To Protect & Serve

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Authors: V. K. Powell

BOOK: To Protect & Serve
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To protect or serve—a choice no detective should ever be forced to make. Lieutenant Alex Troy is caught in the paradox of her life—to hold steadfast to her professional oath or to protect the woman she loves. Assigned to the Vice/Narcotics Division, Alex is given the dangerous but career-building mission of catching notorious and elusive drug lord Sonny Davis. She has to assemble the perfect team of officers to pursue the man suspected of killing numerous coeds—and a friend of Alex’s—with the poison he peddles. Keri Morgan is young, enthusiastic, and alive in ways that Alex can barely remember, and Keri has a reason of her own to want Sonny Davis dead. Before justice can be served, Alex and Keri are caught in a web of love, duty, vengeance, and desire that will change both their lives.

To Protect and Serve

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To Protect and Serve

© 2008 By VK Powell. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 13: 978-1-60282-339-6

This Aeros Ebook is published by

Bold Strokes Books, Inc.,

New York, USA

First Edition: March 2008

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


Editors: Jennifer Knight and Stacia Seaman

Production Design: Stacia Seaman

Cover Design By Sheri([email protected])

By the Author

To Protect and Serve

Suspect Passions



My first book would not have been possible without the following wonderful women: "Red," Mate, Vern, Doc, Pat, and Nancy. Your love, friendship, support, and guidance sustained me during this project and continue to fill my heart.

To Len Barot and Bold Strokes Books, my heartfelt appreciation for taking a chance on an unknown author and helping to make my dream come true. Your vision for the future of Bold Strokes Books and your dedication to the development of its writers make me proud to be a part of this wonderful family of professionals.

Senior consulting editor, Jennifer Knight, you are brilliant! I am forever grateful for your keen instincts, knowledge, and guidance. You're a gifted teacher with a wonderful sense of humor. You make me sound like the writer I hope to be. To Stacia Seaman, your meticulous attention to detail is awe inspiring and greatly appreciated. To Sheri, BSB graphic artist, my thanks for wrapping my baby in such gorgeous clothes for her debut. Because of your amazing work, Bold Strokes Books readers know they can judge a book by its cover.

No writer could survive without the valuable assistance of competent beta readers and proofreaders. For your untiring hours of careful scrutiny and input, I give special thanks to beta readers JM, Ev, and Linda. You kept me on track. To the dedicated BSB proofreaders, my gratitude for your efforts on my behalf.

And to all the readers who support and encourage my writing, thank you for buying this book, visiting my Web site, sending e-mails, and showing up at signings. You make writing fun!


For TLS—finally.

Chapter One

Lieutenant Alex Troy wondered what could be important enough for the chief to pull her from high-priority surveillance. Her cop’s intuition smelled trouble. As she mentally flipped through possible scenarios, she punched the elevator call button again. Like everything else in this central North Carolina municipal building, the lifts moved at the pace of the bureaucracy housed within the beige walls.

When she pushed the button again, a woman approached, head down, sorting a file of papers as she rushed. She collided headlong into Alex. Numerous pages burst from her file and fluttered through the air, landing around Alex’s feet.

“Damn, I should watch where I’m going.” The woman did not even bother to look at Alex directly. She dropped to her knees and swept the scattered pages together with her hands, offering Alex a view she was not expecting.

A silky red tank top hung loosely on her braless body, leaving nothing to the imagination. A pair of unencumbered breasts, the firmest, most perfectly shaped olive mounds she’d ever seen, were centered by erect dark-chocolate nipples that beckoned invitingly. Alex’s pulse quickened. She still couldn’t see the woman’s face. Soft waves of chestnut hair brushed her bare shoulders and fell loosely into place as if finger-combed by a lover. As the woman crammed her documents back into the file, she offered an apology that was at best routine, then stood.

“You.” Shocked cobalt blue eyes lifted to Alex’s. Almost immediately a hint of challenge entered her gaze. “Lieutenant, I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

Alex gave herself a moment to take in the simple beauty before her. Perfectly shaped lips parted to reveal teeth so white against the olive complexion, they seemed to glow. An oval face was highlighted by eyes that brimmed with curiosity and something else, a hint of barely restrained passion that beckoned to Alex.

She wouldn’t normally explain herself to a subordinate, but Keri Morgan was flustered and Alex decided to cut her some slack. “I’ve been in Vice/Narcotics for a while.”

