Timeless Love (10 page)

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Authors: Karyn Gerrard

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #fantasy, #time travel

BOOK: Timeless Love
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"Is– is fornicating always this intensely
passionate?" Cathy asked between pants.

No, it damned well wasn't.
He laid her
head on his shoulder. "I may have exaggerated about the number of
women I have slept with. Maybe less than thirteen and most of them
were this past year."


He shrugged. "Guess I didn't like being
compared to a rake."

Her hand stroked his damp-from-sweat chest
hair. "I am sorry. I have made a few incorrect assumptions since I
arrived here. Why in the last year?"

Joey said nothing for a moment. He stroked her
arm absently. "Guess I was lonely," he said sadly.


Catherine's heart squeezed in pain from the
honesty of his words; he did not speak of just the last year. Joey
spoke of the entirety of his life. He had been letting his guard
down with her in slow increments. However, the gate was wide open
now. How could she even consider leaving this glorious man? The
prospect did not bear thinking about, not tonight.

"And to answer your question, sex has never
been that intense for me. What we shared– I can't explain it," Joey

She was anxious to try again to see if they
could reach the same level of intensity or perhaps higher. She
looked down at Joey's cock. It was still quite large and he wore
the rubber object.
. The sperm he talked about was
pooled at the tip of the condom. What a fascinating contraption.
Her fingers reached to pull it off and his cock jumped from her
touch causing her to squeal aloud.

Joey laughed. His deep, sexy voice caused her
to quiver afresh with yearning. He pulled the rubber off and
dropped it in his basket for refuse.

Truly, the male organ intrigued her.
Catherine's finger reached out to follow the prominent veins and
his cock grew larger in front of her eyes.

"Go ahead, touch my cock and stroke me. Take
it in your fist. Grip it tight. You won't hurt me. Move your hand
up and down and make me come. It won't take much."

How naughty.
"Do you do this to
yourself? Do most men?"

Her hand gripped him tight and Joey growled in

"Every chance we get." He moaned between his
clenched teeth. "It feels better when you touch me. Stroke me

Catherine began to move her hand quicker. His
cock was stiff and unyielding. Yet his male appendage felt silky,
very much like the crushed velvet from one of her gowns. She could
feel the heat, the power, and she pumped him faster. The muscles in
his legs tightened. Joey's fist clenched and grabbed a handful of
blankets and sheets. The veins in his neck were prominent and his
languorous groans proved she pleased him very much.

Joey cried out her name and sat up. He laid
his hand over hers as warmth spread through her fingers. He shook
and shuddered and more of his seed spilled. How much did he have?
Joey dropped back on the pillow with his hand still covering hers.
His muscular body quaked for minutes after.

"Was the release intense, like

Joey moved his hand and reached for the
disposal tissues. He pulled out several and handed them to her. She
began to mop up his spent seed. There was so much, surely he must
be drained.

"Yeah, intense but a different kind

Catherine continued to wipe off her hands.
"So, we are done I take it."

Joey laughed. "Not yet babe, I'm just getting
started." He sobered. "Unless you're too sore. Tell me, Cathy, what
are you feeling about… this?"

She gathered the wet tissues and dropped them
in the basket then curled up next to him. His chest rose and fell
at a swift rhythm.

"Fornication is nothing like I imagined.
Lovemaking is even better than I could have hoped. I think it is
the partner and the emotions involved. Do you agree?"

Joey was quiet for a moment. "Yeah, I agree.
Ever go riding?"

Catherine was surprised at the shift in
conversation. "Of course, it is expected. I have a fine

"Let's put your riding ability to the test.
Ride me."

She could not have heard him correctly. "Ride?
Why would I want to sit on your back?"

Joey sputtered and then he began to laugh. He
hugged her closer and kissed the top of her head. "Have I told you
you're adorable? No, you won't be on my back, think about it for a

Well, how utterly ridiculous, ride him?
She frowned. Catherine watched Joey's beautiful, masculine hands
trail down his torso to grip his cock again. He leisurely stroked
his hardness.

She felt her cheeks flush. "You
suggest I sit on top of you. Is that what you mean?"

He smiled. His crooked grin was entirely
sensual and teasing.

"Facing me, sitting upright with your knees on
either side of my hips. There are so many ways to make love, Cathy.
I'm determined to do them all."

She gasped. "Not tonight, surely."

"Nooo, but I'm game for a few more times
tonight if you are."

Catherine reached across him for the condoms
on the table next to the bed. "I'll do my level best."



Chapter Ten


Joey positioned her over his rock hard dick.
He couldn't believe he was ready to go again. The most he had sex
with any woman was twice but he knew twice wouldn't be enough as
far as Cathy was concerned. When she mentioned the emotions in play
he couldn't bring himself to mention his feelings aloud. The
discussion would have been the perfect opportunity to tell her he
had fallen in love with her. He
in love. His sudden
decision might sound lame, but he knew for sure the minute he slid
his cock into her body. She said it herself.
'It is as if you
belong, as if I have been waiting for you to be here with me like
this. I have been looking for you all of my life.'

He couldn't have said the words any better.
Grasping her hips, he slowly slid her down the length of his cock.
. He was going to explode. Her heat, her passion, and
her sweet, tight pussy clasped his shaft in an intimate

The room had grown dark. A couple of hours had
passed. The curtains he had on his small bedroom window were thin
but it kept prying eyes out and let the moonlight illuminate the
room. Cathy was beautiful. To him, she was a princess who came from
a place far away to rescue him from his loneliness. The poignancy
of his feelings and the depth scared him. His whole life he stored
up the love he had deep inside. Maybe if he had been adopted, but
he hadn’t been, so he locked away his emotions and shut down his
heart. It took a woman from 1821 that appeared before him in a
damned carriage to unlock his emotions.
This is a friggin'

Cathy's hands roved over his chest. He could
swear sparks of electricity emanated from her talented

"You are so finely muscled. How on earth do
you manage it?"

