TopGuns (15 page)

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Authors: Cara Carnes Taylor Cole Justin Whitfield

BOOK: TopGuns
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Jason smiled. “You’ve got yourself a hell of a wife there,
man. Y’all did good with those kids. And grandkids. Dude, you’ve got a whole

Dan’s grin spread across his face. “I know. They’re a hell
of a crew. Just wait until you meet D.J. He’s a cool kid. Not that he’s a kid
anymore. Shit, that boy needs to learn to glove it up.”

Jason laughed.

“They’ve been worried about her. So have I.” His lower lip
trembled slightly and he paused.

Son of a bitch this bullshit sucked. He hated seeing Dan
like this—weak, emaciated. Upset. He refused to look away though. Jason could
man up and take this shit if Dan could.

“She needs someone strong beside her. Getting her to rest,
eat. Move on.” Dan swallowed a few times and then coughed.

Jason grabbed a cup of water from the side table and brought
it to him. Crap, as much as he knew Jeanie needed the rest, he wasn’t cut out
for this shit. What did he know about taking care of someone else?

A nurse came in and tsked. “I told you not to get too worked
up, Dan. You need your rest.”

“We can talk later, man. She’s right. You need to take care
of yourself and knock this shit out.”

“I’m afraid it’s about to knock me out.” He glared at the
nurse. “Give me a few more minutes and then I’ll toss his ass out.”

She smirked. “Very well.”

They waited until she left. “She reminds me a lot of that
one female bouncer we had once. What was her name?” Dan asked.

“Oh yeah. Hilda. She scared the shit out of me, man. My nuts
shriveled every time she came near me.”

“Dude, she totally wanted you. I still remember the shock on
your face the first time she came to the stage to tip you.”

“Yeah, what the fuck was up with that? You didn’t let her do
that with the other guys.” Jason shook his head. “My ass hurt for two days
after the lap dance I had to give her on her birthday. She squeezed it so hard
I swear she broke it.”

Dan laughed heartily and Jason hoped the moisture coming
from the man’s eyes was now mingled with a bit of happiness. “Those were some
good times.”

“Yeah they were. You were a hell of a dance manager, man.
Things were never the same after you left.” Jason drew a ragged breath.
“Sometimes I wish we could go back to those times—when the biggest worry we had
was whether to go blonde, brunette or both.”

“You hung around Tyler too much to not default to the last
option.” Dan took another sip of water and held it out for Jason to set down.
“I need you to make me a promise.”

“Man, I…”

“Just listen.” Dan waited until Jason nodded. “She needs
you. I need you to watch out for her—like you used to before all the heavy shit
went down. As long as I know you’ve got her six I’ll be good.”

“You know I’m here for you guys anytime. Just say the word.”

“I am. Right now. Promise me.”

Jason nodded. “Something tells me that brood you’ve got
going on out in the lobby won’t take too kindly to my sauntering in as if I

“You do belong. I just wish to hell we’d worked this shit
out a long time ago. Don’t ever let shit simmer like that again, man. Life’s
too short to let the bygones keep you from what you want most.”

“That’s some pretty deep shit, man.” Jason chuckled. “You
been cracking open fortune cookies again?”

“Hey, those things had a profound influence on me.” Dan
grinned but the emotion in his gaze made Jason’s heart seize. “I’m tagging you
in, buddy. Give her the space she needs but be there for her.”

The door creaked open and the woman once again turning his
world upside down and inside out like only she could walked in with a steaming
cup of coffee and a small grin on her face as she regarded Dan. Jason stood and
headed to the lobby with a heavy soul.

He’d run a huge list of possible scenarios in his mind but
this one hadn’t cropped up. There was no question he’d do what Dan asked. Hell,
he would’ve done it anyway. Now all he had to do was get Jeanie to understand
and accept his presence.

As if she’d known his thoughts she appeared. Shoving her
hands into her jeans, she leaned against the doorframe to the small alcove he’d
found. “He told me you were about to become a fixture I’d just have to get used

“Yeah.” He looked up and studied her a moment. “You okay
with that?”

