To Tame a Tycoon (13 page)

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Authors: Judy Angelo

BOOK: To Tame a Tycoon
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“Lie back on the pillows," she commanded and couldn’t help but smile when he moved willingly, eagerly, to fulfill her order.  When it came to fulfilling his desire a man could be as obedient as a lamb.

Asia climbed onto the bed, deciding to be even more daring than ever.  She straddled Rico, her knees pressed into the bed on either side of him, then she pushed his arms up, grabbed his wrists and pressed them into the pillows, trapping them on either side of his head.

“Are you going to give me everything I want?”  she growled playfully.

Oui, mademoiselle
.”  His voice was raspy as if he was having trouble breathing.

“And you will follow my every command?”

Oui, mademoiselle
,” he repeated.

“Then kiss me here.”  She thrust forward, her lace-covered breasts just inches from his lips, her arousal evident in the sharp points of her nipples.

Obediently he lifted his head to plant a warm kiss on the exposed fullness of one breast then the other.  Then he captured a laced-covered nipple between his teeth and tugged and nibbled before moving to the other nipple.  When she gasped in delight he gripped the right bra cup with his teeth and pulled it down and immediately slipped the tortured nipple into his mouth where he sucked and soothed until Asia felt she would swoon from the pleasure.

He moved to the other where he exposed the nipple and administered the same tantalizing caress and Asia’s bones melted like chocolate in the rays of the sun.  She sagged into him, breathing hard.  Before she could recover Rico pulled his wrist from her grasp and wrapped his arms around her.  Then he rolled over, trapping her beneath him.

“What else does
want?”  he whispered, his lips so close that his breath tickled her ear.  “I promised to give you everything.”

“I want…you.”  Asia was panting now.

He bent his head and kissed her on the lips.  “Whatever the lady desires.”  Rico slid off the bed and loosened his belt.  Soon belt, trousers and boxer shorts were sliding down his lean legs to the floor.  He stood straight and tall, his erection proudly declaring his state of arousal.

Inexplicably, Asia felt a blush creep up and over her body.  How could she be embarrassed when she was the one who had started all this?  As he reached for his wallet on the nightstand she closed her eyes.  As soon as he was sheathed he would be all hers and she was both eager and afraid at the thought.

When Rico climbed back onto the bed and reached for her Asia did not open her eyes.  Before, she’d come off as bad, bold and sure of herself.  Now, not so much.  What if after tonight Rico never wanted to see her again?  There were men like that - when they got you in bed, once they'd got a taste of the forbidden fruit, they lost all interest.  What if that happened to her?

She was turning her face away, the thought filling her mind, when Rico said, his voice so gentle and soothing that her heart melted, “It’s okay, Asia.  I won’t hurt you.  Just relax.”

Then he loosened the clasp on her bra and moved to slide her panties down her legs.  Softly, he slid heated palms up her legs until his hands rested on her hips.

Her eyes still tightly closed, Asia felt his hand slide over her mound.  She stiffened but the gentle fingers moved down to stroke the sensitive bud between her legs, making her bones liquefy, making her moan.  Under Rico’s expert caress the tension in her legs eased and she shifted to give him greater access.  He stroked and caressed, his hands the source of such sweetness that she almost cried out in pleasure.

To her relief Rico moved up her body and positioned himself over her.  “It will be fine, Asia,” he whispered.  “You’re ready for me now.  I won’t hurt you.”

And then he sank deep inside her, driving his manhood into her core.

Asia cried out, her body filled with the hardness of him, and as he thrust into her she lifted her legs to wrap them around him.  And then she clung to him, meeting his every thrust, taking all that he could give.

And then she was climbing, climbing to that highest peak of rapture, her breath coming fast, her body tingling all over.

And then she was over the edge, falling, falling into a sea of sensation that had her trembling all over.

Rico must have felt her reach her climax because as hot lava exploded inside her he gave a guttural groan and plunged deep inside where he stayed, his hips jerking, his body releasing all its pent-up passion.

They lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, and for a long time they did not move.

And as Asia lay cradled in Rico’s arms a wave of sadness washed over her.  She bit her lip, almost on the verge of tears.

Stupid woman that she was, she’d gone and fallen in love with Enrico Megalos, a man who could have any woman in the world, a man who would probably never settle for someone like her.



Asia drew into her shell, totally avoiding any contact with Rico.  She needed time to be alone, time to think.

Coming to grips with the fact that she was in love with one of the most desired bachelors in Florida - and one of the least likely to settle down - was a very difficult task.  So what if she’d been working with him for over a month?  So what if they’d been seeing each other after that and had mind-blowing sex?  It was time for her to face reality.  She had to stop living in dreamland and pull out of this pretend relationship because she knew how it would end - she was the one who was going to get hurt.

She planned an impromptu visit to her parents, happy to tell Rico that she’d be in Canada for the next two weeks.  At least she had a good reason for not keeping in touch.  By the time she returned to Florida she would have built up enough strength to have a talk with him, let him know it was best that they didn’t see each other anymore. That was, assuming that he’d even remember her after she’d been gone for that length of time.  Men could be fickle creatures.

