To Make You Feel My Love (7 page)

BOOK: To Make You Feel My Love
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“You two are wasting a beautiful morning,” he grinned.

“Beautiful morning my ass!” Dusty rolled to put his back to the sun. “What’s got you all rainbows and sunshine and shit? Last night you were packing up and heading home, said this place sucked.”

“Whatever. It was a bad night. Today will be better,” he smiled looking out at the emerald water that reminded him of Alana’s eyes.

“Oh god, let me guess,” Becky rolled over on her elbow propping her head up, “you got to talk to her?”

“Sure did,” he grinned. “She agreed to have dinner with me.” Logan gave Becky an inquisitive stare. “Where’s her favorite place to eat?”

“Beats the hell out of me,” she yawned, moving to the edge of the bed. “The sheer fact she told you yes is mind boggling to me. The word
is not in the girl’s vocabulary. All she does is work, like she’s got something to prove to the world.”

“Well, tonight has to be perfect. I’ve got one chance at this.’

“She’s a simple girl. She doesn’t like fancy and she doesn’t like crowds. I know that’s not much, but I hope it helps.” Becky disappeared into the bathroom.

“Yeah, me too,” he shook his head and turned back to the scenic view. It somehow soothed him.

Thinking about what Becky said, Logan felt the same way. He’d just as well spend the night in his house, cooking dinner for her. They could be alone and get to know one another better. If he had a way of getting into her apartment, he’d surprise her. Since her Uncle James wasn’t the easiest person to approach, and Alana had said she could get in trouble for consorting with the guests, he thought better of that idea.

“I don’t know why you’re trying so hard anyway. It’s not like you can’t get a piece of ass anywhere you go. Damn, women slip you their number everywhere you go.” Dusty sat up on the edge of the bed. “Those dog tags are a damn aphrodisiac.”

The tension built in Logan’s chest and stomach as he glared at Dusty for a moment.

“Don’t talk like that about her man. It’s not like that. She’s different. Maybe the fact she’s not slipping me her number is why she’s so different. What if someone talked about Shelby Lynn like that?” Shelby Lynn was Dusty’s baby sister, hot as hell, and just about as wild as Dusty. And
said or touched his little sister without going through him first. Logan cleverly grinned and tilted his head toward the bathroom Becky was in. “Besides, you’re one to talk about chasing tail. I haven’t seen you sending anyone packing lately.”

Dusty chuckled, holding his forefinger up to his lips “Maybe I’m getting old, man. Too old for the chase. Those younger girls are wearing me down.”

“Or maybe you found someone just as ornery as you, someone who’s not going to take your shit.”

Snorting, Dusty said, “She damn sure don’t. But, hell, it’s just for the week, right?”

“I don’t know buddy, is it just for the week?” Logan raised his eyebrows.

Becky opened the bathroom door walking into the room before Dusty had the chance to answer the question. Logan speculated that his friend might be more involved than he was letting on. It would be nice to see Dusty settle down after all these years, and Becky seemed like just the woman to tame his wild friend.

“So, what’s the plan for today boys?” Becky quirkily asked.

“I thought I’d tie you to the bedpost and use you as my sex slave all day,” Dusty pulled her down on his lap as she walked by.

“Maybe I’ll tie you up,” she snickered.

“Okay, okay, I get the hint, I’m out of here,” Logan said holding his hands up to shield his eyes. “Catch you two later.

They both laughed, paying little attention to Logan leaving the room.

He did some research on romantic restaurants in Paradise Beach, and made some calls. Nothing seemed to hold up to the expectations he had. He decided he didn’t want to share Alana with the world tonight. He wanted her all to himself, her beautiful blue eyes only for him to see.

Despite his reservations, he decided he would inquire at the hotel office for some ideas that only locals knew about. The small office he entered had large glass pane windows that faced all the hotel rooms. Knowing what he did about the owner, Logan figured those large glass windows were designed to watch the guests. He just hoped Alana’s uncle hadn’t been watching them.


The phone rang and a tall slender lady with platinum blonde hair entered the room from the back. Her hair was shoulder length and she had very light blue eyes, wearing brown slacks with a burnt orange colored blouse and jewelry that matched the colors in her clothes. She was very professional looking.

