Torn (31 page)

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Authors: Michelle Escamilla

BOOK: Torn
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I could feel the dance beats running through my entire body, I had to get up and start dancing. Courtney
soon followed me and we danced for a little bit in front of our table and then we decided to get out on
the dance floor. We didn’t stray far from the tablearea though. The boys soon joined up and started
dancing with us. I could feel Liam grinding up into me; it was always a turn on to be dancing so sexy. I
always loved the way he danced with me.

We decided to take a short break and hit the table again for a round of drinks. Courtney was starting to
get a little tired so she wanted to take a breather and get some water and rest her feet. The boys
decided that they were going to go and check out the rest of the club, while Courtney and I sat down for
a few minutes to catch our breath.

“Are you having a great time?” I leaned over and said into her ear.

“Yes! This is a lot of fun!” She leaned in and gave me a hug. “How are you doing? Holy shit! Look at your
wrist, Ryleigh! What the fuck did he do?” She kept looking down at my wrist; I didn’t think he was going
to bruise me.

“Nothing, he just grabbed it to talk to me and it didn’t seem like he was grabbing that hard!” I pulled my
arm back and rubbed my wrist. “I’m fine, okay?” I insisted.


“Bullshit.” Courtney sounded as if she was going to say more but she stopped herself and looked as if
she were in shock.


“What’s the matter?” I looked in the direction shewas facing. “Oh my fucking god! Is that Caleb?” My
heart stopped as I faced back to Courtney who was laughing and nodding at the same time.


“Uh, yeah I think so! Before you say anything, I didn’t say ANYTHING to him about coming out here!”
Courtney hollered, even over the loud music I couldtell she was lying by the grin she had on her face.

“Then why is he here?” I freaked and smacked her arm.
“Well, I kind of DID invite him to the wedding, but he said he didn’t know if he could make it or not.” She
laughed again and pointed to him standing right behind me.

“Hey beautiful.” He said as he leaned down into my ear. I could feel the goose bumps run all up and
down my arm and leg.


“What are you doing here?” I asked surprised.


“Well, my friend Courtney had tied the knot and I unfortunately couldn’t catch a flight to make it to the
ceremony, but I told her I might be able to make it to the reception.” He said with a wink to Courtney.


“Hi Caleb!” Courtney squeaked as she got up to givehim a hug. As she got up I felt the butterflies begin
to swarm.


“Wanna dance?” he asked Courtney.


“No, but here is a beautiful woman, I am sure she would love to hit the dance floor with you.” She said
as she pushed Caleb towards me. I shot her a glare.

We both headed out towards the floor. The last time that I saw Caleb dance; it was at our junior prom.
Back then, he was not very coordinated and I could tell the girl that he was with was just as nervous to
dance with him.

Obviously things had changed over the years, he pulled me in close and we began to move to the beats.
I felt as if we were living a scene from Dirty Dancing, it was completely hot the way our bodies moved in
sync together. It reminded me of the day that he and I had sex room, the time I am assuming that I got

His hands were up and down my body as we grinded to the songs, I didn’t want this moment to end. He
grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his mouth to kiss it. He had stopped about a second into the soft
kiss; even in the dark he knew something was wrong with my arm. Shit.

“Ryleigh. What the fuck is this?” Caleb asked sternly.


“Caleb, please. I don’t want anything to ruin Courtney or Jason’s night! Please, I am begging you just to
drop it and leave it be. It is nothing, okay.” I said as I tried to pull my arm back.


“Where the fuck is he?” He demanded.


“He is off with Jason somewhere, okay. They wantedto see what else is here in the club.” I said pointing
randomly to different spots of the club.


“Funny, cause Jason is over there sitting with Courtney and it is just the two of them!” He said pointing
at our table.

“God, I don’t know, Caleb.” I said upset.
“Is this who you really want to spend the rest of your life with? Someone who will leave a mark on you
and not a good one either? Really?” Caleb began to walk away.

“Caleb! Don’t walk away, I love you!” My timing was impeccable. Liam came up right beside me. “Liam!”
I gasped.