She extended her hand, half expecting it to be ignored. Keri had walked away from the simple courtesy the last time they’d encountered each other. When a cool palm finally slid briefly against hers, Alex’s nerves sparked with a jolt of excitement she hadn’t experienced in far too long. “You look well,” she said.

“Thank you.” Keri folded her arms across the file, which she held to her chest as if suddenly self-conscious of her questionable attire.

Her guilty demeanor made Alex curious, and she paid closer attention to the color-coded folder. “I assume you’re authorized to have ‘eyes-only’ documents pertaining to a known drug lord.” The information originated in the Vice/Narcotics office and had to be released by someone at the rank of captain or above.

“My captain told me to review it.” Keri’s tone was polite, but it was obvious that she yearned to tell Alex to go intimidate someone else.

Alex found it hard to believe three years had passed since the excessive force interview in her downtown office. The officers involved, one of them Keri, were not her direct reports, and under normal circumstances she would not have been involved in the investigation. But the incident had occurred in an affluent area of town and the evaluation had to be above reproach. The chief had requested she handle the distasteful task personally.

Keri had been angry about the violation of her usual chain of command and the investigation itself, proclaiming the innocence of her partner. Their interview had rapidly degenerated into scathing looks and heated comments, until she accused Alex of conducting a witch hunt and stormed out of the room. The same heat sparked from her eyes today. Evidently three years had done little to temper her resentment.

Shortly after the investigation, Alex was transferred to the Vice/Narcotics Division satellite station. Keri had remained on the graveyard shift housed in the central municipal building and their paths had not crossed since. Time had been kind to Alex, allowing her to forget the tug of attraction she’d once felt to the younger woman, or that’s what she’d believed. Seeing Keri now, an uncomfortable feeling settled in her chest.

“The elevators in this building are always so damn slow.” Keri’s gaze was fixed straight ahead at the unyielding steel doors.

“Yes, they are.” As Alex mashed the lift button a third time, she made another covert visual evaluation. Nice, very nice indeed.

The past three years had only improved Keri. Her body was sleek and well-muscled, and her honey-colored skin shone with healthy radiance. She appeared a little thinner, and signs of premature graying showed in a few strands of the wavy brown hair that fell recklessly across her forehead. But now as then, her expressive eyes pulled Alex into their depths. Though the fire still burned in them, she seemed to be able to contain her emotions and remain civil. Alex smiled to herself. Perhaps the young officer was maturing.

She was surprised when Keri asked bluntly, “Lieutenant, do you like Vice/Narcotics?”

“Yes, it’s actually my favorite assignment so far. Why?”

As soon as she’d spoken, Alex regretted inviting more discussion. She was well aware that the guys on her squad warned everyone about the ambitious female lieutenant. They described a superhuman cyborg able to regurgitate procedures verbatim, arrest fleeing felons, and defend the rights of the downtrodden, all while spooning out bitter doses of discipline to the deserving. If Keri needed any more reason to dislike her, she would find it the first time she sat down for a beer with anyone in the division.

“I’ve always had an interest in narcotics work and do a lot of street-level enforcement. I’d like to take it to the next level someday.” The cool blue of Keri’s eyes turned dark. The intensity of her words hinted at something deeper than a simple career move. She seemed to ponder her next statement. “I was wondering, if you don’t mind my asking, is it important to insulate yourself from people on the job in order to
the job at your rank?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I’m sorry. Is that too personal?” Keri paused, enjoying the flicker of discomfort on Alex Troy’s face. She recognized the look: suspicious, untrusting, and perhaps…lonely. Curious to know if anything besides blue lights and sirens got this woman’s pulse racing, she asked, “I just wonder if it’s difficult and how much of a toll it takes.”

A trace of conflict in Alex’s eyes told her she wasn’t going to get an answer. Aware that she was treading on Alex’s toes, Keri said quickly, “Lieutenant, with all due respect, I was only trying to…never mind.”

Alex regarded her evenly. “Do you always say what’s on your mind? That can get you in trouble around here.”

“I’ll remember that.” Keri held her gaze, eyes steady.

God only knew what lay behind those cool pools of innocence. Trouble, Alex decided. Mentally adding “still sensitive and emotional” to her growing list of adjectives to describe Keri Morgan, she said, “Morgan, it was just a suggestion. You don’t have to take it personally.”

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