“I’ll be right with you sir,” she smiled, holding up her index finger indicating for him to give her a minute while she answered the phone.

Gathering from the phone call, the caller had somehow managed to get locked out on the balcony. They must be drunk or complete idiots, or both.

“I’m sorry,” she said hanging up the phone, “I’m Penny, how can I help you today?”

Penny? Aunt Penny?
Aunt Penny? He’d better tread lightly with this conversation. He sure didn’t want to get Alana in trouble with her aunt and uncle. She certainly wouldn’t want to have dinner with him. Although, he thought she was a grown woman for Pete’s sake. Whether he was a guest or not, she had the right to make her own decisions.

“Yes Ma’am, I was hoping you may have the scoop on some of the local businesses that offer intimate dinner arrangements?”

“Oh,” Penny batted her pretty blue eyes with long dark eyelashes, “well, let me think for a minute. Chef Armondi’s can deliver a nice dinner to your room. Their food is Italian and is always delicious. He’ll set up a nice candlelit dinner table for you.”

“That sounds nice, except I’m sharing a room with a friend who has his own agenda for tonight. Would you have their number? I’d be indebted to you forever if you also had a room just for the night with an ocean view?”

She smiled a very heartwarming smile, “I’ll check on that for you. Give me just a minute,” she exited to the back room.

“Ahem,” someone walked in the room and startled him. He recognized the man as Alana’s Uncle James.

“Someone assisting you?” he asked with furrowed brows.

“Yes sir, she just stepped in the back.”

“You have enough
?” he asked sarcastically.

“Yes sir, thanks for asking,” Logan awkwardly smiled. He felt like such a kid, a cowardly child.

James just grunted and casually walked past Logan to take the seat behind the front desk.


“Excuse me?” Logan suddenly felt uncomfortable.

“Are you military?” James repeated, slowly enunciating each syllable.

“Yes sir, Army Staff Sergeant.”

“Mmhmm,” James was eyeing Logan with a suspicious glare.

He sure wished Penny would hurry and return to his rescue. He hated feeling like he was under fire and couldn’t retaliate. But he wanted to make a good impression on James Carpenter, for Alana’s sake.

“Staff Sergeant, huh? You spend a lot of time stateside?”

“Not usually sir, I’ve been stateside for the past year due to an injury. I’m awaiting my next assignment.”

“Yeah, I respect what you boys do and admire you. Must get lonely though. Can’t be easy on any pretty lady you get involved with either?”

Could it be James was trying to tell Logan something? Was he aware of Logan’s involvement with Alana? Dammit. He knew he shouldn’t have come in the office. He had a feeling James was trying to make a point. A point he had already considered and was trying very hard to put out of his mind, far out of his mind.

“Yes sir, I imagine it’s very difficult, although I wouldn’t personally know. I haven’t been lucky enough to find a pretty lady to put up with me yet.”

“Is that right? So, this fancy dinner you’re trying to set up, that’s not for someone special?” James had his stare locked on Logan. He knew right then that, this was personal for James Carpenter and he knew he’d better have the right answer.

“Yes sir, she’s very special. I’m not sure yet if she’s going to be the one who puts up with me or not though. I had to work really hard to get her to agree to have dinner with me tonight. That’s why I’m trying so hard, everything has to be perfect. I’d like to make sure she’ll say yes again.” Logan never lost eye contact while he spoke.

“And does this particular young lady know your situation? That you’re awaiting a new assignment to leave?”

Logan thought for a minute. Had he told Alana he would be leaving the states again. He knew he had told her he had been stationed in Georgia.

“You know, sir, I’m not sure I’ve made that clear. That’s certainly something we should discuss.”

“Well,” James said, sounding somewhat more relaxed for some reason, “my Alana is a smart girl. She wouldn’t have given you a second chance if she didn’t think there was something to be seen in you.”

And there it was. He had known all along. Logan dropped his head and smiled.

“Yes sir, she is a very smart girl. And very special to me.”

