Read Timing Online

Authors: Mary Calmes

Tags: #m/m romance, #contemporary, #m/m romance, #contemporary, #gay, #glbt, #romance, #mary calmes, #dreamspinner press

Timing (214 page)

BOOK: Timing
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He smiled before parting his lips, sucking on my tongue, tasting me,

kissing me back with as much heat as I was giving him.

“Stefan,” he gasped, shoving me off him, breaking the kiss to

capture my face in his hands, holding me still so he could look at me.

“After the wedding, come home with me to the ranch for a few days,


I was lost in the depth of his eyes. There was lust and heat and

absolute, undeniable need.

“Please, Stef,” he said, leaning me down into him, his lips closing

on my throat. “Just come see the ranch.”

“I’ll think… maybe,” I said quickly. Having his warm, naked

body under me was making me dizzy. I just wanted to breathe him in,

hold him forever.

“I want you to see how beautiful it is there.”


“So maybe it’ll get you thinkin’.”

“About what?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, he eased me down to him, his lips

sealing over mine as he kissed me softly, tenderly, one of his hands

sliding around the back of my neck, the other slipping down over my


I caught my breath, and he smiled against my mouth as he rolled

me over on my back, settling his big, warm body over mine, pressing

me down into the bed.



“You’re gonna be mine.”

“Rand.” I sighed into his shoulder, my hands sliding all over him,

touching the hard muscles under the silky skin. “This is only for––”

“Stop,” he ordered me gently. “’Cause you have no idea what this


I stared up into his eyes, putting a hand on the back of his neck,

my fingers massaging.

“I wanna stay here with you.” He smiled before he bent and

kissed me again. It was slow; he took his time, hands on my face,

sliding over my brows, my cheekbones, and down my neck. “But what

will Charlotte say when she walks in tomorrow morning?”

I jerked under him, and his smile was huge.

“I guess you should go,” I said without any conviction


He arched a brow for me, and his eyes glinted with heat. “You

know, you look really good under me. I knew you would.”


“I never thought guys could be… but you….” He trailed off, his

eyes dropping from mine.


His eyes flicked back to my face.

“Tell me.” I wanted to know everything he thought about me.

He took a breath. “I just… I bet folks tell you all the time how

beautiful you are.”

I arched an eyebrow for him.

“I knew it,” he breathed out, and I saw how heavy-lidded his

eyes were before he rose over me, parting my thighs with his knee.

“You know you’re gorgeous.”

“Rand, you gotta––”

“I never knew that men could be beautiful, Stefan. Not like this,

not like you.” He trailed off before he suddenly bent and took my


Mary Calmes

hardening cock into his mouth. It was fast; I didn’t even have time to


“Rand,” I almost yelled, trembling under his hands, nearly

coming up off the bed.

His mouth on me was ravaging, and as I stared at him, watching

his lips move over my skin, feeling the hot, liquid heat swallow me, it

was almost too much, too raw, too overwhelming. To go from nothing

from the man to everything was making my heart hurt, my body throb.

“You need me.”

And it was pointless to argue, as the truth was there in my panting

breath, the way I was writhing beneath him, and my soft begging. I had

forgotten about anyone but the man who had me pinned to the bed,

wanting only my desire sated.

He laved my cock, sliding his tongue into the slit, tasting,

sucking, and the simultaneous pumping of his hand was moving me

quickly from fluttering heat to throbbing need.

“Ohmigod.” I fisted my hand in his hair, yanking hard. “Come


His mouth came off me, and my wet cock tapped his cheek before

he moved up my body.

“Rand.” I licked my lips, squirming as he watched me. “I wish

you could see your eyes.”

“Why?” he asked as he hovered over me, grabbing the lube from

under the pillow.

“They’re so dark.”

“’Cause I’m lookin’ at you.”

“Jesus.” My voice was hoarse, low. “Since when are you––”

He sealed his mouth to mine, and I felt the fierce, hot kiss roll

through my whole body.

I had to shove him off me so I could breathe.

“Rand,” I panted out his name, arching up off the bed when I felt

his slick fingers on my skin. He was fast with the lube, his fingers

already slippery with it.



