To Wed a Wanton Woman (5 page)

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Authors: Kyann Waters

BOOK: To Wed a Wanton Woman
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Muscles she didn’t know she had ached. Her
chest tightened. She couldn’t catch her breath. The metallic taste of blood
filled her mouth as her teeth bit into her bottom lip.

As if sensing Train’s approach, Midnight
Dancer increased his speed. She would scream if she could find her voice.
Scared yes, but strumming beneath the fear, adrenaline surged.

When her horse finally broke from the run,
her breasts tightened. Deep in her core, a tingle turned to a throb. When she
opened her eyes, the sun reflected brightly off the water of the lake. Midnight
Dancer had delivered her prize.

“I can’t believe you cheated,” Train said, pulling
his horse next to hers.

“I take advantages where I find them. Don’t
be a poor sport because this time the odds weren’t in your favor.”

He jumped from his horse. “I’ll remember not
to play poker with you.”

“Wise idea if you don’t want to lose your
money.” She put her hands on his shoulders as he helped her down. Her body
hummed as it slid down his. His clothing hid what her hands discovered; Train
was hard and raw from ranch work. She wanted nothing between her and the corded
muscles beneath her fingers. She wasn’t used to the sensation. Men had lost
their mystery, yet Train awakened unfamiliar yearnings. She took a deep breath
and tried to quiet her anticipation. As she stepped back, she brushed her hands
against the side of her dress. “Now what was the wager? Oh yes--” Her
triumphant laughter filled the air. “Swimming.” She turned her back to him.
“I’ll need some help getting out of my dress.” She lifted her ponytail.

Train quickly slipped the buttons. “Are you
sure this is what you want?” He glanced around to see if they were alone. Who
knew when TJ and Allison would return? They could ride up at any moment and
find them.

She stepped out of her dress. “Are you
worried you won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself?” she asked as she
pulled the tie from her hair. “Because you don’t need to worry. I want your
hands on me.” She stood completely naked. Soft curves and long muscles, Marion ran her fingers through her hair letting it fall around the swell of her naked breast.

Train’s gaze traveled down her body,
noticing a few faint scars marring her silken skin. He longed to run his mouth
over every detail, committing it to memory.

“Come on, Train.” Marion smirked, heading
toward the lake’s edge.

He stripped off his shirt and dove into the
water still wearing his trousers.

“That wasn’t the deal,” she said when he

“You cheated and I lied.” He filled his
mouth with water and spit it out in a thin stream. “I know my limitations.” He
dived again and came up right beside her. He shook the water from his hair.
“You were right. I do want my hands on you so this was a good idea.”

She put her hands on his chest. Her delicate
touch caused an instant reaction. His cock, trapped in his trousers, throbbed.
He ached to free himself, letting his erection stretch toward his navel until
he could bury himself in Marion’s trim body.

Water glistened against the smooth swell of
her breasts. His hands trailed up the slick planes of her lower back, tracing
the contours of her torso. His palms cupped her buttocks.

drew in a deep breath and pushed his head under water.

Train popped up. Marion squealed when his
hands wrapped her waist. He picked her up easily and tossed her into the water
with a splash. Train found it difficult to determine if she were choking or
laughing as she found her footing.

“Damn.” Train issued another slur of
profanity when Marion dove gracefully beneath the water. She lied about not
being able to swim. He dived below the surface and swam after her. Within a few
powerful strokes, he had caught up to her and grabbed her ankle.

“I don’t want TJ and Allison to find us like
this,” he said as they treaded water.

took a big breath and leaned back. She closed her eyes and spread her arms wide
as her breasts skimmed the surface of the water. Train put his hands under her
shoulder blades and kicked. With languid strokes, they moved toward shore.

After his feet touched the ground, he
whispered near her ear, “I want to kiss you.”

put her legs down and turned in his arms. Still in the water up to their
chests, she wrapped her legs around his waist, ground her pussy into his
erection and clung to his shoulders.

Train reveled in the feel of her slick,
naked body slipping against his. His tongue traced the soft fullness of her
lips before their mouths came together. Exotic, yet sweet, he tasted the erotic
recesses of her mouth. His heart hammered in his chest. All the blood rushing
to his groin left him dizzy. She ground her sex against his, riding the hard
ridge of his cock. Shit. He was going to come in his jeans. “Time to go,” he
said, letting her slide down his body until she was standing on her own.

“And just when we were about to have some
fun.” Together, they walked out of the water. Marion showed no modesty. “Are
you sure there isn’t something wrong with you? I’m throwing myself at you, and
you don’t seem fazed the least little bit.” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
“Well, maybe that isn’t exactly the truth. It felt big and hard. It works,
doesn’t it?”

Bending over to get his shirt, he froze.
“You can decide for yourself, just not today.”

“Want to bet?”

“You’d lose.”


decided when Train smiled he was devilishly handsome. Wet hair pasted to his forehead
and his shirt clung to the muscles of his back. Water glistened, beaded, and
dripped from the hair on his chest.

The sun moved slowly across the perfect,
blue sky. Fluffy, white clouds created momentary spots of welcomed shade as
they walked around the edge of the lake. “I don’t think TJ and Allison are
coming back.”

Train shoved his hands into his pockets. “I
can’t say I care. I didn’t want to share our afternoon with anyone else.”

“I had fun, too, which surprises me.” She
reached down and picked a dandelion. “You scared me earlier when you said you
were looking for something serious.”

“My intention wasn’t to scare you.”

“You did,” she interrupted. “Should I want a
big mansion in town with servants and children under foot, or should I simply
be grateful that you want to make an honest woman out of me?”

