Timeless (Immortal Love Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Timeless (Immortal Love Series)
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Feelings for him?”

Your hatred. It is an unfair hatred. You don’t even know him.”
I stared open mouthed at him, as if he had grown horns. I felt Nickolas’s hand grow heavier on my back, calming me. I worked to steady my breathing. “Ok, then what would have happened?”

You would have been given a new identity and then moved to Stoko.” It was his turn to look guilty.

Stoko?” I jerked backwards as if he’d struck me. “No!”

Eva, the SH species has made huge strides. They believe one day they will be…normal.”
I didn’t miss his hesitancy. “Normal?” I scoffed at his choice of words.

What is an SH species?” Nickolas spoke for the first time.
David turned to him with relief. “The SH species first came to be as a result of the comet. Many human lives were lost. Vampires intervened to protect their own interests. They healed the ones that would have died. They were…unaware of the consequences.”
I snorted in an unladylike way. I knew the consequences. “What happened to the humans?” Nickolas asked. We had started walking and ended up at a large fountain. David and Nickolas sat on the cold cement but I remained standing, leaning my hip against Nickolas’s shoulder.

At first it seemed to be working,” I knew David was excited, he was moving his hands while he talked. “The wounds healed, but then part of the human DNA started to die. They became undrinkable, and different.”

Different?” I couldn’t believe how much he was sugar coating the SH’s.

They are not extremely well liked,” David tried to explain.

They can’t have children. They can’t even feel.”

They can feel.”

Their brains. That is where the “DNA” died. They don’t remember or have emotions. Most of them just sit and stare all day long. Except at feeding time. Now that is something to see.”

They have come a long way though.”

Are those the only humans left then?”

No. Humans lived. The area around where the comet actually struck was affected the worst. Not many lived. And in the world in general, not many children lived. Now the SH live separate from humans.”

Why weren’t they killed?”

Pity? A hope for a cure?” David shrugged.

What does SH stand for?”


Subhuman,” I corrected. “They are zombies.”
David looked at me and I raised my eyebrows in his direction. “I myself have worked in the Stoko colony for the past ten years. Many of the SH can communicate on some level now.”

Ten years? Have you always planned to send me there?” I was surprised and disgusted.

Not always, but I did have a change of heart. I didn’t want you to come back here at all.” He swept his hands out towards the colony.

I am not an SH,” I said menacingly.

An SH is defined by the presence of vampire blood in a human. You are, by definition, an SH.”

No,” I stood up straight. “I was chosen by Neleh for a purpose.” I was humiliated to realize my chin was trembling.

That purpose was ill conceived and not well thought out.” I hated when David talked so calm and formal.

Were you just going to tell Neleh that I failed?” My voice was still shaky.

Looks like I won’t have to lie now.” his face was calm but I knew him to well. I saw the hardness there, the stress.
I lunged forward and shoved his shoulders. Taken off guard, he fell to the ground, but he was on his feet in a heartbeat. We faced each other, breathing hard in anger. “I am still here,” I said through clenched teeth.

Not for long,” his tone matched mine.

I can still finish this.”

Out of the question.”

It is not your decision.”

It is now.”

Nickolas is taking me to Dominick.” I hated that I was starting to sound desperate.

I’m sure he is.” His sarcasm was heavy.

What’s that supposed to mean?” Now my defenses were up to protect Nickolas.

We’re leaving.”

I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Yes you are.”

No, I’m…”

You have to go back with him, Eva,” Nickolas cut me off.
I turned my face to him. “What?”

You’ll have to go back with David.”

No, I won’t.” I shook my head but my eyes were already starting to sting with tears. I absolutely had to get control of myself.

You won’t let Neleh harm her?” Nickolas addressed his question to David.

Neleh’s not…”

Is that a yes or no?”
David turned nervously to me. I saw him chewing the inside of his lip. “I don’t need David’s protection,” I flared. “I can take care of myself.”

Will it help,” Nickolas took a deep breath, “if she did kill Dominick?”
His dark brown eyes bore into David’s. David’s face fell and he had to look away. He cleared his throat before speaking. “If Eva kills Dominick now, there is every reason to believe that she will fail to exist in the future at all. I believe she would not live past infancy.”

Maybe I could…”

There are many repercussions to altering the past. Trying to control anything about the future is ludicrous. We should have never…”

I am glad you did.” Raw emotion passed between the two men, leaving me speechless.

We have to go back.”

Of course you do. Nothing shall change.” Nickolas hardened his jaw.

Everything has changed,” I said hoarsely.

Eva.” Nickolas pulled me close enough to kiss my forehead and I wrapped my arms around his middle.

I have to finish this.”

It is finished.” I kept my face buried in his chest.

This is most unexpected. Unusual. I never, ever thought this could possibly happen. Max came back and told me she had escaped but I never thought…”

Dominick, who are your friends?” My blood ran completely cold at the sound of her voice. It just barely broke through that Neleh had said Dominick. Dominick Letrell was close.