“Scream my name, Stef… scream loud.”

“Jesus God,” I moaned as he buried myself in me fast and hard

and deep, grabbing my legs, wrapping them around his hips. I loved

that he was rough with me because I craved the power and the

dominance, wanting to submit but having never found a partner strong

enough to make me or whom I trusted not to hurt me. I had to be

careful or I could fall really hard for my best friend’s brother.

“Look at me,” he ordered, and when my eyes drifted open, he

fisted his hand again on my cock at the same time as he pressed deeper

inside my body.

The first pulse of my orgasm beat at the base of my spine as I

pushed up into him, watching the muscles in his abdomen contract, his

chest heave, and his jaw clench.

“I have to be closer,” he said before he suddenly sank down into

me, wrapping me in his arms, molding his hot, sweaty body to mine.

Never had anyone held me crushed to their heart as they were

buried inside of me. I felt exposed and vulnerable, hot tears blurring my


“You fit me just right,” he growled before he turned his head and

kissed me, his voice low and sexy.

The sizzling heat tore through my body as I clung to him, arms

wrapped around his neck, legs around his narrow hips. He lifted his

head to breathe and thrust forward at the same time, filling me, finding

his release as he clutched me tight, my name spoken over and over like

a chant. We were frozen for long moments, both of us spent, heaving,

just lying there, unable to do anything more.

“Are you okay?” I asked when I could.

“Yes,” he breathed out, his face buried in the side of my neck. He

had not pulled out of me, content to lie there between my thighs. “Are


I nodded, sighing deeply, content not to move for the rest of my


“Stefan,” he said before his mouth closed on my skin.


Mary Calmes

I understood the need to bite and lick, suck and bite again. He

needed marks on me,
marks, compelled by some primitive desire to

brand what was his. The slow, languid kissing that followed was almost

too much to bear.

“You’re shaking,” he said finally, his breath warm on my face.

“’Cause of you.”

He pressed his bicep against the side of my face, leaned my head

close to his, and held me tight. “Is that bad? I didn’t hurt you or––”

“No,” I breathed out.

His sigh was long and loud. “I can’t seem to let go.”

“Fine, don’t.”

His smile was gentle, tender, one I had never seen before, just for

me. I watched him, taking in the long lashes, deep dimples, and the

laugh lines in the corner of his eyes. He had always been gorgeous but

was suddenly now breathtaking.

“You’re looking at me funny,” he chuckled, biting the side of my

neck, licking it to take the sting away before biting again, harder. I

made a noise of pure pleasure, and he sucked the spot, making it tender,

sensitive as he bathed it with his tongue.

“I can’t help it.” I was in a daze from his attention.

He slid slowly out of my body before collapsing beside me.

“Tired?” I teased him.

Instantly, I was reached for and tucked against his side, one hand

buried in my hair, the other on the small of my back, holding me

gently. “You get that I’m not leaving your bed, right?”

I smiled at him as he reached behind his head and turned off the

light on the nightstand. With the way the moonlight filled the room, it

wasn’t dark, but it was soothing and cool.

“Unless you want me outta here,” he said, and I heard the catch in

his voice. He didn’t want to go, but he would if I asked him to.

I rolled to my side, drawing his arm around me as I did it.

Instantly, he was spooned around me and I was engulfed in hard muscle

and warm skin. No one ever wanted to hold me after, sleep with me



against their heart, nuzzle their face into the crook of my neck. And I

always leaped out of bed after sex and took a shower. Being covered in

sweat and semen had never been something I cared for. But the man

who I had always thought hated me, he wanted to sleep with me

wrapped in his arms, and so I didn’t care that sticky fluid was drying

between us, cementing us together. The smell of our lovemaking, of his

skin, was a tangible reminder of what we had just done, the

consummation of years of yearning. The revelations of the day were


“Stop thinking and go to sleep already.”

I was going to ask a question, but the soft kisses on my shoulder

stilled me, and my mind went blank. While I was trying to think of it,

with his hand stroking over my hip, I fell asleep. It had been a really

long day.

BOOK: Timing
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