Torkel's Chosen (11 page)

Read Torkel's Chosen Online

Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Torkel's Chosen
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“I love you,
Torkel.” She couldn’t stop saying it.

“I’m not done. I
can’t get enough of you.”

Faye thought he
was joking. Until he moved. A graceful roll of his hips. He fucked her like a
god on steroids, plunging faster and faster. She gasped, mind and heart full of
the feelings that raced through her. She grew wetter and wetter. Her hands entwined
in the thick strands of his hair. The orgasm tore through her as she cried out
his name over and over. He continued to rock into her.

Faye relished each
slick glide as she watched him work for his pleasure. Lost to the sensations,
his lips parted, as he panted and grunted. He closed his eyes and clenched his
teeth as he ground his hips against her as he came on a soft, choked cry. When Torkel
settled back on the sofa, his chest heaved on harsh exhalations. Slowly he
withdrew and Faye blinked back tears. She wanted to stay like this forever. In
the moment, absorbing just how perfect things were between them.


Awareness seeped
back into Torkel’s conscious. Faye’s shuddering body clamped tight to him.
Torkel rolled over, bringing Faye with him. She was his. He never wanted to
live without the warmth she brought into his life.

Chapter 15

Dawn edged across
the purple haze sky as Faye stood at the balcony of their living space. Her
mind tumbled with thoughts of the life she’d made with Torkel here on Enotia.
Fear that one simple mistake had ruined it all spread through her veins.

Warm, secure arms
slid around her waist from behind. Faye leaned back as Torkel placed his face
to the side of hers. “I missed you.”

She’d left him asleep
in their bed. Exhaustion had leached the golden tones from his skin. Lines bracketed
his mouth. Lines that hadn’t been there before. His search for the head of the
illegal slave ring was taking its toll on him and his men.

“I wanted you to
get some rest.”

“Hmmm.” He rubbed
his cheek on hers. “I can’t rest without you.”

Faye shivered.
He’d mentioned that once. She had to agree. It was harder for her to find the
deep forgetfulness of sleep when he was away as if her body stayed attuned to
his presence and wouldn’t let her fully relax.

“What’s on your
agenda for today?” Their time together had been sporadic with his coming and
goings. Faye wanted to spend time with him.

 She turned in his
arms, her hands settling on his shoulders. He looked better. Brown eyes glowed with
health and though in need of a cut, his damp hair was slicked back from his
face which meant he’d taken the time to shower before finding her.

Right now he wore
a sheepish expression. “I promised my parents we’d visit their home today.”

Faye’s eyes
widened. “Really? I’d love that. How much time do I have?”

He relaxed and
smiled. “I let them know we’d leave right after breakfast.”

Faye hurried
through her shower and chose a peach, knee length dress in a wispy fabric that
swished around her legs. On her feet she wore simple flats. Torkel waited for
her at the door in a black shirt with laces at the collar which he’d left
undone. His powerful thighs were encased in black pants with multiple pockets
and he had a weapon holstered to his thigh.

Faye shivered, her
eyes on the dangerous laser blaster. “Do you need that?”

Torkel held her
arm lightly and escorted her down to the lobby and out front where a hover car
was parked. “Yes. My parents live in a rural area and see little trouble but my
instincts are warning me not to take any chances.”

Faye bit her lip,
wondering if she should tell Torkel everything. If she could get what she’d
done out in the open then maybe the burn in her chest would go away. They left
shortly after, Faye waving to the team members they passed and Torkel giving
them a firm nod.

She glanced at him
after he seated her and rounded the vehicle to take the driver’s side. He handled
the hover car as it glided through the streets with ease and confidence.

“Are you okay,
Faye?” Torkel checked her expression before returning his attention to the road.

“Fine.” She
swallowed, her heart banging like a drum. Faye couldn’t do it. Couldn’t bear to
see the light in his eyes fade away when he looked at her. If she told him what
she’d done, what they had would crumble. A knot formed in her throat. She loved
him too much to risk losing him.

They reached his
parents in under an hour. A beautiful country home set at the bottom of a
curved driveway. Faye barely had time to get out of the door before Shaya’s
arms enveloped her in flowers and warmth. She eased away and smiled brightly.

“I’m so glad
Torkel finally brought you out, Faye. I’ve prepared something light in case
you’re hungry.”

