Torkel's Chosen (9 page)

Read Torkel's Chosen Online

Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Torkel's Chosen
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Chapter 12

Torkel and his
teams arrived back on Enotia in the dark of night. He entered his quarters, excitement
strumming through his veins. Two weeks away from Faye. Had she missed him? He’d
missed her. His first mission away after they’d only had a few days together.
What if her feelings had changed? Would she no longer want him?

Torkel tossed his
bags on the floor by the front door. “Faye.”

Her lack of
response didn’t worry him yet. Torkel didn’t feel the hint of danger that had
buzzed him the night of Faye’s attack.

She wasn’t in the
kitchen, he noted as he strode through their home but a potted plant with pink
petals sat on the counter. His sofa had grown pillows. Bright colored affairs.
Torkel smiled. He wanted her to make herself comfortable. The more she nested
the more he relaxed and the fear she’d leave him lessoned.

“Faye?” He hurried
down the hall to their bedroom. The door was open but the light was out. He
reached for the sensor.


His hand stopped mid-air.
Faye clicked the bedside light, adding a dim glow to the room.

“Is everything
okay?” Had something happened to cause her to sit in the dark? Did he need to
kick Jaron’s ass for not taking care of her?

“Come in and close
the door.”

His foot kicked it
shut as he crossed the room to where she stood.


Torkel’s breath
stalled in his chest. Now that he was closer, he could see what she wore. Or
didn’t. The scraps of pink barely covered her body. Feminine lace cupped her
breasts creating a dip between the two. He wanted to bury his face between the
full mounds. Narrow straps held up more lace. Around her waist a triangle of
pink hid her dark curls.

He cleared his
throat. “Team One said you requested to go to the marketplace. Did you find
that there?” If so, he’d return tomorrow and buy more in every color.

Faye smiled and
sauntered toward him, hips rolling with each step. “No. I brought this from

“What is it?”

Her shoulders
curved as she stopped inches from him and smiled coyly. “Just underwear and a

Torkel would have
Jaron do research and order an abundance. Earth men were fools. He ran a finger
down one delicate strap. With a twist he could break it.

Faye pulled away
before he could put action to thought. Her palm landed on his chest and pushed.
“I want you to sit on the bed. I promised you a lap dance, remember?”

Lap dance? He
vaguely recalled the strange words coming up in conversation but he’d never
figured out what it meant. Was it code for underwear?

“Sit,” she ordered
with another push. Not that she could have moved him.

Torkel chose to
sit at the edge of the bed, feet planted. His gaze continued to look her over.
When she turned, he choked on his tongue. A narrow strap across her back helped
hold up her bra but it was the thin strap between the crack of her cheeks that
had him hard and aching. He half rose from his seat.

“Don’t move,
Torkel or you’ll miss the best part.”

There was more? He

She fooled with
the communicator and a heavy pulsing beat poured from the audio. “This was the
closest I could get to stripper music but I like it. Drums and bass are good
for sex.”

Sex sharing was
included in this too? Torkel didn’t understand stripper but he added it to the
list of words he would ask her about later. So far he had
lap dance
He wanted more of both in his future. Especially when he came home from a
mission as worn out as this one had made him.

Faye raised her
arms above her head as her body swayed to the music. She turned to the side,
giving him her profile as her hips gyrated back and forth. Her back arched as
she ran her hands over her legs, up her side and into her hair. Torkel gripped
the edge of the bed until his knuckles turned white.

She tipped one leg
out and made a come hither motion with her hands. Torkel started to rise but
she shook her head no and twirled her hips. When she spun around and gave him
her back, his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.

“Fuck me,” he

The pink bottoms really
were non-existent in the back.

She winked. “I
plan to.” Her sassy retort was almost his undoing.

Keeping her legs
straight, Faye bent over at the waist and peered at him from the left side. Her
hair fell forward, touching the floor but she didn’t seem to care as she rocked
her round ass left and right. The pink string taunted him with what he couldn’t
touch, as her glistening folds beckoned.

