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Authors: V. K. Powell

To Protect & Serve (13 page)

BOOK: To Protect & Serve
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“Come here, baby. I know what you need.”

Alex froze.
How dare this bitch claim to know what I need?
“Oh, hell no, you don’t. Let go of me, now.” All the energy that had fueled her passion morphed into anger. Alex raised her arms with such force when she broke free that Helen slid backward onto the table.

The conference room door flew open and slammed against the wall as Keri barged into the room. “I forgot my car keys…” Her face paled. “What the hell?”

Keri fought a wave of sheer fury as she took in the sight of Helen Callahan’s body splayed across the conference room table with her skirt above her thighs. The woman was pure sex and she was obviously working her witchery on Alex.
How dare she come into a police facility and act like a slut?
In the next instant Keri knew her contempt was less about the violation of sacred police space and more about the violation of Alex’s body.

Helen rose up on her elbows and laughed at her. “What’s the matter, sweetie, jealous? Why don’t you run along? We’ve got some unfinished business here. Or haven’t you had the pleasure yet of seeing what Alex looks like when she’s aroused?”

Alex reacted immediately, leaning toward Helen with cold menace. “Get out of my building. Now.”

Helen took her time sliding off the table and straightening her clothing. As she walked toward the door, she blew Alex a kiss and said, “See you later, lover.” Her laughter echoed down the hallway as she exited.

Alex turned toward Keri Morgan. The shock and disillusion in her eyes was unmistakable. Now this young officer would think she was not only a spiteful ladder-climbing opportunist but also a sex-craved woman who couldn’t control her appetites on the job. “It’s not what it looks like.” The explanation sounded lame, and Keri’s face said she wasn’t buying it.

Without a word, she grabbed her keys and slammed out of the room.

Seconds later, Beth Price walked back in. “What was that about? I just saw Keri running out of here like her ass was on fire.”

“She walked in on one of Helen’s finer moments—draped across the table half naked.”

“Don’t tell me you let that skanky bitch touch you again.”

“She tried, and I got caught up in the attraction for a second. She’s like an Altoid, curiously strong.” Alex shook her head as the reality of what almost happened sank in.

“Haven’t you learned anything?”

Alex threw up her hands. “So I’m a little horny. Shoot me.”

Beth stared at her for a split second before breaking into laughter. “You’re sick, Troy.”

“She has that effect.”

“If you’re that hard up to get laid, I know several women who’d love to have a go at you and they wouldn’t cause any trouble. Hell, I’ll even give you, a pity fuck if that’s what you need.” Beth paused as if considering her last statement. “Strike that. Tammy would kill my ass.”

“And mine,” Alex said dryly.

Beth lifted Alex’s briefcase from the chair and motioned toward the door. “Lunch?”

They didn’t speak again until they drove out of the lot and were on their way to the designated lunch spot. Alex wished Beth would just drop the subject, but her friend loathed Helen and she also had responsibility for the team. In her position, Alex would want to know if personal dynamics would compromise the investigation.

Before she could offer some reassurance that Helen was dealt with, Beth demanded, “I really need to know what’s going on. You said you were done with Helen and now you’re playing grab ass with her in the conference room. What gives?”

“I let it go too far. Her persistence was flattering again for about half a second, but you can bet your sweet ass that I’m not getting mixed up with Helen Callahan again, ever. Now, can I get a little slack?”

Beth tapped the steering wheel absently. In a troubled tone, she asked, “Are you still in love with her?”

“God, no! Haven’t you ever been with somebody who just makes you crazy every time they touch you?”

“Yeah, but it’s a good kind of crazy and I’m living with her. Helen is a head case and you know it.”

“You’re right, and I plan to stay far away from her.” Alex meant it, and for the first time since the relationship had ended, she knew she was strong enough to deal with Helen.

