To Live and To Love (Black Wolf Agency Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: To Live and To Love (Black Wolf Agency Book 1)
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Yvonne went silent after that. There was no denying it; she was hurt. Her best friend was suddenly coming out of the closet about his werewolf son, and then told her that he would be retiring soon. Her partner in all of this, all of these years, was going to be leaving her soon.

Not only that; suddenly, her own imminent mortality was starting to overwhelm her. Compared to werewolves, her life was short. She would age and eventually die, and they wouldn’t look a day older. The thought of that, along with all the changes suddenly happening in her life sent her in a state of shock.

“Yvonne, I haven’t known you very long, but I can tell that you and my father are great friends and probably trust each other greatly,” said Marcus. For the first time in years, he was nervous. “I know you feel like he’s betraying you right now, but I know he won’t let you down. If he thinks I’m right for the job, I’m going to prove it to him and everyone else that I’m meant to be here. While I’m spending time here, I will be on a leave of absence from the NYPD. If I decide to stay, I’ll resign from the NYPD and work here full time.”

“Yvonne, trust me. This is all for the best,” said Charlie.

Yvonne didn’t say a word as she stood up and headed for the door.

“Where are you going, Yvonne?” asked Kate.

“Somewhere else. I need to be alone right now.”

She didn’t look back as she headed out the door.

Here To Stay

~ Epilogue ~


Yvonne hurried as fast as she could through security, and as soon as she got outside, she fell to her knees and began to cry.

“Don’t cry, Yvonne,” spoke a kind and familiar male voice.

“Lucius? What are you doing here?” She looked up at him, her teary eyes meeting his.

“I somehow sensed something was wrong. I don’t know how. Maybe we’re on the same wavelength or something.”

“I don’t know, either, but I’m glad you’re here.” She stood up and stepped closer to him. He gazed into her eyes, and as he ran his fingers delicately through her hair, he leaned forward and kissed her.

“If you ever feel alone, just know I’ll always be here for you.”

Yvonne looked into Lucius’ eyes again and smiled. He smiled back, happy to see her cheerful once more.

“I know who you are and what you are,” she whispered. “And I’m okay with it.”

“How do you know?” He sounded a bit shocked, but not upset in the least that she knew his secret. He knew that Kate and James must have been the ones to tell her, and he knew they must have had a good reason to. He planned on telling her soon anyway, but was dreading having to do it himself. What if she rejected him after that? He just couldn’t bear it. It was far better this way.

“James and Kate told me. I know they’re werewolves, too. It’s a long story.”

“Ah, I see,” he replied and then thought to himself, ‘
Sure enough; it was Kate and James. Who else would it be?

“Come with me. There’s something I want to show you.”

She led him through the door and down the stairway. Even in his thousand years of life, he had never witnessed something quite like what he was about to see.

When they made it into the lobby, everyone was still seated at the table. They were all quiet, apparently waiting for Yvonne to return. Lucius looked all around the room in wonder and then focused his attention on the people at the table.

“For those of you who haven’t met him, this is my boyfriend, Lucius,” she said to the crowd. Then she turned to Lucius, smiled, and said, “Lucius, let me introduce you to the members of
Black Wolf Agency




Coming Soon!

Shadows of the Moon

Black Wolf Agency: Book Two


Black Wolf Agency
began with Yvonne and Charlie. Now, Charlie is planning to retire and leave his werewolf son, Marcus in charge. Yvonne feels betrayed, but at the same time, she is excited to have found the love of her life, Lucius. Now, the only thing that stands between her and her eternity with Lucius is her own mortality…

Kate and James’s baby is on the way. As they’re preparing for the birth of their son or daughter, Marcus finds himself jealous of what the happy couple has. If only he could find his soul mate and start a family of his own…

New to Black Wolf Agency are Lucius and the two werewolf brothers, Damian and Devon; the newest and toughest members of
Black Wolf Agency
. The vampires of New York City don’t stand a chance with this team of werewolves on the agency’s side!



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