To Make You Feel My Love (8 page)

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Since they would probably never see each other again after this week, she planned on making the very best of the time they had together. She would always have the memories to relive any time she wanted, and no one could take them away from her, ever. Her decision was made. After thinking long and hard about what she wanted, what she needed and what she longed for, her decision was made.
It was

Alana reached the four-story Beach Hotel in record time. A neon “Beach Hotel” sign illuminated at night, and could be seen from a mile away. She had to admit the place had a nostalgic appeal. A sense of pride washed over her when she saw the “No Vacancy” light flashing. The old place was holding its own against the massive condos going up everywhere. Each room had a balcony that faced the beautiful sugar white beaches with emerald shades of water. Boardwalks led from the pool down to the beach, and everyone always seemed to enjoy time spent there.

Parking her car in her usual space marked “Staff Parking Only” that Uncle James insisted she have, she ran to her apartment. She
ought him on taking the spot from potential guests, but he won the battle and she was now glad he had persisted.

What she was going to wear had been on her mind all day. She didn’t have a wide variety of outfits, but there was still a dress from her nursing school graduation hanging in the back of her closet. It was a sexy little blue sundress made of crepe chiffon with a ribbon drawstring at the waist and raw edges on the hem. She thought Logan would like the dress a lot.

They hadn’t discussed what time he would pick her up, just that she got off work at seven. It was seven forty, which meant she had twenty minutes tops to pull herself together. She ran through the shower and fixed her hair. Tonight she wore a little more eye makeup than usual, added her lip gloss and grabbed her strappy faux leather cork wedges just in time for the knock at the door.

Opening the door, she found Logan standing there with one hand behind his back, and one hand propped on the doorframe. He looked delectable with his tight dark blue True Religion denim jeans and black button up shirt with black and silver edged buttons. He left the top three buttons undone and she could see that the sun had kissed his skin. He smelled of soap and spice and
oh so nice.
Leaning into the door for support, she became weak at the knees.

Logan’s eyes lit up as soon as he saw her. The heart shaped button bib top accentuated her tan breasts, pushing them up into plump mounds. The
hem of the dress hit right at her mid-thigh, showing off her shapely tan legs. She looked mouthwateringly good. He couldn’t help lick his lips in appreciation.

“Hey beautiful,” he said, pulling a single stemmed red rose out from behind his back. “I hope I’m not too early. I really couldn’t wait any longer, but you are well worth the wait.”

Alana blushed at the smoldering look he gave her. “You clean up pretty nice yourself, Sergeant.”

“I have one request before we leave,” he reached into his back pocket.

“Just one?”

“I need you to wear this blindfold until we get to where we’re going.”

“A blindfold? Really?” she laughed. “That’s so cliché.”

“I know, but humor me, will you?”

“Okay, okay,” she shook her head in amusement.

Logan stepped closer, the heat radiating from his body. Touching her shoulder, he turned her around to position the blindfold. His brawny arms engulfed her and she swallowed hard. After tying the blindfold, he slowly dropped his hands to her bare shoulders, leisurely stoking her arms as he moved his hands down them. Moisture pooled between her thighs and her panties were already moist. It all felt so erotic, a feeling Alana had only read about.

“I’ve got you where I want you now Miss Parsons,” he whispered close to her ear. He could smell the coconut shampoo in her caramel colored hair, and his cock twitched.

“Umm…” finding it hard to manage any words, she said, “Pretty sure of ourselves aren’t we?”

“Well, in my line of work,” he slowly moved, “we learn to read body language pretty well, and anticipate the other person’s next move.” He was still whispering in her ear.

“Well, Sergeant, seems you have me at an unfair advantage, don’t you? What do you
my next move to be?”

Spinning her around slowly, Logan took
er wrists in his hands and raised them up to place around his neck. Slowly sliding his hands down her arms, he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her close him to him.

a kiss.”

He covered her lips with his mouth, gently at first, searching for her approval. He intensified the kiss with a magnitude of heat, pulling her closer until she could feel the massive bulge beneath the zipper of his jeans. Massaging her back down to her bottom, he continued to kiss her until they were both panting.