She nodded. “A hell of a lot of time has passed since then,
Jase. I’m not the same woman I was back then. After you left I thought I’d lost
a big piece of me but then I realized I’d finally discovered myself. I became
stronger and I know it was because of you doing what I’m not sure I could’ve
done had the roles been reversed.”

“What’s that?”

“Walk away,” she whispered. She turned and left, heading
back down the hall to Dan’s room. He sat there for minutes, hours. He wasn’t
sure how long. All he knew was he would’ve gladly done so for a century if it
would’ve prevented the agonized scream that echoed down the corridor like a
twisted battle cry to action.

Chapter Fourteen


Tyler listened to the recounting with a heavy heart of his
own. Those dark days had been the signal of another metamorphosis unfolding he
hadn’t wanted. He’d fought it with all he had.

“The only good thing about that time was that it got us back

“Hell yeah it did.” Jason forced a grin. “Dan would’ve been

“Yeah he would.” Tyler shifted in the chair, suddenly aware
his hip was burning from sitting too long. “He would’ve been more proud of how
you’ve taken care of her but I think even he would’ve kicked your ass by now
for not manning up. You think he’d want her with someone like Titanium?”

“Probably not.”

“There’s no probably about it.”

“The smartest thing we did was moving here even though I
know it was a tough call for you to make.”

Yeah it’d sucked donkey balls—more for the fact it was
necessary than anything else. They all knew Nadine had been the reason they’d
made the decision to move to this place even though none of them really spoke
about it. “This place was a godsend in a lot of ways.”

“Yeah, the cottage homes on the lake were perfect for us.”
The retirement community had offered the best of both worlds—full amenities
with individual homes for residents able to care for themselves and a full
on-staff care facility for those who required help.

“Yeah.” The community center was attached to the care
facility, which offered a chance for all residents to interact with one another
while not making it so difficult on the more feeble. “I’d better go get Nadine
before the action starts.”

“Oh cool. She up for it today?”

“Yeah I think so.” Tyler hoped so. He stood and headed
toward the long corridor that eventually wound around to the back of the care
facility. He was relatively sure they’d put her in the farthest room just to
chafe his ass—or in this case legs—for giving the nurses shit all the time.

He hoped to hell Jason got his filters working before he
brought Nadine out. The old fool meant well when he teased about Alzheimer’s
and shit but the simple fact was it wasn’t really that funny sometimes. Sure,
they all forgot things now and then.

But that was Jase being Jase. The forgetfulness had crept up
on Tyler slowly the past couple of years. He’d recognized the symptoms but
there wasn’t much he could do except ride it out. He’d been through the bouts
of denial and anger with Nadine’s diagnosis years ago. He wouldn’t go through
that with his own.

The damned doctor seemed to think it wasn’t really a
problem—he’d made it up in his head to be closer to Nadine as she spiraled
downward. A part of him accepted that as true. Although they never married
despite his numerous proposals to her, she was his and he was not about to let
some quacks in white coats keep them apart.

She needed him.

And, truth be told, he needed her. Even though she woke many
days with no clue who he was, the good days offset the bad. Those precious
sentient times when she could recount the years they’d spent together were priceless.

Today was going to be a big day. Karaoke was a huge craze
around the home and everyone had been bitten by the bug—everyone except Jason.
That old fool refused to man up and snag Jeanie.

Well no more of that nonsense. Goddamned idiot needed a good
beat down. No way in hell was Jeanie going to get snagged by that
snake-in-the-grass Titanium. Not while Tyler was still kicking.

He entered the room quietly in case she was still having her
afternoon nap. Nadine sat at her vanity, primping her short black curls. She
smiled as she gazed at him in the mirror. She’d chosen ruby red for her lips.

His dick hardened at the thought. Ruby red meant she was
randy, as she said. “You look so good, sweetheart, I’m not sure we’re going to
make it to karaoke.”

A sexy blush formed on her cheeks as her chocolate eyes
glinted with amusement. “And you, sir, have taken far too long to come get me.
I was starting to think you’d forgotten.”

It was a standing joke between them on who would forget what
and when. He smirked. “I’d never forget you. Not when you’re wearing ruby red.”

