Tinseltown (6 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Taylor

BOOK: Tinseltown
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Yes, they had forged a semblance of a friendship. Mr. Fernbank would be proud when they returned, but he wasn’t sure how strong their new alliance was. And there was the little matter of marriage they had to take care of. She’d already said she wanted a divorce and he had to respect that.

If he could keep his hands off of her, he knew there was hope to continue their friendship, but how easy it would be to keep that promise would be the tough part. He didn’t want her to think he was Brad or the person she believed him to be in Vegas.

Zach finished rinsing in the frigid spray and turned the knob. When the water stopped, he stood there for a moment, not knowing how on earth he had gotten himself into this mess. Sure, he had proposed to her. He’d had a lot to drink in Vegas too, and his tongue was loose, but he hadn’t been drunk. And yeah, he’d envisioned forever with Deb many times. Of course, when they got together on screen, things exploded, and the few times off-screen, things were better than great.

He needed some fresh air and time alone. Deb and her mother had gone shopping after breakfast, and he didn’t expect them back anytime soon.

Drying off with an oversized white towel, he stepped out into the humid bathroom and rubbed a spot on the mirror, so he could see his reflection clearly. He had two days’ worth of stubble, and the dark circles under his eyes persisted from the lack of sleep the previous night. Since he and Deb wouldn’t be sharing a room tonight, sleep would come easier.

He smirked. Yeah, like that would happen. The spunky little woman wouldn’t leave his thoughts alone. And it troubled him. Even when he liked someone, he usually wasn’t this contemplative. But of course, he had never been thrown into a marriage before. Or thrown into a family’s Christmas festivities and figured out it was all he wanted in life.

Nor did he experience the same amount of physical pleasure when simply kissing another woman as he did when his lips were on Deb’s.

Wrapping the towel around his waist, he gathered his razor and cream and filled a sink with water. Most women preferred him stubbly, saying it gave him more sex appeal, but since he was staying with Deb’s family, who seemed to be so up on tradition, he decided it was best to keep a clean face.

He puffed his cheeks and began to shave. Then, without warning, the bathroom door swung open, and Deb rushed in. He nicked his jaw when he startled and uttered an oath under his breath.

“You’re never going to believe what I found today!” she exclaimed, not seeming to notice he was in the middle of something. Good thing he hadn’t been on the toilet.

“What’s that?” He grinned at her child-like excitement and how she continued without any regard to his state of undress. He raised his razor and began again, ignoring the blood on his face. It wasn’t the first or the last time he would cut himself.

“I found the perfect dress to wear to the premiere! Forget all the free designer clothes, this one is perfect!” she said. She held a bag over her arm.

“Let’s see it.” Things like this were important to women, so he humored her.

Her cheeks flushed a pretty pink as she unveiled the dress. It was a chocolate-brown satin dress with a slit that would expose her leg all the way up to her hip. His mind wandered so quickly, he nicked himself again.

“Ow!” He slung the razor down in the water.

Deb frowned at him, and she probably thought he looked like a nearly nude Santa with half a beard. Her eyes traveled over his chest — a chest he worked hard on — and he could tell she appreciated his effort by the way her eyes roamed his body, and her tongue darted out to lick her lips. She swallowed deeply, and her eyes fluttered to the towel then up to his face.

“You’re… bleeding,” she said.

Zach grinned and stepped toward her, like tiger approaching its prey. She would learn the consequences of her behavior.

“That’s because someone barged in here without knocking and distracted me twice, and I cut myself. People pay good money to see this face, and I’d hate to retire early.”

She swallowed again. “What do you… um, think of the dress?” Her back bumped into the wall.

He grinned and framed her head with a hand on each side against the wall. “I think I’d love to peel it off of you, just like a Christmas present, and see what’s underneath.”

Her face deepened to red, and she licked her lips. “In that case…” She didn’t meet his gaze.

“In that case, you better let me finish shaving before I do exactly what I want, Mrs. Sparks.” He grinned at her but hid the desire he felt. A whiff of her perfume reached him. The exotic vanilla and cinnamon aroused him more each time he inhaled. “And another thing?”