Faye followed
behind with Torkel bringing up the rear as Shaya held her hand and led her to
the large single-level home surrounded by flowers and trees. “Hurry along,
Torkel. Lissi says she might bring the little ones by.”

Torkel groaned
behind Faye.

Fenced pastures
housed four-legged animals, Faye couldn’t identify. Full troughs were visible
every few feet and a furry, baby animal wobbled over to it.

“What’s that?” She
pointed to the red floppy eared creature that resembled a cross between a
rabbit and a fox.

Shaya smiled. “A
kippi. We raise them and they produce the best milk. Our Torkel loved to play
with them when he was little. There used to be a dozen kippis tumbling on his
lap waiting for a good stroke and rub when he sat out there.”

Torkel caught
Faye’s eyes and winked. She flushed at his mother’s accidental double meaning.

The morning with
Torkel’s parents was one of the best Faye could ever remember having since her
own parents passed away. Marlin had a gentle teasing way about him especially
when his Chosen chastised him or became pushy with Torkel. Marlin understood
his son and often diverted attention to himself to cut Torkel slack from
Shaya’s effusive nature. Faye decided she loved him on the spot.

“Why don’t we
ladies take a walk with our caffe?” Shaya asked the room in general as she
grabbed two mugs and directed Faye outside.

Faye had developed
a craving for the Enotian version of coffee but wasn’t sure they’d just walk.
Torkel must have had the same thought and pushed back from the kitchen table. He’d
helped clear away the dishes they’d used for Shaya’s casserole, winning points
from Faye.

“Since Lissi’s not
coming, we can’t be much longer, maman.” He spared Faye a glance.

Lissi had called
and said she and the children couldn’t make it. Boid had a slight cold she
didn’t want to spread.

“Nonsense. You
didn’t drive all the way out here to keep me from my new daughter.” Shaya
linked arms with Faye after handing her a steaming mug.

With a deep frown
on his face, Torkel blocked the doorway and tipped his head toward Faye.

Faye appreciated
his attempt to save her from a potential grilling. She knew very well that her
talk with Shaya would be far from casual. This was a mother looking out for her
son. The moment filled with tension. Marlin started to rise from his seat to
coral his wife.

“I’m fine, Torkel.
I want to spend time with the woman who raised you. Maybe she’ll tell me about
the funny stories of your youth that you feared Lissi sharing.”

Torkel relaxed his
stance and stepped to the side. “If you’re sure.” He stared at his mother. “Maman,
have a care.”

Marlin sat back
down. Shaya patted Faye’s elbow. “You worry too much, Torkel.”

And with that they
left the men behind, though Torkel watched them until Shaya cut around to the
back of the house and he could no longer view them through the glass door.

“Thank you,” Shaya
said, taking a sip from her caffe.

“I figured it must
have importance for you to orchestrate all of that.”

Shaya chuckled and
released Faye’s arm. In companionable silence, they strolled down a cleared
path into a small grotto. At the center, a small fountain in the shape of some
sea creature gurgled. Water spit out of his mouth to fill the bowl in a
reoccurring circle.

The beaming rays
from the sky cast light on the strange but pretty flowers. Any concern about
speaking with Torkel’s mother was erased. Having the sun warm her skin relaxed
Faye further. She’d never take sunlight for granted again.

“Has Torkel shared
how he came to live with us?”


Shaya waved her
hand at a small stone bench surrounded by an explosion of colorful bushes. Faye
sat but the woman stayed on her feet and stared at Faye as if debating her next

“We found him as a
small baby. Not far from our farm. Just abandoned in the middle of nowhere with
only a small blanket.”

Faye set her caffe
on the side of her. She couldn’t pretend what Torkel’s mother was about to
share wouldn’t upset her.

“Marlin and I took
him right to the birth registry office but no one claimed him. It was clear right
away he wasn’t Enotian and after the medic’s exam, his birthright as Marenian
put off any perspective parents who might have considered adopting him.” Shaya
frowned, lost in thought. “There are times when my race disappoints me with
their bias. Here’s this innocent baby and they’d already judged him a menace.”

She smiled and
sipped her caffe. “There was nothing menacing about my little boy. I waited two
weeks. Two weeks and finally stormed down there. I went straight to the nursery
and picked him up blankets and all. You should have seen those medics.” She
chuckled at the memory. “I got all the way to the front door before security
stopped me. They called Marlin to come down thinking I’d lost it.”

