Tomorrow Will Be Too Late (21 page)

Read Tomorrow Will Be Too Late Online

Authors: Ellen Wolf

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Tomorrow Will Be Too Late
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Instantly everything else was forgotten, the overwhelming need to know him
successfully blocking out any other emotion. Her hands became more confident, slowly learning the hard planes and angles of his lean
body. She felt his kiss deepen as she let her hands
to his narrow hips,
sliding ever so slightly. He let her explore him as if she
a sailor travelling into the new world, the uncharted territory promising treasures and surprises one could only dream of. Her nails scraped against his firm skin, now
covered with a fine sheen of sweat
and she felt him tremble.
She let her fingers travel slowly to his loins. Her knuckles brushed against his jutting erection, teasing the velvety strength of his male arousal with her gossamer touch.

Suddenly her hand was trapped, his fingers wrapped around it as he pulled it to his chest, the harsh rhythm of his heartbeat drumming against the sensitive skin of her palm. She felt him move, his head lifting as he smiled down into her startled eyes.

‘I am trying very
hard to take it slow, Kate
.’ H
e bent and kissed her nose, the gesture infinitely gentle. ‘

re making it very difficult, you know.’

‘I don’t want to take it slow

it really her voice, saying those things? Desperation could be a pretty powerful trigger to change one’s behavior, liberating her from her usual shyness and rational thinking. She didn’t care what he thought of her
‘I want to feel you inside me, Justin. I want you to make love to me until I can’t even remember my name.’


groaning response told
her how
effective her erotic talk really was. So she kept going, telling him exactly what she wanted, her greedy wishes shattering any remnants of his control.
She felt rather than saw
move slightly aside to the night table, his fingers making quick work of finding the protection they needed.

one fluid movement,
he lifted
over her,
his rock hard body slowly lowering between her thighs.
She held her breath as she felt him enter her wet, eager heat, his motion slow and utterly careful

He didn’t move at first. Very still, he watched her face, the expression
his face unreadable. If she didn’t know any better she’d think he was concerned, waiting for her to show some sign of discomfort or reluctance. Amazingly so, she thought he would stop altogether if she asked him to.
she didn’t even think of doing so, the sensation of his steel
hard, potent strength buried deep inside her flesh too exquisite to be described in words.

So she smiled at him, everything else lost in this moment of profound happiness, the worries of the world wiped away by his touch. She wanted him to know how she felt, to share this amazing moment when everything came together, completing the picture into a masterpiece.

He must have understood, for he bent his head and kissed her smile with his own, his eyes triumphant.

wanted to do
ever since I saw you
at the bar in that pub,

whispered and kissed her again, his mouth savoring the softness of her lips. Her lips responded automatically, shaping themselves around
as she shifted lightly, readjusting her body to feel him even deeper. The altered position made her gasp, every nerve ending of her body suddenly connected to this one impossibly sensitive
spot deep
inside her. His mouth swallowed her gasp greedily, as he started to move a
gain. Slow and powerful soon gave way to a more urgent rhythm, his lips leaving hers as he lowered his dark head to the impossibly sensitive tips of her breasts. The double assault on her senses proved too much to bear and she moaned softly, the first thr
obbing convulsion of pleasure ex
ploding inside her.

Again and again, she felt him pushing more deeply into her, withdrawing just a little and returning with each stroke of his strong loins. She wanted it to last, she thought dazedly, the
thin line between pleasure and agony blurred in her frantic mind. She felt his fingers reaching between their joined body, searching and finding the little sensitive nub,
hard and erect. His fingertips dragged some of the moisture over its tip, caressing it lightly as he kept moving inside her, his rhythm picking up.

Her head thrashed on the pillow, her moan of anguish a sound she couldn’t hold back. There, right under his fingertips, her body fell apart into a million tiny fragments, each of them shaking in spasms of pleasure so intense, it was almost too much to bear. She felt the ground disappearing underneath her, her amazed body arching
him in total surrender. The first ripples of ecstasy
soon intensified
, building into a crescendo that left her shaking and boneless, her muscles clenching around him with ecstatic abandonment.

From far away she could hear his harsh gasp, a sob
as he reached his own pinnacle of pleasure, his large body raked by violent spasm of release. It could have been seconds or hours, for all she knew. Time stopped, the waves of
slow to subside as she felt his hot seed deep inside the secret passages of her womanhood. She didn’t want to let go of this sensation, she
thought as she
there, the unfamiliar weight of his body on hers pleasantly substantial. His erratic heartbeat reverberated all the way into her chest, loud and heavy.