“I told you she’d use the task force as an excuse to reel you back into her smarmy clutches.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

Beth gave Alex a sideways grin. “If it’s just about the sex, we need to get you laid, fast, and I’ve got the perfect candidate.” She pulled into a parking space in front of the pizza house and pointed to Keri Morgan entering the restaurant.

“Talk about jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. No, thanks.” Alex got out of the car. “I can’t afford a distraction on this case. Not with Helen or Keri.”

“I know, but didn’t you love the way she stood up to Helen?”

Alex thought about Keri standing her ground and defending herself. “That was definitely a thing of beauty. That girl’s got potential. I just might take her under my wing and teach her a thing or two…about police work.”

Beth grinned. “Yeah, right. Let’s go eat.”

“If you don’t mind, I’m going back to the office. I need to clear my head and finish the op plan so I can get it to the chief. You can get a ride back, can’t you?”

“Sure, boss, whatever you need.”

But it wasn’t her head or the op plan Alex needed to work on, it was the tumultuous waves of feeling that racked her body and mind. After four years on an emotional roller coaster with Helen and a year of simply being afraid to express herself at all, it was almost joyful to feel something positive and to have a sense that she could trust herself again. But the timing of her newly realized feelings was way off. The job had to come first. Still, Alex realized that she was running. Right now, she couldn’t face the intensity of Keri Morgan’s blue eyes, searching, questioning, and maybe discovering things Alex could not disguise.

Chapter Eight

“Yeah, I can give you Sonny Davis, but it’s gonna cost you.” The self-serving voice at the other end of the phone line belonged to Chad Williams.

Keri had put the conversation on speakerphone so her partner, Steve Alston, could listen in and help evaluate the call. The cramped conference room, which was being used as work space for the entire team, remained surprisingly quiet as the recording continued.

“I’ve already told you that I’ll make it worth your time, Chad.” Keri tried to conceal her growing impatience with the petty thief turned informant. “So what’s the deal?”

It had taken a few days to track Chad down. Then Keri had gone through the process of proving him reliable with documented drug buys from two of Davis’s street dealers. Now it was finally time to set up the meet between Davis and Keri. If Chad backed out, she’d look like the new kid with a good game but no substance. This was her opportunity to impress the team and Alex all at once.

Once again, the image of Helen Callahan sprawled across the conference room table made prickly-sick heat gather in the pit of her stomach. Keri wished she could stop thinking about it, but the strong current between Alex and Helen had been palpable and that bothered her. She wondered about the nature of their connection. Obviously they weren’t just professional colleagues. She’d hardly seen Alex since that day and had a feeling the lieutenant was avoiding her. That bothered her as well, and it made her nervous. Alex wouldn’t want the entire division to hear about that indiscretion. What would she be willing to do to keep it quiet?

Keri had thought about saying something but decided the best idea was to keep her head down. It would soon be clear that she knew how to keep her mouth shut, since there would be no gossip. Holding back a sigh, she returned her attention to Chad’s monotone.

“Sonny is having a party at his place soon. You know, a little blow, some broads. He told me to drop by and check out the action to see if I’m interested in hooking up with his crew.”

How could anyone trust this man, with his schoolboy good looks and morals of a snake?
Sad to think her whole career could depend on a scumbag like Chad Williams. But most drug dealers weren’t arrested hanging out with society’s elite. She had to get down and dirty for the big payoff.

“Soon doesn’t cut it, Chad. I want specifics. That’s the only way you get paid. We need to get this ball rolling.”

Steve gave her a quick nod of encouragement. He already knew her well enough to know this call wasn’t just important to the case but also to her. She didn’t bother to pretend that she had nothing to prove. She liked Steve and felt safe with him.

“Chad, I need to make contact now. There’s got to be a way. Where does he hang out?” Keri prodded Chad’s drug-fried brain to come up with other options.

“You might have something there. He goes to a bar called Shelly’s over on Murray Street. I heard he’ll be there tonight. We could accidentally bump into him. How’s that?”

“Keep it in your pants. Go by and see if he’s there. If he is, page me and I’ll come over.” Keri got the thumbs-up from Steve.

