To Dream Anew (34 page)

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Authors: Tracie Peterson

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Cole looked around at the town. “Seems he does.”

“I heard you had trouble this winter,” Chester said, changing the subject completely.

Cole turned back with a blank expression. Dianne seethed and was befuddled as her husband responded, “Why, no. Not that I know of.”

Chester looked to Portia, his expression changing from confident to confused. “Well, someone told me you were low on calves. Same as we were the year before.”

Cole shrugged. “We’ve been really blessed. I can’t complain. Don’t know why anyone would be spreadin’ gossip like that.”

Dianne held her tongue and tried not to betray her feelings. She couldn’t understand why Cole wasn’t confronting Chester with the truth.

“Well … I … I guess,” Chester stammered, looking from Portia to Dianne and back to Cole, “I was misinformed. I’d heard there were problems.”

“Nothing beyond the usual things. Fact is, we’ve enjoyed a very productive spring and summer. Not only that, but Dianne just told me that we’re going to have another baby.”

Portia paled at this, surprising Dianne. “We should go,” she said to Chester. “Don’t we have other people to meet?”

“Ah … yes.” Chester said, still appearing baffled. He took hold of Portia’s arm. “Why don’t you go ahead? I’ll join you in a moment.”

“I don’t want to greet people alone,” Portia said from between clenched teeth.

“I said I’ll join you in a moment.” Chester’s self-assured nature returned and it was clear he’d brook no nonsense. Portia must have sensed this as well. She finally nodded and moved away from the Selbys—an unattractive pout on her face.

“I had hoped to speak with you alone, Selby,” Chester began.

“Anything you have to say to me can be said in front of my wife and her brother. As long as you mind your language.”

Chester frowned. “You know that I’ve challenged your claim to the Diamond V ranch.”

“Yes, we know that.” Cole’s words were slow, monotone.

“There’s no deed registered with your wife’s name added on,” he continued. “I think for everyone’s sake, it would benefit you to drop this game now. Sell to me rather than allow the government to take it, and I’ll make you a fair offer.”

Cole appeared to be considering the man’s words. “I know that the paper work was legally filed. Now, if someone is working to illegally file things, I can’t help that. Truth is, I don’t need to rely on the courthouse for my proof.”

Now Lawrence seemed completely perplexed. His face contorted as if he were trying to decide on an expression. “This isn’t going to end in your favor. Just remember: I wanted to make you an offer that would have been fair and beneficial to both of us.”

“I’ll remember,” Cole replied evenly.

Lawrence started to leave, then turned. The anger in his eyes was evident. “There are worse things than losing a few head of cattle. You may have the world fooled, but you aren’t fooling me.” With that he stormed off down the boardwalk.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dianne questioned softly. She smiled as several couples walked past them. “Why did you let him say those things and not confront him for having a hand in the losses we suffered?”

“Because until this moment, I wasn’t convinced that Chester had done anything wrong,” Cole replied, meeting her accusing tone.


“I gave the men strict orders, on penalty of being fired, to say nothing about our herd and the losses. I confided in no one with exception to Ben and Malachi, and I instructed them both to say nothing and to have their wives say nothing. After all, I knew you would talk to both Charity and Faith.”

Dianne looked to her brother. “Do you understand what he’s saying?”

“Sounds to me like there should have been no reason for Chester Lawrence to know about a shortage of calves or any losses.”

“Exactly,” Cole replied. “But he does know. Which means there’s only one way he could know.”

“Because he took them,” Dianne said as the realization sunk in.


Cole thought about the situation long after the Lawrences had hurried away. Leaving Dianne in Zane’s company, Cole decided it might benefit him to slip in among the other cowboys and see what he could learn. He’d already instructed his own boys to keep their ears open.

Moving toward the heavily laden tables of food, Cole caught sight of a movement down one of the side streets. Although it was dusky and the lanterns had been lit, Cole recognized one of his wranglers being confronted by Jerrod and Roy Lawrence.

He started heading down the street just as Roy took a swing. Billy Joe easily ducked and maneuvered his slender frame around the heavier man. “You guys are thieves and killers, but you don’t scare me.”

“I’ll do more than scare you,” Roy snarled, this time delivering a punch to Billy Joe’s face.

