Read To Seduce an Omega Online

Authors: Kryssie Fortune

Tags: #paranormal romance, #shifter romance, #urban fantasy, #Menage

To Seduce an Omega (11 page)

BOOK: To Seduce an Omega
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Titus chuckled as Tansy stroked Viola’s hair. The other woman’s touch soothed and reassured Viola.

Off to the side, Daniel told her, “Of course it will. Me and Tansy will help prepare your body. Just be thankful that Titus is ready and willing.”

Whatever Tansy said, Titus’s growls and the way he yanked at the chains made Viola all too aware he hated this. She felt her cheeks heat and knew she blushed again. But for Tansy’s hand smoothing her hair, Viola would have turned aside. “I can’t.”

Tansy tugged Viola to her feet and kissed her again. Viola gasped at the way Tansy stroked her nipples, then fingered her clit. She’d often touched herself there as she lay in bed, but it never felt as wicked or as wonderful as this.

Gradually, Tansy kissed, caressed, and stroked Viola’s passions back to life. Nervous and surprisingly excited, Viola felt a rush of heat shoot through her body. Her blood boiled, and her bones felt as though they melted as she moaned for more.

Behind her, Titus’s voice sounded rough and raspy. “Come here, hedgewitch. We need to get this over and done, so you can get us out of here.”

His words crushed her. She’d been so caught up in the moment she’d forgotten the sphinxes who’d imprisoned them. To Titus screwing her was just a means to end, but for her it was about loving and reaching for an unattainable goal. She jerked out of Tansy’s arms and turned to face Titus. While Tansy had distracted her, Daniel had removed Titus’s pants.

He sat with his back to the wall, arms shackled alongside his ears, gloriously naked. His cock stuck up like a sword. Teeth gritted, he demanded, “Come closer.”

Moving as though in a trance, she edged toward him, one small step at a time. He might not love her, but his engorged cock proved he didn’t find her totally unattractive—except for her knee, of course. That was just plain ugly. She couldn’t meet his gaze, couldn’t bear it if he winced or turned away in disgust when he saw that. She just hoped he wouldn’t hate her afterward. At least, if their sex fired up Fae powers inside her, she’d be able to break them out of here.

Titus swallowed as she took a step toward him. His growl came out low and deep. That made it doubly hard to face him when she stood there fully naked and all too aware of her twisted knee.

He looked up at her. “Good girl. You have a beautiful body, and if not for these chains, I’d take my time and arouse your every nerve ending. You’d burn for me the way I’m on fire for you, but this is about business, not pleasure.”

Mood breaker, or what?
Not to mention an out-and-out lie. She could find nothing beautiful about her knee. She’d wanted their sex to be about sweet sensations and mutual delight, but Titus called it business. Still, they should get down to business even if it meant sticking his oversize cock inside her.

“Closer, hedgewitch.” Titus groaned. “Come closer and rest your hands on my shoulders.”

If she did as he commanded, she’d be putting her cunt in front of his face. Mortified, she shook her head, but Tansy blew warm air over the back of her neck. “Trust us. Me and Daniel can help make this good for you. Don’t overthink this. Just go with the flow.”

Viola shuffled closer, but it hurt when Titus clenched his jaw. He swallowed hard and heaved at his chains, then winced as the silver branded his flesh. At least she hoped that was why.
What if he truly wants nothing to do with me? A man like him must truly hate this.

He swallowed again; then his voice turned growly and harsh. “Good girl.”

Viola wrapped her hands around his forearms. “Don’t. You’ll only make the pain worse.”

He nodded and gave her a strained smile. “Then put your hands on my shoulders and let me taste you.”

Not quite understanding, she shuffled closer. When his tongue shot out and tasted her pussy, she jerked back. She’d have fallen if Daniel hadn’t run his hand down her spine. Tansy reached around and fondled Viola’s left breast.

Trembling and praying her legs didn’t give way, Viola surrendered to the heat, the lust, and the passion that lit up her body. Her brain fogged as her nipples peaked. She wanted. She needed. Her skin burned for Titus’s touch, but her dream lover sat there, naked, chained, and helpless. Not that it stopped him from driving her wild when he ran his tongue over her cunt.

