To Wed a Wanton Woman (18 page)

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Authors: Kyann Waters

BOOK: To Wed a Wanton Woman
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“Where’s your husband, Mrs. Spencer? Or did
you say that to intimidate Mr. Jensen?”

made a fist to feel her wedding ring bite into her skin. “It’s official. I’m
not a working girl anymore. Train and I are married. I’ll be leaving town in a
couple of days.” She put her hand on his thick forearm covered with curly back
hair. “We’ve had some good times, Dale. I’m asking for a favor. When I leave,
it’ll be for good. There won’t be any reason to return. The girls have until
the end of the month. Most will find a new place. Watch them for me. Ezra
Jensen makes me nervous.”

Sheriff Brady set his coffee aside wearing a
thoughtful look on his face. “I wired Helena to see if I could find anything
out about Preacher Jensen. There’s a reason you should worry. Seems he and Sandy used to own quite a few whorehouses in Helena. That is, until he turned to the Lord.
He and Sandy split. She came here and opened the Dusty Rose. He converted one
of the brothels into his church. He’s been behind the pulpit damning whores
ever since.”

She nodded. “I’m not used to men looking at
me with hatred in their eyes. Sandy’s brother is dangerous. Will you keep an
eye on the Dusty Rose and the girls?”

His gaze dropped to the diamond ring. “I
guess I owe you one.” He covered her hand with his own. “You wouldn’t want to
go upstairs for old time’s sake?”

She smiled and kissed his cheek. “Sheriff,
I’m a married woman now. I need only one man.” She gave him a wink.

“Must be some man.” The Sheriff chuckled.

“He is.”

* * *

Train watched the horses run along the flat
open land of the Wyoming territory. He intended to purchase one stallion, two
maybe three, high-quality mares, and be on his way back to Marion, but the
stock was superior to reported understanding. Tipping his head back, he
scratched the whiskers of his beard. “I’m impressed.”

Amusement flickered in the old ranchers
eyes. “You came a long way for a couple of horses. I thought I’d bring down my
best to show you. Maybe make the trip worth your while.”

“That you’ve done.” Muscular legs and a shiny
coat became a blur across the landscape. “He’s amazing,” Train said of the
stallion. “I want the Chestnut.” It was a good thing TJ didn’t care how much
money he spent. He was about to make a huge investment.

Train spent the afternoon looking at
horseflesh and deciding how many he could safely take back without any help.
“Could I hire one of your hands to help me get the stock back to Montana?”

The rancher leaned against the fence rail. “Son,
if you buy enough of my horses, I’ll pack your lunch, too.”

Train shook his hand. California might have
the best reputation, but this old rancher had the goods he was looking for. The
horses were top quality and the facility kept the horses in excellent care. The
stallion would be a busy stud come winter.

* * *

kept the gun from under Sandy’s bed close when she was in the house. She looked
at the furniture and fixtures with a critical eye. Knowing Train wouldn’t want
much from the brothel, she’d already visited the church and arranged for them
to pick up her donations. Bedding, red heart pillows, and most of the items
from the kitchen, including the stove would be picked up the last day of the
month. Marion wanted the beautiful Japanese furniture from Sandy’s office. She
could almost hear Train complain. Their home was small and Sandy’s furniture
was large and awkward. She made a mental note to hire someone to move the
furniture before Train returned.

A familiar voice called, “Marion!” She
stopped what she was doing and rushed into the parlor throwing her arms around
TJ’s neck. He held her tightly around the waist. “Why didn’t Sandy tell me?”

“She didn’t tell anyone,” she said, brushing
sudden moisture from her cheek. “You know how Sandy could be, never wanting to
burden those around her. Everyone knew she was sick, but I don’t think anyone
realized her time to pass would come so quick. I wish she’d let me know her
illness was grave, maybe I could have made life a little easier for her. We
talked about her passing, but she always made it sound like we had all the time
in the world.”

“You’re saying she suffered?”

“Very much. She was stubborn until the end. The
doctor has been treating her for some time. It was why she couldn’t stay long
at the wedding. She didn’t want you to know.” She looked down at her feet. “I
thought she was sick. I didn’t realize she was dying.”

“She was a good woman. She was always there
for me.”

raised her eyes to his. “Because she loved you.” She linked their arms. “I’m so
glad you came. Train will be back in a few days, but I got scared. He’s eager
to get back to the ranch. I can’t leave these girls out in the cold.”

“Then you’ll be joining him?”

took a deep breath. “I didn’t write it in the letter because I want to be there
when Allison hears.” She held out her hand. “He put the ring on my finger.” She
couldn’t help the smirk on her lips. “You know what, TJ? I’m not going to have
any problems being with one man.”

TJ chuckled. “I told him he ought to take
you to bed right away. He wouldn’t have had to work so hard convincing you he
was the right one.”

“Ain’t that the truth! Coffee or whiskey?”
she asked once they entered the office.

She informed him of the events that had
transpired. “I know Sandy’s brother is watching me. At first, I thought he was
only interested in the brothel, now I’m not so sure. I’m actually beginning to
think it’ll be safer for the girls once I leave.”

“Sandy had a head for business. I can’t
understand why she overlooked the deed to the property.”

sat at Sandy’s desk and TJ began sifting through the papers on the sofa Marion deemed related to the brothel. “TJ, the more I think about it, the more I suspect
she knew exactly what she was doing. All the money Train paid her is in the
account along with a whole lot more. I think about how much time all of us have
spent on our backs making her rich and I can’t help feeling hurt. She was my
friend. But first she was a business woman.”

“My advice is to change the bank account
into your name first thing in the morning.”

“The money isn’t going to be in there long
enough to matter.”

TJ raised his eyes from perusing a paper.

