To Love (8 page)

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Authors: Dori Lavelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Life, #Romance, #Contemporary

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Shaun saved the manuscript for the hundredth time and called his agent in the U.S. "All done. I'll send it to you within the next hour."

"Can't wait to see it." David Steel was clearly smiling on the other end of the line. He was happy about the money Shaun would make them. "Does that mean we don't need to extend your visa? You ready to return home?"

Shaun stood and walked to the window, gazing out at Kelsey's cottage, which was swathed in darkness. "I'd like to stay here for a few more weeks, just enjoy Ireland."

"Well, you deserve it. I’ll take care of the extension. Let me know if you need me to do anything else."

"I sure will." Shaun hung up and inhaled deeply. He had no idea what the future held, but he couldn't leave before he talked to Kelsey. He had to see her face one more time—to say goodbye in person, if that was what it came to. All the time she’d been away, it was like a piece of him was missing.

The bell rang and he frowned as he went to the door. Was she back? With every step, his spirits rose. But when he opened the door, his heart fell. "Branna? What the hell?"

"I need you, Shaun." Branna threw herself into his arms and wept on his shoulder. "Please don't let me go."

Shaun shut his eyes tight, wishing he hadn't opened the door.



Before leaving her father’s house, Kelsey tried calling Shaun to let him know she was on her way back. No one picked up. She left a message telling him when she would be arriving and that she wanted to go out for dinner in the evening to talk.

When Kelsey arrived in Dreara at ten a.m., Shaun still hadn’t called her back. She held her breath as she opened the small gate. She couldn't wait to tell him she was ready to try again, to face any challenges that came their way, because he was worth waiting for. They would make this work. She and Shaun were meant to be. She left her bags at her doorstep and went to Shaun's cottage. She rang the bell once and the door swung open.

Her stomach dropped. "Branna, what are you doing here?" Kelsey's mouth was suddenly dry, and all kinds of thoughts scrambled for space in her mind.

Branna leaned against the doorframe, a satisfied smirk on her face. "Remember the other night at The Hot Pot?"

Kelsey blinked. She had no idea what to say.

"Well, I did tell you it was only a matter of time before Shaun ditched you for someone else. He's not the kind of man to be satisfied with one woman." She shrugged. "Turns out I got to have another round."

"Where's Shaun? I want to talk to him."

"Shaun's in the shower, waiting for me to join him. Thanks for stopping by." Branna slammed the door in Kelsey's face.

Kelsey felt the urge to ring the bell again, to storm into the cottage demanding to talk to Shaun. But what about? They hadn't been officially over, and he had slept with another woman. There was nothing left for them to discuss. Great thing she’d come back when she did. It hurt to find a half-naked woman in his place, but maybe it would be the kick in the gut she needed to move on from him.

With feet and a heart made of concrete, Kelsey went back to her cottage. Inside, she leaned against the closed door for a moment to catch her breath. Then she went to pack her things. She was going home.




Shaun walked in through the front door, fuming. "Branna," he called out, slamming the door behind him. "Time for you to leave."

"In the bedroom," she called.

Shaun took the stairs two at a time and knocked on the closed door of the guest room. "Branna?"

"In here." Her muffled voice came from two doors to the right.

What the hell?
He burst into his bedroom. She was lying on his bed, wearing nothing but a smile.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"What does it look like?" She raised an eyebrow.

Shaun strode toward the chair on which her clothes were neatly folded. He yanked them off and tossed them onto the bed next to her. "Get dressed and get out of here."

Branna slid off the bed and came to stand in front of him, so close he could feel the heat of her body.

He stepped back, eyes blazing. "Where are the bruises you had last night? What kind of game are you playing?"

Branna had shown up last night with a story that the guy she’d been seeing had beat her up after she’d ended things. She didn't know where to go and needed a place to stay, because the boyfriend refused to leave her place. She was crying uncontrollably, and Shaun, at a loss, reluctantly allowed her to take the guest room.

"Makeup does wonders." Branna batted her eyelashes. "I needed to convince you to let me through the door."

"What kind of sick person are you?" Shaun clenched and unclenched his fists at his sides. "You made me think someone was hurting you. You let me go to your place just now to kick the jerk out." He shook his head. "No one was home. No surprise there.” He scoffed. “You played me for a fool."

