Read Touch Me - Complete Collection Online

Authors: Lucia Jordan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

Touch Me - Complete Collection (6 page)

BOOK: Touch Me - Complete Collection
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Jenny bit her lip, and her eyes flicked from one side to the other as she tried to assimilate what he meant.
A certain brunette? Does he mean me? Of course not!
He had made it clear that they were friends. That what had happened was a mistake. That it had been

No! He can’t mean me. Not now, not ever.
The man dates models! No…he doesn’t date! The bastard.

When she turned, he was holding a mug of coffee and staring into it as if it held an interesting treasure. She narrowed her eyes, getting irrationally angry. “What do you have there?”

“What? Coffee.”

“And how interesting is your coffee that you’ve been staring at it for the past minute?”

He chuckled, smiling lopsidedly. He knew what she was trying to insinuate. “Would you like to watch a movie?”

“Sure!” she drawled as if she didn’t give a damn.

He sat on the couch while grabbing the remote from the coffee table. “Do you want to sit on the couch maybe?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you.”
The couch.
He was sitting on the couch. She could not sit next to him. She didn’t trust herself and her out of control impulses.

“Come on, Jenny.” He was getting pissed. “Just let it go,” he said meaningfully and Jenny swiftly stood up. She plopped herself down next to him. There was no way in hell she was letting him know that she couldn’t get over a minor make-out.

He sat back and she felt her body tense, her follicles standing up in heat. She was cold and hot at same time and her breath became harsher. He tilted his head toward her and smiled.

Half an hour into the movie, just when she thought that she had gotten a grip over the insane effect of Cooper’s nearness, he reached around her and held her shoulders.

Cooper couldn’t ignore it anymore. He had to admit the obvious fact. He wanted Jenny. She was there, and they were alone, and he had a constant erection for the past half an hour. She was stiff in his hold, and he knew the reason.

He stroked her shoulder and held her tighter, trying to make her relax. The urge to turn around and kiss her was too strong and he swallowed, looking at her. She tilted her face up, smiling sweetly, and he grasped her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

Jenny’s heart stopped. His mouth was so close. When he had kissed her before, it had been quick, and she hadn’t known what hit her until her pussy responded with fervent need. But at that moment he was ogling her lips like he wanted to feast on them, like he was starving to bite them while stroking her chin gently. The movie played and he didn’t turn to glance at the TV, nether did she. His breathing was deep and even, but hers was getting shattered.
I have a thing for a certain brunette.
At that instant she knew; plain, brown-haired, brown-eyed Jenny was exactly what he had been talking about.

He’s playing me. He’s not looking for a
relationship. He just wants to get laid and I’m here.

No. He can’t do that. He can’t do that to me at least.
She swallowed. She didn’t know anything about him. Cooper was definitely capable of anything. She barely knew the man that he had become.
He just wants to get into my pants.

The conflict went on furiously in her brain and he leant closer, clasping her chin tighter while gauging her expressions. She hadn’t pulled away yet. He had given her a chance to stop him. She hadn’t. No matter what she said or did, she wanted him to kiss her.

He gazed into her eyes, watching the confusion cross her beautiful face, and pressed his thumb down onto her bottom lip. Her mouth opened and she gasped as he bent over determinedly. Pushing at his shoulders, she tilted her head to the side and jumped off the couch, striding to the kitchen as if nothing had happened.

There was a storm spiraling in to madness in Jenny’s body. Her legs were shaking, and so was everything between her thighs. She grabbed a mug and poured herself a cup of coffee.
He was going to kiss me.
She hadn’t even known that she had pulled away until after she had, and now she was just in a daze. She brought the mug to her mouth and took a long sip, lurching backward as she burned her tongue and lip.

“Unh!” she groaned and bit her lip, clenching her eyes shut as the scalding coffee burned a path down her chest. “God!” she whispered, clasping the marble counter, her eyes watering from the fire in her throat.

“Are you okay?”

She whirled at the sound so close behind her and he grasped her face in both hands. She tensed, pulling backward, but the marble countertop was digging painfully into her back.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She attempted to push past him but his hold became tighter, unrelenting. She glared up at him and he stared emotionlessly back. “Let me go. I wouldn’t want to make you
again,” she hissed irately through her teeth, and Cooper caught the hint of hurt in her eyes.

So that was it.

His eyes narrowed and he let her face go free, moving out of the way. She strode back to the couch and sat on one corner, while he watched her from his vantage point in the kitchen.

Now he really was uncomfortable. His cock was aching, his balls getting heavier by the second. Having Jenny around in his apartment hadn’t been the smartest idea after all.
Maybe I should set her up somewhere else. A hotel or some place. But she would never agree.

As soon as he took a step toward the couch, she stood up casually, straightened her loose, baggy t-shirt, and moved toward her bedroom. “I'm exhausted. I think I should go to bed early.”

“Mhmm?” He changed direction and stopped her from moving any further. “Jenny? Look at me.”

His tone was harsh. She couldn’t help but do as he asked.

“We’re not kids anymore.” He glared at her.

“Yes, I see that.”

“We’re adults, and we very obviously want each other.”

“What?” she cried, chuckling in shock at his

He reached for her face and she lurched backward, but he grabbed her arm instead to draw her nearer. She shuffled in his hold, not meeting his eyes, her gaze glued to the front of his t-shirt. His hand rested on her back for an instant before sliding upward, lifting her baggy shirt, baring her skin, and stroking it.

With a shattered gasp, she attempted to bolt but he was holding her tightly, her small body crushed against his tall, muscled one. Wordlessly, she struggled to pull away and wordlessly he rubbed her back, holding her imprisoned.

