TopGuns (6 page)

Read TopGuns Online

Authors: Cara Carnes Taylor Cole Justin Whitfield

BOOK: TopGuns
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No matter what Jason wanted it was time to accept
reality—she wasn’t his. She hadn’t ever been. With resigned acceptance he took
a deep breath and plastered on a smile he couldn’t feel. He couldn’t feel much
of anything right now.

The numbness would fade though. It had to. Life knocked you
down and you got back up and kept partying. Kept fighting to make your place.

“Congrats, man.” Jason clapped him on the back. “I’d love to
be your best man.”

Truth be told, Dan was a hell of a guy—he’d do just about
anything to make Jeans happy. That should be enough to help Jason do the
righteous thing and step away.

“Keep this between us for now, man. She hasn’t said yes.”
Dan grinned. “Gonna ask tonight.”

“Awesome. Keep me updated.” He had to get out of here.
Hearing details wasn’t something he could handle. “Hey, I’ve gotta go check on
someone. I’ll head back when the lights come up.”

* * * * *

Tyler hated awkward moments like this. The power outage had
put a damper on the evening for a few brief moments but he’d been determined to
get the dance he was in the middle of done. The lady was a regular, and even
though she was the last one he’d want to get caught in the dark with, it didn’t

“How long do you think the power will be out?” Her voice was
heavy with arousal that sent a thread of unease through his spine. Her hands
wandered farther up his thighs and he gritted his teeth.

Son of a bitch, he really hated power outages. He tried to
breathe deeper to channel his frustration but the pungent perfume and cigarette
smoke lingering on her left him regretting the decision. Just a little bit
longer and his time for this dance would be up.

Laughter and moans echoed around the room. She squeezed his
ass. “It sounds like we could ease up a bit on the rules tonight. You know I’d
treat you good.”

Translation—there was money to be had if he had a dick with
no scruples.

He groaned and thrust harder, angling to hit lower even
though her stomach prevented the contact he knew she’d enjoy most. There was no
way in hell he was responding to her statement. It hung between them, choking
the enjoyment he typically got from dancing for a regular.

Shock rippled through him when her fingertips ran along his
balls. Underneath the material. What the hell? Before he could back up she ran
them up his shaft. A soft moan escaped her.

“Very nice,” she whispered. Her hand kneaded his thigh and
then roped around to his ass. He could feel her fingertips gliding along the
seam of his ass cheeks. He tensed. The thrill of unwanted contact in public
counteracted his revulsion for her. Unsure how to respond or feel about what
was happening he continued the dance. When she repeated the action a second
time, his cock hardened and he knew he was in trouble.

She was a regular.

She was… He shuddered, unable to complete the thought as
waves of nausea took over.

No. This wasn’t happening. He stopped dancing and hugged her
close, hoping the action eased the unspoken rejection. This moment could very
well cost him a regular. That sucked but more than that he hated being in
awkward positions like this.

“Thanks for the fun, sweetheart.”

“Stay with me for a while.”

“I’ve got to go. I’ll swing by later and check on you.” He
hugged her again and forced an awkward smile even though the low light from the
emergency floodlights in the far corner of the club probably didn’t let her see

He made his way toward the back, not paying attention much
to the things around him. The more distance he put between him and whatever the
fuck had just happened, the better. Had he just gotten turned on by her?

A thud knocked him back a couple steps and he held out his
hands reflexively. The hallway was dark—too far away from the light to do much
good but the feminine gasp made him reach out.

“Sorry, I need to watch where I’m going.”

“It’s okay. I was distracted too,” she said. She squeezed
his arms. “If you ever want to switch lines of work I think you’d make a great
retaining wall. You’re pretty solid there.”

“A retaining wall, huh? I’d like to think I’m a little more
giving than that.”

She laughed softly and his dick got a little harder. Hair
softer than silk greeted his fingertips when he ran them from her head to her
shoulders and down to her waist. Petite and compact. Now this could turn him on
any day.

“Exactly how giving are you?”

“There’s one way to find out.” He took her hand and tugged.
“Come on.”

He made his way to the bar—the darkest part of the club—and
hoisted her on a stool. She smelled like vanilla and roses. The scent permeated
his nostrils. The rest of the night and what had transpired disappeared,
tunneled until all that was left was the woman running her hands down his body
as if he were a Greek god sculpted just for her.

He groaned and parted her thighs enough for him to wedge
between them. He inhaled her gasp when he leaned in until their lips almost
melded. The feathery breaths were like tendrils of arousal wrapping around his

He massaged his way up her thighs and slid his fingers
inward once he got beneath her short skirt. “So sexy.”

“I’m starting to feel like the luckiest girl around

“Good. I love to make beautiful women happy.” He settled his
hand at the small of her back and pulled her toward him until his dick rubbed
against her pussy.