But when Asia got back home two weeks later there was a message on her answering machine that threw all her well-made plans upside down.

“I miss you, Asia.  Call me as soon as you get back.” 

Now what was a girl to do?  She loved him.  She’d finally given up fighting that sad fact.  But could she risk her heart?  Did he really miss her or was it just the sex?

She heaved a sigh and flopped down onto the sofa, more confused now than when she’d left for Canada.  She wanted to see him.  Desperately.  But she knew that if they found themselves alone she’d be the one ripping his clothes off, not the other way around.

And then where would that leave her?  The stupidest thing a girl could do was to let a man know how much she wanted him.  Unless he’d already made a commitment.  And Rico hadn’t.

She sat there nibbling her fingernail, and then a thought came to her - maybe she could see Rico, but on neutral ground.  And she’d get a chance to observe him in a totally different environment, get to see who he really was.  She would invite him to the youth center.



It wasn’t until the following weekend that Rico was able to find an afternoon free to visit the youth center.  When she’d called and invited him he’d been intrigued and had willingly accepted but then he’d followed immediately by telling her he wanted her to come over and he’d be sending a car for her.  She refused.  She didn’t say as much to him but she was determined not to fall under his spell and into bed with him again, not until she figured out how he truly felt about her.

“So where’s this young man of yours?”  Shelley asked for the umpteenth time.

“He’s coming,” Asia said, trying to keep the exasperation out of her tone.  He’d told her he’d be there at four o’clock.  It was five minutes after.  He'd probably got stuck in Saturday afternoon traffic.

Or maybe he’d stood her up?  He was a billionaire, after all.  Too big to mingle with the little people.  By eight minutes after the hour she was convinced that her theory was right.  And it didn’t help that Shelley kept pestering her about when he would arrive.  And then he ran into the auditorium, a basketball under his arm, wearing T-shirt, sweat pants and sneakers.  “Sorry I’m late,” he said with a grin, and loped over to give her a peck on the cheek.  “I realize I wasn’t fully equipped and stopped to get some gear.”  He pointed to his gym wear.  “You like?”

Her heart melting with relief, she smiled back at him.  “I like,” she said, "very much.”  Then she felt a nudge and turned to see Shelley by her side.

“Hey, aren’t you going to introduce us?”  her friend demanded, none too quietly.

“Of course.  Rico, this is my very good friend, Shelley Smith.  Shelley, Rico Megalos.”

“Very pleased to meet you, Rico,” Shelley said, taking his hand.  She was practically preening for the man.  But who could blame her?  Today he looked hot in every sense of the word.

Asia could not tear her eyes from Rico.  It had been three weeks since she’d last seen him and, if her body’s response was anything to go by, he was not forgotten.  At the sight of him her nipples had turned to pebbles in her blouse and her heart began to pick up speed. 
Calm down, Asia, he’s only a man.  No need to hyperventilate.

“So, what do you want me to do?”  he asked, his eyes never once leaving her face.

“Well, I did give you the choice of serving dinner or hanging out with the guys.”

“I guess my choice is obvious,” he said with a laugh.  “Point me to them.”

After Asia got Rico situated on the basketball court with the six or seven youngsters there, she went back to help Shelley with the food.

“When I asked him to help out he wanted to donate money,” she said as she watched him in the distance.  He’d just stolen the ball from a tough-looking kid.  She was surprised.  Rico wasn’t half  bad on the basketball court.

“Money always helps,” Shelley said, her eyes on Rico, too.

“Yes, but our kids need more than that.  And anyway, writing a check is easy.  It’s taking the time to be with them that counts."

“Well said, sister.”  Shelley gave a soft chuckle.  “But you know what?  Your guy seems to be doing okay on both sides.  Look at how he just fit right in with the boys.  And he’s not cutting them any slack, either.  They’ve got to work to get that ball from him.”

She was right.  Rico seemed like a natural on the basketball court.  With his height and trim figure he moved swiftly and easily, bobbing and weaving toward the basket.  The boys, although younger, had nothing over him when it came to scoring a basket. 

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?"  Shelley asked.

“Uh, huh.”  Asia nodded.  “With skills like that he’s bound to be a basketball fan…” 

“Which means he probably has connections in the basketball world.”

Shelley said, finishing Asia's thought.  “Next time he comes to the center we have to introduce him to Robert." 

“If there is a next time.”  Asia rolled her eyes, mocking Shelley’s confidence.

“Oh, there will be,” Shelley said with certainty.  “I told you we needed some more male role models around here.  I think we’ve found our first candidate.”

That evening Rico stayed until the center closed at nine o’clock, playing game after game with the boys, eating with them and chilling on the benches, telling them stories about being on a semi-professional team in France.  The boys listened open-mouthed and when it was time to go the women had to shoo them out.  They were so fascinated with Rico they hardly even wanted to leave.

 “Yup,” Shelley said, “he’s the one.”

After the last boy had gone Rico strolled over to them, his damp T-shirt clinging to his body.  “That was good,” he said with a sigh.  “I haven’t had such a good workout in ages.”

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