To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (20 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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“What do you know about Harley’s Little Bird?”


“Well it has two wheels and an engine.”


“How does the engine work?”




“Little Bird if you want to learn to ride. You’ve got to learn about the Harley.”


Little Bird sucks in her mouth as she chews on her lip, her eyes squinting at me.


“Really. I can drive Tabby, but I sure as hell don’t know anything about cars.”


Rayven’s answer is typical of her approach on life and as I collect a cold beer from the ice bucket, which lay just inside the garage. I watch as Little Bird mounts the bike, her feet barely touching the ground.


“You like having something big and throbbing between your legs Little Bird.”


The sun is settling behind Little Bird and it is my turn to squint in her direction, watching as a trickle of sweat drips into the cleavage of her tits.


“Shut up Tabby.”


As soon as I am close to the FatBoy, I grab a hold of Little Bird’s hair. “Be nice and I might teach you to ride.


“Are you blackmailing me?”


“You sure are a smart one.”


Now that I have her hair wrapped round my hand, I pull Rayven forward to kiss her full on the lips.


“Now shift your ass and let me finish
with the FatBoy.”


“Humph, I’m only going because Kavan needs feeding.”


As Rayven passes, I slap her ass and smirk to myself when she gives a squeal, before hurrying into the house. I too had heard the sounds of Kavan stirring, on the baby monitor. Yep, life is good. Black County has practically disappeared since their clubhouse burnt down. Our last run was uneventful and business is booming. Now that I am finished with the bike, I clear away my mess and went in search of Little Bird. When I find her, she has just finished changing Kavan’s diaper and is quietly talking away to him.


“Grab your purse; we’re going for a drive.”




As I drop a kiss on her forehead, I tell her “It’s a surprise. Now stop dawdling.”


“Yes, oh master.”


Fifteen minutes later, I pull the SUV behind the club’s garage, go to one of the bays, and find what I am looking for. By the time I return to the yard, Little Bird has climbed out of the cabin and has Kavan in her arms.


“What’s that?”


“It’s a trike. You wanted to learn to ride.”


“On that?”


“Yep. And don’t you squint at me.”


Replacing Kavan in his car seat, Little Bird leaves the door open as she trundles over to me.


“Okay I’m ready.”


“Climb aboard and I’ll explain what’s what and what you need to do.”


Nearly an hour later, Little Bird is ready to quit. The rosy glow to her face and goofy smile tells me all I need to know that she was having fun.


“Let’s go drop Kavan off at your Momma’s then we can go to the club.”




The club is in full party mode by the time Tabby and I arrive. Inferno is on the make shift dance floor with Baby Blu. While Fudge and Crabby, dance with one of the club whores. A search of the room has me locating Linc and Cassie in one of the far recesses, and dragging Tabby by the hand, I head in their direction. Only stopping, when Tabby collects our drinks from the bar as we pass.


“You’re looking good Cassie. Wanna get up and dance?”


“No I’m sitting this one out.”


With only one spare chair, I find myself on Tabby’s lap as he talks to Linc and I turn my attention to Cassie.


“Tabby’s teaching me to ride.”


“His FatBoy.”


The roundness of Cassie’s eyes almost has me lying, however, I shake my head and roll my eyes. As a flushed Baby Blu, returns to the table and pulls up a chair beside Cassie.


“Who’s FatBoy?”


“Nope. A trike. Tabby says when I know about Harleys. Then he’ll let me ride the FatBoy.” A tug on my hair was a small warning from Tabby. Okay, so he said he’ll teach me to ride and never mentioned the FatBoy. Turning, I place a swift kiss on his lips and wink at him


“You must be doing something right.”


Baby Blu’s quip
has me looking into her mocking green eyes.


“Yep, I’m keeping him satisfied. Ain’t that right baby.”


I respond, whilst blowing a kiss in Tabby’s direction. My own quip, earns me a lecherous look from Tabby as he swoops his head towards mine giving me a full throttle kiss.


“You sure are baby.”


“Cassie and I have something to bring to the table.”


Linc’s words, are softly spoken as his gaze falls on Cassie, who smiles back at him.


“Well, what is it. Fuck Baby Blu that hurt.”


Inferno’s inpatient has earned him a quick jab in the stomach delivered by Baby Blu.


“We’re having a baby.”


“Hey, that’s great news, congratulations Cassie.”


“Thanks Rayven. I wanted to tell you a while back. But Linc and I didn’t want to jeopardize our luck or anything.”


“How far back.”


“When you returned to Comfort Springs. Shit Rayven I was so excited. I’d look at Kavan and squeeze myself with the knowledge. So you see, there was never any reason for you to worry.”


“You’re still coming to my opening night?”


“I’m pregnant Rayven, there’s no reason why I should miss it. So yeah, I’ll be there and Ellie said she’s coming too.”


“If you’re looking for bar staff I might be interested in a job.”


As I jump off Tabby’s knee at the sound of Kent’s voice, I almost send the table and drinks flying.


“I take it you’re pleased to see me?”


Excited at having my brother home, I wrap my arms round him and kiss his cheek. It is unbelievable how much I have missed him over the last couple of weeks.


