To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (45 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #New Adult & College, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romantic Comedy

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The door flew open again, and in an instant Domenico was crouched in front her, his hand shaking as he stroked her hair, his gaze rapidly scanning her entire form, checking for injuries.


Misty kept herself instinctively still, Domenico’s worry communicating itself to her. What she had learned at Lyccan Hall about Domenico’s transformation had done a good job at eradicating her doubts. If any had remained, they were extinguished by the feverish light in Domenico’s eyes now, telling her better than words how much she meant to him.


Domenico Moretti truly did love her.


His hands were still holding her face, and she lifted her own hands to cover his, willing Domenico’s hands to stop shaking. This near, his familiar scent wrapped itself around her, and it was all she could do not to pull him down so she could, well, sniff him like a Lyccan. She might not be his real mate yet, but it seemed that she had already gotten some of his Lyccan qualities.


“How do you feel?” His voice was hoarse. He gently touched the bandaged wound on her neck. “Did it get worse?”


She shook her head. “I’m fine but…I don’t think you are?” And it puzzled Misty, it really did. The battle had been fierce, but it had also been a lot less frightening than she had imagined. For so long, she had feared the vampires, turning them into a bogeyman in her mind. But when she had finally come face to face with them, Misty realized that they were only as scary as she would make them out to be.


And in the end, nothing could be as frightening as losing Domenico – again. In the moments they had been in the thick of battle, all Misty wanted to do was to fight. She wanted to do what she could to keep Domenico alive. To do her duty as a Lyccan princess.


“Were you worried about me?”


When Misty actually turned her head slightly to press her lips to his palm, Domenico couldn’t stop his eyes widening from shock. It was the first time she had voluntarily touched him, kissed him after their separation.


Domenico snapped his mouth shut when he realizing he was gaping.


She frowned. When she pulled back a little, Domenico controlled the urge to haul her back, not wanting to let her go. That he was worried for her was a fucking understatement. He could still remember the terror that had enveloped him when he realized he had let both of them down by failing to detect the vampires’ presence until it was too late. If it had not been for the Caros, the ending could have been completely different, with Misty dying in his arms.


Was this the life of a Lyccan princess that he had once been so fucking proud to give her?


The thought of losing Misty in battle was more than enough to send him to his knees, and Domenico knew then and there that he would do everything in his power to keep Misty safe – even if it meant tearing his own heart out in the process.


She frowned when all Domenico did was stare at her. “Domenico?”


He pulled himself together with an effort. Only with Misty was he so unmanned…but never again. He had to be stronger than this. He had to protect her and never fail her again like he had once failed Danilo. While Misty had remained unconscious in bed, that was all Domenico could think of. His brother had died because of his ineptitude, and it felt like the past all over again with Misty.


He managed a smile, not wanting Misty to worry over him. “Why are you asking me that when I’m not the one who fainted?”


She said insistently, her unhappy frown darkening, “But you don’t look good. Something’s wrong---”


Domenico didn’t answer. He didn’t have to, not when his senses alerted him to the footsteps of the two other Caros who had taken them in for the night. With Misty unconscious, it would be impossible to search for the portal leading to the Faerie realm. Its shields kept the realm invisible to those who were not granted immediate access by the High Circle, and Misty – not Domenico – was the one who had such access.


Since the stronghold of the Caros was much nearer, Domenico had accepted the boys’ offer readily, not willing to risk another attack if he were to travel back to the Moretti compound.


Someone knocked on the door. “That would be my companions,” Luka murmured as he went to the door to open it.


Misty took a good look at Domenico, her eyes narrowing when she saw relief in Domenico’s face. He was hiding something from her, she was sure of it. She glared. “This is not over.”


He blinked, a little surprised and then laughed softly. “You know me too well now, sweetheart.”


“And I will know you even better,” Misty promised, stammering in the end because she felt she was being too forward. But she couldn’t help it. Everything was just so glaringly clear now that she couldn’t wait for things to change…for her to start living again.


Misty waited for Domenico’s reaction to her words. She expected him to be shocked, teasing---but what she totally did not expect was for a shuttered expression to fall over his beautiful face, creating a sudden distance between them.


The other second in command entered first, which Domenico approved of because it meant he was well trained. Alliance or not, there was no reason for any of them to risk their leader’s safety in today’s treacherous times.


Misty curiously observed the two other boys entering her room although the term ‘boy’ was stretching it. They appeared to be seventeen or eighteen years old like Luka, but even so there was no denying the strength and maturity in the way they stood and gazed back at her and Domenico.