The amusement left his face. “A woman in
your position, being a whore, you’ve already given up the finer things in

“What would you know about the positions
I’ve been in?” she spat, walking toward the horses. “You must be under the
assumption that no one else has ever wanted me.” She pulled on the saddle horn
to make sure it was still secure. “Let me give you a little history lesson. My
mother was a whore. I was born on a filthy mattress in a stinky, little room. I
lived in that room until my mother tossed me out like a broken doll. Seems some
of her regular patrons had interest in little girls as well. Better to get rid
of me than to let me cut into her profits. The man she worked for had ambitions
of his own. I was seven years old the first time he--” She wiped a tear from
her cheek with the back of her hand. “Even if I wanted children--which I
don’t--” she solemnly spoke, “he made sure I wouldn’t have them.”

Train made a move toward her.

“Don’t try to console me.” She looked away
from him. “My memories let me know I’m still alive. By God’s grace and my own
wits, I found a way to survive. But I’m not ashamed of what I do now.”

“I’m sorry, Marion.”

“Don’t apologize.”

“I just meant that I do understand.” He put
his hand on her shoulder when she turned away from him.

“What you should understand is that there is
no reason I’d ever consider marriage.” She struggled pulling herself up onto
Midnight Dancer. Then, barely in the saddle, Marion kicked Midnight Dancer with
her heel, and shouted, “Ha!”


Chapter Three


Train and Marion rode silently along the
well-worn trail. He experienced a gamut of conflicting emotions as he watched
her. Reconciling the beautiful and feisty woman with the tormented child inside
was difficult. She appeared strong and self-assured, but anyone who had
experienced immense grief at the hands of those responsible for her safety
would erect walls of protection. He had a few himself. She’d needed someone to
protect her.

“I shouldn’t have pushed,” he said quietly.
“We were having a nice afternoon, and now it’s uncomfortable between us.”

“I shouldn’t have unloaded on you.”

Train stopped his horse, dismounted, and
held his hand out to help her from Midnight Dancer. He kept his hands on her
waist after her feet touched the ground. “I can handle it.” He pushed a tendril
of wet hair from her cheek. “No more talk of courting, marriage, or children. I
won’t make the rest of your visit difficult.”

She let her hands rest on his arms. “That’s
a deal.”

His muscles tensed under her fingertips. “I
won’t be making any more bets with you. I won’t survive another loss.”

“Everything about this place unnerves me.”
She looked up into his eyes. “I’ve never talked about my mother. I don’t like
talking about her.” Her voice trembled. “I don’t like sharing my past. I don’t
want folks feeling sorry for me.”

“Your secrets are safe with me.” Train
looked out over her shoulder when he heard approaching horses. “They’re back.
Smile, or Allison will be all over you with questions.”

wiped under her eyes before turning around. Her hand flew to her mouth, failing
to catch her laugh before it escaped her lips. “I guess we don’t need to know
what kept you two.”

Train tried to focus on the toe of his boot
digging in the dirt, but his chest vibrated, trying to hold in a laugh.

“What are you insinuating?” Allison asked
with mock annoyance.

TJ leaned over and plucked a twig from her
hair. “Sorry,” he said without any remorse in his tone. “I missed a few.” He
brushed off her back a little better, but dirt clung to her dress.

Allison’s cheeks flamed red.

“I take it your horses don’t need a rest,”
Train said without looking at his friend and boss. “I think we’re ready, too.”
He helped Marion back on her horse. A secret smile passed between them.


The sun was dipping low in the horizon when
they returned to the homestead. “Is anyone else hungry?” TJ asked when they
dismounted in front of the stables.

“Why don’t Marion and I make dinner while
the two of you take care of the horses?” Allison smiled at her brilliant idea.

“You want me to cook? Bad idea.” Marion put up her hands in surrender.

Train came up behind her and put his hand on
her shoulder. “You two go ahead. We’ll pass. Marion wants to learn about

Allison leaned into TJ. “I guess that means
we get to spend the rest of the evening alone. Husband,” she said quietly, “would
you like to help me in the kitchen?”

TJ whispered into her ear. His hand ran
sensuously down her back. They made their way toward the main house, whispering
and laughing low.

Train turned away from the intimate

watched in fascination. “The way TJ looked at Allison is a good indication
it’ll be breakfast before anyone sees them.” She turned away from Allison and
TJ to watch Train rub the horse’s legs. He handed her a towel and showed her
how to wipe the sweat from the horse’s back where the saddle had been.

The stable was dark when Train closed the
gate on the last stall. They stepped into the night air.

“Are you tired?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“You’re quiet. What’re you thinking?”

“I don’t want to take you to the house, but
I sleep in the shack and I definitely don’t want to take you there.”

linked her fingers with his. “Come on.” She walked back into the stables.

Train closed the door behind them. Then he
followed her to an empty stall. Fresh hay covered the ground and scented the
air. He took off his cowboy hat and hung it on a peg hammered into one of the
posts. He cupped her cheek with his palm.

“You come off as strong, but when I look at
you, something in my gut needs to protect you.”

“I don’t want your protection. I take care
of myself.” She put her hand over his and guided it down her ribs to her waist.


“Sssh.” She put her finger over his lips.
“Don’t start talking. When you talk, I get mad. Right now, I don’t want to
fight.” She reached up and took tender nips at his lips. “I want you to kiss me
like before.” Her palms on the side of his head heated him. Fingers fed the
flames when they trailed through his hair.

Desire snaked up his spine. He tingled from scalp
to toes. Blood pumped into every part between. His cock hardened and his balls
heated. He bent his knees and pressed closer. The silky, smooth hair on the
back of her head slipped through his fingers. He sought the edge of her jaw
below her ear with his lips, tasting, starved for her flesh. Hunger and passion

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