Tansy’s touch became harsher as she thumbed Viola’s nipple. Daniel concentrated on her other breast, squeezing and stroking until she felt as though a river of fire ran from her nipples to her cunt. Shockwaves of pleasure flowed through her body, her legs trembled, and her pussy dampened.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, Titus swept his tongue through her cunt. Its rough texture rubbing over her sensitized clit almost made her come. She felt as though she floated on a sea of fire. The three of them teased and caressed her body into sensual overload. Her head fell back, and her long hair tickled her spine. She sighed with pure delight. Daniel leaned in closer and drew her right nipple between his lips. Tansy did the same with her left.

Viola’s nipples ached, and her breasts felt heavy. Her womb clenched, and her eyes glazed. Her breath came in quick, eager pants. She couldn’t think, couldn’t move, just felt. Pleasure swamped every sinew and synapse of her body.

Daniel licked the tip of one nipple, his tongue rough against her sensitized flesh while Tansy sucked harder at the other. Titus stiffened his tongue and slid the tip inside Viola. She moaned and wriggled her hips, unconsciously demanding more. When he blew across her clit, she came hard.

Her world spun in rainbow colors, dazzling and so brilliant she closed her eyes. Her legs shook, and if she hadn’t clung to Titus’s shoulders, she’d have tumbled to the floor and panted like a bitch in heat. Small whimpers of pleasure escaped her lips as Titus feasted on her feminine juices.

After one last lick at her cunt, Titus pulled back. “Viola. Viola, can you hear me?”

Her pussy ached, and her cunt felt hot and damp—burning, really. Blistering. Melting. Erupting into fiery orgasm. Barely able to think for new delights, she moaned softly and murmured, “Yes.”

Titus turned alpha and commanding. “Then sit astride my lap. When you’re ready, lift your hips and slip the tip of my cock inside your pussy.”

Daniel and Tansy abandoned Viola’s breasts and stepped back. She heard them remove their clothes as they kissed. The thought of them fucking each other while Titus’s cock filled her made Viola’s nipples ache and her womb clench. Even when she masturbated in her bed, she’d never pictured anything as hot as this.

She spread her legs, sank down, and straddled Titus’s lap. When her lips drew level with his, he leaned closer and kissed her. In her heightened sensual state, every touch of his lips proved as addictive as crack cocaine. Her temperature soared, and if she’d been the mercury in a thermometer, she’d have burst out of the glass.

She wanted their kiss to last forever, but he pulled away and whispered, “Open your folds and slide your pussy down over my cock.”

Chapter Eleven

Viola’s heart raced, but almost insane with sensual needs, she groaned and straddled Titus’s lap. Her body ached, and her clit throbbed. She forgot the prison cell, forgot that the sphinxes intended to use her as a broodmare, and forgot Daniel and Tansy as they went at it behind her. Viola’s world centered on the man chained up beneath her and his oversize cock.

Half-confident, half-shy, she stroked her hands down Titus’s chest. As her hand slid lower, she ran her tongue around his nipples, copying the way Tansy had teased hers. He groaned and gave a small buck of his hips. “Keep that up, and I’ll shoot my load before my cock gets busy inside you.”

She gave him an embarrassed grin, lifted her hips, and moved her hands to her cunt. It felt sticky as she opened her vulva’s folds. Slowly, she seated the mushroom-shaped head of his penis inside her damp pussy. Gods, it felt good, but she needed more. She needed his cock pounding inside her.

Titus groaned again, and although he stayed perfectly still, sweat glistened on his forehead. Lost in her newly awakened desires, she closed her eyes and circled her hips, letting her inner muscles pulse around the tip of his cock.

She’d expected pain, but fucking him like this offered nothing but pleasure. She spread her legs wider and inched farther down his cock. Behind her, she heard Tansy scream Daniel’s name as he screwed her. Their cries bounced off the cell walls, but that just made Viola’s first sexual encounter a million times more intense.

Titus rested his forehead against hers. “Are you okay? It doesn’t hurt too much? Tell me when you’re ready for more.”

His concern touched her heart. “More. Please. Now.”

He bucked his hips again, harder this time. With a soft, sensual sigh, she slid farther down his cock, letting her pussy’s tight walls accommodate more of him.

Sweat beaded on Titus’s brow. “Steady. You’re killing me here. We need to take this slow.”

She pouted and clenched her pussy around him, wanting every solid inch of him inside her.

When Titus met her gaze, he growled softly. “Okay, hands back on my shoulders or around my neck. Tell me if I hurt you.”

Obediently, she clung to him, and when he raised his hips and pushed farther inside her, she squealed with delight. His cock plunged deeper, making her throw back her head and shout his name as new pleasures swamped her. They fell into a rhythm where she rose up around him; then as he thrust inside her, she sank down over his cock. Pleasure shot through her like an explosion of sunshine and summer heat.