The beat of the
music slowed and so did Faye as she straightened. She tossed her hair and rolled
her body in some erotic contortion before lowering herself to all four on the
floor. Torkel panted.

Her knees spread as
she pumped the floor and arched her back full out. Torkel fisted himself in his
pants and bit back a strangled moan.

Using her hands, Faye
pushed up to her haunches and licked her lips. His shaft pulsed in time to her
sexy movements. She rubbed her hands over her breasts, squeezed and released
before running her hands down her sides again as she climbed to her feet.

Faye walked toward
him and Torkel noticed the pointed heels on the shoes she wore. Black shiny
leather with a multitude of straps that should have been impossible to walk in.

She stepped
between his parted legs and placed a hand on each of his thighs. Her eyes never
left his face as she shimmied to the floor in a twisting motion before coming
back up. Torkel inhaled, his gaze dropping to the plump breasts practically in his
face. His shaft throbbed and his hips jerked upward.

One of her hands
glided up his leg and rubbed him through his uniform pants.

“I’m on fire for
you, Faye.” His body held on by a thread.

Faye eased her
weight onto his lap and began a slow grind. She leaned forward and dragged her
tongue down the column of his neck. Torkel’s eyes rolled in his head. Not even
his desire to see this all the way through could have stopped him.

His hands latched
onto her waist and he spun them both around until he had her on her back on the
bed with him crouched over her. She smiled and widened her legs. “Welcome home,

He settled between
her legs. “If this is how you welcome me, I will pretend to go away every

She laughed and
looped her hands around his neck. Torkel fingered the lace holding her breasts.
“Would you be angered if I tore this?”

“Go for it.”

He pulled and the
material snapped. Her breasts popped out, bold nipples hard and jutting. Torkel
massaged a pink globe and sucked the tip into his mouth.

“Yes,” Faye

His hand squeezed
the other, rolling her pebble-like nipple between his fingers. She reached for
the buttons of his shirt, undoing them and yanking. He released her nipple with
a sigh of regret and sat up. Torkel rolled his shoulders to help her pull his
shirt off which she threw to the floor.

“Take off

He rose from the
bed and hurried to undress while she slid the string of pink and lace off.
Torkel rushed back to the bed and guided his hardness to the enticing curls
between her legs.


He paused. If she
stopped him he might actually cry. Desire glowed in her eyes encouraging him.

She wasn’t

“My Chosen,” he
declared as he possessed her, stretched and invaded her tender flesh. “Mine.”

“Yes, yours
Torkel.” Her legs curled around him.

He wanted to be
gentle, to treat her with the care she deserved but her dance had enflamed him
and need overrode his wants. Vision clouded as ecstasy rippled from his sac.
Her legs thumped against his back.

Torkel raised the sexy
limb and placed it on his shoulder, spreading her to take him deeper. Deep
enough she’d feel him when she left his bed. Deep enough to remember this
moment each time she sat.

“Only I can give
this to you,” he whispered, kissing her face, temple, and cheeks. He needed the

“Only you,

He thrust and
tunneled into her heated depths. That was all it took. She cried out and
clenched around him. Moisture flooded below and his rings swelled. Torkel lost control
and rocked faster until the dam broke and he burst into jagged pieces. He
managed to fall to the side and not crush her beneath his weight.

Faye turned with
him, pushing one leg between both of his, while curling an arm around his
middle. Her look was one of appreciation and adoration. After that explosive
climax, Torkel wasn’t certain how to respond. The only people to ever look at
him the way Faye was right now were his parents and sister.

She poked him in
the side. “Hey.”

He laid his head
on the pillow and adjusted as she rested her head on his bent arm. “Yes?”

“I’m falling for
you, Torkel.”

The breath
shuddered from him. He stared into her gentle brown eyes. She’d said it calmly,
without hint of deceit. Torkel swallowed passed the knot in his throat. Honesty
compelled him. “I’ve fallen for you, Faye.”

Chapter 13

Faye moaned and
her eyes snapped open. Torkel’s tongue hit her in the right spot and her hands
smacked the bed hard as the orgasm ripped through her. When she regained her
breath, Faye said, “What you do to me should be illegal.”

