To Tame a Tycoon (7 page)

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Authors: Judy Angelo

BOOK: To Tame a Tycoon
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He knew what she wanted.  Dear God, he knew.  Asia arched her back, her body clamoring for more.  He answered her plea when he took the top of her bra in his teeth and pulled it down to expose her distended bud to the air.  And then, to her sweet relief, he sucked it deep into his mouth, sending a tremor rippling through her body.  God, that felt good.

Too soon, Rico pulled his lips away and set her gently on her feet.  “You’re cold,” he whispered.  “Shivering.  Let’s go downstairs and get warm.”

Downstairs.  Get warm.  The words were like alarm bells going off in her head.  Her eyes widened as she stared up at him.  What the heck was she doing?  How could she have been so stupid?

She’d lectured herself to death about not getting involved with a client.  And then she’d gone and let him kiss her.  And more.  And now he was inviting her back downstairs to ‘get warm’.  Where?  In the bedroom?  Not in this lifetime.

Asia pulled out of Rico’s arms.  “I don’t think so,” she said, her voice as cool as the air wafting in off the ocean.  “I think I’ve had enough for one evening.”

Rico dropped his hands and stepped back, a frown darkening his face.  “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I want to go home.”  She fixed him with a stare as frosty as her voice. “Now, please.” 

For a while he stared at her, saying nothing.  Finally, he spoke.  “Very well, we will go.”  Without another word he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving her shivering in the chill of the sea air.

Slowly she turned back to the railing and stared out onto the inky-black water.  She wrapped her arms around herself, seeking what little warmth she could.  As cold as she was, until Rico came back she would not be moving from this spot.  Downstairs, warm and cozy though it might be, was off limits for her.

The fact was, she was weak.  The events of the night had demonstrated that very clearly.  She was a professional but she was not acting like one.  She was ashamed to think it but her behavior was more like that of a love-struck schoolgirl.  And she’d almost paid dearly for it.

Asia sniffed and bit down on her lower lip.  From here on she would keep her emotions in check, no matter the cost to her heart.



“Send her in,” Rico said into the intercom then he swung his chair around so that it faced the plate glass windows overlooking Miami Bay.  After a silence of over a week Asia Miller was back.  To conduct her autogenic training, she’d said, sounding so cool and composed that he felt like reaching through the phone lines to throttle her.

That was some stunt she’d pulled on his boat that Friday night.  After what he’d thought had been a wonderful dinner where he’d seen her relax for the first time, she’d made a U-turn and demanded that he take her home.  Just like that.  As if he were some kind of lecher taking advantage of her.  He hadn’t forced himself on her.  She’d kissed him back.  Willingly.  In fact, she’d responded with a passion that made her desire plain as day.  And then she’d backed away.

Now she’d returned to continue her cockamamie training program.  He’d almost told his assistant to cancel the appointment.  But no, he would see her.  He was more than curious to see whether her frigid mood had improved or not.

Asia Miller entered his office a minute later, looking serene as she always did, her hair in that damn bun she seemed to love so much.  On the yacht when he'd kissed her, soft tendrils of her ebony hair had slipped from the bun to curl softly around her face.  With her thick black lashes and the cute pout of her soft lips she’d made a pretty picture.  How could he have resisted stealing a kiss?

But now the thin line of her lips told him she was back to business.

After her initial greeting she walked over to the table by the window and opened the briefcase.  She began to pull papers out.  Only then did she look him full in the face.  “We have a lot of work to do today,” she said and waved her hand to an empty chair.  “Can you come over here, please?”

He could see that she was trying hard to project her professional image.  She probably didn’t realize it, but it was spoiled when she kept stealing glances at him, her face going pink each time.  Clearly, Asia was nervous.  And then he realized he was being harsh.   He’d probably frightened the girl with that kiss.  He’d never been one for subtlety.  He took what he wanted when he wanted and that was just who he was.  With Asia Miller, though, he might have to try another tactic, maybe even take it slow.  He wanted her.  That was without question.  But he could see that she wanted to maintain a distance, probably to hold on to her professional image.  Well, he could be slow, he could be charming.  He’d just take it easy and give her some time.  Then he would make his move.

Rico walked over and sat in the chair as Asia had instructed.  She was opening her mouth to speak but he put up a hand and stopped her.  “Before we begin, there is something I’d like to say.”  He leaned forward and rested his arms on the table.  “I’m sorry for the way I behaved the other night and I hope you’ll forgive me.”

Asia blinked, looking nonplussed.  Then, like the lifting of a fog, the tension in her face disappeared.  “I…yes, you’re forgiven.  And…thank you.”  She fiddled with the papers in her hands.  “I hope you understand that…we have to keep our relationship professional.  You’re-”

“I know,” he said with a dry laugh.  “I’m your client.”

She nodded and gave him a smile that reflected her relief.  Then she pulled out a folder and placed it in front of him.  “Now,” she said, her tone suddenly firm, “this is my plan of action for you.  We’ll do a session today and then these are instructions for you to follow each day for the next two weeks.”  Gone was the hesitant woman who had walked into his office.  The old Asia Miller, the one he’d met on day one, was back.

She shifted the folder to the side then straightened.  “Today we’ll practice a relaxation technique that will allow you to relieve stress and achieve balance.”

