To Seduce an Omega (19 page)

Read To Seduce an Omega Online

Authors: Kryssie Fortune

Tags: #paranormal romance, #shifter romance, #urban fantasy, #Menage

BOOK: To Seduce an Omega
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The walls closed in on her, and she struggled to breathe. As she edged toward the door, her gaze rested on a woman who knelt at a warrior’s feet while he pumped his cock into her mouth.
Too public. Too much, but…
Viola’s nipples turned painfully hard beneath her gown. Her womb clenched, and her clit ached. Doing that with Titus would be…ecstasy. With anyone else, she’d probably puke.

One warrior strolled over to her and rested his hands on her breasts. “Dance, my lady?”

She froze, too stunned to speak. How dare he manhandle her without her permission? If she’d any Fae powers left, she’d strike him with a thunderbolt and run. Worse, he mistook her horrified silence for consent.

Once she’d shoved his hands off her tits, she shook her head and backed off. With a casual shrug, he moved on to another female, but Viola felt besmirched by the way he’d fondled her body. Unattached warriors, all dressed in the Fae’s favored peacock shades, stared at her from every corner of the room. Any moment now, they’d lick their lips and pounce…on her.

Panicked, she glanced toward the door. Two more warriors headed in her direction, their appreciative grins showing their intent. Across the room, the blond warrior started forward, but he looked more likely to throttle her than dance with her. Viola felt light-headed and nauseated. This gathering overwhelmed her, and she needed to leave. She spun around, straight into the arms of another masked Fae. “Will you dance, my lady?”

Dance? She could do that, especially since he hadn’t put his hands on her body. It beat being double-teamed by sex-hungry Fae. Since, for the first time in decades, her knee wasn’t hurting, she’d snatch a moment’s peace and enjoy the music. Deep down she wished her first-ever dance could be with Titus.

As she let the warrior lead her onto the dance floor, she noticed the blond with the predatory stare had taken another step in her direction. His whole body bristled as she leaned into her partner for a slow dance.
What the hell’s his problem, anyway?

As she swayed to the music, her partner’s breath warmed her ear. He held her so close his erection pressed into her stomach, but she hid her mounting panic behind a saccharine smile. He maneuvered through the crowd, heading for the door. “Shall we take a walk? Then I’ll fuck you under the stars.”

Her feet felt glued to the floor. She couldn’t do this, even if her refusal angered her newfound family. Better to be powerless and proud than some masked stranger’s whore. These women with their low-cut gowns and lack of panties might enjoy an evening of unbridled sex, but spreading her legs to stoke up her power wasn’t for Viola.

The blond warrior forced his way toward her, his gaze still fixed on her. Something about his possessive glare sent nervous shivers running down her spine. She pulled out of her dance partner’s arms and raced through the crowd. The back wall barred her way.

Beside her, a woman panted heavily, eyes closed as her partner pounded his cock into her. He looked at Viola, winked, and mouthed,
You’re next.

She wanted to scream and run out the door. Blond and Brooding stalked toward her, but the stern twist of his lips didn’t bode well. No way did she want a man like him for her sexual partner. And still he bore down on her.

His movements were slow and deliberate, his jaw set, and his lips pursed as he tracked her. She pressed against the wall and hoped he’d forget her and stalk someone else. Her heart pounded and her hands shook. Maybe if she stayed still, he’d forget her and move on to someone else.

Arms crossed at the waist, she shut her eyes. It didn’t help. He grabbed her wrist, his grip a little too tight, and tugged her close. His musky vanilla essence made her mouth water. Her eyes flew open, but before she could say a word, the blond heaved her over his shoulder and flashed away from everything oversexed and Fae. Truly terrified, Viola thumped her fists on her captor’s back. She kicked hard at his chest and sank her teeth into his broad back. “King Leonidas will kill for you this.”

Her captor set her down and backed off. Fury radiated from him in waves. His voice sounded rough with anger, but that deep, angry rasp seemed achingly familiar. “He’ll kill me just for coming near you. So, how many Fae did you fuck before I grabbed you?”

That voice, with its deep rumble and angry tone, sounded all too familiar. Furious at being manhandled, Viola tossed back her head. “Hundreds, but”—she borrowed the threat Queen Meena had made when she learned the extent of Zebadiah’s evil—”I’ll melt your bones and turn your skin inside out for manhandling me like that. And what’s with the bleached hair? Does Jilly have a thing for blonds?”