The younger man swayed but stood his ground and to Cole’s surprise fired off a blow with his right and then his left fist. Jerrod spewed a string of obscenities and comments that made Cole grateful that no womenfolk were close by.

“What’s going on here?”

The fight stopped and everyone turned to Cole. Jerrod stepped forward and growled, “This isn’t your concern. Get outta here unless you want the same.”

“You happen to be roughing up my wrangler. That makes it my business.” Cole stepped closer to Billy Joe. “Why don’t you head back to the party.”

“I can handle this, boss.”

“I’m sure you can, but I need you ready to break that stallion tomorrow, and I don’t want you doing it with scraped knuckles.”

Billy Joe grinned. “Yeah, that would be kind of painful, eh.”

“You ain’t goin’ nowhere. You called me a liar, and I don’t take that from no one,” Roy said, approaching Billy Joe.

Cole moved to put himself between the two, but to his surprise, Jerrod pulled a gun and closed the distance. Pointing it directly at Cole’s chest, he shook his head. “You Selbys have a way of irritatin’ folks. My brother has a reason to deal with this scum. You ain’t gonna interfere.”

Cole leaned forward. “We aren’t going to fight you. There’s no reason.” He turned to motion Billy Joe back to the street party. This time the man moved off quickly. Jerrod cocked the hammer of his revolver.

“Well, big man, we’ll see how well you handle yourself with a bullet in your chest.”

Roy laughed as though Jerrod had told some great joke. “I only wish Pa was here to enjoy this moment. If you don’t need my help, I’m goin’ after that rat.”

“Go,” Jerrod replied. “I have all the help I need.”

Roy disappeared down the street after Billy Joe while Cole held Jerrod’s gaze. “You know you could never get away with something like this. You might have gotten away with killing Whit and Maggie, but something like this is going to be hard to run from.”

“You’d like to believe that, but truth is, you know my pa has this territory wrapped around his little finger. He has the law on his side and men fear him.”

“It seems you fellows are missing the party,” Ben Hammond said as he seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Jerrod narrowed his eyes. “Stay out of this, preacher.”

“God would much rather you be at peace with each other. The Good Book says, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers.’ Now, why don’t you put down the gun and make amends.”

Jerrod turned back to Cole and pushed the muzzle of his gun against him. “Preacher, this matter don’t concern you. Take your Bible and go. This man has insulted me and mine, and I intend to see that he pays.”

Cole could feel the hard metal against him. He felt afraid for the first time since the confrontation had begun. But then at the sound of another hammer being cocked, Jerrod’s expression changed to one of surprise.

“I said, ‘blessed are the peacemakers’—Colt revolvers or otherwise,” Ben said without the slightest hint of concern.

“You’re a preacher. How can you pull a gun on me?” Jerrod questioned, a trembling in his voice.

“We use whatever tools we need to spread the Good News,” Ben said, pressing his gun against Jerrod’s head.

“This don’t seem like good news to me,” Jerrod said, slowly lowering his gun.

Ben pulled back as Cole sidestepped to stand beside him. “The good news tonight is that you live to see another day. Maybe you can reflect a bit on how foolish it is to threaten the lives of honest citizens. Maybe you can even think of how the Lord sent me to intercede and save your neck from a hangman’s rope.”

“Nobody woulda hanged me. I’m a Lawrence. We own this valley.”

Cole shook his head. “So you intend to go bullying your way around, is that it? Never mind the law or what anyone else wants.”

Jerrod laughed. “We
the law, mister, in case you haven’t figured that out.”

“Why don’t you go on back to your people,” Ben suggested in a tone that sounded more like a command.

Jerrod eyed him for a moment. “You’ll pay for this, preacher. I don’t appreciate being interfered with.”

Cole and Ben watched as Jerrod shoved his pistol into his holster and headed in the direction Roy had gone. Cole took a deep breath and let it out in one loud whoosh. “I have to admit, I was a little nervous. I’m glad you came along.”

Ben smiled. “Just looking out for my flock.”

Cole shook his head, knowing the matter was far from over. “You’re probably going to have your hands full in the days to come—and you can’t be everywhere.”