"I had to do something drastic to show you that we're meant for each other. The nights we spent together... Remember the chemistry we had?"

"It was nice while it lasted, Branna. But it has been over for a while. I don't want you. Get that into your head."

"But you care about me." Her confidence was waning, and tears thickened her voice now. "You saved me from the fire. I heard you came to see me at the hospital. You let me in last night because you thought I was hurt."

Shaun stared at her for a long time. He didn't care how hot she was, she had a screw loose. "Branna, I would have saved anyone from that fire. Now get dressed and get the hell out of my house."

She clutched his arm in desperation. "But the way you talked to me last night... You care, Shaun."

Shaun yanked his arm out of her grasp. "I'm going to say this for the last time." His tone was steely. "Get dressed and leave. If you don't, I'll call the police."

That got her attention. She grabbed her underwear and pulled it on. "You have no idea what you're missing. You'll never get this anywhere else. The things I do to you in bed... You'll never get it from any other woman." She yanked on her sweater, miniskirt, and stockings. "If you think that boring rich girl is going to make you happy, you're sorely mistaken." She grabbed her bag.

Shaun's temper flared and he pointed a shaking finger at her. "Don't you dare talk about Kelsey that way. Don't you dare compare yourself to her."

"Protecting her, are you?" She came close to his face. "If you care about her so much, where is she now?"

"I said
," Shaun's voice boomed, bouncing off the walls.

Branna spat into his face and pushed past him.

A few seconds later, Shaun heard the downstairs toilet flushing and then the front door slammed shut. He breathed out. Then he went on the search for his cell phone. He'd been unable to locate it last night.

He found it at the bottom of the toilet pot. Damn. Only one guess how it got there.




"Can I stay here until I move back into my place?" Kelsey asked her father. They were standing in the front hall.

He took Kelsey’s bags and placed them at the foot of the stairs. "You can stay here as long as you like. This is your home. I'm so sorry for what happened." He smoothed her hair back from her face.

"Thanks, Daddy. Some things are just not meant to be, I guess."

Kelsey went to her room and took a long, hot shower, allowing the tears to fall and be washed away.

She would give herself one night to feel sorry for herself, just one night, and then she would go on living. Without him. She would pick up the pieces and mend them herself. Maeve had been right all along. Men were all the same. She had cried for him enough, and now she would ignore the pain inside her heart. After what he'd done to her, Shaun was not worth it.

She climbed into bed and wept some more. In the morning she woke up and started the day pretending her heart was still intact. She tried to convince herself that Shaun had never entered her life in the first place. That way he could have never broken her heart.




"Shaun." Maeve lifted a lock of a client's hair and snipped at it while eyeing him through lowered lashes. "What brings you here? I'm pretty sure it's not a haircut."

Shaun shook his head but didn't smile. "Not a haircut. I wanted to have a word."

Maeve snipped another lock and gazed at Shaun, her eyes devoid of humor this time. "I wonder what about."

Shaun sat down. He was glad that, apart from Maeve, her client, and another woman reading a tattered magazine in a far corner, the salon was isolated. He was well aware that in salons, gossip spread like a virus.

"I can wait."

When Maeve was done, she came to sit in a chair next to him. "What do you want, Shaun? Talk, I need to get back to work."

"I need Kelsey's number. My phone broke. I lost all my contacts."

"What makes you think I have it?" Maeve pulled the pencil from her hair and it tumbled down around her shoulders.

Kelsey hadn't contacted him for a week. If she wanted to reach him, she could have. She had his landline number. "You two are friends."

"Yes, we are." Her voice was cool now. "And that's exactly why I won't give it to you. Kelsey's my friend, and you betrayed her with that crazy nut Branna."

Shaun cocked his head to the side. "Branna... What are you talking about?"

Maeve gave him a cold smile. "You cheated on Kelsey with the notorious boyfriend thief, Branna Donovan. Try to deny it."

"It's not what you think." Shaun rubbed his face in agitation. "You don't understand."

"This is a small town, Shaun. You can't hide anything here. Several people saw her leave your place the day Kelsey returned—"

"Wait a minute. Kelsey was in Dreara?" Shaun's heart started to race.

Maeve stood. "Yes, she had returned to you and your baggage. That girl was crazy about you, but God knows she's been patient enough. I'm glad she decided to move on with her life."