“I think I need to let you go,” he pulled away from her, “for now.”

“I think…that’s probably…a good idea,” she said breathlessly.

Giving her one more squeeze and a kiss on the forehead, he grabbed her hands and began leading her to the elevator. Alana heard the ding of the elevators and the swish of the doors opening and closing again once they entered.

“I guess there’s no use in asking where we’re going, huh?” she finally asked.

“Nope, you’ll see,” he kept his hands on her shoulders, the heat from his hands made her body hum all over.


Logan guided her in the elevator where the familiar scents of ocean salt water and suntan oil filled the tiny space. The elevators were old, with no air conditioning, which intensified the aromas. He rubbed her shoulders as they waited for the doors to open again.

“I think you’re going to like what I’ve planned,” he continued to speak in a low voice close to ear. Did he know he was sending electrifying jolts through her body?

“I may have some plans of my own,” she murmured softly.

“What was that?” he grinned.

“Oh, nothing.”

The doors opened and she immediately felt the ocean breeze on her face, blowing her dress around. She could hear the waves crashing on the shore.

“Logan, are we…?”

He removed the blindfold before she could finish the question.

“Well?” he asked, searching for her expression.

Alana blinked in disbelief. They were on the hotel rooftop. Clear lights were strung around the railing and soft romantic music played in the background. Two candles were lit on a small round table with a white linen table cloth and two dinner settings. How could he have known that this was her most favorite place in the world? And how had he gotten up here without a key to the door?

“But how…”

Logan chuckled. “Funny thing happened today.”

“Yeah? Apparently,” she looked totally confused.

“I don’t know what I was thinking, but I decided to go into the office to ask someone to help me with a romantic dinner for you. Someplace where I had you all to myself,” he was guiding her toward the table as he was talking. “It happened to be your aunt, and then your Uncle James came in.”

Alana’s eyes became huge with concern.

He laughed out loud, “I know right? I about shit my pants. Anyway, after he let me know that he knew about us, he and your Aunt Penny told me this was your favorite place to come for peace and serenity.”

“I guess they know more of my secrets then I ever imagined.” She sat down in one of the chairs.

“I don’t think James misses much of anything around here, especially when it comes to his little Alana,” he sat on the other side of the table facing Alana. “After he threatened me with his own personal war
if I hurt you, they helped me set this up.”

Alana’s eyes were damp as she swallowed down a lump in her throat, feeling tightness in her chest as she tried to smile. Never in her life had she felt safer or more loved then she did right this very minute.

Dinner was delicious. Under silver domes were fresh strawberry salads with white wine vinaigrette dressing, filet mignon with blue cheese and butter sauce over garlic linguine, and Italian butter cream cake for dessert. Logan chose a nice Merlot wine, and soft music continued to play in the background.

They laughed and joked with one another in comfortable conversation, neither remembering a time they had felt so comfortable with someone they just met.

“So,” Alana said, “why did you go with the Army? Why not the Air Force or Marines?”

Looking at her like she had two heads, Logan said, “Well, I tried on the aviator glasses, but I just didn’t look as hot as Tom Cruise, so the Army it was.”

“I highly doubt that,” she said, both of them laughing. She loved to watch the twinkle in his eyes and the way the lines creased when he smiled.

“No, I guess I just followed in the old man’s footsteps. He was an Army man and I thought he’d be happy and proud that I did.”

“Was he?”

“Who knows,” he snorted, “if he was I never knew it.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Ah, it used to,” looking away, he tried to be nonchalant about the subject, but Alana could see the hurt and rejection in his eyes. Who was he fooling?

“But not anymore. I don’t know what makes that man happy,” he reached across the table to hold her hand. “But I know what makes this man happy,” he squeezed her hand. “Spending time with this beautiful woman.”

“Hmmm, well, you haven’t seen anything yet,” she grinned slyly, licking her bottom lip.

He smiled, “Sweetheart, I’ve been waiting to hear you say that since the minute I laid eyes on you. I thought I never would.”

“Yeah, I guess I had a change of heart. I just couldn’t resist those charms
of yours.”