“So what the fuck is going on?” Liam asked coldly.


“Liam…I…shit…” I couldn’t form a sentence to save my life. Liam then started walking over to Caleb and
pushed him as he was walking away.


“Are you fucking my wife?” Liam yelled. As Caleb turned around Liam took a swing, but obviously was a
little buzzed. He missed.


“Dude, not in the middle of a fucking night club! Want to fucking punch me? Let’s fucking go outside.”
Caleb said calmly and started walking towards the exit.


I quickly made my way through the crowd to Courtney and Jason, I briefly told them what was going on
and we rushed towards the exit to find them.


“Liam! What the hell are you doing?” I screamed out.


“Are you fucking him?” He asked coldly right in my face.


“Liam…” I whispered.


“I asked you a question! Are. You. Fucking. Him?” He seethed.


“I did. Yes. We had something, we have something.” I said quietly.


“You fucking made me feel like I was the worst person on the planet and here you are whoring yourself
around. Are you fucking kidding me?” He shouted out.

“Funny, you don’t seem to want to stop doing what you are doing. It would only be fair right?” I asked
bravely. I could feel some nausea building up. Liam stepped right up to me only leaving centimeters in
between us; I could see the anger building in his eyes.

“Liam, dude, just calm down. What the hell are you doing?” Jason asked trying to calm him down.


Caleb walked over and stepped in.


“Don’t you dare talk to her that way, nor do you get up in her face. I called you out here to talk to you.
You don’t fucking touch her!” Caleb said as he pulled Liam away from me.

Just as Caleb pulled Liam’s shoulder Liam took a swing with his other hand. This time he didn’t miss and
Caleb went stumbling back. He quickly gained his footing and tackled Liam down to the ground.
The two of the rolled around, each exchanging punches. It wasn’t until Caleb rolled on top and threw
one good punch at Liam in the nose that caused blood to splatter out, Caleb climbed off of him to end it.
Two burley security guards made their way over to the guys. They grabbed Caleb as he stood over Liam.

“Hey!” I shouted. “Don’t take him, it’s over.” I tried to grab one of the security guards off of Caleb. Liam
was starting to get up off the ground. One of the guards started to talk to him, I couldn’t hear what was
being said but I could see him shake his head no.

“Look, they both need to leave. Now! I don’t want to see either of them here ever again.” One of the
muscular security guards said to me. I nodded in understanding.


Courtney and Jason were talking with Caleb and I walked over to Liam.


“So.” I started.


“Ryleigh…”He began. I quickly interrupted.

“Liam, tell me something; when I asked you if you were still fucking one of your little tramps, I was right,
huh? Was it Amber? Or is there someone else? I got a voicemail at work earlier this week and I heard
some woman in the background and I swear I heard you as well. Then we get a random call from a girl in
OUR hotel room. Care to explain that one?” I yelled.

“How long were you two fucking?” He asked trying to change the subject.

“Liam, the fact that you aren’t answering me means that I am right.” I took of my wedding rings and held
them out to him. “I want a fucking divorce.” He didn’t take the rings for me so I dropped them on the
ground and walked out of the hotel out to the strip.

“Ryleigh!” Courtney was running after me. “Where are you going?”


“I needed to get some air. I truly thought I was going to lose the rest of dinner on the floor. I am so sorry
to ruin your night!” I said taking deep breaths.


“Oh my god, you didn’t do anything to ruin it! Come here!” She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.
“Are you okay?”


I broke down and shook my head.
“I really want to go home.” I sobbed into her shoulder.
Chapter Eighteen

I spent the night in Courtney and Jason’s room. After the fight Caleb had walked off. I hadn’t seen or
heard from him for the rest of the night. I needed to be alone. I didn’t really want to interrupt the
newlyweds but they insisted. After Jason had gone to my room to get my things for me, he told me Liam
was not there. I was not surprised nor did I even care.

I woke up at 6am and called a taxi to take me to the airport. I left a note for Court and Jason along with
some of my winnings enclosed in a note, telling them to have a great time and stay a little bit longer and
have a honeymoon without me interrupting. I wanted to get some of my things out of my house before I
had to face Liam.