Joey's hands still gripped her hips. He moved
and rocked her on his prick. She smiled and her cheeks flushed a
luscious shade of pink.

"Lucky I guess. I walk a lot. How does this

Cathy's eyes closed and she tilted her head.
Her hair tumbled down her back. "Incredible. I am riding

"Lean forward a little so I can suck your
breasts some more, also the angle will stimulate your

Cathy spread her hands flat on his shoulders
and leaned forward. "Is that what it is called? Oh! Yes, I can feel
the friction."

Joey vision blurred from the sensation of her
hardened nub stroking his cock. Even with a condom on the friction
was intense. He lifted his head slightly and sucked on one of her
pink strawberry colored nipples. Joey thrust upward in time to her
rocking back and forth. Soon both of them were moaning.

After several minutes Cathy rocked backward.
Her breast popped out of his mouth. She was lost in her own haze of
passion. Both arms were bent at the elbows. She ran her hands
through her long hair. Joey watched, mesmerized by her desire and
lust. Her eyes closed, her tongue darted out of her mouth and
licked her lips. She moaned with wild abandon. He stopped thrusting
upward and became engrossed by the sensual show she put on for him.
Her breath came in short bursts mixed amid her desirous

Cathy's head fell back and a long, husky groan
tore from her throat. She shook. Her inner muscles clenched,
rippled, and gripped his cock. Then he came himself. He climaxed by
watching her pleasure.
Never happened like that

Cathy collapsed on his chest. He gently lifted
her off him and cuddled her close. Her eyes were half-closed in
sleepy sexual contentment. Neither of them could move.

At last Joey stood and walked to the bathroom.
Cleaning himself, he brought out a small damp hand towel to Cathy.
He began to sponge her off in a slow sensual movement, starting at
her neck and working down. He moved the warm towel around her erect
nipples and Cathy writhed and gave a low murmur of appreciation.
Further down her body he wiped until he was between her legs. She
must be sore. Joey was careful. He didn't go into full thrust mode
because of her virginity. Cathy spread her legs giving him better
access. As he pulled the towel away he saw a few drops of blood. He
No more sex tonight, no way in hell

Cathy sat up. "What is it?"

He showed her. Even in the semi-darkness of
the room she couldn’t miss the blood.

"I thought there would be more. I heard
terrible stories from the other girls in the village." She caressed
his cheek. "You did not hurt me, Joey. You were patient, tender,
and very skilled. I could not have asked for a better first

Joey tossed the towel on the floor. "You plan
on having more?"

Cathy lay back and covered herself with the
sheet and blanket. "Certainly not Lord Lampton."

"Who in the friggin' hell is Lord Lampton?" He
tried to keep the jealousy out of his voice, but it wasn't

She sighed. "It is why I was in the carriage.
I ran away to my Aunt's home in Truro. My father is a good man but
extremely stubborn. Like all fathers, he wanted me to make a good
match. His choice was Lord Peregrine Lampton. The man is
abominable. I could not have borne it."

Joey jumped back in shock. "Are you telling me
you're engaged?"

"Heavens, no! I refused to even consider
Lampton's suit. But he and papa were quite insistent." She smoothed
the blanket across her mid-section. "I behaved as a spoiled child
running off as I did. I thought in my defiant act of escaping I
would make a point. My parents must be worried about my absence. I
must try and return and right this horrible wrong."

Joey was stunned. He sat down on the edge of
the mattress with his back to her.

"You want to go back to marry this fruity
lord? Is that what you mean by righting a wrong?" Ever since he
took her in, all she talked about was going back to her time. Did
he mean nothing to her? Not once did she say
'I want to stay
with you, Joey.'

He was glad he hadn’t just blurted out that he
loved her. It was obvious she didn't feel the same. His fist rose
to his chest. His heart ripped in two. He had let down his guard,
let himself even consider he could love and be loved in return.
What a total bummer. He should have known better. He had this
nagging feeling in his gut she would leave him. Joey glanced at
Cathy. She bit her lower lip deep in thought.
What in hell was
she thinking about? It was a yes or no answer!
While Joey
admired her tenacity and firm belief in her ability to return to
her time, he still didn't believe her far-fetched plan. No, she
would come to the realization he had nothing to offer her and never
would. She could find another protector, or when she became more
used to her surroundings strike out on her own. Cathy could find a
decent man who would be able to give her everything she

"No, I mean my parents. I love them dearly. I
am their only child. I cannot just disappear. I have a life, a

"Yeah and I don't. I get it. What if you're
stuck here? You haven't even thought about the possibility, have
you?" He knew his voice sounded exasperated and angry. He didn't
give a shit.

She was quiet for several minutes then said,
"No, I suppose not."

He swung his legs under the covers, keeping
his back to her. "Go to sleep," he said dully.


"I don't want to talk anymore."


Catherine cracked open one eye and found
herself alone in bed. She glanced at the small clock on the table.
It was nine o'clock and she had slept late. It had taken her hours
to fall asleep last night. She was so sore. Muscles she did not
even know she possessed throbbed relentlessly. She blushed as she
observed the open box of rubber condoms sitting by the

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