“Hmm?” she asked, squirming beneath him.

“Stop wearing that perfume. It drives me crazy.” He pushed away from her and watched her all but run to the door. But she stopped before exiting and turned to him.


“What?” he asked, his mind already imagining far too vivid things.

“The perfume. Why should I stop wearing it?”

He shook his head. She would be the end of him. “Because I’m the only husband on the planet who refuses to touch his wife.”

Zach caught the sad understanding on her face before she closed the door. She was already gone before he realized he’d insulted her and made it sound like he didn’t want to touch her.

It was then he knew he was in real trouble.


Chapter 5


At dinner, Deb tried to forget the fact her husband didn’t want her. After all, it was exactly what she had wished for, wasn’t it? She wasn’t sure why, but she wanted to see he was falling apart the same way she was on the inside. Just when she thought they were getting closer, he said or did something hurtful.

He sat next to her, glancing her way as she gulped a mouthful of wine. She cocked an eyebrow at him, daring him to stop her.

Oh so slowly, his fingers trailed up her arm and enclosed around the hand holding the goblet to her lips. Despite the guests sitting around the table, it seemed as though it was just the two of them. Squeezing gently, he pulled the wine away from her lips and brought her hand down to the table. She watched as his thumb trailed over her skin slowly.

Deb yearned to be angry because it felt safer than this. His touch was lethal. She remembered parts of their wedding night. Those hands were capable of wonderful things.

The corner of his mouth lifted so slightly she barely noticed it, but she did see the heat in his eyes. His tongue moistened the full lips she wanted to lean over and kiss.

Somehow, they were back to flirting and doing all the things that made Deb uncomfortable. Anger might be easier, but she couldn’t make herself be mad at him. If he touched her, she would be lost. She knew he wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship, despite his claims to the contrary, which was why the marriage in Vegas was such a farce. If only she could remember a little more from Vegas.

Most men in Hollywood weren’t looking for forever and that was okay. She wasn’t looking for long-term from a man in Hollywood, either. She wanted someone who had never been to Hollywood and someone who didn’t think she slept around just because
was attached to her name.

“Let’s go back to your room,” he growled next to her. She closed her eyes for second, enjoying his hot breath at her ear.

“Looks like you’ve got another cold shower in your future.”

“Yeah, nobody needs to worry about me using the last of the hot water. There hasn’t been any for me for two days.”

“So I take it you didn’t like my dress?”

“Not unless wanting to rip it off you counts.” He rolled his eyes and turned his attention to her father, who stood for a toast.

“First off, I’m glad each of you could stay for dinner. I want to make a Christmas toast, for all of us to have joy and experience love and new beginnings in the New Year.”

Deb felt Zach’s eyes on her. She raised her glass and ignored him. Acknowledging anything between them was the last thing Deb wanted. She needed some space to think.

After everyone toasted, they delved into their food and conversation fell to a minimum.

“Deb, honey, I meant to tell you all the family will be home this weekend for Christmas. I couldn’t remember if I told you or not. Eric said Jesse and Elizabeth are so excited to see you,” her mother said.

Deb grinned. In front of all these people, almost strangers, she didn’t want to talk about her two nieces’ view of her. Granted, she had tried so hard to make sure they saw her as a regular person, but with her brother’s disability she sometimes wondered if they didn’t see her as Superwoman. She got to do all the things their father didn’t get to very often, like traveling. Eric and Alyson, his wife, tried as well to let them see the normalcy of Deb’s life when she came home.

After Deb’s mother’s declaration, conversation picked up.

“Other than finding the perfect dress,” Zach said quietly next to her, “how was the shopping? Any paparazzi?”

She glanced at him and put her fork down. A few at the table watched her and whispered. She could see the curiosity in their eyes, and she decided she had to do something.

