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Authors: Xondra Day

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A Total-E-Bound Publication





Day 2011

Cover Art by
Posh Gosh
©Copyright October 2011

Edited by Lisa Cox

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


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Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,
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This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a












The Men of Buckshot Ranch













This one is for fans of the genre. Without you, it wouldn’t be possible.

I’d also like to acknowledge my editor, Lisa Cox. Thanks for guiding me through the process.

And of course, Adam.
My love, my constant.
Thank you for correcting me when it’s needed.









Chapter One




Montana, 1886


always preferred to rise early with the morning sun, opting not to stay in bed like the rest of the crew at Buckshot Ranch. He stretched and yawned, looking forward to the start of a new day.

He was careful not to rouse anyone else around him in the bunkhouse. They had an hour before they had to be up, and most men relished every minute of rest that was bestowed upon them.

“Hush,” he muttered, his voice just a whisper to the mixed
collie standing beside him. Hank looked up at him, wagging his tail in a hearty response. Jay reached down to smooth the dog’s head. He motioned with his head to the door.

On the veranda, he stopped, taking a moment to adjust his suspenders, then with hat firm in hand, he made his way to the mess hall, looking forward to a hot cup of black coffee with Hank following close behind.

“Morning, Tuck,” he said to the cook, with an added nod once inside.
“Looks like it’s going to be another nice one.”

“Seems to be.
The sun is hardly up and already it’s sweltering in that dang kitchen. And as usual, there isn’t a breeze to be found.”

Jay grinned and accepted a cup of coffee from Tuck. It was their usual morning exchange, a routine that offered him a sense of both security and comfort. “It’ll be cool soon enough, give or take a few months, once autumn rolls around.”

Tuck nodded. “True enough, but that is of little use to me right now. How goes things in the upper pasture? Have you completed the fencing yet?”

“Just about.
Another week and it should be finished. The terrain is rough as hell. But a least we will be able to sleep at night knowing that part of the ranch is secure, especially with the recent theft of cattle all over.” Lately, Buckshot ranch, along with a few others nearby, had become the target of thieving bandits who had chosen to strike at night under the cover of darkness.

“The world’s gone crazy.” Tuck shook his head in disgust.
“First the cattle, and now The Mercantile in town.
It’s never-ending.”

“The Mercantile?”

“Yes, sir.
It was broken into two nights back. They suffered no big loss, just some money and a few things stolen. Still, who would have thought it in this area?”

“I wish I could say the same for the ranch. We have had to put a few men on each night to stand guard. It’s a sad day indeed when a man would steal what belongs to another man.”

“It’s a sign of the times. Our town has become just like every other place. Perhaps the law will step up and do their duty. One can always hope.”

Jay snickered at the thought. “You mean Travers and his band of cronies? I doubt it. They’re probably in on all of it. They’re just as crooked as the crooks themselves.”

Tuck flashed him a look. “Mind what you say. I’d hush about that. You don’t want to get on the bad side of the law. They run things around here, like it or not.”

“Hiding behind a badge doesn’t make it right. Now, heap me up a plate of breakfast. I’m darned near starved to death.”


* * * *


Once Jay had wolfed down his breakfast and polished it off with a second cup of coffee, he spotted Calvin Grey, the owner of Buckshot, sauntering towards him. It was obvious from the way the man looked that he meant business, Jay being one of his most trusted ranch hands.

“Jay,” hollered Cal upon approach. “It’s good to see you up and on the go this early.”

“Always am,” he replied. “I was never one for
about too long.
Especially when there’s lots of work to be done.”

“True enough. I need you to head into town for some fence posts at
the sawmill
assured me the order would be ready today. Take the buckboard and go fetch them. I also have a list of supplies needed from The Mercantile. Have them added to my account.” Cal handed him a list.

“Sure thing.”
He watched Cal walk away. The man could be one hell of a bastard sometimes, but there was something about his boss he liked. The man was hard-nosed and always by the book in every aspect of his life. He treated his men fair, but didn’t stand for any bullshit among them.

He was glad to work at Buckshot. He considered himself fortunate and planned on staying there as long as Cal would put up with him. For the first time in his life, after years of drifting from place to place, he felt like he’d finally come home.


Since the age of sixteen he’d made his own way in the world—that was after his father kicked him out when he found him with his best friend at the time one day.

Rhett had been his best friend since forever, and things just happened that fateful evening in the barn. They hadn’t thought about anyone finding them. His father had been completely and utterly mortified. Rhett had dressed and taken off before the words had come, words Jay would never forget.

“You disgust me. I can’t even look at you. And to think what you two have been up too all along, right under our very noses.”

He’d watched as his father had averted his eyes away from his naked form.

“Put some clothes on. I want you out of here tonight. I can’t have the likes of you living under my roof. Collect your things and go. I don’t ever want to see you again.”

His mother had protested as he’d packed his few things, his father standing by to make sure he didn’t snitch anything he shouldn’t.

“You can’t leave,” she’d pleaded, wringing her hands. “Where will you go? You have no money.” She turned to his father. “You can’t turn him out… It isn’t the right thing to do.”

That first night, he’d walked until he thought the bottoms of his feet would fall off. They had burned with every step, and after two hours of walking in darkness, he’d decided it was time to make camp. Not that he got much rest, but his body had been telling him it was time to stop.

The next morning, he’d woken racked with aches and pains. Every muscle and joint had suffered from sleeping on the hard ground. He’d jumped a train in Westmount, putting distance between himself and the past, well-needed distance that in a roundabout way had soothed him.

“Where you headed?” asked Mark, one of the newer guys to Buckshot. His voice jarred Jay from his thoughts, tearing him back into reality.

