To Catch a Husband... (11 page)

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Authors: Sarah Mallory

BOOK: To Catch a Husband...
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‘Miss Wythenshawe!’

‘I came in search of supper…’

He pulled up a chair.

‘There is more than sufficient here for the both of us, if you would care to join me. Sit down and I will send for another plate and glass.’

In two strides he was at the door, calling for the waiter. She heard the rumble of voices in the passage before Daniel returned.

‘Our host has promised to lay a cover for you immediately. It should not take more than a few minutes.’

‘I am interrupting your meal…’

‘Not at all,’ he said politely. ‘I have only just begun and will now wait until you can join me. Will you not sit down?’

Kitty moved over to the chair he was holding for her and sat down with a quiet word of thanks. Daniel resumed his own seat and silence filled the room.

At last Kitty said, ‘You have not told us, sir, why you were travelling this way. This is not on your route back to Town.’

He looked down at the table, intent upon straightening his knife and fork.

‘I overheard your coachman talking. It seemed pretty clear that he did not think Leaconham would be fit to travel: I thought you might need assistance.’

The entry of a serving maid caused a diversion and they watched silently while she laid another place at the table.
When they were alone again Daniel poured Kitty a glass of wine.

‘Will you take a little of the lamb?’ he asked her. ‘It is very good. You will note I have not ordered the oysters.’

Kitty chuckled.

‘We both know they were not the cause of Lord Leaconham’s malaise.’ She sighed. ‘Poor Garston. Poor Godmama! I doubt she has seen her son in that condition before.’ He made no reply. Kitty put down her glass. ‘I know you think him weak and foolish. After all he knew we were coming back this way to collect him, but have you no compassion at all? No, obviously not.’ She bit her lip, then said with difficulty, ‘I beg your pardon, that is unjust. You have shown great kindness in following us to this place.’

He looked across the table and held her gaze.

‘My opinion of Leaconham is not high. The man may go out and drink himself into oblivion every night for all I care, but to do so knowing that he was needed to escort two ladies back to Town, I find that foolish and irresponsible.’

‘You are right, of course. Which makes it all the more generous of you to look after us.’

‘I am not doing this for Leaconham, nor for your godmother.’

Kitty caught her breath, wondering if she had misunderstood him.

‘I do not deserve that you should be so kind to me,’ she said in a low voice. ‘Every time we meet I am impolite to you.’

The corners of his mouth lifted a fraction.

‘You certainly like to remind me of my place.’

There was a heartbeat’s pause before she spoke again.

‘I made an assumption about you on that first morning we met. I was wrong. I beg your pardon.’

‘And I beg
pardon for reacting as I did,’ he said. ‘Will you cry friends with me now?’

Kitty looked up to respond and found him smiling at her. Once again she was aware of her heart behaving erratically. Like a wild bird in panic, fluttering against its cage. The first time it had happened she had thought it the result of fear and alarm, because she had been trapped in his arms as he carried her through the mud. Here in this candlelit room there was no such danger.

Was there?

‘F-friends?’ she managed to say. ‘Yes, of course.’

She lowered her eyes and fixed her attention upon her plate. Nerves had diminished her appetite, but her companion’s quiet good manners did much to calm her. He wasted no time on small talk, but proved himself a considerate host, serving her himself and encouraging her to partake a little of each dish. She declined the roasted pigeon but managed to eat a little of the lamb and a few French beans, and by the time she had finished her glass of wine she was feeling much more relaxed and able to enjoy a small portion of gooseberry syllabub. She even accepted a small glass of Madeira wine.

‘I hope you do not suspect me of trying to make you drunk?’ said Daniel as he refilled her glass.

‘No. I know you now for a gentleman.’

His brows went up, but at that moment the servant returned to clear the table, and he said merely, ‘Shall we move over to the window? The armchair there will be more comfortable for you.’

Kitty hesitated. She was suddenly aware that she and Daniel were alone, and the chair he indicated was well away from the candles’ golden glow.

‘I should perhaps retire.’

‘Are you weary?’

‘No.’ The blood was singing through her veins. She felt more like dancing than sleeping. ‘No, not at all.’

‘Then sit with me for a while. After all, your godmother has accepted my protection for you both. And you yourself said I was a gentleman.’

