Timeless (Immortal Love Series) (19 page)

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How will you get back?”

I am fairly sure I could find the ship again.”

And you’ll just return to your own time?”
I understood what he was asking. Would I leave him?

And how do you plan on finding him?” Nickolas asked without waiting for an answer. He probably didn’t like what he saw in my face or what he saw in my thoughts.

I don’t know.” I was still stuck on the last question.

What if I could show you where he is?”

You know where he is?” I asked eagerly.

If I do, if I took you to him, would you give me some information?”
The smile slowly left my face. “What information?”

Well, don’t you think it might be worth a little bit? Some answers?”
I was already shaking my head before he could finish. “It’s against the rules.”

Wouldn’t it be safe to say, you’ve already broken the rules?”
He was right; of course he knew he was right. I steeled my raging emotions. It was David’s fault I was in this situation anyways. He had betrayed the mission. Now it was up to me to put things right again. And Nickolas was the key to that.
Chapter Twenty-One


Ok,” I finally gave in, “you already know too much anyway.” I sighed and rubbed my hands briskly on my skirt. I really wished I had pants. Maybe Nickolas would give me some. How did women defend themselves? “A little more information won’t hurt anything.”

Good.” He relaxed against the stone rocks. “I just want to know three things.” He held up three fingers. “Tell me these three things and I’ll take you to Dominick Letrell.”
I nodded once. “Ok,” I’ll tell you those three things,” I waved my hand to indicate his still raised fingers. “But,” I wagged one finger at him, “I can’t tell you who, so don’t ask.” I said it more firmly than I intended.

I know; that’s not one of them.” He inhaled deeply, and let his breath back out. I want to know why, when, and how,” he ticked off his three fingers.

You already know why.” He was shaking his head but I kept going before he could protest. “When?” I bit my bottom lip, trying to make a decision. “I come from the year,” he leaned forward in anticipation, “the year twenty-one fifty-two.”

2152?” he repeated.

Yeah.” I hoped I wouldn’t come to regret telling him. “And how? What do you mean how?”

I mean how did they make you? Are you…human?” He seemed awkward with the question. Either embarrassed for asking or afraid of the answer.
I was a little taken aback by the question. Irritated. “Yes, of course I am human.” My eyes were narrowed.

You’re clearly not entirely human.”

Clearly?” I raised my eyebrow. “Why clearly?”

You just killed three adult werewolves with your bare hands.”

I had a knife”

Come on, you said three things.”

Ok,” I said, still giving him an irritated glare. “David trained me to kill a werewolf. He thought I might run into a few. It was just a precaution.”

Shoot! “I had a lot of training from a lot of different people.”

They trained you to kill a vampire? Did you know that Dominick Letrell was a vampire?”
I breathed heavily at him. Was he trying to insult me? “I know everything about Dominick Letrell,” I said in a slightly cocky tone.

Really?” He wasn’t impressed. “Everything?” He actually didn’t believe me at all.

So how do you know him?” My voice rose in anger.
He regarded me calmly and then took my hand in his. “Tell me how.”
I sighed deeply and set my jaw. I took my hand out of his before I started talking again. “I was born completely human, to a young girl who cared more about heroine than she did for her baby daughter. She put me in a dumpster and then left me to die. I was told that Neleh knew I was the right girl because I didn’t cry in the dumpster. I accepted my fate even at just a few days old.”

So, David and Neleh were looking for someone to come back and kill Dominick while he was weak.” It wasn’t a question. How did he know Neleh was involved? Had I slipped again?
I kept going with the story. “So I was taken back to the lab and given a cell.”

A cell?” he interrupted again. “Like jail?”

There are no jails in 2152,” I informed him. “After the comet, crimes among humans are dealt with swiftly. Death or the islands. No jail.” When he looked like he was going to ask further questions, I went on with my life story. “I was raised on stories about the Letrell brothers. I was injected with different variations of vampire blood since I was four. Never enough to change me, just enough to make me more than human. But still human,” I added sharply.
He grinned. “And they trained you?”

Intensively.” I would refuse to give him those details if he asked. I wouldn’t relive that time.

Ok, so that’s the first two. You haven’t answered the why.”

Yes, I have. To kill…”

I know,” he cut me off, “but why do they want you to kill him? What did he do?”

What did he do?” I asked incredulously. But then I remembered what year I was in. He wasn’t bad yet. “Dominick Letrell is a friend to no one. He is evil and despised among his kind. He is known only for violence.” My voice was icy.

No,” he said shaking his head. “This is something you’ve been told your whole life but what if it isn’t true?”

Not true?” I glared at him.

Have you ever met him?”

No, he doesn’t know I exist.”

Then how do you know?” His voice grew soft.
The things he said disturbed me. Not because I believed them, but because he believed them. “Dominick Letrell will be evil,” I said firmly.

But he’s not now?” He was curious.

He doesn’t become known among vampires until the early 1300’s,” I admitted reluctantly.

Why is that?”

No one knows.”

What made him turn bad?” he wondered out loud.

He was always bad,” I quickly corrected him. “It’s just unclear why he decided to come out of hiding.”

