Read Touch Me - Complete Collection Online

Authors: Lucia Jordan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

Touch Me - Complete Collection (9 page)

BOOK: Touch Me - Complete Collection
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He released her body because she was no longer fighting him, and slipped two fingers down her crack to the quailing hole begging to be touched. He pushed the lips apart, and claimed her innards with possessive pride.

“Oh, Coop!” She squirmed as the fingers slipped inside her wetly, and gasped as he dragged them out.

“Whose ass is it, Jenny?” He bit her flesh again, his sharp teeth grazing the already sore cheeks. She bit her lip, thrusting her hips back toward him.

“Yours. All yours!” she said through clenched teeth. As a reward, his fingers traveled up to her clit, finding it through the folds and crushing it harshly. “Yes!” she cried and he circled harder. He brought his lips to her pussy, sucking the opening while he tortured the clit.

Jenny panted, her eyes widening in excruciating longing as the waves came within her grasp and disappeared. She wanted it. Quick. It was so close. “Yes, Coop! Yes!” she wheezed, swaying her hips, gyrating her thighs in time with his frenzied rubs. The tiny bump of her clit began to ache and burn and she screamed, her thighs clenching together as her orgasm burst riotously.

Breathless, she fell onto the couch. Cooper abandoned her clit, his throat dry as he relished the cries of her nirvana. He slid his hand over her ass, over her thighs, and tugged at the PJ bottoms still rolled around her knees. She attempted to lift her head off the couch but he pushed it straight down fiercely, kneeling behind her, yanking his boxers down.

Clasping her ass, he parted the cheeks and dragged his dick into her swollen, quivering warmth. Her insides were drenched in the seeping juices of her lust.

“Jen?” He placed his elbows beside her and grasped both of her hands. She clutched at them quickly and winced as he slammed into her.


“Does it still hurt?” he whispered in her hair and she nodded.


s too big for me. I told you,” she rasped as he thrust back and forth slowly, savoring the heat and the slippery tightness kneading his cock.

“Shut up, Jenny!” He clenched his eyes shut and kissed her back, her neck, her nape. Whenever she said that, or anything regarding sex, Cooper couldn’t help but think that she was comparing him to Jason. It was stupid and irrational and very childish, but he couldn’t help it. “Babe,” he hissed while his cock gained speed, and his breath became
. Jenny tensed her hips in place to meet his thrusts forcefully, and held his fingers in a vise-like grip. “I have to tell you something,” he murmured, fucking her harder, trying to dig through her and bury
himself in her for eternity.

My Jenny. Mine! My Jenny!

I’m obsessing!

He clenched his eyes shut and fought the overwhelming rage of possessiveness pouring through his bloodstream.

“What?” She titled her back in an arc. His cock – every burrowing thrust of it – landed against her g-spot before sliding down the length of her passage. She was so close. She wheezed, her face wreathed in pain; agonizingly waiting for the moment she would erupt with bliss.

“I love you!” he yelled aggressively and slammed his cock into her, hitting her sweet spot and giving her the final burst she was awaiting. She shuddered wildly, thrashing beneath him, her legs quaking and her toes tingling into tight curls as her pussy secreted a gush of quim.

She surfaced from the physical ruckus and he jerked at the same instant, joining her in sweet release. She stayed where she was, kneeling on the rug, her breasts crushed against the seat of the couch. The PJ bottoms were still at her knees, rolled up, her upper body still fully clothed.

Cooper always astounded her with his roughness and chaotic pace whenever he wanted to fuck. It was elating. Jenny was beginning to count on his spontaneity. When he tilted slightly and his softened cock slipped out of her, the arousal-fueled haze cleared.

I love you.

Did I dream it?
She whirled around and glowered at him. He was watching her, and it seemed as if he was waiting…for something.

No. It was no fucking dream.
Cooper loves me!

“Excuse me.” She hoisted herself onto trembling limbs and dragged her trousers up. Bolting to the bedroom like her life depended on it, she stood awkwardly in the center, wondering what in hell had just happened. And why she had run.

She fled to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Her elbows on the sink, she thought madly.

Do I love him?
She stared at her reflection.
I think I do.
But am I thinking clearly?
She hadn’t thought about it – about love, the consequences of falling in love, and the vulnerability that surrounded the emotion on all sides like a freaking curse.

The night he had come to the guest bedroom and ordered her to sleep with him, she had assumed it wasn’t supposed to be a real relationship. It had made the decision easier. Deluding herself had been tranquil. It simplified things. Later, when he clarified his intensions, she had been touched, but had conveniently shoved the revelation to the very back of her mind. She had planned to drag it out and dissect it someday, but hadn’t been too eager to blemish the state of utter bliss enveloping her. They had just been having lots of fun, and lots of sex – loads of it.