They had fought brilliantly during the battle, never hesitating, never losing courage. But they also reminded her a little of Kevin, when he was younger, which was why she couldn’t help blurting out, “Aren’t you all too young to be hunting for vampires?”


The dark-haired boy with a charming grin – the one who had flirted with her during the battle – answered with twinkling eyes, “We’re old where it counts.” And the way his gaze trailed down her body made her blush.


Domenico growled.


If anything, that only appeared to make the boy more flirtatious. “Just one kiss, beautiful, and I’m very sure you won’t think of me as a boy.”


Domenico took a step forward, and even though Misty couldn’t help giggling at the boy’s outrageous antics, she still reached out for Domenico’s hand, pulling him back. “Domenico, behave.”


He looked at her. “I will if they will.”


When she looked back at the Caros, the dark-haired charmer was gaping at them. Even his aloof-looking companion was gazing at Domenico with a raised eyebrow.


“Is this
?” His head snapped back to Misty with a groan. “Oh, man, you’re
Misty Wall,
the human he married, aren’t you?”


“Umm---” He was saying her name like she was some kind of urban legend. Not the cool kind, though. It was more like the murderous axe-carrying kind.


The boy grimaced. “Domenico Moretti’s prowess in the bedroom is…” He threw his hands up, as if there was no word to describe just how good Domenico was at sex. “Let’s just say he’s even famous in Caro society. If you are the girl he’s rumored to be in love with, I know he’s pulled out all the stops with you.”


“Ah…” She didn’t know if she should start blushing or laughing. This conversation was honestly one of the weirdest she had ever had in her life.


He sighed. “I stand no chance.” He glanced at Domenico, his gaze almost worshipful. “I’ve heard about the things you did. Like that one night when you were surrounded with ten succubi---”


Domenico coughed.


The boy sighed again. “You are my god.”


Domenico said dryly, “So do not hit on your god’s woman, boy.”


When Domenico glanced at Misty, she said just as dryly, “
Ten succubi?”


Color stained his high-boned cheeks. “It was…”


“The best display of manliness,” the dark-haired boy said fervently.


“Stefano, enough,” Luka said exasperatedly. “Your Highness, allow me to introduce them. This is Stefano Mancetti. And this---” He gestured to the aloof-looking boy with piercing gold eyes. “---is Riyu Delicazzi. He owns this property. They are also serving the Brethren, and the three of us had been scouring the Midways after receiving reports about possible vampire activity in the area.”


“So you really do hunt vampires,” Misty murmured, trying not to be worried for their sake…but it was impossible. Mothering her siblings all these years had turned her into a permanent worrywart. “Do your parents know about what you do?”


“Our age does not hinder us,” the one called Riyu answered. His voice was extremely cold and she tried not to smirk because it reminded her of how Domenico usually sounded in the early days she had known him.


Domenico leaned close. “I know what you’re thinking,” he told her warningly, “And it’s not true.”


This time, she really smirked.


Riyu appeared impatient, continuing, “Caros mature early. We are allowed to have minor positions at age sixteen. You can say that our minds are sharper than Lyccans.”


Misty blinked at Domenico. “Did he just say we’re stupid?”


Domenico knew it was wrong, but he still felt fucking glad to hear how she had referred to them as ‘we’. Even though she had spent the last sixteen months in the care of Faeries, Misty considered herself as a Lyccan still.


Luka interceded smoothly, “As you can see, we need help in public relations. We have bad superiority complexes.” Both Misty and Domenico noticed the way he stepped on Riyu’s foot at the end.


“It’s true,” Stefano affirmed cheerfully.


Riyu did not say anything.


Despite everything, she couldn’t help smiling. The three’s interaction reminded her of how her siblings acted when they were together, and she couldn’t help warming up to them. “Thank you for helping us back there. If there’s anything I can do for you guys---”


Stefano opened his mouth to answer, took one look at Domenico’s forbidding expression, and snapped his mouth shut. He sighed.


Riyu started, “We do not need---”


Luka stepped on his foot again.


Riyu winced. “---compensation because it is our honor to help you.” Then he turned to Luka with a glare. “Satisfied?”


Luka didn’t even look at him, was again smiling at Misty and Domenico. “We will leave you to retire for the night. Tomorrow, we will make sure to add our human soldiers to your escort when you journey back to the Faeries’ realm.”


Domenico said simply, “I am in your debt.”


Luka answered calmly, “We will always bear that in mind.”


And then they were gone. When the door closed behind them, she exhaled, only realizing that she had been holding her breath throughout that final exchange. “Those boys…they’re like heirs of pack leaders in Caro society?”


Domenico nodded. “Riyu Delicazzi will be running for the position as head of the Brethren during the next election.”

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