You said ‘brothers’ before. Were you sent here to kill them all?” he asked after a while.

The Letrell brothers are Damien and Dominick Letrell.” I was calm now, comfortable sitting with Nickolas. “Damien is protected by Kiera.”

Kiera?” It wasn’t a question really, just confusion.
I laid my head in his lap, letting him think through all I had told him. The werewolves and the Colony were forgotten. He absently stroked my hair.
I was almost sleeping before he spoke again. “I wonder what would happen if you just went to talk to Dominick,” he said.
I was wary at once. I didn’t want to talk to him. “To say what?” I asked without lifting my head.

Well what if you go to him and explain what he will become. If he decides not to be evil, couldn’t that work?”

Are you afraid for me to kill him?” I asked.

You can’t kill him. He would kill you.”
I laughed sadly and raised my head. “Dominick Letrell cannot hurt me,” I chided.

What makes you so sure?” he whispered.

I’ve been trained my whole life. I know all of his weaknesses.”
A strange pained look flashed in Nickolas’s eyes. He leaned forward and kissed me softly.

If you want me to, I could try.”

But?” He intercepted my thoughts.

If I change the past, and Dominick Letrell does turn good,” I swallowed past the doubt, “well then there would be no reason to create me, and even less reason to send me back here. I would probably die in the dumpster.”
A look of sudden understanding dawned across his face. “And we would never meet,” he finished my thought. There was nothing I could say. “And what if you kill him? It’s the same thing.”
Tears sprang to my eyes. I refused to blink. “David was unsure of the consequences of changing the past,” I said quietly so my voice wouldn’t break.

That’s unacceptable,” he said flatly.
I leaned my face into his chest. The truth hung around us heavily like a blanket. At least neither of us would remember I tried to comfort myself. Probably.

Tell me about today.” He pushed me upright.

I haven’t lived through today yet,” I reminded him.

No, I mean, what did they tell you about this time? I need more details about right now. What’s supposed to happen? With Dominick?”

Well, um,” I pursed my lips. “There were werewolves in the Colony. Neleh called all vampires in the area to come defend their land, to find and kill all the wolves. Dominick answered the call but he was too late. By the time he got to the Colony, the wolves were all dead. Neleh tried to thank him, but he was distant and angry — even then.”
Nickolas laughed a short, dry laugh. “Then what happened?” he probed.

No one really knows where he went after that. He disappeared for more than fifty years, but then he came back with an evilness that was overwhelming. He hated humans. Entire towns disappeared at his hands. History books wrote it as unsolved mysteries and unexplained occurrences. Mass murders and epidemics followed in his wake.”

I can hardly believe it.” And he did appear undecided.

So now you see why I was sent to kill him.”

Why didn’t you just kill him in your own time? Did you want to come back and save all those people that he will eventually kill?”
I shook my head in denial. “Fifty years ago, about the time I came to the lab, Dominick disappeared. No one knows where he went or why he went. David wonders if he might have found out about my existence.”

And what? He was afraid?” He was laughing.

No,” I elbowed his ribs, “we don’t know why he ran, but it seems odd — the timing.”
Thunder sounded in the distance. “We’d better get to the Colony soon,” he said getting up. He reached out to help me up.

You think he will be there soon?” I asked eagerly. I again wished I had something besides the dress to wear.
He looked at me disapprovingly. “Are you so eager to die?”

He can’t hurt me,” I scoffed. “Besides, you promised. And I told you way more than three things.”
He laughed and led me towards the horse. I glanced again at the three men lying on the ground as we passed. As men, I felt an odd twinge of guilt. I brushed it off.
Chapter Twenty-Two


Along our journey to the colony Nickolas peppered me with questions. I had already decided to tell him what he wanted to know, so our conversation flowed easily, stopping for long periods of time and then restarting again naturally.

So, who was chasing you through the woods?”

Sols and Max.”

And they are?”

Neleh’s warriors.”

Neleh’s warriors?”

Yes, which is something I don’t understand. How could they go against her will?”

Sols and Max.” He seemed pensive. “They are warriors of Silango,” he concluded.

The same one who created the Letrell’s?”

Yes.” So they didn’t answer to anyone. “David? Is he a warrior? Who does he answer to?”

David was created by…a warrior.”
Of course my pause only flamed his curiosity. “Created by who?”
I looked away, uncomfortable with the information. I didn’t want to tell Nickolas. “He doesn’t talk to him anymore.” Lies!

Tell me who.”

Damien Letrell.”
I heard a small intake of breath but that was the only indication of surprise. We rode on in silence for a while after that. The sun started to sink in the sky, but Nickolas set our pace at a slow one. He seemed in no hurry to arrive at the colony.

Will the attacks happen tonight?”
The attacks. Certainly not an important part of my mission. The wolves were actually added on as an afterthought. “I’m not really sure,” I admitted. “The plan was for Sols and Max to lead Dominick to me. The whole thing was only supposed to last a few fours. Then we would return to our own time.”

If indeed there is anything for you to return to.” I didn’t respond. That just never was important before. Why did his appearance suddenly change everything? “And what made them so sure he would follow?”

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