Titus snarled and stripped off his mask. The blond hair came off along with it. “You want meaningless sex? I can give you that, but deep down you’ll always be mine.”

She backed away until her spine hit the wall. He followed, gathered her wrists in his huge hand, and held them over her head while his thighs pressed against hers.

Furious that Titus had carried her off like a sack of coal, she pulled herself upright. “You damn near gave me a heart attack, stalking me like that. Back off, buster. I won’t take Jilly’s leavings, and I sure as hell won’t whore for you again.”

A brief lost expression flashed over his features, but his own temper rose. “Whore? Wasn’t that what you were doing at your blasted orgy? Elves’ blood, woman, you’re driving me crazy. I can’t stand by and let Fae warriors screw you. Damn it, don’t you know you’re my mate?”

She stamped down hard on his foot. “Yours? What makes you such a prize? Should I join a neat little ménage with you, Fleur, and your Jilly? Puh-leeze. So, what’s the plan? Marry Fleur for the pack, mate Jilly for love, and screw me whenever you feel like it? Why the hell would I sign up to join your personal harem?”

He leaned toward and for a moment she thought—hoped—he meant to kiss her. Instead, he ran his tongue down the side of her neck. “You are mine to love. Mine to cherish. Mine to protect and provide for. You set my heart pounding and light a fire in my belly. You are sunshine, laughter, and courage all rolled up in one slender package. I can’t think, can’t move, can’t eat unless I have you and you alone beside me. I’ll go where you go, follow where you lead, but if I lose you, I die.”

She swallowed and blinked away tears. The things he said in that intense voice—like someone making a life-changing vow—made her melt inside, but she didn’t understand. Although she relaxed against him, she shook her head.

Titus gazed into her eyes. “Tell me how to please you, what gifts to bring you to win your heart. Right now, I’d give the world for one of your smiles.”

She held his gaze, and although she held her head high, her voice cracked. “You’re mated. I saw you kiss Jilly in the market square. Don’t play games. I can’t stand it. You’ve already broken my heart.”

His smile blossomed slowly. “Then give me a chance to make things right. Yes, I’ve found my true-mate, but right now she doesn’t trust me much. You see, the Fates paired me with a beautiful hedgewitch with eyes so blue I need to dive in and drown. Whatever bond they’d forged between me and Jilly shattered when I first saw you, but like a fool, I fought it.”

Viola stared at her feet. Her throat tightened, but she managed to whisper, “You’ve no idea how much I want to believe that.”

He swooped in for a quick kiss, then released her wrists and framed her face with his hands. “At first, I thought the things I felt for you made me disloyal to Jilly. Then I realized that after a century of misery, the Fates offered me a chance to move on. This ache started deep in my heart, telling me I belonged to you alone. I was an idiot for not saying anything sooner. I started to back in the sphinxes’ cell, but one look at your naked body, and my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. It took me a while to believe I had a mate as amazing as you, but give me half a chance, and I’ll prove myself. Please.”

Unsure but hopeful, Viola risked a smile. “I’m your true-mate? Then why were you kissing Jilly?”

He growled and narrowed his eyes as if the memory offended him. “You saw Jilly kissing me. Believe me, that’s very different. Hell, I needed to wash my mouth out afterward. The only taste I want on my lips is yours.”

Mesmerized by his words, reveling in his sweet herb-and-honey essence, she slowly unfastened his shirt and slid her hands over his pecs. “Then I’m turning down your offer of meaningless sex.”

His whole body tensed, but when he would have stepped away, she looped her arms around his neck. “With you, it’s sharing my body, heart, and soul. I can’t stand the thought of anyone but you inside me. Hell, I was ready to give up on being a healer and leave the Fae court rather than let one of their warriors touch me. I love you, Titus, with every cell in body. Sex with you is mind-blowing and perfect. That’s about as far from meaningless as it can get.”

He took her hand and dropped to one knee. “Then, my sweet Viola, will you both marry and mate me? I need to claim you in every way I can, and I hope you’ll claim me right back.”

Viola’s hand shook in his, and she couldn’t hold her tears back any longer. “Every day without you beside me is a day wasted. I’ll gladly be your mate and your wife, if you want me.”

He leaned in and plundered her mouth like a pirate scooping up treasure. She rested one hand behind his head, and as she nestled closer, he put his hands on her slender butt and lifted her until she locked her legs around his waist.