Faye couldn’t hide
her amazement. “You went to a place where they kept orphaned kids and tried to
steal Torkel?”

Shaya met her
gaze. “Exactly. But it wasn’t really stealing since no one wanted him anyway.
Bigots. Even the medics gave him begrudging care. Finally, the director was
persuaded to understand my reasoning after my Chosen had a stern conversation
with him in a private office.”

“Marlin?” Faye
gaped. The quiet man in the house had gone head to head against big wigs?

Shaya’s eyes
gleamed with triumph. “Marlin used to be on the governing council for the Jutak
warriors before he requested elder status and resigned. Oh, but he was so
powerful that day. No one stopped us as we signed the papers and claimed that
little Marenian as our baby.”

Faye still tried
to wrap her head around the image.

“When Torkel
started having headaches at three we rushed him to an emergency medical center.
I was distraught. He was our only at the time and I feared he had some
unexplained illness that would take him from us. Thankfully, it was only his
horns trying to emerge.”

“Horns?” Faye felt
like a parrot. Torkel didn’t have any horns.

“Yes. All
Marenians have horns that protrude from their temples.” Shaya tapped her head.
“We had them removed before they ruptured the skin which kept him from having
any scarring.” She sighed and at last sat beside Faye. “I truly thought he’d be
accepted by my people. When he became a Jutak warrior was one of my proudest
days. He’s a fierce defender of justice, my son. Then came the day he wanted to
have a family. I was thrilled at the thought of his little ones. Selection
after selection he was ignored by females. Not just Enotians but from other
worlds as well and I realized that once again his birth had stigmatized him.

“You are the dream
I’ve always wanted for him. Torkel is full of love and the woman who has his
heart will be cherished.”

Shaya reached for
Faye’s hands and held them lightly. “I’m sharing all of this for you to
understand how difficult his life has been from the moment of his birth. Constant
rejection instead of acceptance. Since he’s your Chosen, I hope it’s because
you see beyond what labels others seek to put on him.”

Faye could
honestly say she saw the wonderful man Torkel was. “I love him, Shaya.”

Shaya burst into
tears. “Thank the gods.”


Chapter 16

Torkel thought the
visit with his parents went well. His maman and Faye had come back in smiling
and hugging much to his surprise. His papan winked at him. He spent the rest of
the day with Faye until he had to leave for his meetings.

“We might have

Torkel glanced up
from the communicator he’d been using to run over the details and reports of
the most recent missions his unit had gone on when things started to fall
apart. Faruk and Jaron had closeted themselves in a separate office drilling
through pages of correspondence and memos.

“What do you
have?” He asked, glad for the break.

Kyele and Arak
came and sat on the edge of Torkel’s desk to listen as well.

information is spot on for dates and locations. We can only assume that at some
point someone discovered he was undercover and planted the false information
knowing we’d be all over it.”

“The information
wasn’t false,” Arak puzzled. “Every place we went had traces of the Marenians
presence. We just seem to arrive late, so the timing was off.”

“Accident or
deliberate?” Jaron queried, passing out a single piece of paper for all of them
to look over. “I created a timeline and each raid based on the solid
information from Rydak is off by mere hours. As if they’re receiving the
information right before we leave.”

Jaron leaned over
and pointed to specific dots and zigzags. “Here is an estimate on how long it
would take us to get to each of the slave auctions from Enotia. Now if a person
received notification somehow, it would be nothing for them to load up and
scatter. We arrive and boom…nothing.”

Torkel frowned.
“That’s cutting it really close. The Commander knows when we’re leaving on the
raids. Anyone from his office can sell that information.”

Faruk tapped his
finger on the desk. “The Commander knows what days we plan to leave because he
knows the dates and locations of the raids but to know to the hour when we
leave? He’s not given that level of detailed information. Jutak warriors get a
lot of leeway when planning our missions and deciding which teams will go.”

It didn’t make
sense. “What are you both thinking?”

Jaron met his
stare. “It’s closer, Torkel. Has to be.”

“How damn close
are you talking? Do you think someone on the teams?”

Arak growled. “What
are you saying!”

Kyele stood up and
raked his hands through his hair. Torkel waited for him to add his denial but
as usual Kyele remained quiet and kept his thoughts to himself.

“Everyone has a
price,” Jaron declared.