“Okay, that’ll work, but don’t bring no skin-headed, cop-looking dude with you. Bring another chick or something.”

“You just take care of your end and I’ll do the rest.” Keri hung up and looked at Steve. “What’d you think?”

He stroked his scraggly brindle beard pensively between his thumb and forefinger, a mannerism that went along with the long-haired biker look he’d adopted for his cover. “I think we need to find you a female partner for the night.”

They both glanced toward Paige, the quiet, honey blond techie, and Renee, the talkative African American, and couldn’t see either of them partnering with her for this job.

Steve shook his head. “If we decide to wire you, Paige’ll be monitoring. Renee can’t go and Sergeant Price popped him that time. I think he’ll remember her.”

“The lieutenant can do it.” Beth’s voice came from the other side of the room.

Keri hadn’t noticed her come in. Without thinking, she said, “What?”

“She’s been in Vice/Narcotics four years and fills in all the time,” Beth said. “Right, Steve?”

“You’re right, Sarge. Why didn’t I think of it? She’d be perfect.”

“Then it’s settled.” Beth flashed that sideways it’ll-make-you-a-better-person grin Keri had come to know during their few days together.

Her pulse kicked up at the thought of spending time alone with Alex. “Will I be wired?”

“No, this is just an introduction,” Beth said. “You’ll have to wear something a little sexier, and you won’t be armed. This is the honey to lure the little pervert into our trap.”

“Shelly’s?” Keri had heard the name but wasn’t sure of the clientele or how upscale it was. If she was going to blend in, she needed the right look. “What kind of place is it?”

Steve burst out laughing with the rest of the team. “Shelly’s is sort of like a wi-fi coffee shop. You can hook up with anyone there, gays, straights, trans, whatever your little heart desires.”

The surprise must’ve been obvious on Keri’s face because the guys continued to laugh.

“What’s the matter? Never played for the pink team before?” Rick Jones teased. The Caldwell PD detective was in his thirties with Andy Griffith looks. His affable personality had already made him a favorite on the team.

“Yeah,” Renee joined in, “I hear it’s kinda like going black. Once you been there, you never go back.”

Mike Fields, the African American officer from Layton PD, looked confused. “What does that mean?”

Renee elbowed him. “I’ll explain it later, pretty boy.”

“You’re not supposed to act gay, just a little bi,” Beth pointed out. “We want Davis to think he’s got a shot at you, but if he hangs out in this place maybe he likes to watch girl on girl, too. Most straight guys do.” Beth paused. “You all right?”

Keri didn’t know how to answer. Beth’s plan was just sinking in. She was supposed to act “a little bi” with Alex. Yeah, that was going to be a challenge. Her stomach reacted with the same queasiness she felt every time she thought about that woman. Trying to hide her anxiety with humor, she muttered, “Yeah, I just didn’t realize I’d be losing my virginity twice tonight—my first undercover job and my first time in a swingers’ bar.”

Everyone reacted the way she hoped, with hoots of laughter. Steve slapped her on the back good-naturedly. “You’ll do great. Who’s going to tell the lieutenant she needs to look hot and put on a floor show?”

“Lucky me,” Beth said, chuckling.

Keri kept her head down. Hot color had drenched her cheeks and neck. “What kind of backup will we have?”

“We’ll use the two vans for surveillance so we can set up and not be seen. I’ll give you the rest of the details at the briefing later, after I’ve spoken with the lieutenant.”

“Hey, good luck with that,” Steve called as she strolled away.


“I’m doing what?” Alex raised her head from the surveillance reports she was reading. “It’s not that I mind pitching in, but can’t one of the others handle this?” She knew the real reason for her reluctance, and it had nothing to do with operations.

“Nobody else can do it, Alex. We need to make contact as soon as possible and this is our first real chance. It sounds like this scumbag likes to frequent alternative bars and watch women together. He’s probably dealing out of there, too.”

BOOK: To Protect & Serve
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