Before when Daniel and Tansy had fondled her breasts as Titus lapped at her cunt, she’d thought she’d hit sensual overload. Then Titus thrust deeper, and her body convulsed around him. She trembled, unblinking, as orgasm rippled through her. For her, screwing Titus was beauty, purity, and light, and she never wanted him to stop.

Behind them, the Tansy-and-Daniel show came to a climax.

Another thrust, and orgasm exploded through Viola. Titus roared as he came inside her. She felt every pore of her skin, every follicle of hair as her body burned with sensual fulfillment. A new awareness unfurled inside her, and while she’d never felt so alive, she still didn’t know how to get them out of here.

Once Titus came inside her, she curled in his lap and rested her head against his chest. As she came down from her sexual high, she tried to feel if anything had changed. While she was sore in all the right places, no powers or magical strength unfurled inside her. “Sorry, Titus, we had to give it a shot, but I guess I’m not Fae.”

She expected accusations and harsh words, but his gaze seemed tender, almost besotted. “That’s a shame, but it was worth a shot. I don’t regret screwing you for an instant. Honestly, I’d give anything to hold you and get you out of here. Meanwhile, my lovely little hedgewitch, you’d better put some clothes on before our captors return.”

Tansy raised a quizzical eyebrow at her. Viola hated that, when she shook her head, the other woman’s shoulders drooped, and tears shone in her eyes.

Shadows fell across the grid and stopped the sparse sunlight shining in. The cell seemed danker and more depressing as the afternoon went on. The tiny window let in the cold wind, and Viola shivered.

Titus hadn’t taken his gaze off her, and her discomfort bothered him more than his own. “Come here, Viola. Curl up against my chest, and we’ll keep each other warm.”

Even chained in a sphinxes’ cell, his alpha nature and his need to protect his pack shone through. It wasn’t like he’d given her his heart or anything, just screwed her in the hope of keeping them safe. Judging by his growls and his admission he’d already found his life mate, he’d been a reluctant participant.

Hell, he’d already told her he cared for another woman. That meant there wasn’t even a tiny corner of his heart left for Viola. His every anguished growl had proved that. He’d done what was necessary to help them survive, but she needed him more with every beat of her heart.

She should stay away and put the cell’s width between them, but dreading the coming night, she took advantage of his protective streak and snuggled against his chest.

When she heard a key turn in the lock, she leaped to her feet. Across the cell, Daniel stood and shoved Tansy behind him. Viola had expected the door to creak and swing back slowly, but instead it opened with well-oiled silence.

Two female sphinxes swaggered into the cell. One pointed at Tansy. “You first.”

Daniel flung himself at their captors, punching and kicking, but even in human form, the silver band sapped his strength. They flung him off as if swatting a fly. He flew through the air, then landed flat on his back on the floor. Winded, he struggled to catch his breath. One sphinx planted her foot on his chest and pinned him to the floor. “Save your strength, Lykae. You’ll need it in the arena later.”

Viola trembled with outrage. Anger clenched her gut, then balled outward. As an omega wolf, she’d appreciated Daniel’s and Tansy’s kindness when earlier they’d helped make her first sexual experience special.

When Viola thought of Tansy skimming her fingers over her left nipple while Daniel sucked on the right, she almost wept. When Titus had feasted on her cunt, she’d thought she’d explode with delight. Afterward when he’d fucked her, she’d felt as though the world had stood still. She ached for a repeat performance. Whatever happened, none of her companions deserved to die a miserable death.

Furious, she glared at their jailers through narrowed eyes. Fists curled, she felt something dark and dangerous unfurl inside her, and like a tightly strung wire snapping under pressure, she opened herself to the sensual power that sex created within her. Instinctively, she spread her arms and pulled on the sex magic Titus had pumped into her soul. “No!”

Power shot from her fingers like green lightning, snapping the silver bands around Daniel’s and Tansy’s ankles and shattering Titus’s shackles.

She heard him chuckle and say, “Not Fae, huh?”

Her companions transformed in an instant. Three primal Lykae filled the cell, their aggression level so high it shot off the Richter scale. Tansy slammed the first sphinx into the door while Daniel pulled the other sphinx’s feet from under her. He rolled on top of her and tore out her throat. Blood splattered through the darkness, making sticky patches on Viola’s skin.

BOOK: To Seduce an Omega
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