The glint of amusement in his eyes as he said this made Kitty laugh and did much to ease the tension. She sank down into the cushioned armchair and sipped at her wine. He carried a chair across from the table and placed it opposite her.

‘I am not at all high in the instep, you know,’ she said as he sat down.

‘You surprise me, Miss Wythenshawe.’

‘No, really. Before, I would have mistaken your tone for condemnation but now I know you are teasing me, are you not?’ she looked up a trifle anxiously. ‘I think I have given you a false impression, and…and would like to explain, if I may.’ She wrapped her hands around her glass and braced herself for a confession, thankful for the dim light. ‘You see, I am…not rich.’

She looked up, waiting for his reaction. He said mildly, ‘I am not sure Harworth knows that.’

‘Perhaps he is not aware of my
circumstances.’ She blushed. ‘Godmama suggested we should not give out such information too freely. I doubt if she would approve of my telling you so much.’

‘You do not need to disclose anything further, Miss Wythenshawe—’

‘But I want to!’ she said quickly. ‘I thought it might help you to understand why, why I acted as I did. Why I was so rude to you when we first met.’

‘Very well. If you wish to talk, I will listen.’

She paused, gathering her thoughts.

‘I was very excited by the thought of coming to London.
The gown I was wearing the day we met was a new one. It was my only walking dress. At that time I did not know Lady Leaconham, that she would buy me another gown and positively shower me with gifts and clothes. She is so very, very generous. I was nervous, you see: so eager to make a good impression when I arrived in London that I am afraid I quite forgot my manners on the journey.’ She looked up suddenly and said with spirit, ‘You will admit, sir, that you were extremely dirty!’

‘I cannot deny it. I had spent a night on the moors, in the rain.’ He spoke gravely, no hint of a smile, but she perceived the softening of his look.

‘I thought you very ill mannered, and I was afraid that…contact with you would make my gown dusty.’

His lips twitched.

‘I did much more than that, and I am very sorry for it.’

She waved aside his apology.

‘If I had not been so uncivil to you—! I was puffed up with conceit, as if I had been a very fine lady, which I am not.’ She settled into her chair, determined on a full confession. ‘If you will allow me to explain: Mama is the widow of a gentleman, a very good man, but unfortunately a series of ill-judged investments meant that when he died suddenly, poor Mama was left with almost nothing and we were obliged to live with my aunt in Fallridge.’ She held up her head and added, a hint of defiance in her voice, ‘Mama and Aunt Jane earn a living with their sewing.’

‘Very commendable,’ remarked Daniel.

‘Yes, it is,’ agreed Kitty. ‘Mama used all her savings to ensure that I had an excellent education and that I learned all the accomplishments a young lady might require—dancing, singing, playing the pianoforte. I speak French excellently and know a smattering of Italian—’

He put up his hand to stem this recital.

‘I have not been in Town very long, Miss Wythenshawe, but I know that many young ladies get by with far fewer accomplishments.’

‘Yes, but
have dowries,’ replied Kitty drily. ‘It is much easier to find a husband if one has a fortune.’

Daniel settled himself back in his chair.

‘Is that why you came to London, Miss Wythenshawe, to find a husband?’

‘Yes. Mama taught me how to make my curtsy to a duke or to an earl, to hold my fan just so and how to address everyone, from a duchess to a dairymaid.’ She took another sip of her wine. The sweet nutty flavour of the Madeira was very pleasant and she was beginning to feel a warm glow spreading through her. ‘Everything, you see, to make me fit to marry a lord. It has been my dream since I was a very little girl.’

‘I fear you are aiming at the moon, Miss Wythenshawe.’

She put up her chin.

‘Perhaps, but I have been given this opportunity and I must make the most of it.’

‘Of course.’

A little of her certainty drained away. She said pensively, ‘I am Mama’s only hope, you see. I
to marry well, because I need my future husband to make such settlements that Mama and Aunt Jane will be able to live out the rest of their lives in comfort. Mama said it is very important that I act like a lady, because she is very particular about the sort of husband I should have.’ She saw his brows twitch together and added, ‘I know, it sounds quite ridiculous, but you see, Lord Harworth has been so kind to me that Lady Leaconham is encouraged to think an alliance might be possible and she has written to Mama
to say so! And he is her nephew, so she cannot think me too unsuitable, can she?’

‘Is that why you went off into the woods with Harworth this afternoon?’