“Not my unit, not
my teams,” Torkel stated adamantly. He knew them. Trusted them with his life.
He’d hand picked each of them based on their profiles when he’d made Unit
Leader. They had the top closure and capture ratings out of all the other Jutak
warrior units.

“Come up with
something else.” Torkel kept his gaze on Kyele who paced from his desk to the
corner of the office. “We leave on the next raid tonight. It’s too late to
change anything with the information the Commander has but we can change the

Faruk and Jaron
smiled. “Set a trap for the leak.”

Torkel nodded.
“Exactly. I’m taking Team One instead of Team Two and Three. Go in lean. We’ll
leave an hour earlier than we originally planned. Share this with no one else.
I’ll send a message to the other two teams after we’ve launched and left the
surface. Jaron, prepare the other men from Team One. We’re going to find our


Faye straightened
up the pillows on the sofa. Torkel loved them but made it a point to scatter
them when he sprawled his big body on the sofa when he relaxed. She smiled
hugging one of the fluffy squares to her chest. He’d kissed her hot and heavy before
leaving to meet with the teams again.

“You owe me a
dance, you know,” she’d teased looking up into his eyes.

Torkel folded a
few more items in his bag and stopped. His brown eyes smoldered. “A dance?”

She licked her
lips and sashayed across the bedroom until she reached his side. “You, leather
skirt, me naked.”

His hands settle
at her waist as he corrected, “My loitte, not a skirt. Are you sure you don’t
want something else? A new dress? Flowers?”

Faye tiptoed
her fingers up his chest. “Do you want to experience blow jobs again?”

By the way his
eyes darkened she had her answer. “One dance?”

She leaned back
in his arms, running her hands over his collarbone beneath the black shirt.
“One dance,” she agreed.

“You drive a
difficult bargain, Chosen.” He lowered his head and kissed her.

Faye placed the
pillow back on the cushions. At least she had something to look forward to.

The door opened
and her darkly handsome Chosen strode in with that alpha walk that turned her
on each time he entered a room. His hair was mused as if he’d been running his
hands through it. The black multi-pocket pants and matching collarless shirt
conformed to his large frame reminding Faye of all his leashed strength.

Torkel came straight
to her and pulled her in tight, his mouth landing on hers with devastating
force. Faye braced her hands on his chest, lips parting for his invading tongue
as he took with every lick and suck. “Mmmm, I like that.”

He rested his
forehead on hers. “I more than like it. I love it.”

Faye studied him
closer. Fatigue radiated from his pores. The teams typically rotated when they
went out but in light of the recent events Torkel was going on each mission.
Inside, she winced. She wasn’t sure how the strange man was using the small
comments she answered to thwart Torkel but Faye knew he was and as a result this
latest group of slavers was proving difficult to stop.

“Are you okay,

“Change of plans.
I know we were going to do something special tonight but I’m leaving with Team
One and we’re leaving earlier.”

Fear slammed into
her. “Is something wrong?”

He ran a hand over
her hair. “Everything’s fine. It’s good of you to be concerned but this is
typical work.”

She followed him
to their bedroom where Torkel slung his duffel over his shoulder. Fear returned
to her gut fast and oppressive. Faye grabbed the sleeve of his uniform. His
combat gear he’d told her. “Don’t leave, Torkel.”

He caressed her
face, his touch gentle. “I’ll be back tonight.”

“I don’t want you to
go.” Her stomach churned and deep inside a part of her wailed in remorse. It
didn’t feel right. A harbinger of something bad to come shadowed her thoughts.

Torkel pressed a
light kiss on her nose. “What’s wrong? This isn’t like you, I’ve left on
assignments before.”

“I’m scared,” she

His eyes crinkled
at the corners. “I’ll wake you when I return and soothe you back to sleep.”

Even the sensual
promise couldn’t still her rioting emotions.

The communicator
buzzed as soon as the door closed behind Torkel. Faye’s fingers trembled as she

“Answer quickly.
Your Chosen was due to go on a raid tonight and I just need you to let me know
if he’s changing anything.”

“Plans changed and
they’re leaving earlier. It’s to counter the problems they’ve had.” Problems she
was somehow responsible for.

“Very good, Faye. You’ve
learned not to push me.” He disconnected without further words. Faye clenched
her jaw and held back a scream. Enough. Enough doing his bidding. Tossing the
communicator to the floor, she crushed it beneath her heel.