“First, Train gets back all his money. I’m
not going to feel indebted to anyone, especially my husband. And I’m going to
give the girls a few dollars to start a new life somewhere if that’s what they
want.” She ran her hand over the smooth surface of the desktop. “I want you to
keep the rest.” She put up her hand to squelch his protests. “Please, I know
you don’t need any money from me, but it’s safe to assume Train won’t take it
from me either. It’s my contribution to the future.”

“Allison’s right,” he said, sipping his
coffee. “You’re a good woman.”

She warmed at the sentiment because she was
starting to feel like one too.

* * *

Weather conditions were more cooperative on
the return journey to Copper City. Running with a dozen horses filled Train
with pride. Not only did he get premium quality, but the relief of not having
to make the trip to California was a weight lifted from his shoulders.

He bid his travel companion goodbye after he
housed the horses at the livery and walked with a bounce in his step to the
brothel. His heart raced in anticipation of seeing Marion after two weeks. Lost
in the gaiety of his thoughts, he entered the brothel expecting to see
gentlemen sitting in the parlor, and lovely ladies laughing. He stopped short
by the absence of men, women, and furniture. A sinking feeling hit him in the

“Hello,” he called.

No answer.

Dashing up the stairs, he burst into Marion’s room. Empty. “Marion!” he hollered, running back down the stairs, his mind moving
in a thousand directions.

Train glanced in the kitchen, the office,
and Sandy’s bedroom before acknowledging the apparent conclusion that she
wasn’t there. The place was in shambles. Furniture was missing. Sandy’s office was barren. An ugly red sofa still sat in the room, but the desks and
armoires were gone. “What the hell is going on?” he asked himself since no one
was there to hear him.

Upon closer inspection, he found Marion’s touch in Sandy’s bedroom. Her hairbrush sat on the dresser, and her favorite bodice
and skirt hung over the back of a rocking chair. He took off his hat and kicked
off his boots. Riding hard had taken its toll on his body. Now that he didn’t
have the adrenaline of Marion’s sweet kisses keeping him going, fatigue

Train lay back on the bed and propped
himself up against the headboard. Before he could light a cigarette, he took an
intoxicating whiff of her pillow. Just for a minute, he closed his eyes. He drifted
off to sleep in spite of his desire to wait for his bride.

* * *

laughter echoed off the bare walls when she and Cassie returned from dinner.
“Can you believe this place?” The brothel officially closed. Several of the
girls had taken the money Marion offered and left without remorse for the time
they’d spent together.

“Marion, can I be honest with you?”

“Girl, we’ve shared men, what in the world
could make you ask such a question?”

Cassie unclasped the front of her dress,
letting her breasts free from the confines of her corset. “You don’t seem
upset. I know you’re married now, but it’s beyond that. We’ve been a family for
a long time. It’s as if our mother died and now we’re all fending for ourselves.
I don’t think we’ll ever see each other again.” She sounded on the verge of

sat down and rested her hands in her lap. “It wouldn’t have been the same
without Sandy. And you’re right; I don’t want to be here anymore.” A sensation
of lightness, like floating on clouds wrapped around her heart.

“He must be amazing. You’ve never been shy
about letting us know what kind of man you need.”

raised and lowered her eyebrows in a playful manner. “You won’t hear me
complaining anymore. I swear, if he were in our line of work, he’d be the
wealthiest man in the Montana Territory, because we’d be paying him.” Marion laughed, and then stretched her arms above her head.

The past two weeks had been a whirlwind of
activities. Although it had been draining, she could leave Copper City without worrying. Ezra Jensen still preached near the brothel. His sermons didn’t
garner much support considering the Dusty Rose closed her doors. Marion breathed a sigh of relief every time one of the girls boarded the stage or took employment
in another whorehouse.

TJ had taken the furniture she’d wanted back
to the ranch. What didn’t fit into the house, he said would be stored in one of
the outbuildings. Now all she had to do was wait for the return of her husband
who was already a few days overdue.

“Are you worried about him?” Cassie asked.

“Is a wife supposed to be, because I’m
really not?” She shrugged. “If he’s not back in a couple of days, I’ll send for
TJ again.” Stretching she said, “I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.”

Cassie gave a little wave.

climbed the stairs to Sandy’s room. She opened the door and startled to see a
man on her bed. She covered her heart with her hand, and smiled at her sleeping
husband. She closed and locked the door. Trying to control her breathing, she
slipped from her dress and crossed the room to the bed. She pulled the pins
from her hair and quickly combed it out with her fingers.

As softly as she could, she lowered herself
onto the bed and lengthened out beside him. Running her fingers across his
chest, she kissed his neck below the ear. “Welcome back,” she whispered when
his hand reached around and cupped her bare buttocks.

Train’s eyes opened to slits. Crushing his
mouth to hers, he rolled until he was partially on top of her. “Sorry I’m
late,” he said, stroking his hand down the side of her body.

“I can think of a way for you to make it up
to me.” She rubbed the front of his jeans.

“I won’t last. I need you to badly.”

“I don’t care. Fuck me now and make love to
me later.”

Train lowered his jeans enough to free himself
and entered her willing body.

“I missed you,” she said, wrapping her legs
around him, the rough texture of denim rubbing her inner thigh.

He filled her, completed her. Warmth surged
through her as he leveraged on out stretched arms and pumped into her. Hot,
hard and strong. She gripped his biceps and held tightly as she crested toward

Train drove deeper, faster. Marion cried out as her body convulsed. A guttural groan erupted from Train. He tensed,
muscles in his neck straining and his face reddening. He flexed for a moment
and then stilled.

Then he rolled to the bed beside her. “Damn
woman, I missed you.”

“Good.” Marion scooted off the bed. “Because
I missed you too.” She put on a chemise and pantalets.

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