Kitty nodded.

‘Godmama suggested I should be friendly, and it is not at all difficult, for Lord Harworth is most agreeable. He was most kind, explaining all about the park and the woods at Wormley, and the new planting he wants to do there—’ She broke off as Daniel gave a shout of laughter.

‘Are you telling me that he took you along that secluded path and did nothing but talk of landscaping the gardens? What a cod’s head.’

‘Why, yes, he—’ She broke off, her eyes widening. ‘Do you mean he should have
with me?’

‘It’s what any man would do with a pretty girl.’

‘Oh…’ She blushed, momentarily diverted. ‘Do—do you really think I’m pretty?’

His eyes rested on her for a moment, a look in them that she could not interpret.

‘As a matter of fact, I do.’

‘Oh,’ she said again. ‘Well, perhaps he did flirt with me, and I didn’t know it.’ She got up and walked to the window, staring out into the yard, which despite the late hour was still bustling with activity beneath the light of a dozen flaming torches.

‘What did he say to you?’ he asked.

She frowned, trying to remember.

‘I really cannot recall, we merely strolled along the path.’

‘And did he walk very close to you?’ asked Daniel.

Kitty did not need to turn her head to know that Daniel was standing behind her; his body was only inches from her own. She could feel his presence, it made her spine
tingle. She kept her eyes fixed firmly on the view from the window and forced herself to stand still.

‘I held his arm,’ she said carefully.

‘But did he at any time stop and direct your attention to the view? Like this, perhaps.’

He rested his hands lightly on her shoulders. His touch was warm on her skin and it took all her will-power not to drop her head to one side and rub her cheek against his fingers. She was so tense she felt as brittle as glass. At any moment she might shatter. She had to struggle to answer him.

‘No, he did not.’

‘Then the man is most decidedly a fool,’ murmured Daniel.

The vibration of his warm, deep voice was carried through his hands and into her bones. Her insides became an aching void, the ache spreading quickly into her thighs. Even her breasts felt taut. She knew she should make some flippant comment, slip out from under his hands and put distance between them, but she was no longer in control. She heard herself saying, ‘Oh, and why is that?’

‘Because from here it is the work of a moment to turn you, like this, and then…’

Gently he pulled her round to face him. Kitty turned, like one in a dream, and obedient to the pressure of his fingers beneath her chin she raised her head and found herself gazing up into his face. She watched the amused glint disappear from his dark eyes. They seemed to blaze, burning into her. The aching void was instantly filled with white-hot fire. Daniel swooped down, enveloping her. He crushed her against him, imprisoning her lips beneath his own, his arms binding her close. She was overwhelmed, confused, as if she was flying, drowning and burning all at the same time. Her knees felt weak, she clung to his
coat, and all the while her senses were reeling under the onslaught of his kiss. It was as savage and wild as the Yorkshire moors and it drew from her a shuddering response. When Daniel loosened his hold and raised his head she gave a little cry and threw her arms about his neck, pulling him back to kiss her again.

Daniel found himself locked in a fierce, passionate embrace. Being alone in the candlelight with a beguiling young woman was certainly a temptation, and he had given in to it, but he had intended nothing more than a light kiss. However, when he had pulled her into his arms all conscious thought disappeared and a violent, uncontrollable desire ripped through him. That had surprised him, but what had completely thrown him off balance was that when he had tried to apologise for frightening her, Kitty had pulled him back and shown herself eager for his kisses. He found her inexpert but ardent response more arousing than the practised arts of any courtesan. She was so damned alluring. Dangerously so. He summoned every ounce of his will-power to break away. Gripping her arms, he pushed her gently but firmly back into the chair.

‘Did, did I do something wrong?’ She looked up at him, her eyes troubled.

‘No, sweetheart.’ He dropped to his knees in front of her and gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. ‘I am at fault for taking advantage of you.’ His hands slid down and he caught her fingers. ‘I should never have allowed you to sup alone with me.’ Shouts and the clatter of hooves in the yard made him look up at the unshuttered window. ‘I only hope the stable lads were too busy with their work to notice what was going on in here. Thankfully it is brighter in the yard than in this parlour.’ He glanced back at Kitty, his heart turning over when he saw the anxious look on
her face. He said bluntly, ‘I am afraid I may have damaged your reputation, Miss Wythenshawe.’

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