“Aaargh!” She slapped the marble counter and splashed cold water on her face.


She swallowed and opened the door. He wanted an answer.

“Hey? Are you alright?” he asked sweetly and Jenny’s heart twisted in her ribs.
I do adore him. And I can’t think of being without him – at least right now.
She swallowed in an impotent attempt of easing the conflict in her chest.
Isn’t that what love is all about?

“I'm fine.”

“Why’d you run off?”

When she stared at him blankly as if he had lost his mind, he smiled and pulled her closer, sliding his arms around her neck and crushing her against his body.
I scared her. I scared myself!
He scoffed.
I love you, Jenny.
He had no doubt in his mind that she loved him back. Jenny just wasn’t the type to have sex without really feeling anything.

Jenny relaxed into his chest, and her hands encircled his bare back, clutching him to her. Her face fit perfectly in the cleft in the center of his chest. It was the perfect little place in the world.
Her favorite place. She snuggled closer. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t pushing her. He had just let the matter go. She warmed, sliding her hands over his chest. He felt so good. With a satisfied exhale, she lifted her face, and when he looked down at her, she smiled.

“I love you too, Coop.”

Silence met her words. He swallowed, his Adam

s apple bobbing. He bent down and kissed her softly – too softly – and led her to the bed. She grinned against his lips, and he bit her mouth while she chuckled.

“Again, Coop?” she joked.

“Yes,” he breathed, pushing her back forcefully. She yelped as she fell on her side, and instantly, he grabbed her trousers and dragged them off her legs. “Again and again and again.”


Cooper got up early the next morning because he had a meeting. Jenny shuffled about in bed and Cooper called her to have breakfast with him before he left. She was brushing her teeth when her gaze fell on another white shirt hanging on the peg. Feeling
wicked, she pulled off her panties and wore just the shirt.

When she stepped out into the living room, Cooper’s coffee cup ceased halfway to his mouth. “Now that
just plain…unfair.”

“What is?” she asked sweetly, opening the refrigerator door and bending over to retrieve an apple from the vegetable drawer. Cooper stared at her smooth, flawless ass, her pussy lips peeking beneath the crack, and shook his head.

“You know I have an early meeting.”

“So?” She placed her elbows on the breakfast table and bit into the apple.

Cooper sighed. His cock was already hard. The top few buttons on her shirt were undone, showing him a provocative glimpse of her tits, swollen and crushed together temptingly. “Jen!” he cried and she laughed.

“I didn’t have anything else to wear!”

“You liar.” He undid his fly swiftly. Jenny raised an eyebrow and put down the apple. All hilarity vanished as he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her onto the breakfast table.

“Aah!” She lay flat on her back and he spread her thighs apart, wide, flattening them to her sides. She squealed as his cock slipped inside.

He fucked her swiftly, hurriedly, and savored the sight of her small body jerking upward with every hard ram of his cock. She shuddered before him, her thighs tightening around his hips, her abs tautening visibly. With a shudder racking his frame, he spilled his load into her welcoming sheathe.

His limbs were still racked with quivers, and he covered her lips with his own before slipping his cock out of her body.

She watched heavy-lidded as he cleaned up his dick and zipped his fly.

Her pussy was charmingly quenched and she felt light as a feather. She was getting addicted to early-morning swift quick fucks in the kitchen.

“We should do this more often,” he said as she walked him to the front door.

“Yes, we should.”

He stepped out and she grabbed his suit jacket, tugging him nearer before planting a long, deep kiss on his mouth. “I love you.” She opened her eyes a crack and her gaze shot to the very familiar man standing three feet behind Cooper. “Jason!”

Cooper lurched backward and turned round, swiftly pushing Jenny into the apartment with his arm.

Jason growled and pulled back his fist, bringing it onto Cooper’s face so fast, Jenny screamed and covered her eyes.
A hard, thudding noise made her open her eyes again. Jason was sprawled on the ground, attempting to get up.

“Go inside, Jenny!” Cooper shoved her through the doorway while he shook his bruised fist in the air – the fist that had connected with Jason’s eye, which was bloody and black. The last thing she saw before Cooper slammed the door shut in her face was that two women from the apartment across the corridor were glaring at the two men, and Jason had stood up and charged toward Cooper like a maddened, unrecognizable beast.

Her heart slamming against her ribs, her hands shaking, she moved away from the door.
What the fuck?
She wanted to know what was going on. She ran to the bedroom, stumbling over a pair of shoes and muttering expletives as her toe throbbed. She pulled on a pair of jeans lying on the floor, before running back and opening the front door a crack.

