Read To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Marian Tee

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To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (49 page)

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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In answer, he pulled her close and kissed her hard. “It’s more than that,” he whispered, uncaring of whoever could hear them. “I don’t just trust you, don’t just love you.” He breathed raggedly. “
are my life.”

Chapter Fourteen



Misty woke up bleary-eyed for the second consecutive day, but she managed to eat and shower in a hurry before knocking on Milo and Daryl’s front door. Domenico had stated in no uncertain terms that Jayme Cavalier was not allowed to sleep in her house – “not even if he was taped and gagged on your living room floor” were his exact words.


Jayme was yawning when he opened the front door, but he was already fully dressed. “I would have stayed longer if not for my grandfather calling me back.”


She grinned. “I’m thinking he misses all the fun caused by having a grandson playboy seducing all the women in his company.”


“You have a point,” Jayme said so seriously she burst out laughing.


He smiled. “There. Don’t you feel better now?”


“Unfair! That’s going to make me cry, you know?” She sniffed.


Jayme shook his head quickly. “Don’t. Cry. I’m still hurting from the last time we got into a fight over you.”


She gasped. “Did he hurt you?”


“No.” He grimaced. “It’s worse. He got my grandfather to send me on a real business trip and do actual work.”


“Jayme!” But she couldn’t help laughing.


He ruffled her hair. When her laughter died down, he said quietly, “You’ve forgiven him, right?”


She nodded.


“That’s great.” He glanced up at the sky with a frown, wondering if it was the right time to tell Misty that he had the oddest premonition of danger. The sky above him felt wrong…different. He knew how the realm’s shields worked but even so – there was just not something right about today’s sky.


“What is it?”


Jayme shook the thoughts away. “Nothing. Just…take care, okay?” He added seriously, “I mean it, Misty. Be careful.”


She looked at him oddly but nodded. “I will. You take care, too.”


“Say goodbye to Domenico for me.”


She smiled. “Shall I kiss him goodbye for you, too?”


He shuddered. “Never.”


Misty walked him all the way to the edge of the realm. The feeling of danger persisted, making his skin tingle, but Jayme did his best not to show it, not wanting Misty nervous for no concrete reason.


“Come back soon!”


The moment he stepped out of the realm, Jayme wasted no time running. He knew that somewhere behind the foggy regions of the Midways the entire Lyccan army was hiding. Maybe it would be overkill, but that was better than having innocents


Misty would be in for a surprise. She had invited him to come back soon, and Jayme was taking her on her word – and much sooner than she would ever think, and he would not be alone.




Misty was about to walk back to the Main Hall when a Faerie servant rushed to her, handing Misty with a folded piece of paper that had her name written in the front. She unfolded it with a frown.


I’m sorry for lying. Please meet me one last time at the cave next to the brook. – Lysander


Dare she believe him? Dare she not?


In the end, she knew it was only right to give him another chance. She walked towards the meeting place Lysander had chosen, wincing once in a while as she tripped and twisted her feet the wrong way because of the heels she was wearing. Several times Misty considered returning home just to change her shoes but knew it to be too big a risk. Lysander could very well think she had rejected his plea and leave before she arrived.


She was about to cross the brook leading to the cave when a familiar feminine-sounding voice called her name.


Misty turned around, rearing back in surprise when she saw who it was. “Ivory?”


“Hello, Misty.”


All at once she knew. Maybe it was the vicious gleam in Ivory’s eyes that gave her away. In the end, it didn’t matter. All Misty knew was that standing before her was the traitor that had led or at least helped in planning the vampires’ ambush.


“What do you want, Ivory?”


“Not going to cry?” she jeered.


Misty didn’t answer.


Ivory’s laughter was a sharp scraping sound. “Perhaps later then? You will need to hear what I want you to do first.” She gestured to the treetops.


Misty looked up, her heart slamming against her chest in terrified anticipation. And she was right to worry, Misty realized when she saw the numerous Faeries crouched on the branches, staring at her with murder in their eyes.


Traitors –
all of them.


“In a few minutes Lysander will be coming here. Like you, he received a message asking him to meet you here. He’ll think you changed your mind about the betrothal. I want you to seduce him, Misty. I want you to give him what he wants. My warriors will be watching and both of you will die if you make one wrong move. Do you understand?”


“Why are you doing this?” she whispered.