She slapped his arm as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed
him. Pleasure tumbled within his veins, surging to his groin in rapid waves
that nearly doubled him over. It’d been way too long since he’d tasted her
sweet mouth, her body.

Tyler was a self-professed, yet somewhat converted, player.
Sure, he flirted with the nurses and went wild over the ladies in the community
building some days. But chasing was one thing. He’d run backward if he ever
caught one of them because the only one he wanted to snag anymore was the
gorgeous filly snuggled in his embrace right now.

Her breath fell on his neck and he squeezed her harder,
savoring the few moments of silent lucidity they’d been granted. Tonight he’d
drag out the green sock with the hole in the toe and pull out the ring again.
The more times he asked the more likely she was to say yes in a moment of

“I love you, sweetheart.” His voice was raw from the long
conversation with Jason.

She patted his chest. “I love you too, dear, but we need to
shake a leg. We’re going to be late. It’ll take a bit of work to get this plan

Tyler doubted that was true. Sure, there was a signup sheet
and Mrs. Flannery ran the event like a drill sergeant but she hadn’t dealt with
him when he was determined. They made their way to the community room and
Nadine waved at Jeanie, who smiled and motioned them over. Jason was a couple
rows behind, holding a couple of seats open.

He grabbed Nadine for a passionate kiss. She surrendered to
his mouth immediately and moaned softly. Blood surged to his dick. He pulled
himself away and grinned. “You and me tonight, sweetheart. I can’t wait.”

“Me either.” She ran her hand along his cheek. “Knock ’em
dead, Goose.”

Oh man, that name brought back a rush of memories—all of
them good. Those were crazy times back then, when the only thing holding them
down was exhaustion after a rowdy night. Hopefully Maverick remembered the cue
to the song that cinched them many happy nights.

He waited as Titanium finished up his song. The crowd
cheered him on and Jeanie grinned from the front side of the stage. Damn.
Hopefully they weren’t too late. The performance had been good but it lacked
the heart and conviction he knew Jason would put into the song.

Titanium made his way down the stairs and stopped before
him. “So you’ve decided to join the festivities.”

He shrugged. “Seemed like a way to pass the time.”

“It’s harder than it looks.”

“I’m not worried.” He grinned. “Care to make a friendly
wager? Twenty bucks to the winner.”


Oh man, this was perfect! Exactly what he’d hoped for.
They’d show up Titanium here and then they’d be that much closer to securing a
win in the competition. Showmanship was all about confidence and any chink they
could put in him the better.

Tyler made his way to the stage and smiled at Mira.
Breakfast with her had secured the music would be cued and ready to go. Aside
from that, all they needed was a couple of live mics, some guts and plenty of
luck that Jeanie would see this for what it was—a declaration.

When he got to one of the mics he flipped it on and whistled
loud enough to halt the whir of conversations in the room. Mrs. Flannery
stormed his direction from the back where she’d been enrolling people but she
wouldn’t make it in time. The crowd was already applauding because he’d spread
the word.

“The bet’s twenty dollars.” His voice boomed over the crowd
as he started pumping the crowd of ladies. “Who’s in?”


Jason sat there stunned for a moment as the question brushed
across his mind. Oh man, it’d been years since they’d done that number.
Temptation pounded in his pulse as he looked at Goose, who had a challenging “I
fucking dare your ass” grin on his face.

Fuck it.

He was right. Being a pussy for the past several years
hadn’t gotten him anything but ulcers, heartache and lonely nights. He jumped
up and headed toward the stage. Fortunately most of the people in the room were
old enough to remember the movie
Top Gun
and the song
You’ve Lost
That Loving Feeling
. Otherwise this would be pretty fucking lame. Not that
he necessarily gave a damn what any of them thought.

This was all for Jeanie.

God, it’d been too many years since he’d stood on a stage in
front of anyone. The rush of adrenaline was almost too much. The heady sensation
floated him into another zone—one where he was the king of the stage and could
do anything.

Tyler gave him a mic and a half-hug. “Let’s do this,

“You’re a crazy son of a bitch.” In the movie the serenade
was done without music but this was karaoke and he and Goose both sounded a
hell of a lot better with instruments behind them.