He shrugged.  “I’m not under any stress.”

“That’s what you say but your body says otherwise.”  She walked around the table and reached out to press her hand against the right side of his neck.  “Look at how your pulse is jumping.  You’re not calm.  You’re wound too tight.”

At the feel of her fingers on his skin he almost groaned.  If this was her way of getting him to relax she was off to a poor start.  Her touch had the opposite effect.  If the sudden tightening in his groin was anything to go by he had a long way to go before he could be described as relaxed.

“Your tension and stress are reflected in your aggressiveness,” she was saying.  “And that’s why it's so important to address the problem now rather than later.  These things can lead to physical manifestations such as heart attacks.”

He sat up straight, paying attention now.  “Hold on.  What aggressiveness are you talking about?  I’m not aggressive.”

Asia smiled and shook her head.  “It’s okay, Rico.  Denial is typical.  And that’s why I’m here.  As a professional I can point out these shortcomings and help you overcome them.”

“But I’m not aggressive.  I’m just an assertive person who speaks his mind.”  He shook his head.  “
,” he said under his breath, “I wish more people would be like that.”   

“And that swearing,” she said with the lift of an eyebrow, “we’ll work on that as well.”  She stepped back.  “Now I want you to relax the tension in your shoulders.  Just roll them forward and let them slouch.”

Rico gave a deep sigh then he did as he was told. 

“Take off your jacket.  That way you’ll be less restricted.”  Asia waited patiently as he shrugged off the piece of clothing then slumped forward again.  “Now say after me, ‘my right arm is heavy’.”

Rico almost laughed out loud.  What the hell was this?  A joke?  But a glance at her face told him Asia was quite serious.  And she was waiting.

“My right arm is heavy,” he muttered, glad nobody from his staff could see him right then.  They’d think the boss had gone batty.

“My left arm is heavy.”

“My left arm is heavy,” he repeated.

“My legs are heavy.”

“My legs are heavy.”

“My body is warm.”

“My body is warm.”  To his surprise, as he chanted the words his body had begun to act on each of the suggestions.  He was feeling slow, heavy and unrushed.  And he was warm, a cozy kind of warm.

“My face is cool.”  Asia’s voice was low and soothing and almost seemed to come from a faraway place.

“My face is cool,” he repeated.

“I am filled with peace.”

“I am filled with peace.”  By the time he’d got to that line Rico was almost falling asleep.

“Now breathe.”  It was that quiet voice again, Asia’s voice, that was prompting him.  “Breathe deeply.”

He breathed in and out, long, deep breaths that seemed to cleanse him from the inside out.  With each breath that he exhaled he could feel the tension flow from his body and the stresses slip from his mind.  A few more breaths and his mind went blank.

“Now listen to me, Rico,” said the faraway voice.  “Follow my instructions.  Arms firm.”

It felt like new life was flowing to that part of his body.

“Legs firm.”

His legs came back to life.

“Body firm and just right,” Asia said, and her voice was closer now, stronger.  “I remain at peace.”

Rico’s head flopped back against the chair and he looked up at Asia as she stood watching him.  He’d never felt so relaxed in his life.  And so free.  “What did you just do to me?”  he asked as he stared up at her.  But he was smiling because whatever she’d done had felt good.

“I was getting you balanced,” she said simply.  “Releasing the anger, relieving the tension, creating a foundation on which you can build strong techniques.”  She gave his shoulder a light tap.  “Sit up and get your jacket on.  Now you’re ready to face the day.”  As he slipped his arms into the sleeves she continued.  “Once you practice the techniques outlined in your folder you’ll be able to de-stress on a daily basis.  In fact, I recommend that you start with a balance exercise before you begin each work day.”

“If it will make me feel as good as this one just did, no problem.”  He rolled his shoulders back then looked at Asia.  “Is this what you do each day?”

Asia smiled.  “I do it often, especially when I feel I need that extra boost.”

“And is that why you’re always so calm?”  he asked, genuinely curious now.  “Hardly anything seems to throw you off balance.” Then he chuckled.  “Except my kiss, of course.”

He was a bit surprised when she laughed at that one.  He’d half expected her to get defensive, maybe even peeved.  But no, she hadn’t been offended at the reminder.  Her dark brown eyes sparkled as she laughed and her pink-painted lips curved up in a sweet smile that made him want to kiss her again.  Right here.  Right now.

He leaned toward her.  “I want to see you again, Asia.”  He was watching her face, gauging her reaction to his request. 

Her smile slipped away but she nodded.  “You will.  Two weeks from today I’ll do a follow up session with you.”

“You know what I mean, Asia.  I don’t need to spell it out.”  He leaned back in the chair.  “But I know your principles and that’s why I agree to stay away from you until this coaching contract is completed.  After that I’ll no longer be your client so there’s nothing that should get in the way of my asking you out.”  Then he thought of something and asked, “Is there?”  He gave her a pointed stare.

“No,” she said quietly, “there isn’t.”

“Good.  I’m glad that’s settled.”

“Thanks for being such a good student today,” she said as she buckled her bag.

“I actually enjoyed it,” he said and reached for the folder.  “I’m looking forward to trying out some of these exercises of yours.”

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