I called my mom on the way to the airport and told her everything that had happened, but left out the
part of me being pregnant. I don’t think I could handle any more drama. She had told me that she and
Avery would be happy to have me stay with them as long as I needed. I hated the fact that I was moving
back in with my mom, but it would help while I could get everything sorted out.

As I boarded the plane I quickly sent a text to Courtney.


Hey, I am boarding the plane now. Call me when you guys get back into town and let me know
how the rest of the trip went. I am so sorry again. Love you!

The flight was my chance to get a little more rest. I thankfully was able to hold down some croissants
and some coffee while I waited to board. I was glad I didn’t have any sickness today, one less thing to
worry about. I packed my bag up into the overhead compartment and took my seat. I tried to get
comfortable and closed my eyes. What a fucking weekend. I was going to need a vacation from my

I began to doze off as the pilot came on the intercom and told us that we were getting ready to depart.

I obviously needed the sleep, because I was lightly shook by a flight attendant telling me that we had
landed in Denver and I was the last one on board. I felt slightly embarrassed at the fact that I hadn’t
even noticed that we had landed.

I grabbed my bags and quickly exited. As I walked through the terminal I quickly remembered that Liam
had driven us to the airport on Friday and cursed out loud. I must have looked like a crazy person
swearing out loud to myself.

I pulled out my phone trying to mentally go through everyone that wouldn’t be mad at me for calling
them at this early hour and make the trek to the airport to pick my ass up. I started to dial up my mom
but felt someone come up close behind me.

“Need a ride?” A deep voice said. Shooting those familiar goose bumps down my arm.
I turned around and found Caleb standing there.


“What the hell? How’d you get here?” I felt stupid for asking that question, like he magically transported
here, Ryleigh. I smacked my forehead.


“I caught a flight out really early this morning. Courtney called me when you texted her and told me you
were flying out. She also told me that Liam drove here.” He took my bag from my shoulder.


“So you drove out here to get me?” I asked with a smile.


“Yeah, I figured you’d need a way home.” He said returning a smile and started to walk towards the
parking lot.


“Caleb?” I started.


“Ryleigh, don’t. It’s been a long night and you have been through some shit. Let’s talk about this another
time, okay?” He replied tiredly.


“Alright.” I whispered.


We got in his truck and it was a silent drive except for me telling him how to get to my house.


After we had pulled up, I asked him to just hang outside while I got some of my things and packed up my
car. He was happy to do so, even asking if I needed help. I just shook my head.


“Where are you gonna stay?” Caleb asked as he opened up my car door for me.


“My mom and Avery, they invited me to stay with them. I called them on my way to the airport, told
them everything.” I said quietly.


“You know, you still have my key. You’re always welcome to stay with me.” Caleb said as he softly
grabbed my hand.


“Thanks Caleb. Things just are so messed up right now, I need to have a minute to get my head straight
and figure out what the hell is going to happen.” I gripped his hand tight before pulling it away.


“Well, you know my number. If you need anything at all, just give me a call.” He leaned in and kissed my
cheek ever so softly. He still gave me the butterflies, it made me smile.


“Thank you.” I whispered and got into my car. I watched him drive off in his truck and soon followed.

I drove over to my mom’s house. She greeted me outon the front porch with a hug and a million ‘I am
so sorry honey’.
After I got settled into my bedroom, I found my mom and Avery on the back patio drinking mimosas. I
found a glass waiting for me on their table. I wanted to grab it, but rather dumped it down the drain and
poured a large glass of orange juice. I was going to have to break the news to my mom. I came outside
and sat next to my mom on the swing. We all sat in silence enjoying the morning breeze and sipping on
our drinks.

“Are you okay in that room?” My mom asked grabbing my hand.


“Yeah, it’s perfect. Thank you. I’m going to look at apartments tomorrow after work, so I shouldn’t be
here for very long.” I said taking another sip of my juice.


“Don’t rush it honey. Just stay here for at least a week and then you can go look. Are you hungry? I can
make you some breakfast?”

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