Torkel wiped his
mouth on the sheet and eased up her body with a devilish grin. “What you wore
last night should be illegal.”

Her heart did a
happy dance. “Liked that, did you?”

“Hmmm.” He kissed
her until she almost lost her train of thought.

Faye rubbed his
broad shoulders. “Maybe you could return the favor.”

He frowned and
leaned back. “You want me to wear your clothes.”

Faye’s mouth
dropped. She thumped his shoulder for thinking it. “God, no!”

Torkel’s look of relief
was laughable.

“I meant you
should strip for me one night.”

He ran a finger
over her lips. She nipped and sucked at the tip. His lids lowered and his
arousal pressed snug between them.

“I would not do as
well as you, Faye.”

“If you wore your
kilt, I wouldn’t care.” She’d love to see him in nothing but that strip of
leather again.

“Kilt, an ancient
garment worn by Earth males,” he recited.

“Well,” she
drawled, playing with a strand of his hair. “Whatever you called the leather
skirt you had on when I chose you.”

His eyes widened
and a blush stained his sharp cheek bones. “My
.” His voice
dropped to a husky whisper. “You want me to wear it and strip? Dance to entice
like you did last night?”

She got wet
imagining the whole scene. “Yes. Absolutely.”

“I’ll consider

Faye hadn’t expected
that. She pressed her breasts against his chest. “Let’s practice what comes
after the dance for now.”

His brown eyes
smoldered as she rubbed the moisture leaking from between her thighs against
him. “You’re an exquisite treasure that I never want to let go.”

“Seppi Torkel, are
you in there?”

Faye squealed as
someone pounded on their closed bedroom door.

Torkel groaned and
dropped his forehead to Faye’s.

“Seppi Torkel?
Don’t you love us?” A little girl’s voice joined the little boy’s.

Faye searched
Torkel’s face. He rolled over onto his back and flung his arm over his eyes.
The prominent erection she’d been enjoying wilted to half mast.

“Seppi Torkel,”
both voices whined in unison.

“You will pay,
Lissi,” Torkel roared, sitting up. “This is cruel even for you.”

Feminine laughter
came through the closed door. “Come Aya and Boid. I’m sure Seppi will be right

Faye sat up,
pulling the sheet around her middle. Humor replaced her desire. “I think I
actually understood all of that. Seppi is Uncle? And those are your niece and

Torkel tossed the
covers to the side and rose in all his naked glory. God bless the man’s lack of
modesty. He snatched open a dresser drawer. “It is my sister and her children. Lissi
is younger than me but from the moment of her birth she has been a menace in my

Faye chuckled
though she mourned the opportunity to further explore morning sex with Torkel. “I
bet if we shower together, I might be able to squeeze in a blow job.”

He held his
clothes in his arms and faced her. “Please tell me blowjobs are as good as lap
dances and strippers.”

Faye laughed until
tears filled her eyes. “Better.”

He looked
intrigued and tossed the clothes onto the bed. He picked Faye up and rushed her
squealing into the cleansing room. After adjusting the water, they both climbed
into the glass enclosure.

“Show me blowjobs,
Chosen and I might consider your wish for me to wear my
strip.” He quirked a brow in her direction.

It was incentive
enough. Torkel in nothing but that brief bit of leather? Faye dropped to her
knees, catching him off guard and fondled his thickening shaft. Her fingers
bumped along the rings with each pull. Torkel fell back against the shower

“If blow jobs are
what I’m now thinking, you have my vow to strip in my
for you any

Faye bit back her
smile and wrapped her lips around him. He groaned and closed his eyes. She took
him as deep as possible until the head bumped the back of her throat then eased


One of her hands
cradled his sac while the other worked his length. When her thumb and
forefinger brushed the lower rings close to his base, the muscles in his thighs
tightened. Faye focused her attention on sucking and rubbing. Soon he was
rocking into her mouth with a steady rhythm. His hands dug into her hair,
holding her still for his thrusts.