“I’m not wearing any panties,” she whispered into his ear.

He groaned and reached down to pull his cock out. “Good. I
can’t wait.”

“I didn’t expect you to.” Moisture greeted his probing
fingers when they slid into her pussy.

“Damn.” With his arms locked around her in a tight embrace,
he slid into her hot, wet channel and groaned at the warmth encasing his dick.

He needed this. The anonymity, the wanton risk, the carnal
connection. They remained silent and unmoving except for where they were
connected. Her soft moans and gasps kept him thrusting slowly and deep to a
pinnacle of release he craved more than the air he breathed.

Fingernails dug into his back and her breathing became more
labored. He held her in place and fucked her faster. Her release gripped his
cock and he stifled the roar of pleasure tumbling from him.

Whoever this woman was, she’d just rocked his world. As
awareness returned to him he caressed her cheek and looked down at her, even
though the darkness prevented him from really seeing anything beyond vague

“That was incredible.”

“Yeah, it was,” she whispered. “Anytime you want a repeat,
come find me.”

Tyler made quick work of the goodbyes as the lights
flickered back to life. By the time he made his way to the back, the club had
returned to a semblance of normal and the events of the earlier part of the evening
were merely a glimmer.

He should’ve gotten the woman’s name.

No. The anonymity had made it hotter than hell.

“Hey, man. I heard you got stuck with your regular,” Jason

“Well, the hot blonde I grabbed coming out of the bathroom
afterward sure as hell made up for it though. She was hot and ready.” Tyler sat
and looked up when Jason started to laugh.


“Was her name Candice? When did you snag her?”

“Just a bit ago. We didn’t bother exchanging names.”

Jason’s voice rose as he looked around the room when the
other guys started congregating, as if sensing something worth remembering was
about to be revealed. A suspicion burned Tyler’s gut—one he didn’t want to

“Man, that’s the chick I banged in the bathroom. You got my
sloppy seconds.”

The guys roared with laughter. Embarrassment crept up his
cheeks as he tried hard to laugh off the jibes being directed at him.

“Man, did you eat her out?” one guy asked.

“That’s fucking disgusting, dude.”

“Well, did you?” another pressed.

“Fuck all of you.” Tyler shook his head and looked up at
Jason. “That’s fucked up.”

“Yeah, but she was worth it.”

Chapter Six


“You were my Eskimo brother from the start.” Jason laughed
as he rocked back and forth.

Tyler let his friend have his laughs for a few moments as
his thoughts were swept back to another time. When silence descended he tossed
out his comeback. “I got you back and you didn’t even know.”


“A few weeks later I had this hottie give me a blowjob in
the parking lot.” Tyler grinned as he recalled the sexy brunette with the
killer throat.

“So what?”

“I came in her mouth.”

Jason sighed. “Goose, you’ve officially lost it. This
doesn’t have anything to do with me.”

“Do you remember that hottie who came up to you when you
were at the side stage? The one that planted a huge French kiss on you?” Tyler
knew he’d remember. They could count on their hands how many times a woman
kissed them at the club since it wasn’t ever done.

“You know, I do remember her. She was too hot. I had to make
an exception for her.”

“So, did she have fresh breath?” Tyler chuckled and took a
sip of his drink.

“How the hell would I know?” Jason’s eyes widened and he
leaned forward. “Wait. Are you saying that’s the one you shot your wad in?”

“I got one word…snowball.”

“You sick old bastard!” Jason laughed as he spit.

Despite all the shit they gave each other over the years,
they always had each other’s back. Of all the times at the top of Tyler’s
awesome list, Jason had either been right there beside him or pretty damn

Most people reached their mature ages with a bucket list of
shit they wished they’d had the guts to do. He and Jason had done theirs and
then some. He knew he had a list of regrets he wouldn’t share with anyone but
he wouldn’t have changed a thing he’d done through the years.

Or who he’d done them with.

Sentimental bullshit wasn’t really something the two of them
shared—not even after fifty or more years of friendship. Things went unspoken
and they were both okay with that. Sure, they’d pissed each other off through
the years.

But they’d worked through it and moved on to bigger and
better things. For the most part.

“You know, when I think back on the worst times I realize
most of them were when you weren’t around.”

“Wow.” Jason paused a moment. “That’s pretty deep, Goose.”

“Fuck you, man. I’m trying to be serious here.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“The weekend of their wedding and that gig I had to do. I
felt like shit for not being there for you, man.”

“Hey, shit happens.” Jason shrugged but Tyler knew he’d let
him down. They’d never spoken of it.

“You know that gig was crap.”

* * * * *

Tyler looked at the address one last time as he exited his
vehicle. The gig paid well and that was the only reason he’d agreed to handle
it alone. All he had to do was stand at a table and greet people as they got
their desserts. It sounded almost too simple for the amount they’d agreed to

The money would help get a decent gift for Jeanie and Dan’s
wedding—which he was missing thanks to this gig. Man, Jason was going to kick
his ass. Not that Tyler blamed him. He should be there to have his back in case
the situation got too awkward.