“Ah, is that right? I’m certainly glad to hear it. Should I be afraid that your Uncle James will hunt me down once I leave?”

“Nah, you can rest easy, that won’t happen.”

“Oh yeah? Is that what the all-knowing, all seeing crystal ball has to say?”

“No,” Alana said, rising from her seat, heatedly gazing in Logan’s eyes as she sauntered his way. “I realized that I want to be with you, for whatever time I can. No strings attached. I have no unrealistic expectations here. I know you have a life and I have a life, and at the end of the week, we will return to those. But, for now,” Alana got close to Logan’s ear and whispered, “I want to Rock. Your. World.”

Swallowing hard, he licked his lips as Alana climbed on to his lap, put her arms around him, and softly kissed his neck. Searching his eyes, she waited for a reaction to her words.

“Rock my world…” his head was dizzy from the excitement and his groin ached as he hardened against his zipper. “God, Alana,” he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body closer to him. Cupping the back of her head and pulling it to him, he covered her mouth with his and devoured her. His tongue desperately seeking hers, probing deeper, rolling side to side, exploring her mouth and taking her breath away.

Moving his hand down her face and over her collarbone, finally resting on the fabric that covered her breasts, he massaged and kneaded her tight nipples beneath the fabric. Alana pressed harder against his hot rough hands.

Logan’s hands traveled downward past her aching breasts, finding her smooth quakingthighs. Moving his hands under the hem of her dress, he found the damp fabric of the thong she was wearing, giving easy access to the moistness surrounding the treasure he
She moaned as he teased and lightly grazed the wet curls.

Once he found her gem, he rubbed her clit in a circular motion, once, twice, three times. Calling out his name, she gripped his shoulders tightly. He pulled her mouth back to his, kissing her with ferocious desire, claiming her lips and her tongue. Alana held her breath as he entered her with two fingers. No man ever made her feel like this, and it had been a long time since she had been with one.

“Oh my god, Alana, you’re so tight.”

Circling his thumb around her clit and pulsating deeper into her with his fingers, she moved her hips to the rocking motion of his hand. Gripping his forearm, she could feel his muscles move with each pulsation, making her more aroused. She was right at the edge. Alana squeezed her eyes shut, pressing her forehead against his.

“Let go baby, I’ve got you,” he said, watching the intense expression on her face. The moonlight shimmered off her sun streaked hair as the sea breeze gently tousled the tendrils around her face.

Dizzy from the
he was giving her, Alana felt her whole body floating in air.

“Oh my god, Logan….oh my god…”she murmured through ragged breaths.

“That’s it Alana, come for me.” Logan kissed and nibbled near her collarbone, pushing deep inside her, rubbing her clit with his thumb, sending Alana over the cliff. Her cunt tightened with each spasm, the sweet release of all those pent-up sexual desires running free as he pushed until he no longer felt the tremors roll through her body. Pulling her into his arms, he held her tightly, kissing her forehead, cheeks, and the tip of her nose until he gently kissed her lips, sucking in her sweet aroma, as if he couldn’t get enough of her scent.

“Okay,” she whispered weakly, still trying to catch her breath and land
firmly back on ground, “maybe you’ll do some rocking of your own.”

They laughed softly, knowing this beautiful, intimate moment they had shared was just the beginning of what lay ahead. Alana began unbuckling his belt, feeling the massive bulge behind the denim of his jeans.

Logan grabbed her hands. “No, no,” he said, looking into confused eyes.

“I need you, in a bed,
,” he growled. “You don’t know how badly I want you.” He pulled her closer, his eyes darkening with desire.

“Well, here I am, I’m all yours for the taking.” Alana kissed his lips softly, trailing her lips to his cheeks, his eyebrows, nibbling on his ears and the sensitive spot below on his neck.

“I want…our first time…to be perfect,” he hissed between gasps.

“What could be more perfect?” she asked between kisses. She wanted him inside her, immediately, no waiting. “You…me…alone…under a blanket of stars…in my most favorite place in the world.” She began kissing his neck while unbuckling his belt, carefully unzipping his zipper over the huge swelling of his penis.

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