“Well, hello there. It’s mighty early for you to be up.” Jay smirked and punched Mark in the arm.

“You’re a real kidder.” Mark shoved him back and grinned.

“To answer your question, I’m heading into town for Cal. He asked me to pick up a few things. I could use some help, if you’re free.”

“I’m on watch duty tonight, so I’m free. I’d be glad to help.”

Jay nodded. “Then let’s get the buckboard hitched up and head on out.”


* * * *


“Grey’s order is right over there, piled in the back of the yard. I don’t think you’re going to have room for it. The back of the buckboard looks mighty small. I could have it delivered in two hours, if that’s okay? Otherwise, you boys are going to have to make two trips.”

“I can’t see that being a problem, Mr
,” said Jay. Making two trips didn’t appeal to him.

The older man nodded, scratching at his right temple. “Great. Tell Grey I would have had it delivered sooner if I had known.”

“Will do.”

Their next stop was The Mercantile and once the supplies were loaded into the back of the buckboard, they headed back on the road leading them out of town towards Buckshot.

With every bump in the dirt road, and there were many, Jay felt Mark’s thigh rub against his own.

He fought to keep his eyes and thoughts on the road unwinding ahead of them. But the fact was, like any man, he had needs, even if they did stray from the norm for most people in their convictions.

“Man, it’s hot.” Mark leant back against the seat. Jay glanced to the side just in time to see him undo the first four buttons on his shirt. Mark grinned, catching him looking.

He quickly fastened his eyes back on the road, shifting nervously. “It certainly is. By noon it’ll be unbearable.”

“Even more of a reason to stop by the river to take a dip.
say? It would do us both good, and we can spare the time.”

“But…Cal,” stammered Jay. His attraction to Mark had grown over the past few months. He didn’t want anything coming to light. It was a hard thing to hide and never again would he allow what he was to ruin his life.

“Cal won’t know. If he asks anything, then we tell him we were tied up in town. The Mercantile was busy, and they had to tend to other folks before they got to us.”

“You have it all figured out, eh?”

Mark flashed one of his killer smiles, his deep green eyes highlighting a tanned chiselled face, his blond beard stubble glowing under the sun’s bright rays. “But of course. I’m always one step ahead. You got to be in this crazy world.”

“The river’s just up ahead,” said Jay. “I know a spot just over yonder. It’s secluded and the current’s a bit slower. It’s a perfect spot to take a dip.”

Under the scorching July sun, Jay was eager to strip down, yet hesitant at the same time. He reminded himself it was silly, he’d been naked around other men many times, and vice versa. This seemed different. This was Mark, the object of his many fantasies, the one who crept into his head late at night when he sought physical relief while the other men slept.

All around them, bees and other insects buzzed as the wind meandered through the scattering of trees, them being the only sounds other than the gurgling from the river. Jay did his best not to stare at Mark who was already naked, testing the temperature of the river with one toe, standing on the bank’s muddy edge.

“It’s warm.” Mark turned to face him. Their eyes met, and for a moment they locked before Mark took the initiative to dive into the river with a boisterous splash.

Jay stripped off his clothes and slid into the water, revelling in its coolness. Like Mark had said, it was rather warm, yet still retained enough chill to refresh and invigorate at the same time.

“This is glorious,” he proclaimed, feeling the ripples from the current washing past him, massaging his many muscles.

“I love it here,” said Mark, only his head visible above the water. “This sure beats putting up fencing any day.”

Jay sank beneath the water, and when he came up for air he was face to face with Mark. He lost his breath for a second when the younger man braced his two hands against his shoulders and moved in close.

“What are you doing?” he asked, his heart thudding inside his chest. Was this really happening or just another one of his sexy dreams?

“I’ve seen you looking at me. I know you watch me late at night from your bunk, when you think I’m asleep, and I want you to know,
okay, I don’t mind.” Mark slid one hand across the back of his neck. It felt good.

“We shouldn’t.
If someone… came along.”

That feel
good, eh?” Mark pressed one finger against Jay’s lips to silence him.

He nodded. It felt more than just good. And now, chest to chest, his cock thickened, pressing hard against Mark.

“Touch me,” whispered Mark. “I want your hands on me.”

They embraced with the water swirling around them, holding each other tightly. They kissed.

At first, it was just a light touch of lips, a mere brushing and nothing more. Mark’s stubble tickled against Jay’s upper lip, and he couldn’t help but grin.

“That was nice.” It had been so long since he’d kissed anyone. At times he’d thought he would go mad, the thoughts of men,
many men running through his mind. To him, it was natural, the attraction. He knew better than to ever let it be known. And even when he did notice Mark looking at him in odd ways, he put it off as him just being friendly and nothing more.

The second kiss was more forceful, and he didn’t pull back when their tongues merged, toying with each other. He felt Mark, throbbing under the water, their cocks grinding hard, aroused with a fervent need.

“Let’s get out of the water,” said Mark. “I want to see you…all of you.”

On the riverbank, Jay spread out an old blanket that he used to pad the hard seat of the buckboard.

“You’re so darn handsome. I noticed you straight away when I came to Buckshot,” said Mark. “Something about you called out to me, it beckoned me to you.”

Jay groaned as Mark found and gripped his cock. He leaned in, his mouth licking Jay’s left nipple, biting gently just enough to make him whimper. He felt his balls pull up and tighten at the strokes he was given.

“Keep that up and you’re going to make me come.”

Mark released him. “Not until I taste you and you, me.”

Mark squatted over his face, aiming his cock at Jay’s lips. “Suck it,” he ordered, taking aim with his right hand. “Suck my hot cock.”

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