The pressure in
her chest eased. She had to trust Torkel could handle himself.


Torkel stood on
the other side of the door debating. Faye seemed more on edge and her concern
about his mission tonight wasn’t her normal behavior. Making up his mind, he
opened the door and went back in. Her back was to him but she jumped when he

She turned and her
face drained of color. Torkel tossed his bag to the side of the door and
crossed to her. “Faye, what’s going on with you tonight?”

He grasped her
shoulders and she shook like a fragile leaf on a tree. She practically climbed
in his arms and Torkel stumbled back until he regained his balance and held on
to her. He walked backward to the wall which was closer than the sofa and leaned
his weight against it. “What’s wrong, baby? Tell me.” He murmured, clasping the
back of her neck with one hand and rubbing her with the other.

She clung tighter,
pressing her cheek against his own while silent tears trickled on his face
where she pressed her own.

“Oh, my sweet,
Faye.” Torkel rocked her a little, hoping to soothe whatever fear rode her. He
hated that she worried for him to the point of crying.

“You s-should go.”
Faye’s legs slid down his waist and touched the floor.

Torkel reluctantly
released her and tipped her chin up. Her eyes still watered but she met his
bravely. “There’s my Chosen. I’ll be back.”

She nodded and
walked him to the door. He grabbed his bag and kissed her one last time.


Torkel checked his
weapons once more before settling in his jump seat on the shuttle. He couldn’t
shake his mind off of Faye. This was a one night run and he’d been gone far
longer without her worrying.

Jaron glanced over
from his seat, eyes serious. “You good?”

Torkel shook away his
thoughts and focused on the mission. Time to get back in the game. He’d talk
with Faye later tonight. She was usually easy going and her jitters tonight
probably concerned him for no reason. “I’m good.”

“Missing your
Chosen already, huh?” Jaron’s smirk was worth the cuff Torkel landed on the
back of his head.

“Ow.” Jaron jerked
back in his seat drawing the stare of the other members in Team One.

Gregir laughed.
“Is he messing with you about Faye again, Torkel?”

Torkel grinned and
leaned back, adjusting his safety harness over his chest as the shuttle picked
up speed for the launch. Jaron and his Chosen had bonded more than he would
have expected. Faye often came across as shy but Torkel later realized that his
men intimidated her when they were all together. She could handle small groups better
and her preference for Jaron’s company was obvious.

His team leader’s
humor often set her off into wild laughter. The sound would draw Torkel’s
attention and leave him with a smile on his face. The feeling had grown over
the last few weeks since their time together. He’d finally identified it one
night while watching her sleep. Contentment. Torkel finally had what he’d
always wanted.

“Jaron’s jealous,
Gregir. He needs to find a female of his own and leave mine alone.”

Jaron paled. “I’m
not ready to settle down. I leave that to the old folks.”

His statement had
Geile frowning. Geile had Jaron by a few years. “I’ll show you old in the
training rooms when we return.”

Jaron smacked his
vest-covered chest. “Game on. Bring your baby brother. You’ll need him to carry
you back to your room.”

Gregir chuckled
and Geile nailed him with a glare. Arak watched the play, his laser in his lap
charged at the ready.

“Expecting trouble
when we land, Arak?” Torkel asked, pulling the conversation to more serious

“My senses are
fired up. This doesn’t feel right.”

They all stiffened
and sat up in their seats. Torkel trusted Arak’s animal instincts. They hadn’t
steered the team wrong yet. “What are you thinking?”

Arak snarled and
shifted in his seat. “I can’t put my finger on it.”

Considering the
failure with the previous missions, Torkel understood his concern. “Let’s stay
sharp, team. Arak let us know if you get twitchy at any point when we reach the
surface. The plan is simple. If the slavers are there, we go in hot, arrest the
ring leaders and free the estimated ten slaves in this shipment.”

“Jaron, notify
Team Two and Three about the changes.” They were fifteen minutes out from
reaching their destination. Torkel trusted his teams but this way there was as
little chance for a leak since only he, Faruk, Kyele and the Team One guys knew
about this last minute switch.


They were quiet
for the rest of the trip, each of them deep into their thoughts. Soon, the
shuttle pilot’s voice came on the overhead warning of the landing. Arak checked
his weapon again.

Torkel’s shoulders
tensed, if the half-Enotian, half-Argoran was this nervous then they all needed
to be nervous.

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