Read To Dream Anew Online

Authors: Tracie Peterson

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To Dream Anew (48 page)

BOOK: To Dream Anew
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“Hello, little one,” Dianne cooed. “Oh, you’re my little beauty.”

“What will you name her?”

“Athalia,” Dianne said without hesitation. “Mr. Cohen at the dry goods store told me it’s Hebrew and it means ‘the Lord is exalted.”’

“How perfect,” Charity declared. “Athalia.”

Cole knocked and peeked in. “Is it all right to come in?”

“Come ahead,” Koko said and waved him in. “They’re waiting for you. Both of your gals.”

Cole came to the bed and smiled. “So you finally got the daughter you wanted.”

“And just look at her—she’s perfect.”

“She takes after her ma,” Cole observed.

Dianne lifted the baby up. “I think she looks like her papa.”

Cole took the baby in hand, looking most uncomfortable. “She’s kind of on the small side.”

“Most babies are,” Koko teased. “If I remember right, your boys were all about that size.”

“Well, she seems a whole lot smaller.”

Charity came to his side. “No, but she will be a weight of responsibility. Girls are always much harder than boys. I’ve heard it declared so more than once.”

“I know it to be true,” Koko said in agreement.

“Well, our little Athalia will be loved no matter what,” Dianne said as Cole handed the child back to her. “Athalia Hope Selby will be the symbol of our new beginning. A symbol of God’s love.”

Everyone commented in agreement, and Dianne could only bask in the blessings that God had bestowed. Her life had known its moments of despair and darkness, but always God had brought her back around to dream anew.

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BOOK: To Dream Anew
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