“You bet I’ve missed you and sorry. You’re too young to work at Tie Me Down.”


“Dance with me.”


“Fuck Rayven I’ve just got back and I want a drink.”


“Dance with your sister Kent.”


This time it’s Baby Blu who squeals as she leaps into Trax’s arms to give him a hug and kiss.


“Hey, where’s my kiss and hug?”


Twiggy’s gruff voice breaks into our welcoming and I open my arms for him. Planting a kiss on his surprised lips.


“Thank you for bringing them both back safe.”


“Just doing my job, ma’am.”


“Let go of my woman. Little Bird, behave yourself while we go catch up with these three.”


“Don’t be long.” I shout at Tabby’s retreating back. Who simply waves his hand in the air.


Nervously, I turn back to Baby Blu and Cassie and look at both women.


“Do you think this it? That everything’s going to be alright now.”


“Are you worried Rayven?”


Glancing to the shut door, I wonder what happened on the road trip. In a year, Kent has grown up and his limp is almost unnoticeable. With a roll of my shoulders.


“No. I guess I was just being silly. Or I’m simply not used to this.”


“Time to stop worrying and let’s spend the rest of the night celebrating the safe return of Trax, Kent and Twiggy and not forgetting Cassie and the baby.”





Chapter 28



“How do I look?”


“Sexy as hell.”




To prove his point, Tabby crosses the room and takes me in a bear hug, lifting the hem of my dress up, in the process.


Futilely I push at his shoulders, as I try to escape.


“Tabby we don’t have time.”


Tabby’s, “Rayven, we’ll be done in five.” Is said, as he presses me against the bedroom wall and snaps my panties away from my body.


“Tabby it took me ages to get ready.”


“Stop fretting and undo my zip.”


The way, which Tabby is dry humping my pussy with the rough denim of his jeans, is causing my arousal to spike. Deep in my pussy, a pulse has begun to throb. With a quick glance over his shoulder, I look at my watch. Then eagerly I pull his zipper down as I wrap my legs round his waist. Tabby slid his hand easily down until he is cupping my ass and one of his finger’s strokes over my puckered asshole. The tip gently but firmly pushing against the opening.

Tabby’s name came out of my mouth on both a gasp and a squeal.


“Shush. It’s okay Little Bird. We haven’t time for what I want.”


Again, he pushes the tip against my ass until I feel it open slightly as the tip enters me there. As my body begins to throb, I squeeze my legs against Tabby’s hips, seeking out his cock and began to rub the head against my wet pussy. With each stroke I make, Tabby presses his hips against me.




“Now Little Bird, push my dick into your wet hot pussy.”


Eager to have his cock in me I use both my hand and body to push myself over his cock. With ease, I take his cock in as far as I can; Tabby withdrew and thrusts in further. With each push, Tabby’s large body presses my body further on to the finger, which is in my ass.


“That’s it, Little Bird, take all of my dick.”


Unable to hold back the orgasm, which Tabby has created, I bite into his neck, as my body went tight, before slackening with my release. Tabby’s own release follows quickly and after he has emptied himself in me, Tabby withdraws his cock with a loud pop as it slides against both or our juices.


“Shit Tabby I smell of you and your gunge is leaking on my thighs.”


The sticky goo is cold and clammy against my thighs as I make my way to the bathroom.


“Damn it Tabby pass me a fresh pair of stockings.”


The top of my stockings are covered in Tabby’s stuff.


“Stop complaining Little Bird or I’ll have you clean my dick, with your tongue.”


Tabby’s threat does the trick and quickly I clean myself as I replace the ruined panties and stockings.


“Are you going to the club?”


“No, I’ll be at Tie Me Down.”


“Tabby...” Tonight is my big night and I did not need Tabby to hold my hand.


“I’ll be in the office going over some paperwork. I’ll only be there if you want me.”


Whilst watching Tabby tuck away his now washed cock. His face became serious as he lifts my chin up to meet his eyes.


“Rayven you’re going to be okay. However drunk women can get out of control.”


“Silver’s going to be there.”


“And so am I. now come on. Otherwise, you’re going to be late and what kind of example is that.”




When we arrive at Tie Me Down, I do a quick appraisal of the room. Tonight is Ladies Night, and men have replaced the female staff. Men sparsely dressed. On the bar, are the same men from Baby Blu’s bachelorette party, Pete and Nat. I have also hired the same dance troupe.


“Okay. Boss, ready to open the doors.”


Anticipation runs through my body as I turn to the woman who has come to stand beside me. I look Silver over. Devils Comfort is a small group of bikers, who all fuck the same women. This woman is no exception and Tabby’s cock has been in her on several occasions. I know this, because I have walked into Tabby’s office, to see her bent over his desk while he fucked her, as his eyes had locked with mine. As the tide of jealousy rose in me, I squash it down. She was his pass and I am his now. Also, according to Tabby, I am the only one he has fucked in the last year and a half.


With a deep breath, I dispose of the images of Silver, Tabby and the other women. Not feeling in the least guilty at the faint arousal that I am experiencing from the memory.


“Ready. Let them in.”


