Tinseltown (23 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Taylor

BOOK: Tinseltown
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"You have to kiss me."

Her audible gasp caused him to shift uncomfortably in his seat. Was she horrified at the thought? Or was it the opposite?

She wrenched away from him, putting the whole expanse of the room between them with only a few awkward steps. She stumbled over the magazine rack at the door. "Joey McCrary, get out of this house or I'll…"

He grinned. "Or you'll what?"

Stamping her foot like the true southern belle she was, he tried not to laugh out loud.

"Wipe the smirk off your face," she ordered.

"Make me." It was fun getting her all flustered, seeing the life back in her eyes and color in her cheeks.

"Get out."

He crossed his arms and leaned back on the couch. "Nope."

"I'm gonna call your mama."

He tossed her a careless shrug. "Go ahead, but I'm bigger and faster than her these days."

That got a smile out of her. A real, genuine Stacey Ingram smile that had captivated him when he was younger. He was glad it still charmed him, even if it was disturbing to recognize now how she'd always affected him.

His heart stopped a little as her smile faded and the insecurities crossed her face, plain as day. She looked at her feet, and a pretty shade of pink rose on her cheeks.

Standing slowly, Joey walked to her. The thud of his shoe against the hardwood caught her attention and her gaze snapped up. His gaze travelled down her, lingering on her hips. The sexiest curve on a woman was right above those hips, and he loved to nibble on it.

He gave her time to back away, and he recognized the fear in her rounded eyes. Her glasses were still on the table, probably why she'd stumbled. Her blindness gave him an advantage.

Walking right up to her, he invaded her personal space, waiting for her rejection, but those eyes were trained on his lips, and her own were open in a silent gasp.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice breathy and low.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"I'm afraid to say because if I'm wrong, I'm going to look like an idiot."

Joey chuckled. "You're not wrong." He reached up and tugged at a tendril of her blonde curls. The action brought her even closer to him. He took a step forward, forcing her body to back up until she touched the wall.

Stacey let out a little squeak.

He put his hand on her luscious hip and squeezed. She slapped him away quickly. But he was a patient man and put it back there as soon as he recovered from the sting. This time she didn't make him move. There was no denying she was attracted to him. And maybe it was a little too soon for her, but he needed to feel her lips against his. He needed to know he could take away her pain, if only for a little bit, maybe longer if his plan came to fruition. But kissing her was the only way he knew how to help her.

He began his descent, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth. He could practically hear her heartbeat thrumming through her veins, and it caused his own body to respond.

Then, at last, his lips touched hers. Slowly he worked his mouth over hers, not demanding anything, just enjoying flesh against flesh until she opened for him. He wondered by the stiff way she held herself if she'd ever been kissed before by anyone other than him. Gripping her hip tighter and cupping the back of her head with his other hand, he leaned into her, pressing himself against her.

Stacey squirmed and tried to say something, but he took her mouth the second it opened, her words lost. She relaxed then, so much so she clung to his shirt. He helped her out by moving her arms around his shoulders, pulling her tight against him and hanging on.

Tentatively, her tongue touched his, fueling his desire. Who knew little Stacey Ingram was so perfect? With a groan, Joey deepened the kiss, giving her everything he had, praying desperately if just for a moment, she was thinking of something other than her grandfather.

As she kissed him back, finally giving in, it didn’t take much for him to realize he was in over his head. If Stacey had never been kissed before, she was a fast learner. Joey's thoughts were already turning to the bedroom, and that didn't typically happen this quickly for him. Yeah, he was a guy, and he considered himself experienced. The women blended together for him. But nothing about Stacey blended. She was kind, beautiful, and had the sweetest smile he'd ever seen.

It was those thoughts that had him pulling away. She followed him awkwardly, obviously unwilling for the moment to end, but he took her hands away from his shoulders and placed them in front of her.

Without letting on that his heart was pounding and the ground had quite literally shifted beneath him, he gave her his practiced, sexy grin he gave all the gals at college. "What time can I come over to help tomorrow?"

Her dazed eyes narrowed and finally focused on him. "Help me with what?"

His grin blossomed into a full smile. "Mission accomplished."


Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

About the Author

Also from Stephanie Taylor

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