Lady Neleh,” Nickolas greeted her stiffly and pushed me behind him, out of view. I heard David making distressed noises beside me. My heart was beating wildly. I couldn’t let Neleh see me and yet I wanted to see Dominick. He had to be right here, finally within my reach.

Are you not going to introduce us?” Neleh asked sweetly. My heart froze.
Chapter Twenty


She’s timid,” Nickolas explained without pushing me forward. “She was attacked. By…wolves.” Even I heard the edge in his voice.

No need to worry about the wolves anymore.” Her peal of laughter hung in the air. “You’ve missed all the fun.”

Fun?” Nickolas snorted. “you’ve killed them all then.”

There was no need to,” her voice took on a defensive quality. “The wolves attacked and we defeated them. Now they are submissive to me.”

How fortunate.” The sarcasm was heavy.

Come now, do you honestly refuse to introduce me to your friend? You seemed quite familiar with her just a moment before.”

She is mine.” Was it my imagination or did Nickolas just growl at Neleh?

I don’t plan on taking her.” Iciness crept into Neleh’s voice. I recognized it, Nickolas had no choice.
I pushed past Nickolas’s protest and stood vulnerable before Neleh. “What is your name?” she asked in a soft tone. I brought my head up and looked at her eye to eye, just as I’d been taught. “Are you still afraid?”

No Neleh.” My voice rang out in the silence that had formed around us.

Are you challenging me?”

No Neleh.” I kept eye contact, momentarily forgetting where I was.
She shifted uncomfortably, but didn’t break eye contact. For a suspended moment everything was completely still. I knew better than to move. “Who are you?” I don’t know if she said it out loud or only to me.

I am Eva.”
Movement behind me distracted me. “Come on, we’re leaving,” Nickolas said, grabbing my hand. He dragged me to the high wall guarding the colony before I was able to turn back. Neleh was still standing in the same spot, staring after me. I had never seen her look so shaken.

What did you tell her?” David hissed as soon as we were out of the colony.

I didn’t tell her anything.”

But what were you thinking?”
I shrugged. “Nothing.”

She saw everything, I’m sure of it.”

David, I didn’t…”

Why did you make eye contact with her? No one is supposed to make eye contact with the Lady Neleh.” Nickolas still had a hold of my waist and we were moving quickly through the trees.

She told me too!”

You have never met her!” David nearly screamed in his agitation.
Nickolas turned to growl in David’s face, which sent David to the other side of me.

We can save this whole thing,” I told him evenly.

How? Just how do you suggest we do that?”

Finish what I came here for.” He threw his head back and groaned but I pushed forward anyway. “I heard Neleh say his name, David. Dominick is at the colony right now. If we just go back.”


Or you could go back. Bring him here. I’m sure you have something I could wear besides this dress, right.”

Eva, it’s over.” David pinched the bridge of his nose.

When we return, I am telling Neleh everything you’ve said and done. I hope the guards rip you to shreds.”
He laughed a short, unamused sound. “When we return, she’ll see everything in your head and the guards will rip us both to shreds. And now,” he gestured to the colony behind us, “probably Nickolas too.”
He was still muttering to himself so he didn’t notice when I stopped. The implications hit me hard, as if I had been kicked in the stomach. Nickolas noticed and stopped with me. “You don’t have to worry about me,” he whispered.

But he is right. You know too much, she’ll…” Panic gripped me tightly. “You have to get far away from here. Don’t ever let Neleh find you.”

Don’t worry about me,” he repeated, more fiercely.

Are you coming?” David called, finally realizing I had stopped.

Nickolas winked and forced a grin. “Come on.”

If I go back, failing my mission, she’s sure to kill me.” I passed Nickolas and hurried to join David.

We’re not far from Orbex,” David called.
I was still trying to plan how I would get away when Nickolas spoke again. “David?”


What day is it?”

It’s…April 18


It’s best if you stay away though.”

We don’t always do what’s best.”

You can’t be planning to come to Lexon?” I was horrified. His questions about Lexon suddenly made sense.

I don’t even know where Lexon is,” he winked.
But he did. I myself had told him. I wiped the moisture from my top lip with the back of my hand. What had I done? What had we done? I couldn’t even wrap my head around everything that could go wrong.
David walked on quickly, eager to reach Orbex and be back to our own time. I let myself fall further behind. Nickolas stayed by my side. “I have to kill him Nickolas,” I whispered.

You can’t.”

You said you would take me to him.”

I did.” He swallowed audibly.

No, you didn’t.”

He was there. In the colony.”
My eyes turned stony. “David tends to worry way too much,” I said as quietly as possible.

We need to hurry.” He tried to pull me along but I wasn’t budging.

We don’t know what will happen,” I said through clenched teeth.

Yeah well,” he stopped trying to walk and spun to face me, “I believe what David says.”

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