“Are you fucking her?” Jason screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Go!” Cooper roared at Jason. “And I won’t press charges for assault.”

“Assault? You fucking bastard! You think she- ” His eyes fell on Jenny emerging fully from the apartment, and he chuckled sarcastically. “Why do you think I came, you moron? Jenny called me two days ago and told me she’s thinking about what to do. That she needed time! Now I find her thinking less and whoring more!” He rubbed the back of his hand over his lip and glared at Jenny. Cooper turned around and glowered at her too. She opened her mouth to say something but Jason swung at Cooper again. This time, Cooper didn’t see it coming. He staggered back, before grabbing Jason’s jacket and slamming him against the wall.

“Enough! Go! Now!” Cooper roared in a voice that rumbled through the corridor.

A middle-aged man, who lived in the next-door apartment, strode forward, disentangling the two men before directing
Cooper toward Jenny.

Jason scowled at Jenny, but Jenny’s tongue was stuck seemingly irretrievably to the roof of her mouth.

Cooper was mad. There was pure, raw fury emanating from every pore on his body. He took her arm, hauling her inside the apartment and slamming the door shut.

He stood seething four feet away, and reached for her before changing his mind and running his hands through his hair.

“What the fuck, Jenny?”

“I know, Cooper.” She reached for him but he drew his arm away.

“What the fuck were you thinking?”

Jenny gaped at him openmouthed. “Me?’

“Two days ago!”
e bellowed. “You called him two days ago and told him you were still thinking? Why didn’t you say it was over? Why didn’t you just put a stop to his fucking persistence?”

“I...I didn’t mean it like that!”

“Like hell you didn’t!” He smacked a tall lamp with the back of his hand and it smashed to the floor, the light bulb shattering like a bomb in the living room. Jenny reeled back. This was a different Cooper. She had never seen anyone in a violent rage like this one, especially with the rage directed at her. “You called him!” He seized her upper arms and brought his face close to hers. “You called him two days ago, and last night you told me you loved me?” he scoffed in disbelief. “What the fuck are you playing?”

Touch Me Book 4


“Cooper, please.” Jenny reached for Cooper’s face and he pitched back as if she had scalded him.

“Explain, Jen.” His voice was suddenly low, shattered, his face squeezed in remorse and confusion. “Explain why you thought keeping Jason in the picture was a good idea. Why you kept your options open?”

“That’s not what happened!” Jenny screamed, tears stinging her eyes. As soon as he saw them, he looked away from her face. “I didn’t want to hurt him. I didn’t want to hurt, Jason…he’s done nothing bad to me. Look at me!” She tugged at his arm but he didn’t meet her eye. “Whatever happened with Jason, it was a misunderstanding. I left over money for Christ’s sake! I felt bad, and he kept badgering me to call him back. I just…I just thought…” She slipped her hand through her hair. “I didn’t think he would show up!”

He scoffed and peeked a glance at her. “I don’t even know you right now…this
person. Because last I checked, you weren’t this stupid.”

“I'm telling the truth!” she wailed, her lower lip trembling.

“I didn’t think he would show up? Really, Jen? That’s the explanation? Oh, I killed someone because I didn’t expect to be caught! That’s…” He sighed. “I’ll talk to you when I get back.”

He left her standing in the center of the living room. The elevator took him down to the ground floor, and he sat in the backseat of his car before it sped out of the parking.

Dejectedly, Cooper stared out the window. He had never imagined that he would love someone, anyone, like he had come to love Jenny. She ruled every waking thought, and her face lingered behind his eyelids when he went to sleep. She was innocent, and sweet, and a liar!

He flexed his knuckles and saw the bruises marking them. How he had stooped so low, he failed to understand. He had engaged in a public brawl like a delinquent juvenile, all over Jenny.

He glanced at his watch. He was late for his meeting, and for the first time in years of hard work, he didn’t give a damn.


“Are you still not talking to me?” Jenny stood behind Cooper as he had his morning coffee in a blue t-shirt and gray trousers.

He didn’t bother to glance her way. “I don’t have anything to talk about.”

She bit her lip, and moved in front of him. “Come on, Cooper. It’s been three days. Talk to me! Please!”

He glanced up then, and her heart began thudding wildly. It was the first time in days that he had looked at her.

“What do you want me to say, Jen?”

“Say anything. Say how pissed you are at me. Tell me what a bitch I am. Then tell me you love me.”

