the warmth of his tongue. He gently rubbed his fingers over my sex and planted a soft lingering kiss on my lips, his tongue teasing as he kissed. 

“Mmmmm.” I moaned, as my hands found his head.

His lips covered my clit and he lightly sucked the sensitive bud. He flicked his tongue on the extreme tip and suctioned and I convulsed as the gentle sting of his teeth on my clit pulled me to my orgasm. He continued sucking as my body trembled uncontrollably, releasing my lust for him. He licked deeply inside my pussy taking my juices, making them his.

I wanted him inside me. I reached for him as he moved his body over mine. He grabbed my wrists in one hand, placing them together above my head as he settled on my neck; his fingers sliding in and out of my pussy. I whimpered endlessly as he reduced my body to a limp mass beneath his skilled touch.

“I want to make love to you Aria. I want you to feel everything I’m feeling.”

His erection was hard against my thigh. He placed his knee between my legs spreading them farther apart; I felt his manhood at the entrance of my sex.  He looked down at me and I saw the depth of his feelings, the ravenous desire he had for me; it echoed my own. He moved the head of his cock up and down the wet slit and slowly slid inside me. His eyes were focused on me, absorbing my reaction to the fullness of him. Fuck, he was so big and so fucking hard. I cried out as he pushed in deeper. I peered into his smoldering green eyes and our connection was as immediate as it was intense.  He lowered his head to meet my lips.  His mouth molding into mine, it was a slow tango of lips and tongue. He moved his mouth to my cheek, leaving a trail of kisses down to my neck, reaching my breast. He clutched my nipple between his teeth and I arched into his mouth as he moved in and out of me. The unfamiliar feel of the soft penetrating plunges into my essence was as deep as it was emotional. I could feel the depth of his connection to me with each slow push of his manhood into my tightening walls. He pushed forward and stilled. I shuttered as my orgasm started to take root. He began grinding slowly stretching me making me feel with his body what he conveyed with his eyes. He kissed me softly on the lips.

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