Timeless Love (13 page)

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Authors: Karyn Gerrard

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #fantasy, #time travel

BOOK: Timeless Love
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He closed his eyes and relived their morning
in bed. After their slow, leisurely lovemaking, Cathy turned to
face him and had pushed him down on the bed. Her magnificent lips
began a torturous field trip over every inch of his skin. When her
tongue darted out and licked him from his balls to the tip of his
rock hard dick he almost came right then. He guided her mouth
toward the reddened head, a pearl of semen already seeped out.
Cathy had been pretty much game for anything and everything, but he
wondered if she would consent to putting his cock in her mouth.
Even a lot of chicks in this era weren't crazy about it. Cathy
caught on quick. Her pink tongue darted out and swiped the semen
from the head of his cock. He nearly blew apart. Murmuring his
encouragement, he explained what he wanted and to Cathy's credit,
she did it.

When she took him in her mouth, he knew he had
reached sexual nirvana. Her mouth was hot, wet and inviting. She
took him deep, his cock lay at the back of her throat but she did
not choke.
How in hell did she know how to do that?
His hand
lay on the back of her head and his hips could not stop the gentle
pumping. Joey had experienced a few blowjobs over the last couple
of years from different women, but it was nothing like this. When
he came, he tried to pull out of her mouth but Cathy held him firm
and swallowed him all. His orgasm all but caused him to black out
from the intensity. After he had given himself a few minutes to
recover, he returned the favor. He had licked and sucked her wet
pussy until she begged for mercy.

"Joey, please answer me. Are you all

Cathy's worried tone brought him back to earth
and the present. He opened his eyes. He wasn't all right. His
emotions were all over the place and the future looked bleak. She
was the only thing keeping him going.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little

"Yes. I am as well. We should go to our home
when we are done here."

His heart lurched in his chest.
He never had a home before to share with someone. Not
only was he a romantic fool, but also a sentimental one it

Ten minutes later they were outside and
walking down the hill hand in hand. He suddenly pulled her into a
darkened alcove. Grabbing her wrists, he raised them above her head
then leaned in and kissed her deeply. He was rock hard and he
rubbed his erection against the apex of her thighs. Cathy moaned
and wrapped one of her legs around him, rubbing denim against

"I can take you here, right against the
brick," he rasped gruffly into her ear.

"Joey! A public place..."

"No one will see. I am sure in 1821 men and
women had quick fucks in linen closets, stables, even dark alleys."
He teased.

"Oh heavens, you are so deliciously naughty."
Cathy moaned.

Joey was about to reach for the zipper on his
leather pants when he heard it. Surely it was just a truck
backfiring. He heard it again and there was no mistaking the

The far off rumble of thunder.





Joey froze and looked up at the sky. Catherine
followed his gaze. "What is it?"

"I heard thunder."

Catherine's eyes were wide and could not
believe it. "We checked the weather on the television box this
morning. It did not call for a storm."

However, the skies were thick with dark clouds
and they were moving at a fast pace through the night

Joey let go of her wrists and stepped back.
"What do you want to do?"

Her mind raced. Catherine had all but
convinced herself there would not be a storm until spring. This was
happening much too fast. She had no time to think. If her
hypothesis was right and lightning struck the carriage and she was
not in it, she would be in 1969 for the rest of her days. The
prospect did not exactly fill her with dread; however, if she did
not try she would never forgive herself. She glanced up at Joey. He
waited for her answer. Another rumble of thunder interrupted her
thoughts. Catherine touched his arm. "I must try."

Joey frowned. She observed a flicker of hurt
in his dark blue eyes but it disappeared quickly. "Listen to me,
babe. I'll take you to the friggin' carriage to prove to you it's
not going to happen. You are going to have to decide what you want
and who you want. Come on!"

He grabbed her hand and darted out of the
alley pulling her behind him. They both started to run, past the
Cathedral and down the slope to the hospital toward Joey's
apartment. "We'll grab my bike and head straight for the mill,

"Yes!" she cried.

The first drop of rain splashed on her cheek,
the rumbles were getting closer. Then a huge jagged fork of silver
white lightning tore across the cloudy sky.
Oh no
. Joey
turned onto Alma Street and headed to the parking lot adjacent to
the hospital. He let go of her hand, fished his keys out of his
pocket, then climbed on his bike and started the motor. Catherine
sat behind him. He raced down the street and without looking turned
left onto Waterloo Street leaving a trail of rubber behind.
Catherine held on tight and the rain started to fall

More harrowing and powerful rolls of thunder
filled the sky. The clouds looked more ominous than before and a
forceful wind blew her long, loose hair over her face. Joey weaved
in and around the other vehicles. Catherine gripped him tight as he
took the corner. He left the street and entered a field driving
through tall weeds toward the mill.

The wind began to howl like a beast from the
pits of hell. The cold downpour soaked her through. She shivered
and blinked the water out of her eyes. Joey’s bike roared to a
stop. Turning off the motorized bike, he clasped her hand and ran
into the mill.

They stood in the darkened mill both out of
breath and soaking wet. A flash of lightning lit the room for a
moment. There stood the carriage. Water poured in through the hole
in the roof directly above it. Catherine shuddered. A crack of
lightning could very well strike the carriage. The sound of the
storm became deafening. This was one of the worst storms she had
ever seen and Cornwall had their share.

Joey grabbed her arm and pushed her to the
carriage. "Get in."

She blinked. His voice was cold, rough.
"Aren't you going to say good-bye?"