“You know, finding someone you share an instant spark with is rare. Sometimes, it’s the only way you even know you’ve been breathing.” Wise words from the older gentleman. “I guess the question for you is, son, how long you plan on enjoying the air?”

Logan pondered on that question. Alana had made him feel so alive these past few days. She had ignited a spark in him, that was a certainty. He knew he had chosen his path and long ago accepted that he may live alone for the rest of his life. That was until he looked into those shimmering aqua blue eyes of hers. It was like he had awakened from a coma and was seeing life for the first time through new eyes. He wasn’t sure he could go on without her now. But what did he do about it? That was his life and she had hers. How did they combine the two paths? Hell, maybe after dinner tonight they would realize that they never wanted to see each other again anyway.

“Yeah, I used to think work and money were all I needed,” James went on to say, pulling Logan out of deep thought, “then I realized, that damn alarm clock screaming at me every morning would never wake me with a kiss and a good morning smile.” The old man seemed to read Logan’s thoughts.

“Oh, I know Alana has painted this picture of me as a mean ole bastard, only caring about this hotel, but the only reason I give two shits about this place is because it’s been in our family for three generations. I’d like to pass it on to Alana one day, if she wants it. She and Penny are all the family I have left and I have to make sure they are taken care of.”

“Oh, you crazy old coot,” Penny came around through door from the back room, “you trying to get in good with me? What did you do this time?” She smiled lovingly at him, ran her hand down the side of his face, and squeezed his shoulders. James became a different man in her presence, a gentler man, a man at peace with the world.

“Alana has been through a lot in her life. My sister didn’t always make the best decisions, especially when it came to men. Alana sometimes lets life pass her by because she’s so afraid she’ll make some of those same mistakes. We’ve loved her as our own and done our best to give her a happy stable life. We don’t want to see her get hurt, but we do want to see her live life to the fullest.” James’ eyes met Penny’s and she gave him a nod in approval.

“Sometimes, taking a chance is what makes us realize we’re human. So, if you think you can show her that there’s more to life than work, and that sometimes life is worth taking that risk, then you have our blessing. But,” James raised to the edge of his seat, placed both hands on the desk, and began to slightly raise himself up, “if you’re just out for a fun time and mean to hurt her, no army will protect you from me!”

“Oh, James, stop it!” Penny huffed.

The tension in the room suddenly got lighter and they all chuckled, although Logan knew Uncle James meant business. And he was right, Alana deserved some happiness. Now Logan worried if he could bring her that happiness, or if he’d be one of those decisions she would regret.

“I think I have an idea that will work for you tonight Logan, if you want to hear it?” Penny smiled.

“Any help you can give is appreciated, Ma’am.”

* * * * * * * *

The day could not pass fast enough for Alana. She really couldn’t believe she was allowing herself this guilty pleasure, not letting herself worry about tomorrow, not this time. She wanted this. If this one night was all that God was granting her, then she was graciously accepting. Even though she knew she would want more.

Uncle James was right, shutting Logan out without giving him a chance was just another hasty decision. Getting to know him better would help her make a smart decision. Resisting his charms before caving in to her own desires was the problem, and
did she have desires. Heat rushed up her neck
face just thinking about the way Logan touched her and how much she wanted more.

Fortunately, it was a smooth day in the Critical Care Unit. Two of her three patients were well enough to transfer to other floors, and the new patients didn’t arrive until shift change. After giving her reports to the next shift nurse, she headed out the door.

“What’s put the smile on your face and pep in your step?” asked Jennifer, another friend and fellow nurse.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the new guy I met and have a date with tonight.”

“Shit, girl. Spill it! I want details,” she squealed.

Alana explained how she met Logan, all about their beach encounter and how turned on she had gotten every time he touched her.

“Well hell, no wonder you can’t wipe the grin off your face. I’d be smiling too if I had a hot date with a gorgeous man,” she patted Alana on the back. “Don’t do nothing I wouldn’t do.”

“That doesn’t leave much out, now does it?” Alana laughed.

“You’ve got that right.”

It was a thirty minute drive from the hospital to the hotel and Alana swore she hit every red light along the way. Anticipation of seeing Logan had her body humming as hard as the car she was driving.

BOOK: To Make You Feel My Love
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