Desire arced between them, making his cock rear up, so she wriggled her hips and pressed her cunt against his boner. Finally, so aroused her nipples hurt, she clung to him as though he was a lifebelt in a turbulent sea.

When his tongue slipped between hers, she arched her back and rubbed her breasts against his chest. Finally, he pulled away and gazed into her eyes. “I’m sorry I scared you earlier.”

She reached up and cupped his cheek. “And I’m sorry I bit you.”

He reached behind her and unfastened her gown. It pooled at her waist, leaving her breasts bare. “It was worth it to steal that kiss. Believe me, the pleasure was worth the pain. So, I hear you plan on becoming a Fae healer.”

She fumbled to unlace his pants. “I did, but decided it wasn’t for me. I can’t fire up my powers up by screwing strangers. Titus, about what I said earlier. I’ve never fucked a Fae. You are the only man I want in my bed. I’m already a pretty fair midwife, and I know some herbs. Even if I don’t train as a Fae healer, I could find a Lykae to train me.”

His eyes glinted with mischief, and his smile turned teasing. He kissed one of her exposed nipples, then moved to the other breast and scraped his tongue over its red peak. “I think I can handle the constant-sex thing.”

Viola pulled the thong holding his pants in place, slid them down his thighs, and fell to her knees. Pain shot through her kneecap, and while she wished Meena had completed the healing, some treats were too tempting to let pass by. “You’ve already tasted every inch of me. It’s my turn now.”

She licked her way down his cock, then sucked him into her mouth. Thick and round, he filled her and touched the back of her throat. She swallowed hard, letting her throat muscles constrict around him. His whole body trembled, and he groaned when she pulled back and tasted the precum on his dick’s mushroom-shaped head.

Titus groaned and buried his fingers in her hair. “Damn it, woman. I can’t think… Your training. The Fae king… He threatened to execute me if I came near you.”

She loved the way Titus’s thigh muscles trembled. Sucking him off like this made her feel powerful, strong, and sexy—all the things she’d never been—and she relished the way he groaned with pleasure. A moment later he pulled out of her and dragged her back to her feet. His lips locked on hers, and his arms clamped around her waist. He walked her backward into the bedchamber, dress pooled on the floor as she stepped out of it. Totally naked, she looped her arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes. “Tell me again what Leonidas said?”

Titus shrugged and repeated the Fae king’s death threat.

Viola’s eyes flashed. “He hardly knows me! I’m not some hidebound Fae to bow at his command. I’m as stubborn any Lykae, so if he thinks he can run my life, he’s in for one hell of a shock.”

Titus kicked off his pants as he dropped gentle kisses around her mouth. “We can go anywhere, do anything, since once we bring those missing cubs home, I’m standing down as Rock Prowler alpha and devoting myself to you.”

Much as Viola loved that he put her before pack, she couldn’t let him turn his back on his destiny. “The pack needs you too. You can help them reclaim their pride.”

Titus’s shut-down look said he’d already made his decision.

She kept one arm around his neck and slid the other down to his torso so she could fondle and caress his balls. “Walking away feels like a betrayal of people like Tansy and Daniel. Some of the she-wolves might take a while to accept me as your mate, but it will happen. We just need to give it time.”

When her knees touched the edge of the bed, she sat down. Titus pushed her shoulders flat on the satin comforter, and she scooted up the bed. He crawled after her on all fours, his grin pure wolf. “We should start work on the frequent-sex thing.”

Her heart fluttered. She could barely breathe for the desires pounding through her. She couldn’t stop smiling now that she knew Titus loved her as desperately as she loved him. “Then I only have one question. Where the heck are we?”

He laughed and ran his tongue down her jugular. “We’re in the Lykae palace. I needed to take you somewhere we wouldn’t be disturbed, and Queen Sylvie offered me this room. We worried that King Leonidas wouldn’t let me near you, hence the elaborate charade with the mask and the wig. I wanted to kill that Fae when he put his hands on your breasts. Hell, I still might rip off his hand and club him over the head with it. Now lie back and let me lick his scent from your beautiful breasts.”

He matched his actions to his words, swirling his tongue around her nipples. She panted and bucked her hips when he moved his fingers over her clit. “I’m okay with that as long as once you’ve fired up my Fae magic, I get to zap any female who puts her hands or her lips on you. Oh, damn, don’t stop. That’s good.”

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