Smiling, Deb reached under the table, taking Zach’s hand. It felt like such a secret thing to do since they weren’t really a couple, but lovers did that when they didn’t want to be obvious, didn’t they? The surprise registered in Zach’s expression, and as she squeezed his hand, she realized he understood her motives. He raised her hand just high enough above the table so the onlookers could see and kissed the back of her hand, smiling at her when he finished. The smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Her heart rate kicked up a notch, despite the fact his kiss wasn’t real. It was the kind of exchange she’d dreamed about, the kind of sweetness she’d never fully experienced.

“Yeah, I was going to tell you it was a madhouse when we went to the mall. People were everywhere, snapping pictures. I ignored them, but they kept shouting questions at me, wanting to know where you were.”

Zach raised his eyebrows. “And?”

“I just smiled.” She lowered her voice and leaned closer to him. “Just because we’re pretending here doesn’t mean we have to fool the press. I’m sure people are talking and reporting back to some of them, but we don’t have to confirm anything. Especially since both of us agree we’re getting divorced as soon as we get back.”

Zach swallowed and looked down at their hands. “I’ve been thinking about a divorce,” he whispered.

Then their eyes met. “What about?”

“Don’t you think it would go a long way to convince Fernbank things are okay between us? And as far as publicity for the movie, I think a real-life romance, so to speak, would be a shoe-in for big box office numbers.”

“That’s dishonest.” Deb frowned.

Zach looked away from her again and began rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. “Is it?”

“Yes.” But even as she said it she wasn’t sure she believed it. Something was happening between them and, as hard as she tried to ignore it, her heart thumped away at the very idea of it.

“Then never mind. Forget I said anything.” He released her hand and picked up his tea, ignoring her. It was some time before the dinner party started breaking up and leaving.

By the time the last guest left, it was close to nine o’clock and snow fell gently outside. Against the Christmas lights, it was the most peaceful, beautiful sight Deb could remember in a long time.

Slipping out to the back patio, Deb sought solace above everything else. She was so confused over their relationship. Each time he was near, she realized she wanted more than he seemed to. Yes, he’d said he wanted to try, but yet he’d admitted himself he refused to touch her. He might ooze sex appeal, but it didn’t mean she trusted him. He was an actor.

She felt a little like Brad just then. It wasn’t fair to label Zach just because he was an actor. Was it? He had taken advantage of her when she was drunk — a mistake she wouldn’t have let happen otherwise. Then he had kissed her senseless as they were dancing the night they’d arrived.

But she wanted those kisses. She didn’t have to think twice to know she’d kiss him again. She wanted Zach in a way her body couldn’t deny. It had been true from the moment she had laid eyes on him years ago when they’d crossed paths at a premier. He hadn’t seen her, but boy, she had seen him. And now that she was his wife for the next few weeks, she suddenly didn’t want to let go.

Brad played a role in her fear of moving on. For so long she had thought herself to be in love with him; then, after only a few short moments, her life and everything she thought to be true, turned inside out. She was over him, faster than she thought she would be, but the emotional damage was done and it would take a long time to heal.

Of course, none of this even began to fix the immediate problem of her and Zach not being able to work together. And their job was still on the line, if they didn’t come to a better truce than they had now.

Hearing the door slide open behind her, Deb stood still, clenching her jacket together at the neck. She wasn’t ready to confront Zach yet.

“Sweetheart?” her mother asked.

She spun around, relieved. Since their arrival, she and her mother had very little time to talk. Even when they’d gone shopping earlier, several of the houseguests had gone along, monopolizing her mother’s attention.

“Hey!” Deb put on her happiest face.

“Cut the crap.” Her mother waved a hand in dismissal. “I know when something’s bugging you.”

So much for her acting skills.

Deb smiled. “I was just enjoying the beautiful snow. We don’t see much of it around LA.”

“I don’t suppose you would. Want to tell me about what’s on your mind?”

“Not really.” To tell her would mean admitting the director’s ultimatum and her impromptu marriage.

“Tell me anyway. Is it about Brad?”

Deb rolled her eyes. “I got to see the real Brad today. I won’t be missing him any time soon.”

“Good. He was bad for you. Your father and I thought he was perfect until we saw how he strung you along. His mother and I might be good friends, but I don’t want him being part of my family.”

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