Not that Jason would admit that Jeanie marrying Dan bothered
him. Dan was a hell of a guy but Tyler had always expected a different turnout.
Oh well. Sometimes things don’t happen the way you want.

Either way, he’d make it up to Jeanie and Dan for missing
and drag Jason out for a drink tonight after this gig was over and done with.
Several people milled about in various cliquish circles. Hushed whispers and
giggles made him look around, leery of what he’d gotten himself into. As he met
their amused gazes the women would blush or look away.

What the hell?

Uneasiness kept him company as he made his way to the area
he’d been told to meet the coordinator, Matthew Martinson. A middle-aged man
wearing a tuxedo paced back and forth in the corridor when Tyler turned the
corner. The man glanced at his watch and crossed his arms.

“Good. You’re here.” Condescension filled his voice as he
regarded Tyler. “You aren’t exactly what I expected but I suppose you’ll have
to do. Remove your shirt and come with me.”

“My shirt, sir?”

Martinson sighed heavily and whirled in a fit of
frustration. “A few of our guests chose to bring their spouses to this dinner
and despite my best efforts, everyone else seems to feel we need to provide
some eye candy for the wives.”

That didn’t sound good.

Tyler remained silent and followed the guy into the serving
area behind what he assumed was the banquet hall for the convention center. Waiters
and waitresses dressed in black-and-white uniforms ran in and out of the room
with the efficiency of an ant colony.

He followed Martinson over to a large round table with a
missing center. The table had been fitted with wheels at the base. An assortment
of chocolates, cakes and other sweets centered on blue doilies on small white
plates lined the circular surface.

“This will be your station.” Martinson motioned toward the
dessert area. “Your task is simple. Push the cart around, try to engage the women
with charm rather than distasteful leering. This is a black-tie dinner—not a…”

The judgmental prick let the rest of the sentence dangle
between them unspoken. Although he’d dealt with a lot of assholes and snooty
people over the years, Tyler hadn’t ever felt quite so…dirty. He chewed on the
“fuck you” lodged in his mouth for a moment. Money talked.

He could tolerate just about anything if the result was
worth it. In this case, it was. Barely. He nodded and crawled under the table
to take his station.

“Oh, and whatever tips you receive will be given to me. I’ll
ensure they go into the charity donation we’re collecting.” He sneered. “It’ll
be your small contribution to our cause.”

Tyler ignored the obvious jibe and got to work. The sooner
this was over, the better. Uncomfortable situations were a hell of a lot easier
to digest when a buddy had your back. Solo gigs like this sucked donkey balls
in the worst way.

The room hummed with conversation. His skin crawled with
leering glances and overt stares. All the nights he’d taken the stage or danced
on a side stage he’d never felt like this—objectified. Each snicker or
suppressed chuckle from a so-called lady fortified his resolve to make it
through the night.

Giggles and smiles usually meant interest—attraction he
could use to his advantage. They made him the hunter. Tonight he didn’t even
seem to be the prey. A full trek of the room took longer than expected. He’d
had to reload desserts a few times, but that hadn’t offered much of a respite.
Well-meaning waiters and waitresses in the back had quickly restocked him.

A few carnal glimpses had brightened the situation, but not
for long. Nothing would come of them at this event. The lights dimmed and he
made his way to the back corner. Martinson nodded in approval.

“You’ve done well so far. You only have a couple more hours
left.” He motioned toward the stage. “Now this is what I call eye candy.”

Tyler wanted to push the cart to a different corner. Hell,
he’d rather keep working the floor of judgmental asses and their haughty wives
rather than deal with the man who’d hired him. But the area was hard to
maneuver in the dim lighting and it was clear everyone was done eating for now.

A show was starting.

Shock riddled him motionless when the Dallas Cowboy
cheerleaders took the stage. Great. The sexiest women around were here to
entertain en masse and he’d been sent in alone to deal with the ladies. What
hope he had of the night turning around disappeared with each scream and
catcall. The women in attendance weren’t pleased as the cheerleaders made their
way into the crowd and began working the tables with gusto.

By the time the show was over Tyler had resigned himself to
the situation fully and he could find the humor in the fact he was the only guy
working alongside an entire cheerleading squad.

Toward the end of the evening one of the perky blondes he’d
watched with avid interest flounced over with a smile that made him perk up.
She tapped her fingers on her chin as she perused the dessert choices.

“See something you like?”

“Oh yes.” She smirked as she grazed her fingers along a
brownie. “I can’t seem to make up my mind.”

She looked around the room for a minute and then captured
his gaze with soft blue eyes. “Everyone here’s pretty obnoxious. I hate events
like this. I can’t believe you have to do it alone. I’d die.”