This was opening night and tonight I stood at the door with Silver as we let the first women in. The turnout was better than I expected. Eventually I left the door, to go and find Baby Blu and Cassie in the main room, joining them in the VIP section. Ivy and Ellie have also joined us.


Our male server for the night is a tall Viking god. His dirty blond hair reaching his shoulders and he screamed sex with his bare pecs and rippled stomach and thighs that I could just bite. After taking our order, the Viking God turns and leaves, with five sets of eyes watching his ass jiggle, as he sauntered across the room.


“Damn, that’s a fine piece of meat.”




“Hey Baby Blu no harm in looking.”


“You can look; I think I’ll pass him my number.”


“Ivy he could have a girlfriend.”


“There again, he might not Rayven.”


The twinkle in Ivy’s brown eyes and her mischievous smile had the table laughing.


“Well, if we’re giving numbers out, I’m going to pass mine on to that hunk on the stage.” All heads turn to follow Ellie’s gaze and my eyes light upon another piece of male perfection. With his military style haircut, I recognize him as one of the dancers I had been standing in-between, practically naked.


“So you’ve definitely given up on Adam?”


“Yep, he’s gone back to the bitch. This time I want someone who’s got neither baggage nor issues.”


“Good luck with that one.” We all raise our glasses to Ellie.


As the evening progresses, although the women get rowdy, none of them get out of hand. It is while I am chatting with Cassie about pregnancies and watching another dancer strip, that our server returns with a bottle of champagne that no one has ordered.


“With compliments, from the owner.”


Drawn to the main door I spot Tabby leaning against the doorjamb, his arms folded over his impeccable covered pecs. When our gazes lock, he smiles before giving me the thumbs up and leaves the room.


A rosy glow spreads through my body from the silent praise. As the night draws to a close, various women pass the table offering their thanks and letting me know how much fun they have had.


When there are only about a half dozen dawdlers left, Inferno, Linc and Fudge turn up and make their way over to us.


“Tabby tells me it was a success.”


“What did you expect Inferno. Women like men just as men like women.”


Inferno wiggles his eyebrows at Baby Blu, as he pulls her up off the couch.


“Let’s go home and you can show me how much women like men.”


“That sounds like a plan. Come on Cass, you and the baby need to sleep.”


“Do you want me to order you a cab Ellie? Or I can drop you off when I drop Ivy off.”


“That’s okay Rayven. I don’t mind taking Ellie home.”


“Thanks Nick.”


As the bikers leave the room, Tabby places himself next to me and draws me into his body. His hand, which is idly playing with the loose curls at the base of my neck, is sending shivers through my spine.


“Congratulations again Little Bird.”


“Does that mean I can do another one next month?”


“Hey Silver wait. You don’t mind dropping me off. Do you?” 


Ivy had not finished her request before she is on her feet, following Silver through the door.


“Ivy, I don’t mind dropping you off.”


“Rayven, you may not mind. I, however, object to being a third wheel while you two lovebirds canoodle.”


“Night Ivy. Let Laura know we’ll be round at about eleven to collect Kavan.”


“Ready to go home Little Bird?”


Now that the evening is over, I can relax and I lean my head back against the sofa’s headrest. As I shut my eyes, I kick off my shoes and put my feet along the cleared table.




Whilst Tabby continues to fiddle with my hair. I enjoy the low sounds of the bar staff cleaning up.


“Rayven, the guys and I are off.”


Reluctantly, I force my eyes open and bring Chris, the dancer’s manager into focus.


“Thanks for tonight Chris, See you the first Saturday of next month.”


“Yeah, I’ll be in touch.”


“First Saturday Little Bird, that’s Tie Me Down’s busiest night.”


“That gives you four weeks Tabby to convert two of the other rooms into one.”


With a soft laugh, Tabby leans into my neck to lick the spot where my pulse is beating madly.


“And I bet you’ve already picked the ones that you want and how you want them doing.”
















Chapter 29


“Do you plan to stay in bed all day?”


“Go away.”


How can Tabby be chirpy this morning? After the success and late finish of last night, it had been close to five before we had gone to bed. Then Tabby had made love to me. Drowsily, I roll away from my tormentor as I pull the duvet over my head and grumble into my pillow.


“Come on Little Bird. We need to collect our son.”


“You go collect him. I’m staying in bed.”


Tabby sat his big ass next to me and slapped mine.


“Hey, what did you do that for?”


“Little Bird. You either get out of bed. Or I climb in and make love to that sweet ass of yours.”


“Okay. Okay. Go make coffee while I have a shower.”


“Wouldn’t you rather I joined you?”


“No. We’ve a son to collect as you pointed out.”


With another slap to my ass, Tabby rose from the bed, leaving me in peace as he went to make the coffee. After Tabby’s departure, I stare at the ceiling, watching the fan as it spun round. Contentment seeps through my body as I turn to hug Tabby’s pillow. With one last sniff of his scent, I leapt out of the bed, grabbed my dressing gown, and ran downstairs. Nearly bowling Tabby down as I cannoned into him.


“Hey, what’s the rush?”


“I just wanted to say thank you.”


In amazement, I watch Tabby’s cheeks became stained with a red hue.


“You already did.”

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