“No, but God can.”

“He’s gonna be busy then. The Lawrences are going to be riled up after tonight.”

Ben patted Cole’s back. “Then let’s go back to the party and enjoy the night. We’ll let tomorrow worry after itself.” As they started back toward Main Street, Ben added, “I think it might be wise for you and Dianne to spend the night with us. Going home in the light of day would be much better than trying to fend for yourself in the dark.”

“I feel like we’re going to be fighting in a lot of darkness in the days to come.”

“Good thing we have the light.”


asked as he noted the headlines on Cole’s newspaper.

“Isn’t he the one who lead the battle that took Custer’s life?” Dianne questioned.

“Right on both accounts,” Cole said. “It says here he surrendered along with some one hundred and eighty-seven Sioux men, women, and children. They were starving to death in Canada, so they decided even reservation life would be better.”

“I can’t say that I’m sorry to see it happen. We’ve lived in the constant threat that he and his Sioux warriors would rise up again,” Dianne said. “After all, it’s only been five years since the Battle at Little Big Horn.”

Zane came into the kitchen from the back porch. “If you’re ready to go, Cole, we’d better get a move on.”

Cole put the paper down and leaned over to kiss Dianne on the cheek. “I guess I’ve got my marching orders.”

“How long do you suppose you’ll be gone?” she asked, getting up from the kitchen table.

“Hopefully no more than two or three weeks,” Cole replied. “Don’t send out a search party if it takes longer than that, though, because frankly, I’d like to see this matter settled once and for all regarding the claim on the ranch. I’m hoping Zane’s friend Mr. Daly can help us.”

“I pray so too.” She hugged Cole close, relishing the warmth of his arms around her.

Lifting her face to Cole’s, Dianne stretched up to receive his tender kiss. “Don’t worry,” he said, gently stroking her cheek. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He kissed her once more, then released her and turned to Zane. “I’m ready.”

Dianne watched them leave. “It’ll feel like forever before they get back,” she told Levi.

“Not if we stay busy, and there’s plenty to do. I need to get those horses over to Fort Ellis. They won’t be too happy if we’re late on our delivery.”

“Well, at least that’s one thing Chester Lawrence hasn’t been able to take from us. He doesn’t have much time for raising horses what with his political interests and town planning.”

“He wouldn’t dare. It’s too much work. Cattle can just graze and fatten up—’course there’s more to keeping the ranch running than just that—but horses have to be trained. We’ve got the best wranglers in these parts and they are loyal through and through. Most of them got their start from Bram, when nobody else would even look at ’em twice. Lawrence won’t worry about the horses.”

Dianne knew if Lawrence and his boys could take the horse trade from them, he would. Maybe it was because of the extra work involved that they’d steered clear, but maybe it was because the profit that could be generated hadn’t occurred to Chester.

“It’ll be nice when the railroad comes through,” she said. “The line from Utah to Butte should be in this year. Cole read that the line coming in from the east will come close enough to The north of us that we can move cattle and horses all over the country.”

Levi pushed back his dark hair. “That’ll be nice, but for now we don’t have that luxury. Look, are you sure you don’t mind sparing Ardith and Winona? I know they’ll enjoy the trip, plus Ardith can handle the wagon to bring back supplies. But if you need them here, I’ll understand.”

“I don’t mind at all. I think it will do both of them a world of good. Spoil them for me,” Dianne said with a grin.

“I will. Now, the boys have their instructions. You’ll have several of them close at hand if you need them for anything. Most will be right up here close to the house working with those green broke colts. I’ll be back in a few days.”

“Don’t worry about us,” Dianne said with false bravado. “We’ll be fine.”

But in the days to come, she felt more and more uneasy. It wasn’t just that Cole was gone or that Levi was in Bozeman. Something simply didn’t feel right.

“I don’t know what’s wrong,” Dianne told Koko.

“Perhaps it’s nothing,” her aunt said as she kneaded bread dough.

Dianne looked out the kitchen window. It was almost as if she expected some monster to stare back at her, but instead she saw a beautiful summer sky without so much as a single rain cloud present.

Letting the curtain fall back into place, she sighed.
I suppose I’m just uneasy with so many family members gone

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