"You aren't going anywhere, babe."

"But what if I do? I mean…"

Joey hauled her to the carriage. Another bolt
of lightning tore across the sky illuminating the cavernous area.
He opened the door and helped her in. He slammed it shut then began
to back away.

A boom of thunder caused her to jump. The
storm was getting closer. It focused with deadly purpose on the
mill and the carriage within. She looked at Joey. The rain dripped
off his leather coat and pants in rivulets. His hair was plastered
to his head. He wiped his eyes. For a brief instant she imagined
they might be tears, however she knew it was the rain. Or was it?
He looked sad, confused, and irritated.

In a sharp stab of clarity, Catherine felt her
heart spasm in pain. She was in love with Joey Indelli. Why she had
so stubbornly denied this the last several days was indeed
puzzling. Perhaps she knew deep down it would come to this
decision. She did not want to deny it and she did not want to leave


The storm was like nothing Joey has ever
witnessed in his life. The wind so strong the roof rippled in time
with the gusts. The rain pouring in through the hole above the
carriage was as powerful as a faucet turned full blast. Rolls of
thunder came without any pause.
maybe this was
going to happen
. He backed away some more.

Cathy opened the door and leaned out of the
carriage. "No! Joey, I cannot leave you!"

This was the best solution. If she returned to
her time, she wouldn't be in any danger from his dealings with
McGonagall. He couldn’t protect her if she stayed. Besides, it was
her heart's desire to go home. He loved her enough to let her

"Get back in the damned carriage and close the
door!" he yelled. His voice was rough with emotion and maybe too
harsh. He saw Cathy flinch.

"I love you, Joey. I will not be parted from
you!" She took another step onto the running board.

Cathy loved him. He closed his eyes briefly.
. She would give up her life and her family for
him. Her sacrifice was overwhelming.

His eyes snapped open. Another crack of
lightning lit up the room. "Get inside, now!"

"Come with me, Joey, please! If you will not
come then I am staying!" she yelled back, trying to be heard over
the din of the storm.

He must be going nuts. He could hear the
Righteous Brothers, the same song he heard earlier in the
Without her, what good was he?
He would be
nothing. Cathy was everything, his heart, his soul, and his
inspiration. Another crack of lightning, it was so close. He swore
it touched ground outside the mill. This was it. Both her feet were
on the running board now. He couldn't let her do it. He had to get
her back in the carriage. The storm was wild, untamed, and growing
more dangerous by the moment. Lightning was going to strike. Cathy
started to climb down, her foot reaching for the floor.

"No, Cathy!"

He ran across the cement floor and dove for
the open door of the carriage.


Six weeks later


Catherine sat reading her book, but the words
blurred on the page. She could not concentrate. She had been home
for six weeks, but it did not feel quite like home. Not really. She
laid down the book and picked up the newspaper. She read again the
story about the missing carriage that disappeared without a trace
along with its passengers. A Mr. Jerrod Ross, Miss Catherine Johns,
Baron Aidan Ashwood, Mr. Daniel McCubbin and driver Mr. Jonas Cooke
were listed as missing and presumed dead.

Her fingers traced over the words. She
swallowed a lump in her throat. Their poor families
must be frantic for any word. Catherine was tempted to contact
What in good grace could she say?
She had no idea
where these men were or when and could never come forward and say
she was in the carriage for she had traveled under an assumed name.
It would cause a scandal, not to mention she would be carted off to
Bedlam if she told her time-travel tale.

Another possible development occupied her
thoughts. She’d had no monthly courses since before her time travel
adventure. Catherine's hands spread across her mid-section. Could
she be with child? The prospect filled her with joy.

Catherine heard doors slamming and male voices
in the distance. She glanced up and her breath caught in her
throat. Joey never ceased to rob her of her senses. Watching him
stride across the room was a sensual treat. He was as sleek and
lustrous as a large black leopard.

He had removed his cloak and he clasped a
cravat in his hand. She smiled. He hated the high collars and
elaborately tied cravats. As soon as he was out of the public eye,
he took it off. His black cutaway coat revealed tight buff breeches
that hugged every muscled dip and curve of his legs and thighs. He
wore polished black Hessian boots. His commanding height and
presence filled the room.

Her gaze dropped to the bulge in his breeches.
She may be back in 1821 but her inner wanton was not left behind.
She stood and then ran to his arms. The cravat fell to the floor.
Catherine covered his face with passionate kisses.

"Easy babe, I was only gone two nights." He

Catherine looked up at him. "Is it done

"Yeah, I mean yes. I am now officially Joseph
St. John Worthington. Your father and I tried out the story around
Truro and people seemed to believe it. Your father's solicitor had
papers drawn up in case there is any question. I am a third cousin
from Canada of some property and influence." Joey snorted. "A
gentleman, if you can imagine."

She clapped her hands together in happiness.
"And the other?"

Joey patted his coat pocket. "Special license
all signed and official from the Bishop. Your father is making the
plans now. We'll be married tomorrow afternoon."

Catherine squealed in delight and threw
herself in his arms. "I love you so much. These last weeks have
been torture."

Her fingers trailed down until she grasped his
erect cock through his breeches. Joey laid his hand over

"We promised we would wait until we were
married, in deference to your parents. Unless..." Joey thrust his
cock into her hand further. "You want to find a dark linen
cupboard. There is always the barn or maybe a dark

Catherine laughed. He was wonderful and all
hers. How she loved him.


Cathy let go of his cock. The loss of her firm
grip frustrated him but he could wait.

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