Faye pulled back
and Torkel whimpered. She laughed and he vowed to pay her back for this
torture. He glanced down and his knees weakened. Water ran down her body in
rivulets that drew his eyes. He was jealous of each drop as it caressed her
rounded curves. But nothing held him still as much as the sight of his Chosen.
Lids heavy, she swiped her tongue over the flushed head of his length.

A bolt of
lightening arced through him. She swallowed him whole, while her throat worked
around his hardness and began a rhythmic suction. The greedy flex and pull of
her mouth unmanned him.

“Your mouth. So
hot. Suck me, baby.”

Her lips enveloped
most of him, as her head bobbed back and forth. Every touch and lick of her
lips lashed him with trails of fire. He wanted to last. To enjoy every moment
of her loving him in this manner. He’d run into very few females who took a
male into their mouths and Faye had done it without being coerced. His Chosen
was a treasure.

Torkel stared down
at her face. Eyes closed and cheeks hollowed, she accepted his pumping length
as she laved his rings with the wicked tip of her tongue.

She must have
sensed his climax nearing and tongued the rings under his tip faster.

“Fuuuuckkk!” He
roared and hot blasts jetted into her mouth.

Faye swallowed and
rose to her feet. Torkel’s hands dropped from her hair as he slumped against
the wall and gasped for air. She snuggled along his muscled frame and his arms
curled weakly around her.

She tipped her
head up and asked, “What do you think? Better than lap dances and strippers.”

The crooked line
of his mouth curved into a warm smile. “For that, you can have whatever you


When Torkel
regained his strength, Faye helped wash his magnificent body, ducking when he
attempted to touch her for more than cleaning. “We don’t have time. Your sister
is waiting.”

He rolled his eyes
but acquiesced. Faye dressed in one of the new outfits she’d purchased. The
light blue skirt cinched at the waist and the flowing blue top with the wrap
around ends added a shapeliness to her figure that most clothing never managed.

Torkel paused in
buttoning his black shirt. “You look beautiful, Faye.”

“Thank you.” She
felt beautiful in his eyes.

Once dressed, they
entered his living room to find a young blonde and two children playing at her
feet. When they saw Torkel, the boy and girl jumped up and ran over to him,
each grabbing onto a leg.

“Seppi Torkel,”
they screamed.

Faye winced at the
volume but when the lady laughed, she made her way toward her and extended her
hand. “Hi, I’m Faye.”

Torkel’s sister
ignored her hand and hugged her. “I’m Tor’s sister, Lissi.”

She pulled back
and held Faye’s shoulders. The two of them studied each other before Lissi
declared. “You’ll do. I’m so happy you chose my brother.”

Torkel limped over
to their side, dragging a child on each side of him. “These are her little
ones. Aya and Boid.”

The girl couldn’t
have been more than three. When she smiled, Faye’s heart melted. The boy, Boid
was shier and ducked his head when his gaze met Faye. He looked about five and
had the typical Enotian’s blond hair but his eyes were a light, stormy gray.

Faye and Lissa sat
on the sofa and Torkel managed to seat himself across from them with both
children cuddled on his lap. His hands rested on their backs securely and Faye
was hit with the image of him holding their own child one day. The way his gaze
softened when he glanced down showed how much he loved his niece and nephew. He’d
be a wonderful dad. They hadn’t talked about it but surely he’d be open to the
idea of starting a family right away.

“Why are you here,
Lissi?” Torkel asked with an indulgent glance at his sister.

She leaned back on
the sofa, the white dress she wore molding to her legs. Torkel’s sister looked
identical to her mother. They also seemed to possess the same gentle spirit.

“Maman and papan
met your Chosen and I wanted to meet her too.” She stuck her tongue out at
Torkel after answering.

He merely sighed.
“I planned on bringing Faye to the home for a family dinner when I had time.”

“Yes, but Aya and
Boid missed their Seppi and with Rydak coming back from assignment this was

“Home?” She’d
heard Torkel mention that before.

“Our parents still
live in the large country home where we were raised. I visit often in between
assignments. Lissi stays with them so they can help with the children when
she’s alone instead of their quarters here.”