Shaun drew a breath, terrified of the answer to his next question. "Is she coming back?"

"Nope. She's done with you. You were too blind to see a good thing when you had it. Now you're free to do whatever you want with crazy Branna."

Shaun's hand shot out to touch Maeve's. "Please give me her number...or her address. I can explain everything."

"That's not going to happen. Goodbye, Shaun." Maeve got up and began to arrange shampoo bottles on a shelf.

Shaun left the salon and sat inside his truck for ages, resting his forehead against the steering wheel, eyes shut. He finally looked up and sucked in a deep breath. All was not lost. He had a few options. He wouldn’t give up until he ran out of them.

He turned the key in the ignition and the truck sprang to life.

Ten minutes later, he knocked on Brian and Sarah’s front door. They, too, refused to hand over Kelsey's number.  

Shaun saw no other choice but to do something drastic. By nightfall, his bags were packed and he was on the road to Saulery.





Shaun let himself into the house. He was carrying a large, flat rectangular box with a huge white bow. He heard voices and followed them to the bedroom.

When he entered, Carmen and her mother both looked up. Carmen always knew when he was in the room. She smiled, and Shaun's heart warmed and broke a little at the same time. After weeks of struggling with pain and depression, and losing lots of weight, she still smiled.

He approached the bed and placed the box at Carmen's feet, next to Jack, who was fast asleep. Then he kissed his wife on the forehead. "Hey, baby." He turned to Nora. "What have you two been up to today?"

Nora stood up from the bed. "We had a great day." Her voice, though it still revealed the heartache caused by her daughter's suffering, was lighter today. "We stopped by the hospital to visit some of Carmen's former colleagues. Then we went shopping. It was a good day. Wasn't it, honey?" She kissed Carmen on the cheek.

"It sure was." Carmen looked different apart from the smile. She wore a purple dress Shaun had never seen before, and makeup. He detected a glow, as if she was at peace. Even after dropping by her former place of work, which must have been difficult. But he was glad for any slice of happiness.

"I should go," Nora said to Shaun. "I have a knitting class to attend."

"Thanks for coming by, Nora." Shaun appreciated Nora’s help. And the fact that she didn’t blame him for everything that had, and was happening, to Carmen. Unlike her husband, she was there for both of them.

"I'll walk you to the door, Mom." Carmen felt for her cane next to her on the bed and stood. Feeling in front of her with both hands and the cane, she followed her mother out of the room. Shaun tagged along after them.

Carmen wrapped her thin arms around her mother's neck and hugged her. "I love you so much, Mom." Tears edged her words. "I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Nora stroked Carmen's long hair. "Why this sudden emotion? You're my daughter. I'd do anything for you."

Carmen pulled away but held on to her mother's hands. "I just don't think I thank you enough."

Nora kissed Carmen on the tip of her nose and smiled. "You don't need to thank me for anything." She picked up her purse from the table next to the door and hoisted it over her shoulder. "You two have a beautiful...anniversary." She squeezed Shaun's arm, then opened the door and walked out.

When they were alone, Shaun pulled Carmen into his arms and held her for a long time.

"So," Carmen said when they released each other. "What's in the box you brought home?"

"How do you know these things?"

Carmen smiled. "One of the perks of being blind. You learn to see without your eyes. Now, come on, tell me what's in the box." She felt for his hand and led them both, with the help of her cane, back into the bedroom. "I know you have something up your sleeve, Shaun Brannon."

"You know me too well." Shaun smiled even though he wanted to cry. How long would she remain happy? How long until she was in pain again? How long until she remembered she was dying?

He picked up the box from the bed and held it. "Not yet. I'll show it to you later. It's a little surprise. Now just do as I say." He walked over to the wardrobe and extracted a small suitcase, which he placed in Carmen's hand. "Pack a few things. We're going to spend the weekend at the Lux."

Carmen gripped the handle of the suitcase and smiled. "Really? I'd love that."

Shaun had been hesitant about the Lux, since it was the hotel where they were meant to spend their wedding night. But Carmen had won. How could he deny her anything she claimed made her happy? Maybe by being there, even for a few hours, they could try to turn back the clock. Pretend nothing tragic had ever happened to them.

As she packed, Carmen hummed, “Here Comes the Bride.”


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