“Stop it, Cooper!” she whispered and the words didn’t have any commitment whatsoever. She cursed herself. Her pussy was tingling. Her boobs seemed to be tugged toward his chest by some force that she was trying very hard to fight.

“Look at me!” he roared and she gazed up angrily. Her mind was in turmoil, her body distressed at being stroked…on only her back. She wanted to be wrapped in his arms, naked, their skin touching. The ache in her pussy was agonizingly obvious to her troubled resolve. “Do you feel that?”


“My hand. Do you know where I’d rather rub you?”

No words formed. She was dying, shaking with the urge to give up. It didn’t matter that she thought he was a player. She only wanted to see his body naked, feel his cock stretching her insides. His blue eyes were drawing her into their depths. She remembered the old Cooper again. She couldn’t gaze into his eyes and not remember.

His hand stubbornly slid over her back, over her ass, and delved down between the cheeks.

“Unh!” she groaned and jerked. Her pussy was a wet, quivering mess.

He yanked her closer and her face was pressed against his neck. “Do you feel how hard you make me, Jen?” It took a moment for her to realize that there was something very hard and unbending poking her in her stomach. The thrill of knowing that he was so aroused made her go limp and she inhaled sharply. “You can’t lie to me, Jen. I know you want me.”

“I don’t!” she mumbled against his shoulder, her traitorous body relaxing a little as his fingers stroked her crack, and delved even lower. As soon as they touched the wet spot on her PJs where her pussy was juicing through, she lurched in shock and he instantly let her go.

A smile spread across his face. “Liar!” he said with a chuckle and she pursed her lips, burning in mortification, her cheeks ablaze. She slammed the bedroom door shut and pressed the lock in the center of the knob. It wouldn’t catch.

Frustrated, she jerked off her wet PJ bottoms and baggy shirt, and slipped into a white tank top and blue shorts. She snuggled beneath the covers on the bed. Her breath was shattered. The lust flowing through her veins was unreal. She didn’t remember the last time she had felt so desperate to throw away everything and just claim the prize that was hiding in a man’s pants.

With Jason, she had always had to be urged to have sex. The last few months with him had been completely dull and sexless. She hadn’t even felt like she was missing out on something. And now, she did.

er’s dick had been hard for me. So hard.
She clenched her eyes shut and squeezed her pussy. It was drenched through, wetting her shorts. It was annoying and she wanted to wash herself, but she didn’t trust herself to get out of the bed.
I’m not moving.
If she left the bed, she would surely go out and take off his pants to see his dick. It was an overwhelming craving.

Two hours later, Cooper rubbed his eyes, while his gaze remained unfocused on the TV screen. The situation was insane. He was twenty-eight years old, a successful businessman, and he was sitting with an erection for the past couple of hours, aching for the girl asleep in his guest bedroom. The need to have her pussy, and feel the wetness sheathing his cock was obliterating everything. Going forward with Jenny would surely shift their relationship forever. But he had already shaken the balance beyond redemption. Seeing her after years had made him desperate to keep her close
to him. If he slept with her…he couldn’t even imagine how vulnerable he would become.

He was infatuated like hell and aroused like he had never imagined he could be. He felt nostalgic. He had only felt this sex crazed when he was a teenager.

Sighing, he stood up. He had already destroyed all pretense of not being into her when he held her and touched her ass. It had been too tempting. He wasn’t used to holding himself back. After what had already happened that night, he was terrified that he would wake up and she’d be gone. She would wake up in the middle of the night and disappear.

He had to make himself clear. He had to make her know what he wanted. No more games.

He strode swiftly toward the front door of his apartment and locked the door, before pulling out the key and throwing it above the refrigerator. The heights of childish behavior he was willing to go to, just to make her stay, made him chuckle.

With Jenny, he had learned new things about himself. He had never had a long-term relationship. He had never lived with a woman, and he didn’t give a damn when they left after his unaffectionate nature became too much to bear.

Now he gave a damn.

He knocked on Jenny’s bedroom door softly. When no reply came, he opened the door and saw her body curled into a fetal position. His breath was harsh as he took the gamble. If this paid off, he was sure as hell that he would be a very happy man.


She didn’t move, so he stepped in. She lurched upright. “What do you want?”

“Were you asleep?” he asked dubiously.

“Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn’t. Do you have a problem?” she shot back furiously.

He stared at her, and slid his hands into his pants pockets. In the mellow light of the lamp spilling over his strong features, he looked like a force to be reckoned with. He also looked heartbreakingly hot.

“I have a problem.”

“What?” she swallowed as his ominous expression registered.

“My dick’s hard for you, Jen, and you’re so wet for it that I can taste it in the air. That’s my freaking problem,” he almost yelled. “I want to fuck you, Jen! That’s my problem! I want to touch your tits and feed on them all fucking night! That’s my problem! Now you tell me why you’re sleeping in the guest bedroom when you sure as hell should be sleeping with me?”

Touch Me Book 3


Jenny swallowed past the lump in her throat. She had goose bumps. She gaped at Cooper, who had a frigid expression freezing his face. She stared at the wall, at the bookshelf on the wall.
Don’t look at him!
She wished the bed would swallow her up whole.

Why am I fighting? I want him.

No! No way. He had planned this all along. He just wants to score.

But it’s
Cooper! And he threw Celia out, didn’t he?

The man had humbled himself enough, and he had tried enough. He could have any woman he wanted.

I have a thing for a certain brunette.

He has a thing for me.

Her cheeks flamed as the memory returned – the memory of his mouth on hers, his rough hands on her body. Cooper was harsh, there was a storm trapped inside him and once she relented, she was sure he would throw her around and do as he pleased with her.

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