The bell at their
door sounded.

“Lissi,” Torkel

She jumped from
the sofa and answered the front door.

“Please make
yourself at home,” Torkel called out as she opened it to a tall blond man in a
black uniform.

Faye decided if
this man had been at the presentation, it may have been harder to choose
between him and Torkel. A shimmering energy of savage, protective presence
followed him into the room. His long hair was pulled back into a loose tail. He
picked Lissi up and spun her around before planting a tongue twisting kiss on
her that had Faye adjusting in her seat. When she glanced at Torkel, he hiked a
brow in her direction and she blushed.

When the two
separated, Lissi held onto the newcomer’s hand. “Faye, this is my Chosen,
Rydak. He’s Team Lead for Team Three under Tor’s unit.”

Gray eyes smiled
in her direction. “I’ve heard about you from the others, Faye. I’m sorry I’ve
been away.”

Aya and Boid tore
from Torkel’s arms and hugged their father. “Papan.”

Rydak went to his
knees and wrapped both of them in his arms. His eyes closed as he rested his
head on his son’s. Lissi stood beside them, her hands resting on her Chosen’s
shoulders. There was something sweet and poignant about the four of them
together. Envy snaked through her heart. She wanted the same with Torkel.

As if sensing her
thoughts, Torkel came over and sat beside her. He bent toward Faye and
whispered, “Rydak has been undercover for the last month and this is his first
time back home.”

Rydak rose to his
feet and the children reluctantly released his legs. He wore leather gloves,
Faye noticed when he walked toward Torkel and gripped his forearm in greeting.
Lissi and Rydak took the seats across from them and the children settled down
to play at their feet with toys they’d brought with them.

Lissi laid her
head on her Chosen’s chest and fiddled with the buttons on his shirt. Rydak ran
his fingers through her long, blonde hair, occasionally pausing in his
conversation with Torkel to place a kiss on the top of her head.

“Faye, did I ever
tell you how I used to drag Tor everywhere with me when he was little?” Lissa

“Tor?” Faye’s
brows creased.

“She couldn’t
pronounce my name when she began talking,” Torkel put in after shooting his
sister a glare.

It was obvious to
see the love between them. Faye tried to imagine the small woman carting around
an obviously huge Torkel. “How did you drag Torkel around?”

Torkel looked
uncomfortable but Lissi smirked. “I was taller than him for two years.”

“Marenians don’t
have their growth spurt until their twelfth year. Lissi took that time to abuse
her size advantage.”

His annoyed remark
just made Lissi laugh harder.


Now that his third
team leader had returned, all of the men of his unit were in house. Rydak had
gone on a special mission in an effort to track down the head of the renegade
slave ring. All they knew was that the Marenian they chased was named Lothar
and that he was the mastermind behind the largest group of Marenians violating
the enslavement policy off world.

His native people
as a whole believed in slavery and there was nothing the government could do
about what they did on their planet but when they attempted to expand and
transport to other planets, Jutak warriors got involved.

“What about
Lothar?” Torkel asked Rydak now, naming the head of the slave ring they’d been
chasing. “Were you able to track his location?”

“No,” Rydak
grumbled. “He was gone when the raid went down. I never got a glimpse of him
during the month I was there but it was clear he’s in charge. Any hint of
Lothar’s dissatisfaction would send the men I was with into a panic.”

Torkel grunted.
He’d hoped having Rydak undercover as a merchant interested in making money as
a slaver would give them a leg up.

“It wasn’t all
wasted time,” Rydak put in as if reading Torkel’s mind. “I found out that they’re
planning to transport a large shipment of slaves in a few days. If we get
approval to send a team to intercept, we’ll be able to break it up and rescue
the women and men being held captive.”

Torkel’s mind
whirled with that bit of news. Faye shifted beside him. He glanced down and her
gaze kept going to Rydak’s gloved hands then his face and back to his hands
again. Her attention and appreciation for his team leader’s appearance couldn’t
be missed. Rydak had always been considered overly good looking.

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