“It got much better when you all came in.”

“I’m thinking it could be a lot better later.”

“Oh yeah?”

“I’d better get back to work before I get in trouble with
the troll over there.” She pointed at Martinson. She pulled out a pen from her
cleavage and grabbed Tyler’s left hand. “Here’s my number. Call me.”

Tyler nodded as she smiled and headed back to the crowd.

She paused a few feet away and turned. “Don’t make me wait
too long.”

He wouldn’t.

* * * * *

Jason listened to his friend’s recounting of the day from
hell. He would’ve gladly taken his place. A dose of regret rushed through him
as he looked over at Jeanie, who’d returned to her knitting as though nothing
else mattered.

“God, she was beautiful that day.”

“The cheerleader?” Tyler leaned forward. “You saw her?”

“Jeans was. Miserable prick.”

“Sorry, Maverick. Figured a little humor would make it

It was too late for that.

* * * * *

“Fuck.” Dan slammed his fist on the dashboard and collapsed
in the seat. “I’m so screwed.”

“No worries. We’re almost there, man.” Jason slid into the
left lane and gunned it. With any luck they’d wheel into the parking lot with a
couple minutes to spare. He glanced over at his nervous, hungover friend. “I
guess a bachelor party the night before wasn’t a good idea.”

“Not when the ‘night’ doesn’t end until five.”

“It was a hell of a night though.”

“Yeah.” Dan looked over. “We’re not into that sentimental
bullshit but I just gotta say thanks for everything.”


Uncomfortable silence hung between them for a moment.
Perhaps it was only uncomfortable for Jason though. His mind worked through
what to expect for the day—prepared him for the emotional overload of watching
Jeanie marry Dan.

He’d always had her around—expected her to be a part of his
life no matter what. And now. Now she’d turned her notice in and intended to
leave the club. Dan was manning up and opening a place of his own—a bar.

Any idiot could see the white picket fence and a menagerie
of kids in their future. The only question Jason had was whether he’d see her
after today. More importantly, could he handle the rotgut jealousy long enough
to maintain a friendship with her and the man he’d always considered a brother?

“Promise you’ll look out for her if anything ever happens to

Dan’s voice was barely audible over the country music he’d
cranked in the vehicle. Jason nodded quickly but remained silent. He wasn’t
sure what to say. He was in new terrain he wasn’t ready for.

“Man, I don’t want to fuck this up with her.”

“You won’t. The bar’s gonna do great. You’re gonna be a hell
of a dad.”

Dan looked over, shock on his face. “How did you know she’s

Ah, crap. Something foreign lodged in his chest. “Holy shit.
I didn’t! Congrats, man.”

Dan beamed. “Thanks. I’m hoping it’s a girl who looks like

“You sure as shit wouldn’t want her looking like you.”

“Fuck you, man.”

Jason laughed along with Dan. No matter how much Jason might
want it otherwise, this future wasn’t his. Not with Jeans. There were plenty of
other women out there.

“I’ll always have your back, man.”

The statement was easy. Jason proved it in spades over the
next couple of hours. A stain on Dan’s tuxedo shirt was easily diverted with a
quick switcheroo. Ties got tied, vows practiced. Rings double-checked.

All thoughts of jealousy disappeared the moment Jason saw
Jeans walking down the aisle. Her radiant smile washed away all regret and
awakened him to the fact that all he gave a damn about was her happiness—and
that was clearly with the man beside him with the shit-eating grin on his face.

But, like always, his emotions were an eternal pendulum, a
fucked-up seesaw of happiness and bitter jealousy. One minute he couldn’t be
happier for them. The next he wanted to pound on his chest and drag her out
caveman style and claim her for himself.

The reception was an exercise in patience until the formal
dinner portion was finished. The dancing and revelry helped ease the sense of
loss in Jason. Although they were both his friends, he knew this wedding was a
turning point in their lives. Their paths had now gone in different directions
and he wasn’t sure he was ready for what awaited him.

“Can I have this dance?”

The soft voice melted his thoughts and he nodded with a
grin. He escorted Jeanie onto the dance floor and swept her into his arms as
the music drifted around them.

Her hand ran across his shoulder and she tugged at the loose
neck. “Thanks for switching with him.”

“I figured he’d confess.”

She laughed against his neck. “He didn’t. I just noticed.
You know I always see what y’all don’t want me to.”

“That’s very true.” He cleared his throat and leaned closer.
“I hear congratulations are in order.”

She tensed in his arms before looking up. Fear mixed with
happiness glinted in her gaze. “It wasn’t planned. I hope I’m ready.”

He hugged her tighter and ran his hand down her back.
“You’re going to be an excellent mom and God help whoever tries to hurt you
because he’ll kick their ass.”

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