“That’s none of your fucking business,” Ivory hissed. “Just concentrate on being a slut for dear Lysander.” She backed away with a crazy smile on her face. “Enjoy being taken.”




She whirled around, her heart sinking to see that it was indeed Lysander.


Domenico, please help me.


It was stupid to pray for him. He was a god, maybe, but he was
God. Even so, it felt so incredibly good to pray for Domenico’s strength. He had been the strongest, the bravest person she had ever met and she wished it was possible to have even just a little of Domenico’s courage so that she could figure a way out of Ivory’s trap.


Lysander reached her side.


She couldn’t delay any longer.


Domenico, please save me.
It was her last thought before lifting her arms to curl around his neck and bringing him closer for a kiss.




Ivory’s eyes were red-rimmed, with the Master’s power coursing through her. It was an exhilarating feeling and she couldn’t get enough of it. Even better, Ivory would get more of that power once she completed the Master’s plan.


But she had one last thing to do.


“Your Highness!” Ivory pretended to gasp with exhaustion, her head falling down. “You must go to the forest and stop Sir Lysander from forcing himself on Lady Misty!” It was the very best excuse because she knew Domenico would only become suspicious if she pretended Misty was doing anything marginally immoral or even wrong.


“Where?” Domenico’s body chilled at the thought of Misty being hurt. That fucking bastard better be gone or he would kill him with his bare hands.


“In the cave, near the---“


“I know it. Thank you,” he said brusquely, striding past her without a glance.


Again, she burned with hatred at how easily Domenico Moretti ignored her.


This would be the last straw, though.


The next time they met, he would be a fucking slave, not even fit to kiss her feet.


Domenico’s fear had him panting by the time he reached the edge of the brook. Ahead was the cave where he had once spirited Misty away from Lysander’s hold. Before he could take another step, he caught sight of one familiar dark head.


Could it be---


He moved forward faster, not bothering to keep his movements silent. But still the figures did not move and finally he saw who it was.


It was Misty in Lysander’s arms, her blouse unbuttoned and hanging loose at her side, Lysander sucking on her neck.


“Get the fuck away from her!” Domenico roared. He tried pulling Misty away as quickly as he could without hurting her, but she shocked him instead with the way she forcefully pushed him away. He fell back, unable to believe his worst fears were being confirmed.


This couldn’t be happening. Misty loved him. He had to believe in her. He had to trust her like she asked.


More footsteps were heard, and Ivory slowly emerged, her face the perfect picture of shock as she took it all in.


Misty wanted to scream even as she stayed at Lysander’s side, clutching her blouse together in an effort to keep herself covered.


“Your Highness, I’m sorry, I didn’t know---I got it wrong!” Ivory exclaimed with a little sob. “I’m so sorry.”


Domenico couldn’t take his gaze off Misty. She was half-naked, with only her shirt on, her legs completely bare. “Misty, it’s okay,” he said rawly. “You don’t have to explain anything. I won’t…just please come here. We can fix this.” His world shattered when even after those words she shook her head at him, tears in her eyes.


She was pleading him with her eyes, but what was she pleading for? For him to fucking leave her and Lysander to have their happily-ever-after?


“Didn’t you tell me he’s fucking gay, Misty?”


She shook her head again, her voice scratchy as she said, “I….lied.”


Domenico wanted to roar at the pain those two simple words caused. “Is this what you really want? Did vengeance mean so much to you that you had to do all this just to hurt me?”


Misty choked back a sob, her shoulders shaking at the effort to control her tears. She dared not let herself cry because it would distract her. She could feel the menacing pairs of eyes above her never straying from their targets, and if she closed her eyes she could easily imagine their swords pointed at them. One wrong move and they would all be dead.


Ivory tugged his hand. “Please, Your Highness, let us leave them. You do not deserve to be hurt like this.”


Domenico wrenched his hand away from Ivory, his eyes still clinging to Misty. “Sweetheart, please, stop this.” His voice was threadbare thin, his face completely devoid of color. “I’m so goddamn sorry for hurting you in the past but it won’t happen again. You had your revenge now. I get it. So let’s start anew.”


She shook her head.


Domenico fell to his knees.


Misty almost cried out. No, no, no. She didn’t want this. She couldn’t bear this.


“What do I have to do to get you back, Misty? Help me, please.”

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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