He scoffed, turning away with his eyebrow raised. “I think those words mean more to me than they do to you. “

“Oh, Coop. I’m sorry. I…I've been thinking about it, and really, I still feel that I didn’t do anything wrong.” When he glared at her, she swiftly amended. “As in
wrong! I didn’t cheat on you. When I called him, I hadn’t been sure where our relationship was headed. I never planned to go back to Jason. No matter what.”

“Then why’d you keep him tagging along?”

“I didn’t want to hurt him! That’s all. That the whole sordid story behind that little thing you think was an indiscretion. I was thinking of easing into it, to tell him after a while that it wasn’t possible. What should have I said? Yeah, well, Jason…” she began in a thick, husky man voice. “I started sleeping with Cooper two weeks after I left you. I’m such a slut.”

He crinkled his eyebrows. “Why’re you speaking in a man's voice?”

She sniggered, encouraged by the softness on his face. “Come on, Coop. Don’t do this to us. Please.”

He sighed. “Jen, it’s not really the fact that you called him that’s tearing into me, I always feel like you’re…I feel like Jason’s between us somewhere.”

“What?” she cried.

“Yes. When you say, ‘you’re too big for me’ or ‘you tire me out’ I think, oh, that’s new, and I automatically start envisioning how you felt when you were with him.”


He stared at her, and realized she was right. “I know. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

She bit her lip and neared him, sliding her hand over his chest. “I think you’re in love with me.”

He stared back at her deadpan. “I don’t like the idea of another man in your life…like that. It’s been years, and we’ve just found each other.”

“It’s just you and me, Coop. I promise.”

Slowly, he slid his hand over her cheek. “Okay. But you should know, it really tore me up.”

She pursed her lips. “Never again,” she whispered. “I promise.” She rose onto her toes to press her lips against his. He grasped her face, slanting his mouth.

He didn’t close his eyes, and watched her face from up close, her long lashes casting shadows on her cheekbones as she kissed him back. Her hands slid down his back to push his trousers out of the way, and he instantly broke the kiss.

“Not now.” He extracted his body from her eager limbs and sat on the couch. When he picked up the TV remote, Jenny glared at him with her hands on her hips.

“Are you serious?” she exclaimed, stupefied.

“Yeah.” He was shockingly indifferent.

She scowled at him but he didn’t seem to notice. Striding forward, she blocked his view. “I believe I owe you a strip show!” she hissed, and yanked the remote controller out of his hand, switching to a music channel. An old Enrique Iglesias song sounded through the living room, and Cooper fought a smile.

God, she’s beautiful.
Her hips round, proportionate to her full breasts, gyrated in time with the song. “You can dance,” he stated, eyes wide in appreciation and surprise. “I should take you out to a dance club sometime.”

She hooked her thumbs through the waistband of her pink shorts, and slipped them down to reveal a white G-string. “You never have the time.”

“I’ll make time…now!” he muttered slowly, his eyes following the descent of her shorts. His cock hardened in his trousers, and he straightened the fabric so it wouldn’t jut out too obviously.

“You're such a boy,” she hissed playfully, turning her back to him. He swallowed at the sight of her round ass, sliced in half by her crack. Her thong was lodged deep inside, and he had the undeniable urge to pull it out with his teeth.

“Why? Because I’m enjoying a strip show by my girlfriend?”

She turned around, gasping, her bare breasts covered by her hands. That was the first time
word had been used between them, and he had the nerve to blame her for being so ambiguous with Jason. “No. Because you’re enjoying a strip show!”

He chuckled, ogling her body. He was starved. Three days without Jenny, sleeping in the guest bedroom, had been physically painful. He had gotten used to feeling her round ass pressed against his cock as he slept. It had been three long, lonely nights.

“I missed your ass.” His balls tightened as she freed her tits.

“And these?”

A contented smile spread across his face. “Yeah, those too.”

Her face changed, darkening as they stared into each other’s eyes. Swiftly, she strode forward and was atop his thighs in a second, her mouth closing around his. He clasped her ass, squeezing the flesh while his tongue tangled with hers. His fingers toyed with the G-string, yanking at it, tugging, stroking. His hand delved down through her crack to explore and she groaned, pulling away, unintentionally pressing her pussy to the crotch of his trousers.

It met hard, unyielding erection, and she snickered breathlessly. “Hello, Coop!” she murmured jokingly, referring to his dick. He chortled, sliding his hands over her arms as he ravenously sought her lips. She ground her pussy onto his cock again, riding him with his trousers blocking their path.

“Ohh!” Her moan escaped – tortured, needy – and she rose higher to grab both sides of his face. She raised her breasts to his mouth, guiding a nipple past the parted lips. He took it hungrily, his eyes closing as he suckled. His hands forayed lovingly over her back, sensually. Her spine arched as he trailed his wet lips to the other tit and smothered it with the same loving attention.