The song began quicker than he wanted. He acclimated
quickly, though and headed down the steps and into the crowd. A few started
singing along because they couldn’t help themselves.

None of that mattered. As he sang he focused on Jeanie.
Moisture pooled in her eyes as he approached and held out his hand. In the
distance he could see Titanium’s face heat because he knew they’d just splayed
his ass out.

Suddenly all the jealousy Jason had felt when he’d compared
himself to Titanium’s suave style and bottomless bank account melted away. All
that mattered was the awareness flickering to life with Jeanie.

Her hand was soft within his. He caressed her tender skin at
her wrist’s pulse point with the pad of his thumb and leaned in to kiss her
cheek as he finished the song. He wished to hell they were alone, that he could
unload all the emotions rumbling in his chest.

There was time.

Don’t rush her.

She looked around, probably all too aware that the music had
died and Goose had stopped his crazy antics on the other side of the room. All
the attention had tunneled to them. Everyone waited, watched for whatever would
happen next.

She grabbed his shirt with her free hand and dragged him
forward. Their lips collided and all the breath in his lungs fell out in a
heavy sigh. Cheers went up from the other side of the room where Tyler was, but
none of the revelry mattered.

All that mattered was the tentative feathering of Jeanie’s
lips against his. The hesitancy was a new bond, a connection he owned with her.
This new ground wasn’t something he wanted to share with everyone. The need to
protect her from the prying eyes and curious whispers made him draw away.

Doubt crept into her gaze when her eyes widened.

“Come on, Jeans. Let’s go talk.”

She nodded and he headed toward the door, carving a path
past Mrs. Flannery and the gawking residents of Shady Oaks. No doubt they’d
have the rumor mill running full force in the knitting circle tomorrow morning.

His heart knocked around in his chest to the same tempo his
blood kept as it surged through him. The small annex sometimes used for
painting was the perfect spot. He waited until Jeanie was inside with him and
then closed and locked the door.

She grinned. “Why doesn’t it surprise me that you know
exactly which rooms have the locks around here?”

“Probably because you know I’ve known Tyler for way too long
not to know this. That man has the layout of just about every public facility
in the county.”

He reached out and smoothed an unruly lock of her hair. The
action was one he couldn’t help, a need to touch and make sure he wasn’t
delusional. She was really here. That song, the performance had really

A small measure of guilt drifted in him when he realized
he’d left Tyler alone to take the heat from Mrs. Flannery but it was hard to
hold on to that thought when Jeanie’s hands drifted across his chest.

“When I heard that song start up I swear I couldn’t breathe,
Jase. I-I…” She paused and looked away. “Forget it. You wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me,” he whispered against her forehead. His fingers
massaged her neck. “We’ve let too many years drift by to hold out on each other

Her gaze fell to the area between them. “Those nights we’d go
out and you two would do that song, I’d watch and wonder what it would be like
if you’d chosen me.”

The confession surged all blood to his cock. “Many of those
nights I wanted it to be you.”

“Then why wasn’t it?”

He laughed. “I was the fresh meat at the club. Rocking the
boat with Mike and Dan wouldn’t have been cool. By the time I’d gotten the
guts…” She’d chosen Dan.

“Your voice still makes me melt, even after all this time.”

“God, Jeanie. I’ve been such a fool. I swore to Dan I’d
watch out for you and I thought I’d be betraying him if I pursued something.”

“He’d want us both to be happy. He said so before he
passed.” She ran her finger across his nipple and he groaned. “Didn’t he?”

Yeah, he had. He reached out to touch her and realized his
hand was trembling. He laughed. “I’d blame the shakes on being nervous about
this but I’m afraid I’m not what I used to be.”

“Neither am I.”

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Your smile
lights up the room, your laugh makes the darkest parts of me fade. More
importantly, your faith in me over the years held me together even when we were

“I loved him with everything in me,” Jeanie stated. “But
when things got bad you were always there for me to lean on. I never forgave
myself for that day, the way it must’ve looked to you. I admit that I took

“I wasn’t exactly against the idea.” He ran his hand down
her arm. “There’s so much I want to talk about, share with you.”

She smiled. “I can think of better ways to pass the time.”

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