‘I’m squashing you,’
he smiled, his head finally lifting to look down at her, his eyes very blue with joy and sexual fulfillment. Gently he detached himself from her,
to lie on his back. One long arm came to wrap itself around her shoulders as he pulled her closer, her cheek pillowed on the firm skin of his arm. His other arm reached for the throw, previously neatly folded at the foot of the massive bed and now nothing more
a tangled mess. He pulled it over her naked shoulders, the gesture infinitely protective.

‘Are you all right?’
asked, his concern finally bringing her back to earth from the weightless clouds she had been on, the blissful haze finally thinning into disappearing mist.

What was the answer to his question? She bit her lip, to stop it from quivering.

‘I’m great, thank you
.’ S
miling felt weird, her lips still swollen from his kisses. She felt his answering smile in her hair, her heart tightening painfully in response. It was so easy to be with him, she thought wretchedly, so utterly and
horribly easy.

‘Would you like me
to bring us those drinks now?’
asked, a
note creeping into his tone. ‘
I’d add new ice cubes, of course.’

She nodded, bereaved as she saw him get up
The warmth of his solid body offered protection, the fragrance of his skin and the steady heartbeat doing wonders to her sense of safety and
well being
. Well, she couldn’t expect them to stay like that forever, she scolded herself as she watched him move around, magnificent in his oblivious nakedness. From his elegantly chiseled features, through his broad chest and muscular arms, all the way to his narrow hips and long, lean legs he was absolutely perfect.

He left the room, his smile hanging in the air as he promised to rush back. And with him went all the fleeting happiness and peace, the doubts and worries trickling
in a steady stream. She pulled the cover even higher, almost to her chin. Without Justin
the room felt cold and empty, the
offering little consolation. She let her eyes travel around the space, desperate for some distraction. The
bare walls offered
almost nothing, covered with just two large abstract paintings in hues of white, black and grey. Except for the bed,
the room held
only a geometrical ultramodern armchair, white and simple. The wooden floor housed no rugs or carpets of any kind. She glimpsed the door to the
, the allure of a shower impossible to be beaten. She was just about to get up as she saw him return,
a tray with sandwiches and
two glasses in his hands and a triumphant smile on his face.

‘Here, I hope I didn’t make you wait too long
.’ H
e stepped closer,
his eyes observant under his casual smile. ‘

offered her one of the glasses, the bed dipping ever so slightly as he sat down and looked at her
body. He let the tray rest on the bed, two neatly halved cheese and ham slices making her realize she was hungry. Her stomach rumbled, embarrassingly honest and demanding to be fed.

it’s so simple, Kate

e was grinning now, little laugh wrinkles appearing around his eyes. ‘I’d rather offer you something better, but unless we wanted to wait for some delivery, that was all I could put together.’

fine with me
.’ A
t his prompting, she helped herself to the food, her teeth biting with pleasure into the crusty bread. ‘
delicious, Justin.’


e nodded, reaching for the other piece and following her example. ‘I thought that since we have decided to start our agreement right away and with so much enthusiasm, we’ll need some nourishment to keep our strength up, don’t you think?’

He wanted them to have sex again. Well, of course he would, she thought bitterly, her offer and her behavior making it more than obvious that she wanted it
And she did, didn’t she? Wasn’t it exactly what she
craved as she cried herself to sleep last night? A small voice in her head whispered that things
changed since
, that what she
had hoped
had proven
to be so much more than she had
. The pleasure of being in his arms, his lips on hers as they drifted towards the unknown
made her ideas of the “bargain” pale and evaporate, like mist fading in the warm sunshine.

‘What’s wrong?’ H
e was way too perceptive, his long
fingered hand going under her
and lifting her unhappy face to his gaze.


m just a bit tired

said evasively, knowing that this was not the moment to ponder her mistakes. Whatever she did, it was her choice entirely, the wheels set into motion and rolling
. Time for atonement would come later.

‘How about a nice, relaxing bath with a gratis massage
with her explanation, he smiled, his fingers gliding over her chin to the sensitive skin of her temples. Which was bad of course, because he could feel her blood pounding under his fingertips.
involuntarily response to his touch, betraying her more than any words could. His warm fingers drew circles, barely grazing her skin as he
closer, his eyes darkening dangerously.

‘Sounds great

welcomed his touch, the distraction enough to pull her back into the realm of pleasure and desire.

This was her time, the stolen hours something she deserved to
to the fullest.
Whatever came later didn’t really matter.


Waking up
with a
pliant body at his side was a pleasure he had forgotten. Justin McBryndon stretched carefully, his eyes still blurry from the deep, restful sleep.
t was the best sleep he could recall in ages, he thought as he moved gently, relishing the soft womanly form tucked firmly in the crook of his arm. No nightmares or tiresome dreams, just blissful rest and
sense of well

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