His sharp teeth bit into the sensitive pink peak, and he slipped his tongue in torturous, wondrous circles around them. “I missed the taste of your tits,” he groaned and she drew back, tugging at his shirt fiercely. He swiftly threw it off, and she kneeled on the carpet between his feet, wrenching his trousers down. He helped her pull them off, and her lips pressed gently onto his hard, squared stomach. She trailed a path down the line of hair that traveled down to his dick, and clutched his balls in both hands lovingly.

He exhaled sharply, sliding lower, his head resting on the back of the couch. She played with his balls, and saw a tiny drop of precum glistening on the tiny hole in the head. She licked it off hungrily, letting the sour salty taste cover her taste buds.

Glancing up at Cooper, her blood pounding in her ears, she took the whole swollen head in her mouth and sucked hard, drawing it into her throat.

“Oh!” he groaned, his back lifting off the couch slightly, but he didn’t open his eyes. He never did. When she sucked his dick, he let her have her way. That was the only time Jenny was in control. As soon as she abandoned his dick, she was thrashing and gasping as he threw her around.

She let his cock slide deep into her throat, and felt more precum scalding her neck. It was sharp, delicious, and she rolled his balls around while her lips tightened around his shaft. She slid her mouth up and down, taking half the length inside because to take all of it would’ve been impossible. To make up for her amateur skills, she wrapped a hand around the base of his cock, and rubbed back and forth while her mouth tended to the rest of the length.

“Jenny!” He stroked the back of her head, drawing her nearer, pushing his cock deeper against the back of her throat. She gagged and her eyes watered. Instantly, Cooper dragged her face away from his dick.

She pushed his hands away. “Cum in my mouth, Coop. I want to see what it’s like.” He shook his head but his eyes flamed at her words. “Please!” She pushed at his stomach and he fell back again. This time, his eyes stayed on her face.

She stroked his cock, his balls; her lips tight, her suckles harsh. The sight of her face so close to his cock, her lips straining to take his girth inside made him burst in her mouth. He groaned, grabbing the back of her head instinctively and pressing down.

The warm spurt hit Jenny’s tongue and she swallowed it quickly. Gagging as the thick, foreign semen clogged her throat, she kept going. It tasted good, but the victorious feeling of making him cum in her mouth was mind blowing.

He twitched as she slid her lips along the length one last time, licking off all his cum. His eyes closed, he stroked the sides of his face as he surfaced, returned from the heaven where she had sent him.

When he finally opened his eyes, she had rested her head on his thigh. She was staring up at him, his cock lying limp and sideways over the other thigh. He stroked her hair, pushing it back. “Jen?”


“Why were you confused about our relationship? Before I told you I loved you? Wasn’t it obvious that I'm crazy about you, and have always been?”

She let the words warm her body. She didn’t want to hurt him, but after the fiasco with Jason she didn’t want to lie anymore. She had to gather her wits, her guts. Cooper was always straight about everything. It was high time she followed his example.

“I wasn’t ready for it…I think. So I chose not to think about it, and I took everything…not very…seriously.”

His eyes pierced into her. “Do you think you’re ready now? For more?”

She deliberately misunderstood, and looked at his soft cock. “I'm ready whenever this guy’s ready.”

Cooper laughed but he didn’t have his answer yet. “Do you think…you’d be comfortable if I wanted to take our relationship to the next level?”

She inhaled sharply. “We’ve known each other for a month!” she exclaimed forcefully, trying to evade the question.

“We’ve known each other for years, Jenny! We’ve known each other since you were in diapers!” he retorted just as fiercely.

Jenny sighed, and lifted her head off his thigh. Her hands rested on his knees and she slid them up together, toward his cock. Looking at her hands, she slowly summoned up the courage. It was better that she be straight with him now, or else she could once again completely mess up the future.

“I don’t think I’m ready, Cooper.” She raised her eyes to gauge his expression, expecting hurt or even fury in his eyes, but she hadn’t considered the fact that Cooper was the most charming, sincere person she had ever met, and he was very, very understanding. “I don’t think I’m ready for more. Not yet.”

“Okay.” He carted her up and pecked her sweetly on the lips.

“You should know though, that you make me very happy!” Jenny whispered fiercely in his ear.

He grabbed her waist and stood up. She gasped as her feet left the ground. He threw her over his shoulder and held the back of her knees, while she clasped wildly at his bare back. “What are you doing?” she laughed, screaming.

“I'm going to see if I can make you happier.”

BOOK: Touch Me - Complete Collection
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